• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    RuneScape Why is this one clue scroll so high res? Would it be possible for other map clues to get updated to look like this?

    RuneScape Why is this one clue scroll so high res? Would it be possible for other map clues to get updated to look like this?

    Why is this one clue scroll so high res? Would it be possible for other map clues to get updated to look like this?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Please let us store damaged relics somewhere that isn't in our banks!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    The new potion recipes in a nutshell

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    Following the Steam release hype I was looking on YouTube for any new creators and stumbled across this guy doing a Let's Play with no prior Runescape experience at all. It's interesting to hear an entirely new perspective on the game.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    It will take an account just shy of 20 years cumulative membership to fully purchase all Loyalty Point rewards from Solomon's General Store

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Loot from 10,000 Lava Strykewyrms

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    480 Runecoins for 1 Bank Preset is Ridiculous

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    I'm grateful for the extra action bars but bank presets are way too expensive. You only get 5 with the other 5 being 480 runecoins each. How many runecoins can you buy at a time? 200, 420, 900, 2400, and 5200. Meaning if you only want 1 you'd need to buy the 420 and 200 which is $17... Or you can have enough for all 5 if you buy 2400 coins for over $50. Or you can buy it for about 90m each if you wanna get 3 bonds.

    I'm not one to typically complain about MTX in this game but I have to put my foot down here, bank presets are a core part of the game at this point and making them nearly $20 each is too excessive. These things should be included with members or at the very least heavily discounted

    submitted by /u/Geoffk123
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    TL;DW 498 - Orthen Feedback and Halloween First Look

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Vod | Orthen Digsite - Wiki | Archaeology - Wiki

    Orthen Feedback


    • The Moksha device no longer has a large hitbox blocking the excavations spots.
    • Players logging into the game during the Roar of Osseous event will correctly receive the buff.
    • The Spirit Attraction potion now also works with manifested knowledge and divine carpet dust.
    • The Big Game Hunter spear issue and Tears of Guthix Archaeology issue have both been resolved.

    To Do: In QA or Awaiting Release

    • Add a 3rd recipe for the Holy aggroverload = Holy Overload + Aggression Potion.
    • Anachronia Resource Crate and Compacted Resources will be made bankable.
    • The Dragonkin artefacts are now listed by level order rather than in alphabetical order in the Make-X interface.
    • Sharrigan will have dialogue giving a hint for the Evil Bob's Catspaw relic.
    • Various typo fixes.
    • Game Crash issues - Certain textures on items caused issues for some Intel devices.

    Feedback Notes

    • Potion Recipe fragments:
      • We aren't going to change the drop rate. They are what they are for a reason.
      • The solution is that the recipe themselves are tradable so if you want them quick you can buy them.
    • Journal Pages:

      • There are no current plans to change the drop rate but the best idea is an interaction with the lorehound.
      • Players can obtain a journal page when they get a "success" (material) which is based upon the level of the excavation.
    • Potion Recipe Locations:

      • Archaeology Potion - Varanusaur Remains (90 Arch) | Dragonkin Reliquary (96 Arch)
      • Summoning Renewal - Dragonkin Coffin (99 Arch) | Autopsy Table (101 Arch)
      • Holy Aggroverload - Experiment Workbench (102 Arch) | Aughra Remains (106 Arch)
      • Powerburst of Opportunity - Moksha Device (108 Arch) | Xolo Mine (113 Arch)
      • Spirit Attraction - Xolo Remains (119 Arch) | Saurthen Debris (120 Arch)
    • Roar of Osseous:

      • It affects totem piece drops and T3 building resources.
    • Augmentable Skilling Off-hands:

      • It's probably inevitable, but we want to make sure players want them as they are first.
      • We also need to decide if we should make them augmentable or make more of them for other skills first.

    No Current Plans:

    • Archaeology Urns
    • Artefact Storage
    • Relic presets.
    • Adding a dig site in the Wilderness.
    • More Achievements - Will probably eventually happen though.
    • Adding the Archaeology skilling outfit through Steam rewards/Lootscape.

    Halloween Event

    ETA: October 26th


    We wanted to change the way we did Holiday Events. Instead of releasing a one and done event, we will release a hub so you can skill and chill with other players. Also we can layer upon miniquests year after year for players to complete and earn rewards.


    • Halloween Hub - located in Draynor Manor Grounds which is accessible for Members and F2P.
      • The environment will stay after the event ends minus the Halloween themed environment (pumpkins).
    • Spooky Hour - Each hour has a chance to become a spooky hour which increases XP gain while in the hub.
      • XP increase starts at 1% and is increased by 1% per miniquest completed. (Max of 5%).
    • Spooky Tokens - Obtained from activities after completing a miniquest.
      • Cannot be bought.


    • 1st Miniquest: Collect 4 fragmented souls using a Polarising crystal in various areas.
      • You will gain some Divination XP while collecting the fragmented souls.
    • Miniquest Reward: Muncher - Pet/Familiar override.

    Reward Shop

    Cost is in Spooky Tokens

    Cosmetic Cost Consumable Cost
    Death's Scythe 4,000 Medium XP lamp 1,000
    War's Greataxe 500 Small XP lamp 500
    Staff of Famine 500 Bonus XP star (medium) 500
    Pestilence's Bow 500 Bonus XP star (small) 250
    Lucien's staff 500 Event mystery box 500
    Ring of War 500 Big event mystery box 1,000
    Ring of Death 500 - -
    Ring of Famine 500 - -
    Ring of Pestilence 500 - -


    • Multi-eyed Pumpkins - Based upon Zaros/Seren/Elder Gods.
    • Death's Scythe was a guitar in a previous Halloween event.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    As requested, Neon Divine spirit shield

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    hi, i just started runescape on steam and already stuck at a quest.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    hello, im new to runescape and at the Mask quest of Lumbridge Catacombs, somehow I am unable to get Part 4 of the mask. The game does not allow me to attack any of the enemies for part 4. Was i supposed to do something?

    submitted by /u/CanadianFruitBasket
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    In case someone wanted to see what an Eldritch T-Rex looks like, probably what the upcoming boss "Raksha" can look like, assuming the Xau-Tak infection scenario is correct.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    My new best friend

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    whats the point of having the loyalty shop in game if you cant even use it

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Ninja's please cut down the click-box size of this house in Xolo. Or remove interacting after mystery is done.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Does anyone else remember when RuneScape use to look like this?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    If Grace of the Elves had an Ornament Kit

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Whoever is composing RS3's music lately has been absolutely killing it

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    My favorite RS3 music tracks have been the ones that have come out in the recent months. Whoever is composing all the music (especially the archeology tracks) is doing an incredible job. I hope they get to see this so they know they're appreciated

    submitted by /u/Lordgede
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    Loot from leveling every follower to 99 in Temple Trekking

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Laniakea is having a rave

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    If archaeology is an indicator of things to come i might end up staying longer than last time.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    i mean to say, archaeology is a DELIGHT, and this is coming from someone who has been hatefucking runescape on and off since a bit before they added bonds to the game (i played well before then, but it was just love not hate). that one (bonds) was a great fucking move, btw. absolutely murdered en-masse-botting though at the time it felt too little too late but now seeing the economy in runescape it is SIGNIFICANTLY healthier than i have ever seen it (invention must have been a huge help on this front, as well, adding a resource sink for literally every item in the game. clear parts and a few others are problematic to obtain, though).

    back on topic and to segue into my point; archaeology has some very cool mechanics going on as a gathering skill which renders ALL of its resources useful and thus valuable (frankly many old crafting skills need this touch, though smithing does have some in the form of masterwork gear). if we can expect this kind of logic and planning going forward into future content i think this game will be vastly improved and frankly have more staying power than it already does (hence the hatefucking).

    the only problem i can immediately see is a lack of integration with dungeoneering (maybe some kinda activity for a chance at boss gear?) but, well, i assume that and integration with other skills (like yesterday's orthen digsite update adding herblore stuff) are planned on. if jagex can push this kind of logic into older systems then the playing field of the game would become far more level. tying old content to new systems wouldn't be particularly difficult so long as new rewards are added to them.

    for example, a box which gives resources in a chosen skill, the contents of which dependent on your level with said skill, would be a solid basic reward depending on their cost. a random on-level damaged artefact, for a more specific example, would make for a solid reward for archaeology as said item is effectively experience and money/resources in a fairly convenient package. it would also be fairly easy to add old-content resources as a requirement for specific artefacts, allowing gaining of experience with both skills thus making other skills relevant to archaeology and vice versa (potentially having these artefacts specifically be a reward from activities which foster other skills as well as collections of these artifacts for introducing monolith powers related to or inspired by the activity). such thinking could very easily revitalise interest in older content without actually changing them very much (though such additions should include repair and maintenance to ensure their continued operation).

    TL;DR: so, long story short, archaeology (as a system) seems to be an indicator of jagex moving runescape in a good direction (aka solving the dead content problem before it even happens) and, if this observation is correct, means i'll probably end up playing runescape longer than my previous stints in the last decade or so.

    edit: it occurs to me that pyramid plunder specifically would be a great activity to revitalize with archaeology, especially since tomb raiding is basically just aggressive archaeology.

    it would be interesting to see thieving become relevant as a way to acquire resources and money. ie, for me it feels like a missed opportunity that you can't pickpocket archaeologists. it would also be interesting to see ways to assuredly acquire non-tradeable/lucky variants of hero items and other normally-high/extreme-value items by using combinations of highly leveled skills and THIEVING to put together a heist (kinda like a super specific and long quest where most of its time is spent in preparation rather than execution) to steal one. make this kind of thing the 100-120 update for thieving and give people a reason to actually steal things.

    in the same vein, agility really needs to be integrated into all other skills. adrenaline for combat, action speed for crafting, chance to gather resources, etc. make everything affected a little bit by agility and at the same time give some experience to it especially when consuming adrenaline/run energy.

    submitted by /u/Retrikaethan
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    Is this dead content?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Can this not happen? It's clearly an oversight.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Thanks jagex

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    FYI: If you lamp/bxp pre-99 Archaeology...

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    ... you'll get screwed. To get most archaeology unlocks you need certificates which require achievements.

    At the time of release these were balanced around standard xp rates, for example Guildmaster Archaeologist required about 1k restored artefacts, all mysteries and most collections. If you level up the intended way you'll have all of these by the time you reach 99 or shortly after that.

    Not having certificates means you don't get full monolith power so you won't be able to use all relics you want, you won't be able to purchase elite outfit nor auto-screener or BiS mattock.

    So, spending lamps and bxp on pre-99 is skin to shooting yourself in leg, unless the only thing you want is max cape

    submitted by /u/mporubca
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    The city of Xolo is the most magical place and a wonderful cherry on top of the Archaeology skill

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:23 AM PDT

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