• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    RuneScape Laniakea's dialog should probably be updated after Desperate Measures

    RuneScape Laniakea's dialog should probably be updated after Desperate Measures

    Laniakea's dialog should probably be updated after Desperate Measures

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Why does Falador shield shop sell black knight armour?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Welp. After 10 years, I finally accomplished what we all have been grinding so hard for. A runescape girlfriend.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Very cool

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    I'm so excited! Fight Kiln Cape! Goal Reached!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    How many in-game polls were added since poll booths were added on 30th October 2017?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    First Ironman Duo Hardmode vorago has been accomplished [CelloJake & Secretwars]

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    After 7 years, the cheating ban on my original account has been lifted!!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Jagex needs to address how terrible the mobile interface scaling is on tablets. My iPad feels as cramped as my phone.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    There should be a Void Relic that give you a Accuracy or hit chance boost.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    We have tons of Damage increase in perks and relics but nothing that affects Accuracy Or Hit Chance. It Could consume full superior void including all 3 helms the mace and the deflector to make the relic.

    submitted by /u/FredrickViet
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    The True Identity of Xau-Tak

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Gielinorians, my name is Z Blitz, and I have been a devoted Runescape fan for many years. For years I have delved into the lore of Runescape, but none have caught my attention more than the mystery of Xau-Tak. You all know him, you all hate him, but we all love his lore. But did anyone ever truly know who they were and where he came from? Well, thanks to the recent quest Desperate Measures, I finally have concrete evidence to prove my longest theory as to who Xau-Tak truly is.
    Xau-Tak is indeed the Sixth Elder God.
    Mentioned first by Zaros when he spoke to Seren in the quest The Light Within. "Six of them, five of form and one of … something else. The Elder Gods." According to Zaros there were more elders in the past, however, they were dying off. I will come back to this in a moment. For a long time I speculated that Xau-Tak was one of the Elders, but when I read that quote, I knew for sure. I just needed the evidence. When I learned of Kranon's experience with Xau-Tak, there was something I noticed. When Xau-Tak was said to have corrupted Kranon, I noticed two things. Xau-Tak managed to turn him into something entirely different, something so different that he wasn't even a Dragonkin anymore. Xau-Tak had done something even Zaros is not capable of yet; he created a new life-form. The second thing I noticed, Xau-Tak's corruption freed Kranon entirely from Jas' curse, a feat that surely only the Elders could do (without the need of destroying the Stone of Jas).
    Moving onward to the Black Stones. These objects are said to contain the very corrupting power of Xau-Tak himself, and anyone who has come into contact with them has fallen under the lure of the eldritch god. Even Seiryu the Azure Serpent, a being created solely from the Anima Mundi, was corrupted by the black stones. But what is it about them that makes them so malevolently powerful enough to corrupt even a being of the Anima itself? This is where Desperate Measures comes in.
    In Desperate Measures, the key to providing concrete evidence to my theories finally arrived. We were introduced to Shadow Anima, a toxic and negative substance that even the Elder God Jas fears. Kerapac tried to use this substance as a means of fighting against the Elders who had enslaved him and his kind. In Desperate Measures, Kerapac relied on the Anima of the sleeping Nodon Dragonkin to create Shadow Anima in the crucible in his lab. But how did he convert normal Anima to Shadow Anima? Through the use of a Black Stone Dragon, the sister to the one that was fought and killed in the Dragonkin Laboratory. Kerapac used it as a shadow anima generator/converter. This is what lead me to my final conclusion about the Black Stones and Xau-Tak. The stones are solidified crystals of Shadow Anima, and Xau-Tak himself is made of the very same substance. This is what Zaros meant when he said "five of form and one of … something else". That something else is the Shadow Anima of which Xau-Tak is created.
    While Anima Mundi is comparable to matter, Shadow Anima is comparable to anti-matter. The reason why so many of the Elder Gods had died is because they were killed by Xau-Tak's Shadow Anima. Xau-Tak is able to manipulate creatures by forcing Shadow Anima into them through the use of his Black Stones, as was the case of Seiryu and the Black Stone Dragons, or by direct conversion of them, as was the case of Kranon. The late god V stated that worlds visited by Xau-Tak had been turned into "corpse oceans". Guthix himself most likely came upon Xau-Tak in Renmark. Xau-Tak, or as the denizens of Renmark called him "Mur", was found at the center of the world, eating it from the inside-out. Guthix tried to use the Blade to destroy him, but instead destroyed Renmark itself and freeing Xau-Tak. This part is still just a theory, but I believe Renmark was created as a prison for Xau-Tak by Jas and her sisters to make sure his Shadow Anima would not interfere with their creations. However, Guthix coming upon Xau-Tak here may be the very reason he was able to infuse the World Guardian with Shadow Anima. In his attempt to kill Xau-Tak, Guthix must have absorbed some of the Shadow Anima, but due to his pure heart and soul as well as his godly powers, he was not corrupted by it. With this newfound power, Guthix truly became the god of Balance, possessing both normal Anima and its Shadow counterpart. Life and Death, Good and Evil. Before his death, he passed on this Shadow Anima to the World Guardian, so that they would be able to oppose the Young Gods. It also explains why Xau-Tak has known of the player even before their own birth. In the quest The Light Within, the World Guardian goes back in time to speak to Guthix, and at this time the World Guardian already had the Shadow Anima inside of them. Perhaps it was here that Xau-Tak learned of the player's existence. Another theory being that Xau-Tak also has the power of time, same as Jas, and was able to foresee the creation of the Player, sending out a beckon through time itself to discourage and frighten the Player, who they viewed as a threat.
    Now to sum everything up. Xau-Tak is one of the Elder Gods, possessing an evil and toxic substance known as Shadow Anima. Xau-Tak feeds on life, the Anima of his victims in order to create even more Shadow Anima and spread his corruption. The other Elders fear his power as it could very well destroy them all. Using his corruption, he attempts to spread his influence and his Shadow Anima around the universe. Now I am not asking any of you to agree with me, this all just what I have come up with based on my research. I honestly really hope that I am actually right, that would be amazing. But even so, as unpredictable as the lore and mysteries of the universe may be, and with certain doom being eminent with this Shadow Anima being loose in the world, "Do you really think you can save them? You can't. The spiral of time leads only to the gaping maw of eternity..."
    And this is Xau-Tak.

    Edit: I just remembered that I forgot to mention Xau-Tak's other message to the World Guardian. Even before Shadow Anima came into the picture, Xau-Tak said "there is a grinding darkness against which your soul shall be lathed." Xau-Tak literally knew that his Shadow Anima was grafted onto the World Guardian's soul by Guthix because he could see it, which further suggests that Xau-Tak is indeed an Elder God made entirely out of Shadow Anima

    submitted by /u/Rukkou
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    Reminder to get your Ninja dojo suggestions in before July 31st as they will be temporarily closing for an indeterminate period of time

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    One of us

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Hello again, World Guardian!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Please fix this...

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    This is one of the cutest pet emotes I've seen lol

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    I made a Statius Warhammer and its great for obliterating pumpkins ����

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Just a positive 'rant'

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Just wanted to post some positivity, so no worries. I quit RuneScape a while ago when EoC was introduced as at the time I thought the combat system was too difficult for me. But I'm overall a noob when it comes to that as I prefer skilling and questing over combat. I started playing again a couple of months ago and I've really enjoyed it so far. You've actively tried to make it a more enjoyable experience. I love the new quests as they focus on the lore more than the earliest quests. The reworks of the skills are great. I really hated mining/smithing and farming before and now they're on the top of the most fun skills for me. There's so much added to the game since then, that made it a more interactive and more enjoyable experience. (Better songs, voiceacting, mini games, new skills,player owned ports/farms,better graphics, ...) I even do more PvM combat now, the abilities make it more fun and I usually try to avoid combat as much as possible. I'm probably going to get some negative comments with this post, but I don't really care. I just saw lots of negativity about the game, definitely on YouTube (like about the extra content you have to pay for, even though lots games do this and a lot of them in a more aggressive manner.) Every game has got some flaws, but I feel the game has lots of great/fun playable content now. I thought positivity couldn't hurt once in a while. Definitely now the Covid-19 situation makes it harder to work and produce content. So thank you!

    submitted by /u/SecretFairyLady
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    An even more insane theory about Xau-Tak

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Ok, bear with me here, this might be the most out-there fan theory so far that I think still has a (tiny itty bitty) chance of being true. While I was reading the recent posts about the shadow breach (predicting that Xau-Tak is the shadow leviathan) and the elder gods (predicting that he is, indeed, the sixth one mentioned by Zaros), something popped into my head:

    What if the World Guardian is Xau-Tak?

    In Desperate Measures, we learn that our soul is infused with shadow anima, and Charos speculates that this may eventually turn us into an eldritch abomination of some kind. With the Needle still being a part of the current story line, I think it's clear that more time travel shenanigans are coming. What if at some point in the future, the World Guardian gets sent very far back in time, and then eventually is consumed by their shadow soul, becoming a powerful monster.

    Pros of this theory:

    -Explains why Xau-Tak seems to know our name & that they've been "watching us" as said in the black stone dragon fight in ED2. They have lived our whole life.

    -Might even explain why Xau-Tak seems to be named like a combination of two elder god names, since we sort of have two souls now. Maybe one name refers to what remains of our original self? Could their be a piece of Xau-Tak fighting it from within?

    -Economical usage of Charos' revelations in Desperate Measures. Why tell us we're turning into an eldritch monster and then have it be a different one than the one we already know?

    -Could explain the existence of the Shadow Realm. IF we assume that shadow anima is indeed related to the shadow realm, there's an inconsistency. Kerapac invents shadow anima on and describes it as a new form of energy not yet seen in this Universe. But that can't be true if the shadow realm existed when he said that. So either shadow anima isn't related to the shadow realm (in which case they really should have picked a different name...) or the shadow realm didn't exist the first time Kerapac said that, because it was in the first time loop "before" we ever went back and became Xau-Tak/created the shadow realm. Why are we seeing his words from the first loop? Because Anachronia was (for whatever reason) ripped out of time in its first incarnation, rather than the one from this loop. I guess Kerapac also could have just been unaware of the shadow realm, but that would be weird considering his whole research project was about generating shadow stuff. This insane rambling paragraph also gives us a testable prediction: If we ever learn that there is no shadow realm on Anachronia, we'll know it's the one from the first loop.


    -Kranon consistantly refers to Xau-Tak as male, but we can be female. Xau-Tak has no gender according to jmods though, so I guess Kranon was just personifying his god a little bit, and once we become Xau-Tak we are effectively transcending human descriptions of gender. This has the added bonus of allowing female players to kick Kranon's ass for misgendering them.

    -In the Ambassador's fight, he also says that Xau-Tak has not yet noticed us. But this is inconsistant with black stone dragon dialogue anyway, so any theory about Xau-Tak has to wrestle with this apparent error. Personally I chalk it up to just a bit of deliberately confusing eldritch weirdness.

    -Would be difficult to actually integrate this into the game since Runescape is a sandbox mmo and this would be quite the definitive end for our character. But maybe there would be a quest where we go back in time, watch the shadow half of our soul overtake the original, become Xau-Tak, and then fight the "Xau (shadow)" half from within as the "Tak"? The quest would end with us destroying our shadowy half and returning to Geilinor good as new, without our World Guardian powers.

    The Real Con:

    -This is absolutely ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/dennis_the_menace1
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    Make guthix staff augmentable plz

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Plz do that so that we dont have to 1tick gstaff to save the aftershock stacks and break our fingers anymore

    submitted by /u/takarolli
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    Aquanites were very nearly called Gilidrixons according to this 2009 poll on the RuneScape website.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Make the Blessed Flask work like the Adrenaline Urn

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Instead of essentially being a bottomless prayer potion that we can click many times, make it so having active prayers deducts prayer points directly from the Blessed Flask's pool, so we don't have to click it at all during combat.

    submitted by /u/RagingSchizophrenic
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    Can we please trade unwanted beach crap for oddments? Mainly anti-sun and ice cream

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    Make it so you can configure Excalibur/EE to left click activate like the Ancient Elven Ritual Shard

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    If I had a dollar for every time I accidentally wore the Enhanced Excalibur instead of activating it, I would have many dollars.

    submitted by /u/Sclargor
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