• Breaking News

    Friday, September 11, 2020

    RuneScape You never quit RuneScape, you just take breaks.

    RuneScape You never quit RuneScape, you just take breaks.

    You never quit RuneScape, you just take breaks.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    literally unplayable

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Fuck you

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    r/runescape whenever there's a new Treasure Hunter Promo

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Blessed Flask was released almost a year ago, yet is still garbage considering the effort required to unlock it.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Make the gem bag automatically empty itself when put into the bank.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Ore Boxes do, hence why not the gem bags?

    It's annoying and depressing to finally reach your destination, for example slayer task monster location, only to notice that your gem bag is full and you need to bank again...

    It's an easy, quick change and should definitely be made in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/styli1000
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    Zanik! (based more off her original design)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Allow us to gift cosmetic tokens to players by right clicking use on player

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    It would be a nice feature to be able to gift tokens by using on another player without trading. This would redeem said token on the player unlocking it in their wardrobe. Ironmen could also be gifted tokens to unlock cosmetics without needing to trade which I know some would like.


    submitted by /u/BanTheAbusers
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    Can you get herblore pet from Herby Werby D&D?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Anime Armadyl, Verac's, and Dragon armour -DeviantArt artwork from ~11 years ago by a seemingly deactivated account that I accidentally rediscovered

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Teaser from next week's patch notes!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    WIP sculpt of a certain Mahjarrat. Bonus points for whoever can figure out who.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    After many many hours, this happened ....

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    How to solo nex for shadow and ice phase?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    More specifically, for shadow phase how do you stop her from meleeing you and applying the bleed?

    For ice how do you stall long enough for reso between 2 ice prisons?

    Also thoroughout the fight how should I pray when I'm ranging? Mage, Melee, SS or ECB Spec SS?

    submitted by /u/KripperinoArcherino
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    BOT PROBLEM - Corrupted creatures botting problem

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Good day everyone,

    I have seen a lot of bots lately on all worlds at the corrupted scorpions and scarabs. It is getting really bad and I want to address this. I know people are afking here, but you can defenitely tell if someone is botting. All have the same overhead prayers and the same 2h weapon.

    I know they are bots because I tried to aggro all scorpions for like 5-6 min. After 5 min these bots drink automaticly so they don't logg off.

    Plz Jaxex address this problem!

    submitted by /u/Wasbeermeneer
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    New player here! Er...What am I doing?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    So I started like a week ago, discovered ED3 and basically can#t find a reason to leave. Seems best money best exp for combat im getting charms etc etc etc but I'm hella bored. So what should I be doing instead? Hard to pull away when I'm sure this is just the best for everything haha

    Here's my current stats https://i.imgur.com/i3pGYwi.png and I have around 80 QP.

    Any help appreciated! :D

    submitted by /u/XX_TCG_XX
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    My Ore Box Vanished

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    I was mining on my ironman and I had just filled my ore box and inventory, went to bank at port phasmatys, (I'm mining phasmatite) and halfway back to the bank I noticed my ore box was just gone. I ran back to see if I had dropped it accidentally, nope. Went to see if it had magically appeared in my bank, nothing. Logged to see if that would make it reappear, nothing again. What I thought was weird was the placeholder for my ore box in my bank showed that it was filled with 120 phasmatite but it still showed the grayed out item icon.

    Has anyone else experienced something like this and if so did the item reappear at all or did I get scammed by the game?

    submitted by /u/-Rachnera-
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    Zoom zoom moment at AOD be like

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Wanted to commemorate earning my max cape by having a good friend of mine draw my character!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Make it so that we can have more Invention machines built up at the same time, but some must be turned off in order to not exceed the power limit.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    This way, one could switch between making certain products without having to destroy and rebuild their machines every time.

    submitted by /u/styli1000
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    How to unlock Ling the Assassin for the Spiritual Englightenment quest?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    I have 99 slayer, I found Ling in the Aminishi island, but how do I unlock her with the "meet the Assassin port voyage"?

    submitted by /u/alex6219
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    A way to bring PvP back to the wildy

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    So as we all know, wildy Pvp is either dead, or a "meh" experience. The pking that does exist is usually griefing, or an unfair fight. Most players don't want to bring their good stuff into the wildy. So they come underprepared for a fight against a ready-pker. Skull-tricking is rude af, and most fights are very uneven. The state that PvP is in now is just shocking, and no one wants to participate in it. It sucks that we can't even go in with our good gear to have a bit of fun. If you go in with blight bows or sos, you're risking a big chunk of your bank on a very small part of the game. We should leave the big risks to the duel arena.

    I'm pitching the idea that wildy deaths become like any other death in game. You get sent to Death's office, and pay your reclaim cost. The person that PKs you gets about 75% of your reclaim cost. The reason I don't think 100% is good, is because someone is bound to find an exploit with some strange item where they can just keep killing their friends for mad profits. If Jagex can avoid exploitation, then 100% would be ideal, of course. However, 75% would still be a reasonable haul for your efforts. Especially if it brings more people to the wildy for you to fight. 200k-10m is better than what most pkers get now (some dhides and a magic bow). This type of loot system also allows the loot to scale naturally. If you are in t90+ gear and kill someone in d hides with Arma cbows, you might only make 1m or so. But the fight was much easier than you fighting someone else in t90+ gear. If you are lucky/skilled enough to reverse that situation and be the one with Arma cbows, taking down someone in t90+, you'll be handsomely rewarded.

    I think a change like this would revive the wildy and wildy content. Jagex could look at developing more risky content and bring some life back to the wilderness. PKers would have more challenging fights. Players would be able to go into the wildy geared up to do their slayer task (or whatever) and be geared up enough to defend themselves. It would naturally bring more players back into the wildy because the risks are far lower. This would also possibly eliminate the skull system. Unless skulling means that you are just worth more loot if you get killed. Like 10% more reclaim cost. Having yourself skull and risk 10% more reclaim cost might also make you consider who you attack.

    I feel like this wouldn't be too difficult to implement. And it'd give the wildy a fighting chance at being relevant/fun. I really miss the old RSC/RS2 pking days. And it would be so much fun to run around with our good gear.

    MTWGA - Make the wilderness great again!

    submitted by /u/DK_Son
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