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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    RuneScape Not my job.

    RuneScape Not my job.

    Not my job.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Teach em young if they won't sleep!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:35 PM PDT

    Got this on my 3rd barrows chest, So glad i stopped being scared and tried it :D

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    The biggest issue with this game is your attitude towards it.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Firstly - I completely accept there are issues with the game that require work. However to my mind, the biggest problem with this game right now is the small but incessantly vocal minority of players who seem determined to hate it. Here's my take on why.

    I used to be one of you. Not recently, but back in around 2018. I was frustrated about a lack of "new content" (READ: content that is an efficient use of my time to engage in), what I saw as excessive MTX, and poor levels of QA. Back then I was playing around 10 hours a day at least, and had been for a couple of years, working my way towards 5.4 while "enjoying" PvM by grinding the most gp/hr bosses relentlessly.

    This game attracts people like I used to be, and like many of you ARE, because it gives you a nice easy way of measuring the worth of the time you spend working on it. It doesn't matter that your education isn't going too well, because you're nearly at 200m mining. Why apply for jobs anyway, you can squeeze more accomplishment endorphins out of your brain getting drops at Telos or AoD.

    The downside to this, besides the obvious impact to lifestyle, is that you are building your entire life, self esteem, and goals around something that you fundamentally do not have control over. That's why it hurts so much every time Jagex made it easier for other players to achieve what you have due to MTX. That's why you perceive the update schedule to be lacking. You're completely at their mercy.

    Coming back to this game and subreddit after a year away has been eye-opening. I now have a fulfilling career which gives me all the dopamine hits for which I used to rely on RS. Because I now have that source of satisfaction I no longer have to build my identity around a video game, and so I've spent the last month or so in game doing nothing but clue scrolls and BGH (despite being 200m hunter). I've made absolutely no progress to my account, in the eyes of many it's been a complete inefficient waste. And yet I've had more fun than I have in years.

    There's a prevailing attitude here - because of how vocal these individuals are - that they have it right and Jagex are out of touch. That couldn't be more wrong, and it's heartening to me to see others beginning to speak up and break the echo chamber. Just because you perceive a change to be damaging to the game in the way that you play it, does not mean that your perception is correct.

    The only way to come back from there, from what I have experienced, is to find something healthier to fill the gap. Something else you can get as excited about as RS, that gives you the opportunity to progress and push yourself. There's no easy answer for how to find this , but if you manage it, you might just find you can enjoy RS as a game again.

    submitted by /u/T-Rexauce
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    What code this ring might be?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Jagex will never add other task set teleport to spell book.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    whenever i login to runescape throughout the day i constantly get this i have completed this achievement ages ago and it's just a daily login spam message

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    I have no idea what I'm doing having spent 5 years afk

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    A proposed Dominion Tower Rework

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    So the Dominion Tower is an interesting piece of content, a tower you can refight quest bosses but often in harder combinations. However it has a lot of flaws like no matter the difficulty of the boss every kill is worth only 1 point in Climber and Endurance mode. This means the more quests you do and the longer you wait to complete the tower the more tedious it becomes to get the many goals, and to grind out kills to refresh the frankly pretty useful prizes. There is also a number of bosses absent that were added after the fact. Thus let me propose some changes to the tower to help fix it.

    Dominion Factor Rework:

    Rather than Dominion factor being just your score that determines your reward it will now be a currency you can collect and spend as you please. If you just want the prizes then examining the chest and putting in the value you want to spend will give you reward. But there will now be a shop with other things you can buy, namely rewards and supplies. Like drednips, mines, the degradable T90 dominion only weapons, etc...

    There will still be the free ones giving for completing the achievements of the tower though. Like you will still be able to collect a bunch of free drednips every 25 kills. The purpose of this shop is just to give you a different way to re-obtain specific rewards quicker rather than rely on random prize drops.

    Other things you can buy will be things like "if you've beaten RoB make the sun spear appear in the vanstrom fight" , "allow you to kill Count Draynor without the steak", "add water into the arena of Char's fight to allow you to get her out of enraged mode quickly like in her quest" etc... Basically think slayer but for tower quest bosses and how we had things that let us streamline/quicken it.

    Pages will still remain prizes unique to the chest claim.

    Kill Point Rework:

    Bosses will no longer all give the same point value but rather points will be based on different factors. Starting with the tiers bosses in H/G/F/E-Tier will give 1 point, D/C/B-Tier will give 2, A/X1/X2-Tier will give 3. This will better balance how the higher tier bosses can be time sinks compared to the smaller ones so you are getting something more for the extra time.

    Climber will now add multipliers to your kill points as you stack up negative effects. Once every negative effect has been applied all kill points you get will be doubled. In this way instead of simply avoiding the negative effects there is now a benefit to opting to stack the negative effects on faster to get to double points faster.

    Endurance will be similar to Climber but instead double points begin once you reach the threshold that the dominion factor begins to be gotten at a reduced rate, so floor 30. So the first half of endurance will be for dominion the second half can be used to grind out kill counts faster.

    Restriction and Preferred Lists:

    Similar to Slayer a new reward will be added to spend Dominion Factor on with be a list that gives you more control on bosses that you fight. You can spend factor to add a boss to the restriction list and that will disable that boss from appearing in Climber and Endurance mode. Likewise you can spend factor to add them to a preferred list to make that boss more likely to appear. This will make searching bosses out for the specific achievements easier. So less running through the tower hoping to god Zenevia for example appears so you can get that lost boss achievement checked off.

    This will also give you the ability to remove certain bosses you may not enjoy fighting. For example maybe you don't like how long Pest Queen is or the mechanics of using the pitch can to hurt char you can remove it from the list. That will help offset people who wait longer to do the tower as now they aren't going to be constantly punished for trying to grind through just because they had more quest bosse under their belt before starting.

    The number of bosses you can restrict and prefer will be able to be permanently increased through a one time spending of dominion factor. I'm thinking maybe starting with 2 slots for each and upping it to 5 for each. Ultimately allowing you to customize the tower to better fit what you want your experience to be like.

    Practice Mode:

    While many of the bosses are easy because of EoC there are still plenty of bosses in this tower that can give people trouble especially those not as PvM inclined like fighting the three evil monkeys at the same time or the chaos dwarves without the stair/door buffer. This mode would allow you to pick and choose any of the fights you have unlocked in the tower so you can practice fighting them. Or maybe you just really enjoyed the fight and want to refight a specific boss or perhaps see how far you've grown from when you first fought it in the quest to now.

    The mode will provide all items necessary just like the tower modes. So like Count Draynor you will be given the stake and hammer and so on. However it will also provide its special runes and an ammo that adapts to your weapon tier if you're ranging so you don't need to waste your own but you can still bring in your own if you want. None of the fights in this mode will degrade your gear so you can use whatever you want without worrying about cost.

    No exp, dominion factor, or kill points will be gained during this mode either so it's purely for fighting the boss so you can get used to doing the fights. There will also be a way to apply negative and positive effects from climber if you want to practice fighting under the various climber tower conditions or just create your own challenge runs.

    Minor Tweaks:

    Ice Gloves are practically a necessity in a few of the boss fights, I've experiencing fighting stuff like Fareed with just a shield because I forgot my gloves and it's not fun. It also a barely needed item so it can take up a valuable inventory slot for a long time during endurance runs. All other boss fights that need items provide them to us so ice gloves should be added to the list of provided items.

    Having to pick up the items is also a bit annoying I would tweak it so if there IS inventory space the items needed for the fight automatically appear in your inventory otherwise they appear on the ground as normal.

    When you get a Dominion Tower Page you will automatically convert the first page you read into a book with that page in it, like how many of the lore books are handled. Rather than having to talk to the head and specifically ask it for a book to hold the pages in. In addition since you can still get pages after you completed the book the unnecessary pages can now be converted into a small amount of dominion factor.

    Book Of Bosses:

    This more just a thing for flair but essentially it be a pokedex for bosses. For any boss you've fought in the tower, not beat just fought, an entry for the boss will be added to a big book sitting in room. The boss entry will give a little summary of the boss's story if you forgot who they are and a warning if they have any tricks like telling you Fareed needs ice gauntlets or Leeuni can de-equip your helmet. It will also give statistics showing how many times you've killed that boss in the tower, how many times you've lost to them, and the combat level and HP of the tower version.

    List of Bosses that should be added, tiers up in the air:

    • Tarshak (dragonkin amulet is a provided item)
    • Barrelchest MK2
    • Rabid Jack's initial phase (basically no chain loosening phase that came after he hit 0)
    • Pharaoh
    • TokHarr-Hok
    • Wyrd
    • All the standard barrows brothers (ToS) broken into groups of 3 + Linza the disgraced (SE)
    • Black Stone Dragon (DM)
    • Kree, Grador, and Krill together
    • Foreshadow

    So yeah that about covers it, I had ideas to for rewards like improved drednips and things of that nature but never got around to really developing the idea behind them.

    submitted by /u/yuei2
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    4000 Chompy bird kills be like

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    I think waterfiend should get remodeled, would look so much cooler with detailed graphics

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Name a more iconic duo

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Finally made the masterwork armour :) took some time lol.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Runescape Mobile Appreciation Post

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Just a simple thank you to Jagex. I recently got back into the game purely because of Mobile and I really enjoy being able to grind some skills when I'm away from my computer i.e. wc, fish, arch and many more.

    submitted by /u/EnigmaticSilhouette
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    Updates for 2020 categorized and graphed

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Runescape OST Appreciation Post

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Just wanna shoutout whoever does the soundtracks for this game. From The Chosen Commander, Seiryu's Deliverance, both Angel of Death tracks and so so so many more that are just straight up bangers.

    submitted by /u/epic_squid
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    Why can't we disassemble stone spirits?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Maybe that way they might get some value, making it less of a sht drop on bosses.

    submitted by /u/XGreenDirtX
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    Server Reboot Coming Shortly - 12:30 Game Time!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    More fps for Nvidia Graphics Cards

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Have a Nvidia Graphics card and feel like you have lower FPS than you should get?

    Try to set ''Thread Optimization'' to OFF in the Nvidia-Controlpanel

    I tried installing a couple of different drivers and later found out that turning this option to OFFgave me alot of FPS!

    Try it out and let me know how it worked out!

    Btw... i have a Ryzen 3700X and a 2070 Super and i get an increase of almost 40 fps

    submitted by /u/YorannKremerr
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    Drive them all the way back to Death Plateau

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Cant seem to get this clue to work

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Cant seem to get this clue to work

    Doing this medium clue in Tai Bwo Wannai and I seemed to have followed all instructions yet Uri isn't showing up when I beckon. Is this a bug?


    submitted by /u/cralo4
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