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    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    RuneScape Wisdom Exchange Wednesday - 09 September

    RuneScape Wisdom Exchange Wednesday - 09 September

    Wisdom Exchange Wednesday - 09 September

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Wisdom Exchange Wednesday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can ask any RuneScape-related questions as well as share your RuneScape tips and tricks.

    Seek the wisdom of your fellow redditscapers or provide them with advice for bossing, skilling, money-making, or any other part of the game.

    Past Wisdom Exchange Wednesday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This is the Master Crafter female form? Seriously?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Jagex keeping players happy

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    The rare Black Party Hat, with its happy (yet grumpy looking) owner.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    A hard pill to swallow for endgame players: Why updates suck to us.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    So, why do they suck?

    It's because you guys make them suck. Of course all the fucking content will be done if you have 120 in every single skill. Of course most new bosses and NPCs will be contraversial if you've got a damn spreadsheet with all XP rates for other NPCs, the droptables, BiS gear to kill it, their mechanics in full detail, .... Not to mention that you've got millions, if not billions to throw at any new update to "complete" it ASAP.

    So why the hell are we complaining? We've got to face it: We're shooting ourself in the foot by having all this XP and wealth. There is NO big update that wont get massive backlash which will keep players sweet until the next big update. Even if there was, you have no guarantee that the next one will be good enough.

    The fix? Buff the max XP to 2b and max level to 250 so you guys are too busy being NEETs to complain /s

    No, but really. Make a new account or even an ironman or get some other restriction. Set a goal that isn't dependant on the dev team. Go collect 100 torva sets if that's your thing. Jagex shouldn't be pandering to every wish of you guys nor should your voices be the only voices being listened to. Early to Mid game should be focussed on. New players should be brought in. Wanna cry about it? Piss your pants a little? Maybe shit and cum? Feel free to do so, but don't bother Jagex with it. You're not entitled to be pandered to because you've spent 3k hours grinding away. Make some suggestions that benefit the entire community and that'll bring in new players, rather than screeching about a new update making xyz useless. The new endgame stuff will come when it's ready. Let it be a secondary project, being finetuned for a whole year by part of the dev team while the rest work on early-midgame content. It'll be a great and functional boss rather than the "low quality crap" we're getting now according to some of you guys.


    submitted by /u/lgmdnss
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    A kyatt is just a big cat after all

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    TL;DW 493 - Content Preview - Effigy Incubator

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Vod | TL;DW 492 - Penguin D&D

    This TL;DW will cover information covered on stream as well the newspost.

    Effigy Incubator

    Release Date: September 14th

    Concept Art: Initial Design Layout | Mapping and Theme | Incubator | New Effigies


    • Timed Monthly D&D + a miniquest
    • Start Location: Mr Mordaut at the Anachronia Base Camp
    • Requires:
      • Desperate Measure
      • 1 Level 85 in either [Runecrafting | Crafting | Smithing | Invention]
      • The miniquest unlocks the D&D and on completion you'll gain full access to it.
    • Miniquest is on comp cape. Pretty sure the lore is on MQC with a grace period.


    Effigy Creation Process

    Process: Gather Materials -> Create an uncharged effigy at the workbench -> Incubate the effigy.

    • Gather Materials - Gathering materials will provide XP in the skill it requires.
      • 12 nodes will randomly cycle between 4 materials (or no material).
      • An effigy remnant has a chance of spawning which will increase the rate you harvest materials.
    • Uncharged Effigy - Combine materials and an effigy casing at a workbench.
      • An effigy casing can be obtained from the center of the room.
      • Creating and incubating effigies provide significant XP.
    • Incubating - Follow instruction from the mysterious assistant on using the incubator.
    Effigy Type Node Material Skill Requirement
    Explosive 20 Scrap Metal 85 Smithing
    Unstable 20 Nicknacks 85 Invention
    Erratic 20 Anima Nuggets 85 RuneCrafting
    Volatile 20 Dragonflesh 85 Crafting


    Using the Effigies

    • Gain a total of 60,000 XP in 1 of the 4 skills associated with each effigy.
    • Effigy rewards have a 1/10 chance to upgrade into a Dragonkin variant (Dragonkin Star/Lamp)
      • Effy can be obtained from the Dragonkin variants.
    Effigy Type Effigy Reward Skills
    Explosive Effigy Bonus XP Star Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting
    Unstable Effigy Bonus XP Star Divination, Farming, Hunter, RuneCrafting
    Erratic Effigy XP Lamp Divination, Farming, Hunter, RuneCrafting
    Volatile Effigy XP Lamp Cooking, Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting


    Further Research - Post D&D

    While the D&D is inactive:

    • Players can collect additional resources in exchange for Incubator Points.
      • Incubator points can be spent on rewards including up to 10 ready-made effigies per month.
    • XP/Gathering rates are lowered and new effigies cannot be created.
      • Uncharged effigies can still be incubated by at a reduced rate.


    • New Miniquest: Lore driven tutorial for the D&D.
    • Storytelling occurs monthly covering things about the area and the mysterious character.
      • Monthly reset tokens will not help in progressing in the lore unless you fall behind.
    • Story has been written by Mod Raven.

    Other Details


    • Monthly reset tokens work.
    • The new effigies can be added to the Brooch of the Gods.
    • Surge/Bladed Dive will work within the room.
    • Everything is accessible to Ironman accounts.
    • Dedicated World

    Not Happening

    • Effigies cannot be traded/bought/sold/alched.
    • No changes to Effy the Effigy pet. (May be looked into).


    • Ravensworne interactions.
    • Distracted title being updated to require this D&D.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    New D&D: Effigy Incubator

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Runescape Fanart - The Battle to Secure Tuska's Lower Back

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Gaming world is all that matters

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Runescape's original lo-fi gal

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    For Halloween event 2020, re-release the older Halloween events in similar format to Christmas 2016

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    What I loved about Christmas 2016 is that you got to relive the nostalgia and played through the older events and got to see what Diango's Workshop looked like for those who never got to saw that place.

    For many players, it would bring back sense of nostalgia.

    It would be awesome to have an event like that and contain the following:

    • Halloween 2006 (Diango's Workshop)
    • Halloween 2007 (Mansion of Death)
    • Halloween 2009 (Web of Shadows)
    • Halloween 2010 (Party is Such Sweet Sorrow)
    • Halloween 2011 (Deathcon II)

    Halloween 2005, 2008, and 2012 would be available too, for overworld activity.

    Players can get the graphically updated versions of the past items which look similar but distinct enough to tell apart OG from re-release.

    submitted by /u/Kitteh6660
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    Possible improvements to the PvM Hub.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    All of these could be purchaseable with Marks of War.

    1. Elite Dungeons Chest - A chest within the Hub that would grant you the same options as it would at any of the three dungeons. Also, perhaps the ability to purchase more space for the chest or having each chest for each dungeon separated.

    2. Ancient Ceremonial Robe Stand - This would be a stand which would consume Ancient Ceremonial Sets. I'm unsure about the quantity or whether or not it would be a one-time sacrifice. It could definitely make robe piece drops worthwhile if a set had to be sacrificed each time (you could sacrifice in bulk). The stand would be used to remove the need for robes to enter the Nex lobby. Of course, this stand would be optional to use. You could simply wear the outfit as usual to walk in. Perhaps it could be a one-time sacrifice of ten sets. Perhaps there could be a version of this for the Frozen Key, as well.

    3. Gold Coffer - A small sack of gold where players can sacrifice a specific amount that would permanently remove portal attunement costs. For example, if a player sacrifices 25m gold, they will be free to attune portals as often as they'd like at no additional charge. It could also be used for other things like instance costs. For example, if you sacrifice a certain amount, you'll never have to pay for instance costs again. It would have to be relatively high to make it viable.

    4. Altar of War Upgrade - The altar could be upgraded to restore full health. This is so people who are in and out quickly won't have to wait to be out of combat at the bank chest to heal. Small QOL.

    5. Ecumenical Key - Taken straight out of the OSRS handbook, the Ecumenical Key could be purchased from War for a small amount of Marks. It would be used for either of the God Wars Dungeons (and likely GWD3) to completely skip the required killcounts for a boss and go straight in. It may also be a rare drop from GWD bosses. Tradeable.

    These are a few suggestions that I believe could make Marks of War a bit more useful. I know a lot of people struggle to keep up with Aura refreshes, so perhaps the limit to earn daily marks could be increased (maybe that could be another purchase or earned in a new War-based quest).

    Let me know what you think, or if you have other suggestions.

    submitted by /u/TheFalloutHandbook
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    My thoughts on rs3

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    My thoughts on rs3

    Hey all! I heard alot of "bad" things about rs3 etc etc.. But I gotta say, I enjoy it alot :D

    Im currently playing f2p and planning on getting a bond/membership after I hit 50 in combat-ranged-magic skills..

    All I wanted to say is that this is a game worth playing, if you want to be a casual player that is. Have not tried bossing yet, but I am looking forward to the endgame!

    Feel free to give me any tips if there are any :D


    submitted by /u/ChipsnackH
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    It took a while, but I finally did it

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Probably one of the rarest TH you can get

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Suggestion: Make the Extreme dominion medallion or one of the variants contain unlimited teleport. charges.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    The Dominion medallions have 3/6 daily teleport charges on them and my first thought as to why was to keep from making banking too easy for players back before we had easy teleports like war's retreat right to a bank. Is there any reason now to not update either the superior or extreme to contain unlimited teleports as a QoL?

    submitted by /u/Sanders767
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    1571th Master clue

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Loot from one staff staff and one pointy tip on my meme

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    All I ask from the Orthen Digsite is that it gives us some way to increase our maximum monolith energy to 600+.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    Would be amazing if this was confirmed. I'd be really bummed if we never got a way to use more than 2 useful PvM perks.

    submitted by /u/lyzaros
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    the "Learn" guides in the beasts tab haven't been updated in over 3 years. Why even have them? Just put a wiki link there instead.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Hello! New RS3 player here!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    So I have been on and off on runescape playing since the early years but never really gotten very far or good in the game because I rarely got membership.

    Now Im a little bit older I want to give RS3 a new try! Starting out as an ironman, not sure ir thats the best idea but it sounded fun. Im looking for a clan chat where I can feel home and get a lot of tips and tricks so feel free to invite me :)

    Tldr: New player looking for a helpfull community/clanchat

    submitted by /u/Spookymen
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    When being tick perfect fails.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:53 AM PDT

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