• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 490 - Alchemical Hydrix Jewlery

    RuneScape TL;DW 490 - Alchemical Hydrix Jewlery

    TL;DW 490 - Alchemical Hydrix Jewlery

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:54 AM PDT


    Update Roadmap

    • Headliner update each month to create a monthly update habit and delivering value to players.
      • Start small and ramp it up with bigger and more important updates.
    • Already planning the 2021 roadmap.
    • Continue to only talk about updates when we are confident in them coming out.

    Mentioned Updates

    • August - Alechmical Hydrix Jewlery
    • September - 12th Year Anniversary (Hint: Distraction)
    • Halloween & Christmas Holiday Events
    • Orthen is being worked on.
    • Hopefully do another quest by the end of the year (not guaranteed).

    Alchemical Hydrix Jewelry

    ETA: Tuesday, August 18th

    • Blueprint | Alechmical Hydrix - 117 Invention, 15k invention xp, 7.5k craft.
      • 1 Hydrix, 50 Fortunate, 50 Refined, 10 Precious, 2 Rumbling.
    New Item Crafting Level Item Slot Degradable? Recipe Items + 1 Alch Hydrix
    Alchemical Hydrix Brooch 97 Pocket No 5x elder rune bar, 5x gold leaf
    Essence of Finality 99 Amulet Yes 1x Amulet of souls, 1x Reaper necklace

    Players will create an Alchemical Hydrix Brooch and then have to enchant it to receive a Brooch of the gods.

    Essence of Finality - Alchemical Hydrix Amulet

    • Requires a fully repaired Amulet of souls and a Reaper necklace.
    • Degrades to broken, and is repaired by using Alchemical Hydrix dust.
      • Crushing an Alchemical hydrix provides 10 dust.
      • 1 Alchemical hydrix dust recharges the amulet by 20%
      • Degrades at the same rate as the Amulet of Souls/Reaper necklace.
    • A soul ornament kit and a reaper ornament kit can be combined to create an essence of finality ornament kit.


    Stats & Tooltip

    • Both effects of the Amulet of souls and Reaper Necklace.
    • Stores a special attack which can then be harnessed as an ability.
      • Permanently sacrifice a weapon to store it's special attack within the amulet.
      • Any special attack can be stored and replaced with a new special attack.
      • The damage of the special attack is on your current weapon, not the weapon you sacrificed.
      • You have to use the same style: Ranged special attacks only work with ranged weapons.

    Other Details

    • You can own multiple amulets with multiple items store within them.
    • No special attack weapon charges.
    • Augmented weapons can be used. Any perks won't carry over.
    • If you swap an Essence of Finality with a different one, you won't lose the benefits provided from the initial special effect. However swapping to other amulets will cause you to lose those benefits.
    • Special attack weapons don't need to be fully charged to be sacrificed.

    Brooch of the gods - Alchemica Hydrix Brooch

    Use the Enchant Level 6 Jewellery spell on an Alchemical Hydrix brooch to turn it into the Brooch of the gods.



    • Stores up to 1,000 of each decorate urn (except Prayer)
      • The urns will fill up within your inventory as normal.
    • Portables stations are twice as likely to trigger.
    • Skilling distractions effects are enhanced.
      • Artisans' Workshop: +20% XP
      • Ceremonial swords: +20% XP
      • Deep sea distractions: +20% XP
      • Chronical fragments: +20% XP (capture)
      • Birds nests: +20% chance
      • Fire spirits: +20% reward output
      • Rockertunities: +1 multiplier
      • Sprite focus: +1 multiplier (at 100%)
    • Blessing of the gods - While training non-combat skills a blessing from the gods may spawn providing you with Invention components.
      • Similar to the Seren spirit, but it doesn't move around.
      • Provides 4 uncommon+ components of a specific type. Rare components are rare.


    • Used urn which are currently in your bank it will automatically go to your inventory when trying to fill an urn.
      • General QoL changed.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Monthly Reminder that Raids isn't finished since 2015

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    Please don't stake, if you can't afford to lose it.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    So If The New Brooch Makes Portables Proc Twice As Often....

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    when are they going to come from the game and not MTX.

    submitted by /u/Avernic
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    Really love that that the content you revealed today is being released next week.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    This is hype done right, I was really afraid of a painstakingly long wait for these new items. But the fact they are coming next week is truly a joy.

    Credit where credit is due, you did fucking good Jagex.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/spiderbois
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    Alchemical Hydrix - New BiS Jewelry being released

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Essence of Finality and recharge cost makes no sense

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    An Alchemical Hydrix grinds into 10 dust (will probably go for over 100m and maybe go down to 80m at best) and we need 5 dust to repair ... This makes the repair cost 40m at best, like what? I don't mind paying a high upfront cost, but this is absurd. Pvm has already become insanely expensive but this makes the Ammy just a cheap hammer alternative. This is the t92 repair cost and grimoire stupidity all over again. The supply is already limited through reaper points, and you make it only 10 dust per hydrix?

    submitted by /u/Stormy860
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    The difference between the OSRS and RS3 teams.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Jagex PLEASE make presets recognize which amulets are in which preset.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Most high level PvMers are going to have multiple, probably one for each style if not more, but please can you make sure that the right one loads.

    I really don't want to have to deal with presets and checking after every load to make sure I have the right amulet on

    submitted by /u/WasV3
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    Quick fire Suggestion; Essence of Vitality recolors

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I'd love for the Essence of Vitality to have a recolor feature (like the rune pouches / passage of the abyss) to help players find a way to recognize/memorize which special attack is put on it.

    submitted by /u/Aviarn
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    Can there be a "Nvm, I'm a dumbass button" after submitting a bug request you realize isn't actually a bug.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I'm sure I'm not alone on this, but you submit a bug report for something you truly feel is a bug, only to realize of course that it isn't. I feel this would be nice so that the team looking at bugs can stop trying to fix things that aren't actually broken.

    submitted by /u/SpookySpooderRS
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    Ultimate abilities be like

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    Can we combine all 4 of the blood necklaces to make a hybrid Blood necklace like in dungeoneering already

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I never thought I'd see the day we'd get Reaper+AOS combined but also a special attack stores in the amulet?

    But we cant get a good hybrid blood necklace? Let use combine The 3 blood necks and the blood fury to gives us a necklace with +44.1 range/stre/mage stre and +3 prayer bonus.

    Also wonder why we didnt get Tier 5 luck with a alchemical Hydrix ring.

    submitted by /u/FredrickViet
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    With the new amulet being released next week, can you please take a look at scaling some of the old spec attacks so that they're actually feasible in the meta?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    A lot of the special attacks that exist in the game were released before the release of the Evolution of Combat and the adrenaline system in combat. After having looked at some of the special attacks today after the stream, I noticed that a lot of the older special attacks had very high adrenaline usage (e.g. Dark Bow - 65% adrenaline) compared to the newer specs (e.g. Seren Godbow - 30% adrenaline).

    As a result, a lot of the older special attacks which had a suitable adrenaline usage back in the days of the special attack bar are now unfeasible given a threshold ability will deal roughly the same amount of damage for a fraction of the adrenaline cost.

    submitted by /u/Cyberen
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    Switchscape is literally an issue which you brought up on stream, and then you pretend like adding this new amulet is a step towards reducing switchscape. I don't actually think you know what to do about switchscape and you are also just trying please two crowds.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Change my mind.

    Also yes, I deserve downvotes for stating something so shockingly obvious.

    submitted by /u/Used_Tentacle
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    Quick calculation: the new Alchemical Hydrix amulet will be 9x more expensive to upkeep than the Amulet of Souls

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    ...assuming pre-update prices.

    Both amulets degrade at the same rate:

    Amulet of souls - full recharge: 4.5m gp (2x Onyx)

    Essence of finality - full recharge: approx. 38m

    (50% of the price of: 1x Hydrix (25m) + 2 rumbling components (6m) + 50 fortunate components (45m, let's assume 900k per fortunate), precious and refined components negligible in this scale)

    However, hydrix as of right now is valued at closer to 50m due to update hype (and fortunate components are on the rise as well) so the initial recharge cost will surpass 50m.


    submitted by /u/5-x
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    Alchemical Hydrix jewellery announced on stream

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Preliminary analysis of new Ess of Finality in PVM

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Thoughts so far:

    • Massive buff to GStaff spec since you can now pair it with t92 damage values, didn't check math but I think better than flanking deep impact, so now a mandatory part of every mage preset
    • Unlimited SWH spec, need I say more?
    • Binding a spec to amulet is useless in most cases since for stuff like SGB it's either the same APM or more if you need amulet switch + weapon switch to hybrid it (with IOTH) and stuff like ZGS you should just bring along in inven since amulet switch is not any better than weapon switch
    • Need more investigation but I believe most specs are useless, ex AGS is 50% adren for avg 235% damage which is terrible
    • Will have to search for obscure weapons with specs that go well with amulet
    • Out of all currently used specs, I think only gstaff is actually better on the amulet. Others are neutral or actively worse (hybridded SGB)

    Other than that obviously reaper + AoS is great and +10 stats is also great. I think stats contribute about 0.2% DPM increase, but that's a rough guess with no math. Pls double check al my math.

    Edit: a few more specs

    • Decimation: mech chins still better since 50% adren is steep
    • Annihilation: maybe useful for speed kills? Same problem as old spec tho, too much adren for too little gain
    • Dark bow: 65% is way too steep, same issue
    • Ancient mace: I guess this is the new meta for ancient mace teams lol
    • GMaul: instant KO in PvP?????
    • SGS: 100% for not a lot of damage
    • Vesta's spear: already t88, use as a switch if you have to
    • Dclaws: 50% for not a lot of damage
    • ECB: good use since you can use 2H DW switches during spec, but do you want to sacrifice 1.2b for the privilege?
    submitted by /u/arcane_in_a_box
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    Risked it for the biscuit on this magister kill, was well rewarded

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I asked my wife to cross her fingers before I opened the casket. I’ll be taking her out to a very nice dinner or something. By far the luckiest thing that has ever happened to my account!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Shout out to Mod Sid for his great work on the design team

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Anyone wanna help an osrs fan get into RS3? It looks so fun but I cant seem to figure it all out.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Are there any good guides for all the F2P quests? Im a member but think that would be a good starting point

    submitted by /u/IAmARedditComment
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    Randomly discovered this is a thing???

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Essence of Finality Recipe

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    1x Amulet of Souls (Fully Repaired)
    1x Reaper Necklace (Fully Repaired)
    1x Hydrix (Looks complete and cut from stream)
    50x Fortunate Components (It is believed that alchemical onyx will not work... it has to be the comps)
    50x Refined Components
    10x Precious Components
    2x Rumbling Components
    1x Reaper Ornament Kit (optional)
    1x Amulet of Souls Ornament Kit (optional)
    1x Your favorite spec weapon (optional)

    Pre-heat oven to 400 deg .
    Mix together hydrix, components, and flour in a bowl.
    Stir until sticks in clumps.
    Spread mix on pan with amulet of souls and reaper necklace .
    Bake for 7-10 minutes or until golden-brown.
    Let cool 20 minutes.
    Combine both ornament kits in a separate bowl and whisk/whip until fluffy.
    Decorate cookies with new ornament frosting.
    Best served with a tall glass of your favorite spec weapon

    submitted by /u/heritag7
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    3.0s Legio Duo (First 0 Tick Record)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I have fallen back in love with this game thanks to Mobile.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Stopped playing after maxing about 3 years ago. Have a wrist injury that makes anything mouse/keyboard related extremely uncomfortable. So I nolifed on a double xp weekend and maxed. Played about a week enjoying the max guild, then hung up my gaming rig. Ive logged in every now and then but not for longer than an hour or so. A couple weeks ago I noticed the mobile app was now available for everyone, so I took that chance to check out archeology.

    Man was I blown away by the amount of new content. I am torn between which skill is my new favorite. Slayer was always my favorite pastime, but the way archeology has you going back and forth between digsites to discover new lore and artefacts makes it feel like you're actually accomplishing something besides xp gains. I don't rush to the next available spot because I want to fill out the collection logs. The rewards are worth it. And don't get me started on the relics.

    Currently taking a break from archeology to do some bossing after discovering War's retreat. Thought I needed to remax in order to boss effectively. Nope. THREE boss portals, Adrenaline crystals, bonfire, prayer altar. what do i need max guild for?

    There's so much to do now. The only downside is all my BiS invention perks are now obsolete lol.

    Ty Jagex.

    submitted by /u/sv4ta
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