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    Monday, August 10, 2020

    RuneScape This Week In RuneScape - 10/08/20

    RuneScape This Week In RuneScape - 10/08/20

    This Week In RuneScape - 10/08/20

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Jagex really be flexing about adding TWO things at once

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Desperate Measures fanart: When Thok falls in love at first sight...

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Let ironmen dungeoneer together, its a no brainer!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Dungeoneering on ironman is strictly a solo activity, yet we can do elite dungeons, bosses, etc as a group.

    Ironman isn't a strictly 'on your own' gamemode, its evolved and this would be a change which could bring in a bit more of a social aspect and all round more fun.

    Even some caveats such as heavy punishments for leeches, XP based on total participation, etc

    submitted by /u/Parmolicious
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    Why does this even need to exist as a separate thing? Just update the sawmill to do 2 things like how the well can prepare AND mix potions

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Leave any argument, opinion, or idea about RuneScape below and I will argue against it regardless of if I actually agree or not

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Title sums it up.

    submitted by /u/HashTagDeeperino
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    Behold, my beautiful pet!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Magic thresholds be like

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Please buff the Staff of Sliske special attack

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Tl;dr it's horrible, it needs a buff

    This has basically been posted a few times already, so I probably don't need to explain it too much, but I'll do it anyway -

    Back when telos first came out, sos was arguably the best weapon in the game, and it stayed that way for a few years, so it made sense that the spec was borderline useless at first, because the staff was still amazing even without it.

    However, since then a few things have changed. Melee and range have had a fair few amount of buffs, making them both much better dps than mage anywhere that they work, which is almost everywhere. Ontop of that, the new inquisitor staff outclasses the sos everywhere were it works, which is nearly everywhere that you would want to use mage, and it does it for less than half the price of a sos.

    Now that the sos is basically useless, buffing the spec would make it atleast somewhat relevant. The spec currently uses 50% adren to do 100% to 500% ability damage. To compare this, the zgs spec also uses 50% adren, but the bleed alone does 275% to 550% ability damage, and ontop of that it also boosts damage by 25% for 20 seconds.

    The sos spec is currently just a massive waste of adrenaline. It's so bad that it's not even used by anyone at telos p5 where you have near infinite adrenaline from the green beam

    There are a number of ways to buff it, and I'm sure jagex doesn't need me to tell them how to buff it, but there have been plenty of suggestions on reddit over the last few months already, so I'll add my own anyway. It basically just uses way too much adren for what it does. Either it needs to do significantly more damage, use significantly less adren, or both.

    I've seen a lot of people suggest that it gets an affinity debuff like the gstaff spec, which would also work, but I don't think something that drastic is really necessary, because it would likely stack with gstaff. The spec doesn't really need to be completely reworked into something else entirely, just a few changes to it to make it useable at all would be nice

    Edit: even though I say it doesn't really need to be completely changed, it still could be and that would be fine too, just trying to save dev time lol

    submitted by /u/DustyTurboTurtle
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    Jagex Doesn't Understand Fashionscape

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    So many cosmetic outfits that have released over the years do not take into consideration the colors/design of skillcapes. A large section of the playerbase wears skillcapes and design their outfits around their favorite skillcape's colors, etc.

    E.G. The Archaeology Skillcape is Black and white, yet so many cosmetic outfits do not have a black/white color scheme. And the ones that have black & white, the black is really a dark grey, and the white is a offwhite/cream. Same problem with the Thieving skillcape, it's often times the wrong purple. It was a big missed opportunity not to release a bunch of new outfits that matched the new Archaeology Cape.

    It's pretty clear that the Live Ops team doesn't really understand what a lot of player's actually like to wear. Simple shirts and pants, outfits that match skillcapes, discontinued items such as party hats, dyed armors, etc. Also, hairstyles, most hairstyles suck, so that's why you see so many people wearing the same hairstyle and same outfits all the time. Stop making generic looking bulky armor and battlemage looking robes that have no personality whatsoever.

    A lot of players are going to get 99's and 120's, max capes, etc, this weekend and start designing themselves a new outfit. How does Jagex suck this bad at making easy irl money? Lootboxes aren't going to be around forever as countries look to outlaw them.

    Edit: The comments also point out how it's really difficult to mix-match outfit pieces because a gap occurs along the waistline that makes most outfit combinations look broken.

    submitted by /u/holydamned
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    Unpopular opinion/Change my mind: No matter what is announced on Tuesday's stream, it will not be received positively

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    So there are new items being announced on Tuesday's stream (Maybe a RS3 equivalent to 'Platinum Tokens'?). To be honest it doesn't matter what the announcement is, the playerbase will hate it for any number of the reasons below (that all contradict one another)

    One side The other
    The new item adds power creep. Everyone complains that their existing gear becomes less valuable, or complains that 'this just means there's gonna be a new impossible-to-kill boss coming soon', or just straight-up moans about 'Meta-change' or SwitchScape. The new item does not add power creep. Everyone complains that Jagex are hyping up 'dead-on-release' content because their SoS/SGB is already more powerful, or the new item is too niche to be worth anything to anyone other than the top-1% of sweaty SwitchScape PvMers.
    The new item is accessible to many players upon release. Everybody complains about 'EasyScape' and how items are spoon-fed to players ('Just like how the new quest has endgame lore but entry-level requirements'), and that's why RS3 is already dead, and how there's no sense of achievement from 'earning' the new item. The new item is not accessible to many players upon release. Everybody complains that the items is locked behind 'unreasonable' requirements (levels/quests/grinds/PvM RNG etc.) and that 'once again the rich top-1% PvMers will rake in cash for a rare drop', or 'only nolifers will grind 100+ hours for a minor buff' (see Holy Flask) etc.
    The new item has some element of MTX involved. Everyone complains about the usual obvious rants about Pay2Win that I won't go into here because it's been covered a thousand times. OR if it could be obtained either way "It devalues my achievements of unlocking it without paying". The new item has no element of MTX involved. Everyone complains that "There should be a way to unlock the new item with Bonds; what if I can't [Kill X boss/do X hours of skilling/etc etc.]" Jagex being 'elitist'/locking the new item away from those who might not be 'L33T PvMer Pr0z' and not giving others a way to get it easily.
    The new item is due to be released very soon. Everyone complains: "Here we go another rushed piece of content to placate us until the next premier club comes round to milk us yet again -- Can't wait to do the QA for yet another rushed bodge update for Jagex once again" The new item is not due to be released soon. Everyone complains: "Wow Jagex, dangling the bait for Premier club already; scumbag move. Can't wait for it to be 'shelved', or be delivered in 3 years time, with missing features... Oh and we still have to do the QA."
    The item lives up to the hype. Everyone complains that we should be getting a 'lives-up-to-hype' piece of content weekly, or at very least monthly. "Where is the roadmap, I want to know when the next 10 'lives-up-to-hype' updates are coming with 100% definite release dates" The item does not live up to the hype. Everyone complains that RS3 is already dead because their Devs clearly don't understand what 'good content' even means. "We want Shauny back; at least he could empathise with the player base when things didn't live up to scratch."
    The item's update contains even one single typo. Everyone complains how Jagex don't care anymore and calls for /u/NotWorkingRedditing to start eating or drinking paper again. The item's update contains no typos whatsoever. Everyone complains about how this one update gets it right then proceeds to point out every other typo or grammar error in the entire game.

    or, if we want to be more update-specific, rather than 'general':

    Content Complaint
    Platinum tokens (or equivalent) Everyone complains about "another QoL update for the top 1% PHat hoarder trillionaires ready to artifically inflate the GE with even-higher buy limits"
    An item that provides a QoL benefit Everyone complains about how QoL updates shouldn't be as hyped as this and should be the standard, and if locked behind a requirement people will complain that that it shouldn't be.

    I'll keep editing this to add new 'playerbase contradictions' I can think of, or good ones from the comments.

    submitted by /u/Mat2113
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    Recent patch caused hidey-holes to break.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Had blow a kiss in shilo bank and also raspberry fishing guild step and my full globetrotter outfit with filled hidey holes don't work. Had to physically equip the items and do the emote to spawn Uri.

    submitted by /u/thekieranjd95
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    Just got 2.5b killing ONE lvl 43 monster. (PLUS ULTRA RARE DROP)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    when the pulse core hits

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    I know the 2007 theme song is nostalgic, but (Born To Do This) 2010-2013 theme takes the cake in my opinion.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Construction Rework is Here!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    MTX portable workbench lmao

    submitted by /u/rsLourens
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    Jagex has gone from making updates to hyping up future updates to NOW hyping up livestreams about future updates

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    What is content?

    submitted by /u/metazombii
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    Wait a minute...

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    yak fixes after the events over

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Unable make flatpacks while full inventory.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Portable Workbench can be used as an ironman

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Title, please fix.

    submitted by /u/scveldman
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    Hard Clue Emotes Not Working After Monday Update

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    Fastest ED1 title

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I did 5k BGH on my Ironman. Here's what I learned and what I got

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    "Herodotus" can't be used as a character name?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT

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