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    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    RuneScape Rares in 2005

    RuneScape Rares in 2005

    Rares in 2005

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    @ Live Ops Team - What the hell is wrong with you guys

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Seriously, what is going on?

    Dwarven Mine Entrance Graphical Update

    Jeez, Doran! We know it took us a while to set up your event, but were you really so bored that you decided to redecorate the entire entrance to the Dwarven Mine?

    Look at this picture.

    Red Rectangles show us 4 different styles of Ridges/Elevation separators. The one you introduced in your latest update is subjectively the worst - it looks like weird stack of plastic shapes. If you are going to slap something into the world, could you look at what is already there? It definitely looks like you're creating "floating objects" and just placing them without a thought into the game world. It just doesn't make sense.

    Another picture that is really painful to look at shows us that you really did the very least work you could. It's as if your boss told you to "Update area around Dwarven Mine" and you took it literally and out of spite created these abominations. Would it take too much effort to continue the new ridge for few more tiles and connect it with the modern ridge closer to Wilderness?

    I get it that the Mountain itself isn't in your scope, but could you just slap few of these new "plastic rocks" on it so that it doesn't look so alien?

    Now let's talk about buildings and objects

    Invention Guild's highly detailed enterance VS new cartoony look of Dwarven mine VS "Quest Power Plant" straight outta 2008. Like, all 3 of these are supposed to be built by Dwarves, they're in the same location, yet they are so different. Could we get a bit of homogenization there PLEASE?

    Travelling Artisan

    What was your goal with this event?

    The event forces you to craft stuff you don't want to craft via XP system. This system is probably in place so that the event feels less "copypasta" and to milk a bit more money from the players. I get it. What you didn't think of is that this kind of "lock-out" feels very bad for the players and it's very off-putting. Lots of my friends wanted to get the cosmetics but stopped once they realized they'll also have to craft numerous event boxes and consumables it put them off.

    From Ironman perspective the event feels like shit. All there is to this event are 5 or 6 tool overrides you have to spend 30+ hours or like 30 bonds to get. Nobody I know is going to do this. If they were hooked they would be way more willing to spend bonds on the fragments, but there's very little incentive to start. For non-irons - we have to make Event Boxes to level (no other option) and all these boxes contain is 30k gold.

    The consumables/enhancers you get as Main are absolutely broken compared to anything already existing in the game. For example Geode Enhancer is 82k to craft, yet it's more powerful (10%) than the best boost found in the game (Refined Perk - 8%) which requires extremely high skills and rare materials.

    Finally, mains buy pretty much all the resources off GE. It boggles my mind why are you requesting items that are already rare and sought-after (Luminite, Diamonds, Blubber, Vis Vax) instead of creating item sink for trash (e.g. Coal, Stone Spirits). It's as if teams within Jagex were working against each other - team behind PoF is all about trash removal from the game while Live Ops completely ignores it and makes already valuable items even more valuable.

    Closing Thoughts

    Live Ops team could have been praised for this update if only they thought a bit more about what they are doing.

    Alchemical Hydrix/Brooch created a controversy about Portables and this event would have been amazing way to permanently introduce craftable Portables into the game, satisfying everyone. Blueprints for them could have been obtainable from event (e.g. by training Doran) and they could have been also found in the game later on, albeit more difficult to obtain.

    Area around White Mountain could have been revitalized without breaking too much sweat and again, everyone would be happy about it.

    Summer event bought another controversy - cosmetics were locked behind Oddments, but Ironmen had no way to get them. Why not solve this by making Event Boxes drop Oddments for IM? They can't get anything but cosmetics out of them anyways, so what's the issue there?

    A bit of lasting content would be very nice as well. Like, something introduced into the game that stays permanently. Like, "Thanks to his newly gained Experience, Doran has created a new Machine. This machine can be fed with any food to create Processed Food Cans which heal 2000 health"

    Finally, if the purpose of Live Ops Team is to make players busy and make money, why don't they do something actually good? Like, we have this old quest from 2008 called "Perils of Ice Mountain" that heavily promotes Climate Change stuff. Why not refresh the quest a bit, make it replayable for people who already done it and add huge promo like "Well of Goodwill" where you'll plant a tree for each X gold/bonds players spend there? Add some cosmetics and you'll have more money than from these shitty out-of-place events.

    submitted by /u/mporubca
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    QBD's phases with some visual rework

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Can there be descriptions on items in these interfaces? New players would have no clue as to what they do or how useful they might be

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    The middle Varrock castle wall can be clipped into

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Unplayable Bug: the cooldown timer on mobile isn't in the middle of the ability.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Make this a rest animation. Reading a book flipping through the pages.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Is this how luck rings ACTUALLY work?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Request for Mod Stu: Could you kindly give a week of your time to optimize social slayer for low levels? Some spawn clusters are so small two people can kill three things and be waiting a long time on spawns. Also killcount desyncs make it incredibly inconvenient to do.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I felt like writing this because I don't think anybody bothers to report playability issues of pre-level 50 content. In this context, pre-Vanakka slayer. Maybe I should include Vanakka. I get that a lot of low level content hasn't been optimized ever, even before pre-EOC. But despite having social slayer some mobs are clearly just there to be done single player and its quite upsetting to land on a task that has you waiting forever for spawns. Check out ice giants or hop goblins for example and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    In addition, keeping slayer killcount synced with your partner is rather technical and isn't explained anywhere. Overall its just frustrating to do.

    Its also worth mentioning that low level slayer generally wasn't designed from the scope of a low level player. So in introducing new players to the skill via Turael and Mazchna, it feels like they're purposefully pushing uninteresting (and old content) trash mobs on you to slog through, and that's obviously quite the turn-off for new people who have raised standards from playing other games. I get that slayer is great fun but the story is different at lower levels.

    A lot of this goes unspoken and I wish something would be done about it.

    submitted by /u/Used_Tentacle
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    It's a banana, what could it cost, 10$?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    So a Green H'ween mask is selling for over double the GE price, and it also rose 262m in 9 hours? Price manips are laughable these days.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Master of all outfit

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I think it would be nice if u could combine your elite skilling outfits to one. Like sentinel,golem,divine,... to one outfit when you have them all. Would save me a lot of bank space.

    submitted by /u/Lilligoria
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    NEW woodcutting axe concept. (Also keeps infernal adze passive effect to burn logs chopped).

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    Passage of The Abyss sometimes uses a comma for its remaining charges

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    I think they're overworked

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Release a statement on the treasure hunter abuse

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    The abuse from yesterday should have never been possible. How did this mess slip in to the game.

    submitted by /u/420aidslol
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    Jagex should really look into old specs and change damage and/or adren costs of them, as well as add more spec weapons in future

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    So now that Phats are nearing max spirit shard stack, alternate currency when Jagex?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:38 AM PDT


    I know a new currency is scary from a dev pov, especially when integrated with G.E coding. plus duping already happened with the old code, imagine the scale and risk the new currency will allow, alas a solution is needed with inflation reaching zimbabwe levels.

    submitted by /u/AATalib
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    Suggestions to Buff Brooch of the Gods

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Despite the cost vs a GOTE, this is definitely a pretty underwhelming and MTX heavy item. The following is my personal suggestion for effects that would at least be complimentary:

    • Double Proc Rate of Non-Combat Skillcape Perks (such as Fletching/Farming)

    Other ideas people have suggested are:

    • Double proc rate of skilling invention perks
    • Always provide baseline rate of portables when not using a portable
    • Increase the proc rate of the blessing (it is stupid uncommon right now)
    • Make blessings give useful parts (Tensile/Bladed/Deflecting/Base/Simple) instead of uncommon
    • Fix brooch to work on bolts for portables
    • Make brooch equip in ammo slot
    • Charge brooch with urns rather than store urns
    • Allow brooch to work with prayer urns
    • Extend duration Seren Spirits last before disappearing
    • Double Proc Rate of Skilling outfit effects
    • Reduced Prayer Drain from Imp-Souled

    Other interesting ideas:

    • Charge brooch with demonic skull so always kept on death, but 500k is dropped in wilderness (making it compatible with runecrafting)
    • Give brooch Forinthy Bracelet Effect for the abyss or charge it with Forinthy Bracelet
    • Charge brooch with one skilling scrimshaw to give it that effect until it runs out of charge
    submitted by /u/Omnias-42
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    Elite Dungeon Achievement Capes

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Make Pre-EoC stun effects preventable with Anticipate

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Right now, many stun-like effects from the pre-eoc era cannot be prevented by Anticipate and can only be cleared by freedom. It is very annoying as it somewhat punishes understanding of mechanism and sometimes even makes content impossible to do.

    Here are some examples. The first is Yk'lagor the Thunderous, a dungeoneering boss. His "come closer" attack cannot be prevented by anticipate, and therefore cannot be properly neglected even with the "correct" move.

    Another is the Random Freeze handicap in Dominion Tower. It triggers much more frequently than Freedom's cooldown, making it impossible to work around. A prominent example is Vanstrom: if you have the handicap, he becomes almost impossible to do, as when he takes flight your Freedom will likely still be on cooldown from the last time you used it for "stare into darkness" attack. Without Anticipate, the flying blood bombs becomes an un-dodgable instakill attack, which is by definition a bad game design. Making Anticipate works with it would make it an actually challenging and interesting fight where if you make the right move you can kill it despite the handicaps.

    submitted by /u/1ryb
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    Make Invention Dummies Stackable

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Just do it

    submitted by /u/rolandps
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    I thought I was on drugs for a half minute

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:31 PM PDT

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