• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 26, 2020

    RuneScape Wisdom Exchange Wednesday - 26 August

    RuneScape Wisdom Exchange Wednesday - 26 August

    Wisdom Exchange Wednesday - 26 August

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Wisdom Exchange Wednesday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can ask any RuneScape-related questions as well as share your RuneScape tips and tricks.

    Seek the wisdom of your fellow redditscapers or provide them with advice for bossing, skilling, money-making, or any other part of the game.

    Past Wisdom Exchange Wednesday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    TL;DW 491 - J-Mod Q&A

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:37 PM PDT


    Upcoming Updates

    Just those mentioned on stream.

    Update ETA Details
    Orthen October Just got out of sprint review.
    Halloween October Temporary content (miniquest & skilling) that can be layered upon year-after-year.
    New Boss This Year. Top end solo/duo boss on par with 100% Telos (investigating scaling up/down).
    Construction Update This Year. Not a rework, akin to Safecracking for Thieving.
    New Quest This Year. Won't be as big as Desperate Measures.
    Elder God Wars Dungeon NOT this year. Completed most of the design/planning.

    Additional Details

    • The updates before the Elder God Wars dungeon will be interconnected and lead up to its release.
    • September's content will be mentioned in the next couple streams.
    • Portable Workbenches weren't included with crates as we wanted it to be a meaningful drop on it's own on release.
      • It will be added to portable crates in the future.
    • We are doing 4 Yak tracks & 4 Double XP Live events a year with fairly regular time-limited seasonal events.
      • We will maintain this going into next year.

    Other Updates

    Abyssal Creatures - Mod Shogun's Project

    No ETA as the project isn't a priority

    Category Progress
    Models Completed [3/3]
    Animations In-Progress [2/3]
    Environment To Do [0/1]
    Development In-Progress [~85%]

    Pet Updates

    • Cleaning the pet interface
    • Updating item pets to be used with the new system.
    • Differences between follow/companion pets.
    • Overriding.

    Activity Pets - No ETA

    Art Style Concerns

    • We are far from having a consistent style across the game and updating it takes a lot of time.
    • Based upon research and player-testing we landed on the current art-style, but we will continue to look into it.
    • We are very interested into looking at our Player Avatar, but it isn't a simple task.
    • The Dwarven mine graphical update went live with some errors which we are planning to address soon.

    Discontinued Rares Items

    • Items have gone past max cash not being tracked are subject to price manipulation and we know these issues exist.
    • Increasing the cap or adding a second currency is a lot of effort and at the same time niche and relevant for a small portion of the community.
    • It's something with might take a look at and see if we can do anything about it.

    Skilling Offhands

    • It won't be the same as past designs you've seen from Mod Shauny/Timbo as it was a blanket approach across all skills which from a balancing/implementation perspective is huge.
    • We have got ideas for augmentable off-hands and plan to do them this year as reward content.

    Ninja Team

    • The next Ninja strike is Tuesday (September 1st).
    • Lunar Spellbook Improvements - Key areas to work on and get feedback on.
    • We are thinking of re-opening the Dojo in a matter of weeks. But we want to get ahead and make sure everything already listed is incorporated in some way.
    • We also appreciated the wholesome messages sent our way.

    Jagex Teams

    • We have 6-7 projects in the works for the coming months.
    • We've continued to outsource as well as hiring a a number of new employees such as Content Devs, Production, a new Producer and an Art Director who starts Monday.

    • Since the Runefest team announcements we have moved around teams from the discussed format. Elements of remastery is brought into other updates such as with the Lunar spell book rework.

    iOS Beta

    • We maxed out our IOS beta audience and we can't do anything about expanded.
    • We've got our crash rates down lower.
    • We are looking at things such as the new user experience and high priority UIs.
    • Realistically we are looking at the new year for a mobile launch.


    Theme Question Answer
    Areas Do you think we'll ever see the next region of the Eastern Lands, the Skull? It could happen, but Arposandra has the momentum if we were to do a new land mass. The reaction from land masses as pointed us to do more with skilling/combat updates rather than just bringing out a land mass. People want to reinvigorate the core game rather than strap more stuff to it.
    Events Do we feel like events like the Traveling Artisan would be added to the game without the monetization elements? They think it's unlikely with how time-limited events work. We prefer players to always have an opportunity to get rewards in-game but if they don't have time to commit to an event they can purchase currency.
    Invention Will invention ever get more tech trees added to the skill? Invention isn't the skill that needs the work right now. That's not to say we won't touch Invention, it's actually getting some love in the next couple of months but nothing in the tech tree area.
    Invention Could dwarven tools be added as an invention tool under the dwarf tech tree? Theoretically yes, but there are no plans. We've got other avenues they could be added.
    Jewelry Are there still plans to make HSR doubling effect work on interface loot or is this no longer planned? It's with the developers to make it happen. It's development work that needs to be completed.
    Jewelry What was the rationale behind making the new Essence of Finality repairable using an alchemical hydrix instead of a regular hydrix? None of the new alchemical items would have sunk fortunate components regularly if a normal hydrix had been required. If it was charged with just fortunate components than regular hydrixes wouldn't have had a sink either. There's also a point that such a powerful piece of equipment should have a slightly higher upkeep cost than perhaps would have been expected. There isn't much room for PvM equipment in the necklace slot, if any, after this release and therefore warrants such an upkeep.
    Livestream Any chance for a data livestream this year? It's being discussed especially as we look towards the 20th Anniversary. We've wanted to talk more in detail about certain subjects such as Double XP and have those conversations.
    Minigames Are there any plans to make minigame content relevant again? Every time we've done something of a remastery to a minigame it generally hasn't been the kiss of life we've hoped it would be. If we did it would be a blanket across all minigames; minigame hubs or an improvement to the thaler shop. But as current we aren't working on anything with minigames.
    Quests Will the rate at which quests are released increase in the future? Questing is super important for world building. I'd love to take a look at the quests that we have delivered from Runefest, but that will be looked at in the new year. For a rate we don't have that worked out yet. We also want an impactful story told not only through quests but other content as well.
    Rework Are there any talks/plans to rework skills like woodcutting/fletching similar to mining/smithing? They are very much of an option however the amount of work needed needs to be balanced against other updates. We can address some of the issues of skills in the short term such as with the upcoming Construction update.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Lost for words - Master #137

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Forums in a nutshell (re-post to remove names)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    A relaxing end to a busy day

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Construction contracts out today on OSRS and now a poll blog for a new skilling boss too. Must be nice...

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Heard easy clues were good money ATM

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    When Jagex says they are looking into updates to the player model

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    My Face when i know i fooled everyone with GWD3

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    We have a zarosian pier at my town...

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Your face when you check rares prices and realize items have shot up to tenfold in a matter of days

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    people actively trying to buy up all rares still within GE limits :). santa hat from 850m to 4b+, easter eggs up to 1.7b, h'ween masks above max cash now, the list goes on. Any update on a rares GE or platinum tokens or anything?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    PSA: Potentially Severe Bank Bug, Possible Chance at Losing Items Permanently!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    TL;DR; There's a bank bug that if it occurs, will randomly swap various items inside your bank to different tabs. Possible chance you could lose items. Discovered last night, however this seems to be a pre-existing bug from before where the bank lags and items shift over 1+ spaces.

    I'm not sure how to replicate it. I've given the steps on what I did in-game before I noticed it via bug report last night (there's never enough space given to allow explanation on how the bug(s) happen). I'm posting it here as a general PSA. According to my wealth evaluator, I do not think I lost any items. Now onto explaining what happened.

    Wednesday, 03:07 game time (UTC). I had just finished up a KK hour. I hopped worlds and went to my bank. I searched for grimy herbs as I planned to clean them with herb cape, with the search interface still showing my grimy herbs I click and dragged the herbs to my 1st tab so I could withdraw them to clean semi-fast. At that moment, I noticed on the left side, some of my tabs (how they were before the bug) were changed (after the bug occurred. When I looked into some of these tabs, I noticed that some of them had items swapped from other tabs inside them. For example, this was my tab originally that I had specifically for only animals, yet it had some items in there from my archaeology tab, and vs versa, it was also missing my jadinkos (as they got swapped into a different tab). Part of my farming tab was inside my archaeology tab, part of my wilderness-only tab was inside my herblore tab, etc. At least 8/15 of my tabs were affected by this bug from what I saw before reporting. The first thing that came to mind was: 'Oh my god what item(s) did I lose?' Putting that thought aside, I first wanted to reposition my revenant enhancers since that tab was small, so I did just that, I turned off placeholders and withdrew all my revenant enhancers so I could place them all back in my wilderness-only tab... Then everything in my bank disappeared and reappeared back in their original spots within 1-2 game ticks like nothing ever happened. Just a quick flash out and flashback in like being withdrawn and deposited, swapping back to where they were originally.

    My bank is not at full capacity it has about 35-40 spaces left to fill. At this moment I still don't know if I had lost any items. Never experienced this kind of bug until this week.

    Edit 1: fixed a double image link.

    Edit 2: "currently unknown if you lose items" > "Possible chance you could lose items" and input some information based on a comment.

    Edit 3: more information added to the tl;dr;.

    submitted by /u/Triforc4link
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    [ninja request] A "fill all" option for the globetrotter arm guards.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Just a little Bisdi

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Ironman Suicide Note

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Jagex addressing the current situation in the rares market

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    prevent bank from switching tabs when re-equipping gear on the worn equipment screen

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    say you have full mystic in bank tab 2 and full rune in bank tab 3. you currently have full mystic equipped and want to switch to full rune without changing every equipped item (so not wanting to press the deposit worn items button). you open your worn equipment window at the bank, open tab 3 and start equipping the rune armour. problem is, every time you equip a piece of rune armour your active tab will switch to 2 because your mystic placeholders are there. it is very annoying and kind of defeats the whole point of using the worn equipment screen during banking at times

    a related issue (and why i suspect re-equipping items works this way) is your active tab will always switch to wherever the item/placeholder you banked is currently located in (unless its in the first, "view all" section). im sure this is a question of personal preference but it would be nice to have some kind of toggle to prevent this from happening. it would also resolve the gear-switching problem

    submitted by /u/lljones
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    Hunter level from 88 to 99 at grenwall

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Sorcerer's Tower is unplayable (the hole in the fence isn't in line with the door)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    New player here: if I just keep doing quests, will I eventually learn all the areas and activities that are available?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Coming from World of Warcraft, I'm wondering if the best way to learn everything the game has to offer is by doing quests. In WoW, the various quest lines take you through all the areas and show you everything that's available to you.

    Should I do that for RS as well? Or should I focus on reading player-made guides outside the game to learn everything?

    PS: I know I won't learn EVERYTHING from doing quests, I'm just talking about the major activities and areas.

    submitted by /u/IIPeachTreeII
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    Default to correct food type while filling Troughs.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    I feel like this used to be good, but lately Ive noticed it seems to always be wrong. Even if I have only 1 type of food, and Ill be feeding dragons, the game goes "You wanted the fruit section right?".
    At least try game!

    submitted by /u/SSXVegeta
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    Add tile markers to rs3

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    I know osrs doesn't have this natively but they're very useful in osrs and it would be very useful for p4/5 Telos, AoD, spooder, bladed dive, etc. Assuming it's not too hard to implement this would be very nice to have and help a lot with learning.

    submitted by /u/Ik_oClock
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    This Year's New Boss will be akin to Telos in difficulty (not Araxxor as implied on stream)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Jagex asked about fixing destroy in twitch chat, their response:

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one...

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    How many of you care about Rare/Discontinued items?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Is it really a lot of you who care about them? Or just a vocal minority (a small portion of the playerbase).

    I'm gauging the opinions before partaking into conversations today. For that end I'll just make 4 simple questions:

    • Do You Own a rare/discontinued item?

    • How would you feel if they were re-introduced and reobtainable in future holiday events.

    • How would you feel if they were made untradeable/non stakeable from player to player? (But still tradeable in the G.E. for Max Cash).

    • Do you think they need to be looked at or just leave them as is? (A.k.a: if it's not broken, why fix it).

    submitted by /u/Concordia_chaos
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