• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    RuneScape Jagex, more and more "OSRS player tries out RS3" videos are popping up, you should pay attention to them.

    RuneScape Jagex, more and more "OSRS player tries out RS3" videos are popping up, you should pay attention to them.

    Jagex, more and more "OSRS player tries out RS3" videos are popping up, you should pay attention to them.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Watching players who haven't touched RS3 in 8+ years go through the beginnings of the game is a great way to figure out what works in the "new player experience" and what doesn't.


    Great example. The guy is brand new to RS3, having only played oldschool, or pre-eoc runescape. Already, there's been a couple of things he's run into that flat out confuse him because he misses the explanation, or just doesn't get one.

    The concept of the toolbelt isn't explained.

    The stamina bar in mining is disabled by default, and thus, the concept of refreshing your stamina to keep your mining speed up isn't taught.

    Hell, he even points out odd things that used to bug most of us, but we've chosen to ignore because it's gone unchanged by Jagex for so damn long, like why full helms and med helms have the same stats.

    It just seems like a great way to get candid feedback from someone who isn't a veteran of the game.

    submitted by /u/kathaar_
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    Jagex 1 month ago: here is a survey for you to tell us how we can better communicate. Also Jagex: radio silence, future updates via Twitter, no roadmap, no comments on awful servers for the last 4 months. Sort it out.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Runescape Fanart - Young Wizards in Training

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Monthly reminder that the game needs more bank preset

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    Will allow variety of different roles for group bosses currently people choose 1 style for save bank preset, and other skilling/activties.

    submitted by /u/Burnv2
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    After 14 years and 300 days I finally got my quest point cape!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Harmony "Lumbridge Theme" On Classical Guitar

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Also got my QP cape after 15 years...didn't realize there was a QP store!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Got B2B drops just to get rerolled when server went offline. Hope no one else suffered.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    NEWS: RuneScape, Old School RuneScape and Jagex donate £204,000 ($250,000) together!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Episode 2 of RS3 newbies taking on Group Ironman! This one is much better quality than the first, hope you enjoy! Massive shoutout to the whole RS3 community for all of the positivity and helpfulness :)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Could depositing materials into a material cart also deposit any materials held by a Familiar?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Has the broken client launcher been forgotten or did I miss a fix for this somewhere?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Loot from 3000 Ambassador Solo Runs (Elite Dungeons 3)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Loot from 3000 Ambassador Solo Runs (Elite Dungeons 3)

    We haven't had a new boss in a while and my pal RSN Wai is a bit bonkers and like to grind RS just a tad. He did 10k Telos on Release, he is rank 8 on RS Highscores....etc etc. Whilst waiting for something new to do he has completed 3000 Elite Dungeons 3 Runs. (2000 before Archeology, 1000 afterwards). Now what fun would it be for this juicy data set be if it just went to waste...being rs players of course we love stats, numbers, drop rates and all that good stuff. I have put together some Stats for you below.

    I would hope that this might encourage some of you to do some Elite Dungeons 3. I have broken all of the stats down into a 'per run' so that no matter what your capability you will still be able to equate the Loot/Profit/Loss/Revenue etc to your own standard. Please do feel free to make a copy of the spreadsheet should you wish to put in some of your own numbers/progress!
    - Full Spreadsheet here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bqgl0w89P0dDnI11FJNtFy9GsxscD3kRKZ41X3ywhvg/edit?usp=sharing

    3000 Kills Chest Value (No Bows)


    3000 KC Log

    Cost Breakdown

    For those wondering - I have used the average complete Eldritch Crossbow Price as 1250m. This is due to the Price fluctuation across this completion from 1150m-1350m, Making this a fair estimate.

    Credit to RSN Wai of course for the completions.

    Edit : Vis wax should be 600k/hr not 1.2m.

    submitted by /u/Amyman
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    It took several attempts, but thanks to these people, we beat Solak.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    5 Ornaments, 4 Rods, 0 Censers :')

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    5 Ornaments, 4 Rods, 0 Censers :')

    Looking for that reddit luck, and also for people to just laugh at me.

    Since 110m Arch xp I have been at the 118 spot, dropping all mats as I go in my hunt for the full inquisitor staff. Have gotten 9 pieces now (2 pre-nerf & one from set.) I average ~ 10 hours a day. This has gotten beyond comical!!


    submitted by /u/Quadvoltius
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    OSRS player looking to give RS3 an honest shot.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I have just created an ironman on RS3 and am SO CONFUSED. Everything is the same, but also so different and I just don't even know where to start. Hell, you don't even start in lumbridge.

    Is there any sort of guide (Like Oziris' Ironman guide for OSRS) that would kind of hold my hand for the early game and point me in the right direction of where to start and what to work towards?

    Appreciate any help that you guys can give.

    submitted by /u/ReccoR2
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    Thanks Jagex for fixing the retro hood!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    If anyone wondered how it looks like when opening Tony's case

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Will there be any good runescspe events happening this summer or even fall?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I have noticed the number of true events per year have declined since 2016. Is it because Jagex is trying to move away from events, is it because of what's going on in the world or change in Mod staff? Maybe Archaeology took all the time way and we won't get anything else? I miss things like summer skill-off, summer beach party, etc. Maybe there's a new type of big skilling event in the works? Was it voted for in the polls to have less events?

    I know we have had a dxp already. I'm not asking for a new one, as I think 2-3 times a year is more than plenty. I know we had yak track and Easter, i know we had that awareness "event"...these were all small events. What about the true events? Ones that fill up the lumby crater like Summer beach party or takes over a whole city or identity like the Invasion of Falador. I mean really, we had summer skill off last year with a training method that was just a literal hole in the ground for dungeoneering and it was a big hit! Pure genius.

    Where are the big events that are overworld altering, not the ones that are just tucked away in a weird location like a small area slightly south of falador (Easter event) or a small area slightly north west of the former combat academy (Awareness event). Location is EVERYTHING when it comes to an event. Put a bad event in a small area in the deep desert, no one will go or stay but put it in a widely accessible, large area and everyone will go. You would think with awareness events, they'd be big enough for anyone to be aware of the actual event's presence. If you're just picking up an average of 25 tokens every 2.5 minutes, you never even have to show up to the event.

    2 Good Examples of events:

    1. 2019 Christmas event, everyone went and everyone participated because it was placed at the GE! You typically can't avoid the Grand Exchange. Everyone can get there and server wide broadcasts were made too. It was a good event with afk training methods and accessibility. It also came with a QUEST. Placement, quality AND accessibility.
    2. 2019 Summer skill off/2020 Winter chill off. Great skilling events, both placed at lumby crater and enjoyed by a lot of people both times! Being able to train a hard skill easier or with better rates is a dream. Placement and accessibility. Quality depends from person to person here.

    2 Bad examples of events:

    1. Putting the easter event south of falador in a very small area that can easily be forgotten. I barely saw anyone near it. 3 NPCs and a few players standing around on World 2. The event hardly seemed worth it and you got nothing out of it. Unless maybe you stockpiled tokens at places NOT in the actual event area. It had no quality and bad placement.
    2. Slime event in Rimmington. It wasn't a bad event but it wasn't good one either. It was an event...placed in RIMMINGTON. I felt like while it could have been worse, that it was a bad location for an event in general. Plus the skilling part of the event had a cap, so you'd see people start to leave around maybe a 15-30 minutes after reset.

    Player engagement, placement and the quality of the actual event, make the event. If its missing all, and in some cases atleast one, of these then the event will be lackluster. I always liked runescape for the interesting ideas they had. Some of these events, and even the lack of events, just make me sad.

    Edit: I apologize for the length. TL;DR, lately we've had small and/or bad events, can we just have big, memorable events?

    submitted by /u/TaurusHeart
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    POF message: "All your animals are thrilled to see you chose THAT outfit" ?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    POF message: "All your animals are thrilled to see you chose THAT outfit" ?

    What does this message mean? There is nothing on google or wiki. I wore the hunter outfit from Wakko Island and the enhanced yaktwee stick- nothing farming related. And used the 120 farm cape boost, which usually prompts the message "your animals are happy to see you".

    The mysterious message

    submitted by /u/JeSuisMouchoir
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    Treasure trails QoL suggestion.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    I know this has been suggested a lot, but to no avail, there was no response from anyone, so please just take a look:

    • For each 100 total clues a player solves, increases the amount of clues he/she can hold (For each tier), by 5. to maximum of 25. Which means it caps at 500 total clues solved.

    • After 650 total clues solved, Charos' clue carrier can now auto pick dropped clue scrolls.

    This would make doing clues much more convenient on the long run, it's really annoying having to farm up 25 clues, then go solve all of those, then back again to spend 2 more hours farming 25..etc A lot of downtime for absolutely no reason. And in all cases, with top gears and a cannon, you'll still have to spend 1 ~ 1.5 hour, to be able to farm 25 clues and that's if you're lucky, so we will still have to spend 2-3 hours to farm up the total of 50 anyways, but it will be much better than having to go back and forth between solving 25 clues, then back to farming 25 again. Please consider this. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/QidianSpy
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    B2B Vindicta Pet Drops

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Did Runescape just go down?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:00 PM PDT

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