• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 11, 2020

    RuneScape Just logged in after a really long time, nostalgic GE history

    RuneScape Just logged in after a really long time, nostalgic GE history

    Just logged in after a really long time, nostalgic GE history

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Runescape Fanart - The Circus of Fighting Gregorovich

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:52 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Add a shortcut here for the hard clue step

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Can we get an option to organize our skills?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Armor spikes - Let us make multiple projects at once

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Found This Tip in the 2006 RS Official Handbook, Thought it Might Still Be Relevant in 2020

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Since jagex doesn't communicate it properly, I will

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    As posted by modJD, GWD 3 is STILL in early stages and it's highly unlikely it'll be here in summer.

    There is no propper communication on all of this, just replies on posts IF you're lucky enough to read them, so i'll post the most meaningful reply by mod JD below so at least more people will know.

    Full quote:

    Hi everyone - thought I'd jump on this post, and first up just say that I can understand your frustrations.

    I'll try to tackle this as a whole, as well as comment on a couple of the individual points. We are listening, and whilst we've perhaps not been as active on the subreddit in the past couple of weeks as usual, please don't take that to mean that we don't care. We're spending a lot of time behind the scenes working on plans (which we will share when we can). With what's happening around the world right now please bear with us - as whilst we're 3 months into lockdown here in the UK, there is a lot for us to get used to all working remotely across the business (childcare, social isolation, new systems and ways of working, etc.). We can and will do better, but please don't mistake reduced comms for inactivity. I've worked at Jagex for 6 years, and I've never seen the team work as hard as they are currently - and that's across the board from Community Management to Tech, and through all the echelons of the team (and management).

    I know it's probably not going to win me any friends here, but please bear with us. If you do have any feedback for the team, please let us know and I'll pass on what I can.

    On the subject of servers, we're working on a number of initiatives right now to improve performance for you guys - as you can probably tell though, there are few quick-fixes. Regarding last night's issues, you can find out more here.


    As a side note on the Twitter comment: we do have multiple platforms with multiple members of staff talking to players every day - and I think that's a really positive place to be. That will mean that, in some cases, there is information that is shared somewhere else, in a reply to a player, or sharing something they're working on. We will grab what we can and share it, but would likely share that within a relevant newspost, rather than dedicate a specific newspost to it. The Wiki (who we work with regularly, and is a part of the RS website) have made a great page to aggregate that information, so it's worth bookmarking, although again we'd like to do more.

    Also, thank you to everyone who filled out the surveys we sent out around the Archaeology campaign. We are collating the data and will be using that information in the future!

    EDIT: signing off for the evening now, will take a look tomorrow morning.

    On another reply:

    In the context of Archaeology being probably singly the biggest update we've ever released, with a few weeks of post-release content - we've put together some pretty interesting content (Shattered Worlds additions, additional Ninja Strikes (one of which is probably the punchiest one we've ever had), Object Outlining and Canopy Cut-out, iOS beta, etc.) - whilst it's not perhaps traditional 'content', this work is by no means trivial - especially in the challenging environment we find ourselves in. The past couple of weeks have been leaner though, granted. We have some good Ninja Strikes coming up, and whilst we're looking at how COVID has impacted the overall release schedule, we are working at the moment on a new quest as well as Elder God Wars Dungeon (albeit the later is in its early stages). - mod JD

    Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/h0885c/jagex_1_month_ago_here_is_a_survey_for_you_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    submitted by /u/Great_Minds
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    Player-owned slayer dungeon update

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    --- intro ---

    Hi! Over the past couple of weeks I've been doing a lot of slayer and I've noticed some flaws/update possibilities on the player owned slayer dungeons. There is a lot on this list so I'm going to try to list them in sections, I dont work for Jagex but if you guys looking for someone, feel free to slide in my DMs.

    --- accessability ---

    Currently you need 99 slayer to enter the dungeon. While i do agree that 99 slayer is required to have your own dungeon, I think it should be able for non-99s to be able to join someone else's dungeon. It would be cool to see some way of teleportation from the player owned house (for example in the dungeon to be able to attune a dungeon door to be a 'magical door' that can be passed through to be teleported into the dungeon) This would give the player owned houses a little updated-feel while not a lot of work needed (later on there will be some more references to the construction skill)

    --- The 4th room ---

    We all wondered, whats on the room to the left? with the water? It would be cool if we could excavate (archaeology) our way through that, clear up the water, maybe build some suppport structures and have a basement. The basement could be attuned to either have a ton of small creatures (im thinking 15 hobgoblins or something), or attuned towards an icy dungeon so we could have our living wyverns (this is currently not possible) or maybe a large nature park to have dinosaurs (we cant have those), a flora area for the anachronia plants, etc, just so we have a way to have the mobs we currently cant.requirements for this would/could be initially a chunky archaeology level and construction to get in and build it up, then it could also require some type of matterial, for example the flora area could require 100 of each herb and tree seed. The snowy wyvern area could require 10 000 casts of ice barrage in runes to keep it cold. You could only have one of these and everytime you want to change you have to re-offer the requirement. This would be costly and endgame, but really rewarding.

    --- sigil ---

    this is a small one, but the sigil 'Kuradal's Favour' makes it so all the mobs you kill respawn instantly for 30 seconds (1 minute cooldown) while in kuradals dungeon (obtained from shattered worlds), could we have a one small kuradals favour miniquest (or maybe just pay her a cash value like 10m) so we could unlock the ability to use this sigil in our own dungeon. (currently it will only work in kuradals dungeon)

    --- sophanem slayer dungeon chest ---

    I would love to see the ability to build the chest from sophanem slayer dungeon for our own, have it pick up our drops, 95 construction requirement to build, a bunch of planks and pack yak pouches (just sounds fun). For balancing it could have an upkeep cost, like the feathers, or just a % of the total value inside of the chest you have to pay to claim it (or a flat 1m to claim chest at any value)

    --- always slayer task perk ---

    this one sounds a little straight forward, for whatever unlock, maybe from laniakea, we could have it so any monsters are killed count as a on-task kill, what this would mean is that your slayer helm damage buff would work, but also the drops would be changed, for example abyssal demons drop wand and orb on-task only, they would always drop in your dungeon. Living wyvern crossbow drop is 1/10k, but 1/2k on-task, so in your dungeon they would always be 1/2kanother mechanic from this could be that all monsters while killed on slayer task can drop a slayer-scroll which allows you to bind to that monster (so to have abyssal demons drop wands in my dungeon i'd have to get an abyssal demon slayer task from a master, then farm the demons to get the scroll as a drop to then use it on my own dungeon to unlock permanently)

    --- master of elite dungeons ---

    going to keep this one a little shorter, from the elite chest ( https://runescape.wiki/w/Elite_chest ) there is a 1/100 chance (1/10 for ultra elite chest) to get a scroll of the elite, this [tradeable] item could be used in the dungeon to have the effect of elite dungeons for armor degradation, meaning that trimmed masterwork, elite sirenic, and elite tectonic wouldnt degrade inside of your dungeon) this would give another insentive (That is currently kind of lacking) to complete the elite dungeons in order

    --- Dwarven cannonmaster ---

    Training in the artisans workshop has a chance to drop a scroll randomly (similar to previous one), when used in your dungeon you gain the ability to place dwarven cannons. simple as that.

    --- massive potion reservoir ---

    with a high herblore level, you gain the ability to use x amount (currently thinking 100 but might need more for balancing reasons) of a potion to permanently have the effect in your dungeon, this would mean that you could use 100 elder overload salves and 100 agression potions onto the reservoir and have those 2 potions int here permanently, this ofcourse would be locked at a high herblore level, on top of all the potion costs

    --- Bonfire ---

    A simple firemaking-locked unlock that gives a permanent health boost and healing regeneration buff while inside of the dungeon

    --- outro ---

    Some of these ideas sound rediculous, but in my opinion they all sound really fun, ofcourse some balancing might be needed here and there, but i feel like the slayer dungeons are missed potential because they require 99 slayer to start but at that point most people are already done with it.

    Please leave your feedback, but please be constructive, dont give me the "they wont do this cause its op", instead give me a cost/trade to make them actually interested in doing this

    edit: just to reiterate, non of these are intended to be overpowered, everything could be balanced out with a limit, upkeep cost, or finding cost, for example the elite dungeons one would on average take 50-100h on of farming considering in my trio team i think id need about 40-45mins to clear all 3 dungeons, the scroll would be tradeable to give an insentive for those who dont care, but its essentially a quick addition to the game, not requiring too much dev time, while adding new content to the game for the grinders to farm (all of these are also inside of the dungeons so none of these would affect any bosses or change any meta anywhere else, just a reward for grinding)

    later edited addition:

    --- pocket slot item degradation ---

    some way to leave your grimoire/godbook/scrimshaws on while fighting and not have any degrades on them (could be a 1/5000 from all godwars 1 bosses for books, 1/100 for completing a reaper task for book of deaht, and a cahnce from a returning port mission for scrimshaws)

    --- invention generator ---

    for an insane level and cost you can make a generator in your dungeon that would prevent all augmented items from degrading (could be called a wireless battery or something silly)

    submitted by /u/EmmaKittyOr
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    F's in the chat for my man Derodias

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Can we please have Lore Books Always on while skilling? I'd love to be able to read game lore in game while doing afk skills, instead of watching a movie.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    This came from a discussion we had on the lore channel in the Runescape discord so I decided to post here to get more opinions.

    I always loved quests and exploring the lore. I as many others, was a kid looking for action and space barred quite a few quests until 2 years ago when I decided to go for the quest cape. A year later I got it and thoroughly enjoyed the journey while NOT spacebarring the quests. Now I find myself with a reignited passion for lore following Archaeology release which made me look back into the deeper lore. However, I found I had so many missing pieces of the story from me spacebarring quests or just destroying the books rather than reading them.

    While afking arch I realised the skill is quite afk, and you are kind of forced to have a side activity and using alt1 for notifications. Because as my girlfriend pointed out it is boring looking at your character do the "tsk tsk tsk whoosh" sound over and over again until you get an artefact. Tried to read the journal pages while excavating but due to the in game animation of "reading a book" your excavation is interrupted. So I continued to excavate and started opening rswiki on the side to read the pages so I don't lose out on the xp. However I have to split the monitor in half to see both, which takes away from the immersion.

    Also, I spent so many hours fishing wishing there was something more engaging I can do other than put the game on a side and click every 5mins on the waterfall. Same with corrupted ore mining.

    Would it be a big ask for the Ninja Team to look into making reading books from a standalone game interface (not an item in backpack) not interrupt activities and be always on as other interface windows we have? I would love to have something to read in game rather than wiki when I have to do the boooring afk skills.

    It worked with the material storage or collection logs. It works with the invention pouch. Can it not work with books?

    I think it was Mod Stu that came up with the new ordering of quests in the quests tab, maybe the categories in this "universal book" can be based on the quests categorisation structure.

    What do you think? I would really love for this to be implemented if it's not a big ask from the ninja team.


    submitted by /u/IgorPicard
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    I love the individual Jmods, But RS3 is terribly mismanaged compared to Old School

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    No hate or ill-will towards any specific Jmods, I love y'all and respect y'all. I think y'all are amazing.

    RS3 is so terribly mismanaged compared to OSRS. The OSRS team is transparent, they provide roadmaps, in progress teasers, etc. They do so many other things "right" in comparison to RS3. I don't understand how management at RS3 can't acknowledge the successes OSRS has undeniably had. (I don't say this to demote RS3, I love RS3). This kind of stubbornness reminds me of the era when Jagex was insistent upon using in-house tools to design everything, now Jagex has shifted towards using more industry standard tools.

    Don't get me wrong, Archaeology is/was great. But what do we have to look forward to now? Why do we have week after week after week of patch notes? Why is your communication continuously so poor? Where's our roadmap for 2020? What happened to numerous quests a year? What happened to numerous boss releases a year? What the fuck is going on over there?

    Yes, I will acknowledge COVID has disrupted all our lives, so I can understand updates being delayed, but we're months into quarantine and communication has been absolute hot garbage. Where's the communication? It's almost like Shauny was holding the entire company together in this area. It's almost like OSRS & RS3 are run by completely different companies. What gives?

    submitted by /u/holydamned
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    How long would it take jmods to change a lightbulb?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    And how many patchnotes weeks would be before it's done?

    submitted by /u/Great_Minds
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    Oddment sale is live today. Remember to right-click the button and buy a full inventory

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    I got this letter from an Archaeologist to visit him and I got hyped really enjoying the content and than this pops up when I talk to him LOL

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Make your research team appear at the digsites

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Wouldnt it be cool if you can actually see your research team excavating at the digsites whenever you send them out. I mean I send them out for 24 hours never see them there and all the sudden they have all these materials and sometimes an artefact. And I'm just like you fking ghosts where did you get that. Aint paying you all these chronotes worth millions to somehow get the stuff in any weird suspicious way.

    submitted by /u/Azzarathos
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    Jagex, for Runescape's 20th Anniversary, could you give us a Quest Finale (a GOOD one)?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Runescape's 20th Anniversary is coming up on January 4th, 2021. That also happens to be a Monday.

    I know lots of people have some hopes for varying pieces of content.

    One I personally would like to see is another quest series coming to a conclusion.

    The Myreque got theirs in 2016. The Plague line came to an end in 2014. Pieces of Hate for the Pirates came in 2018.

    I use these as examples because these are some very well done quests in terms of stories, mechanics, and so much more.

    We do have a few quest lines still outstanding. The Desert/Amascut for starters (finishers?) I could point to Elemental Workshop (EW5: The Quest for Pants). Sir Owen and The Death of Chivalry could use a conclusion. Some point to the Gnomes and Arposandra. Some might point to the Monkeys of Ape Atoll.

    The goal here would also be to avoid a repeat of some of the lackluster quests such as Back to the Freezer, Evil Dave's Big Day Out, and Slime is of the Essence.

    I'm not saying the project needs to be Fate of the Gods or Sliske's Endgame in terms of development size. Far from it. But it should get the amount of attention it deserves.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee2
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    My clanmate told me there's a sale in the oddments store and I thought what are those? Turns out I had a few saved

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Swap corrupt and volc orbs around so they're in the correct drop order (telos log)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    F2P PvM is constantly reaching new peaks!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Desperate Measures confirmed?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Quick idea

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    What if filling the slayerdex unlocked a second small room in your posd. this could replace the flooded area. just a thought

    submitted by /u/lillildipsy
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    Now that JMods are working from home, maybe it's time to communicate more through - and improve -your website and Forums?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    We were always told that Forums weren't used often because JMods needed to be home to use them.

    submitted by /u/Axiomatic_RS
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    Tool Leprechauns are ultracomposting everything even when I tell them not to

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    I literally have no patches selected for composting and have even told leprechauns to stop composting patches completely. But they still use one on my patches regardless, wasting an ultracompost from my storage.

    Apparently this issue has something to do with the master farming cape when worn. That, or all the leprechauns are in bed with big compost.

    submitted by /u/LatePhilosophy
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