• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    RuneScape Here's my optimal PvM bar, I call it "man runs too fast and dies."

    RuneScape Here's my optimal PvM bar, I call it "man runs too fast and dies."

    Here's my optimal PvM bar, I call it "man runs too fast and dies."

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Nox Scythe using IRL spider parts... nightmare fuel.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    PSA to enable/disable auto retaliate on mobile, awkwardly tap here and you will see the sword icon change accordingly.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Please can cosmetic colours actually be accurate? Black & Grey on the illustration looks 10x better!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Idea for SoS spec

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Change it so it is gstaff damage (140-300% ability damage) , but it applies a 3 affinity debuff that does not stack w/ gstaff (so if gstaff was applied, then sos was applied itd only gain 1 extra affinity, etc).

    Also changing the adren cost to 30 to compensate for it (gstaff is 25 adrenaline, sgb is 30 so its fitting), so that it would actually be used assuming the spec is changed since 50 adrenaline is too big a dump to be worth it.

    Feel like this would be worth it, because its a bit weird when the meta spec weapon for magic is a t60 staff from years ago, whereas melee and range have several spec weapons now, some from the past and some that came in recent times (zgs, sgb, ecb, etc).

    This would also give some relevancy back to SoS given inquistor basically killed its usage for a majority of scenarios.

    submitted by /u/TheMemeScrub
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    And I think to myself, "What a wonderful world"

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Pet and 99 when I siphoned my Sunspear

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    12:05 Temple of Aminishi

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I made a JSON file containing every tradeable item with its ID.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    At first maybe a little explanation: the developers in here have probably already noticed that the API of Runescape 3 (idk if it's the same for OSRS) is almost useless. There are 2 main ways of getting information about a specific item: (information taken from the wiki)

    1. Using the category API request: You need to have a (part of) the name of the item you're looking for, but also a category identifier. There are currently 42 categories. So to get information about a random item you'd have do 42 API calls to make sure you get your correct answer. However, since the RS API is (way too sensitively) protected against DDOS attacks, you can only do an API call every few seconds, or you'll get an empty response. That means that searching for a name and looping through every category would take more than a minute, which is obviously undo-able.
    2. Using the detailed item API request: This one is straightforward: you just specify the item ID and you get all the needed information (name, icon, category, examine text, price, etc). This seems great! However, there's no official way of finding the ID of an item (which just seems crazy imo). There are sites that can do this (this one and this one), but those aren't getting updates anymore (they for example don't have archeology included).

    That's why I decided to make a JSON file containing every tradeable item with its ID.

    After making it I figured others were probably struggling with this too, that's why I decided to share it: it can be found here. I hope it can help some people trying to make fun stuff for our loved game :).


    P.s. to the people that end up using it: Currently the characters ' .', '$', '[', ']', '#', '/' in the name of the items are omitted since I couldn't use them otherwise (for example '1/3 blue blubber jellyfish' is named '13 blue blubber jellyfish'). I'll fix that tomorrow. I'll (try to) keep my list updated when new items come out, for as long as the API stays this bad.

    submitted by /u/PaiSho_RS
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    "Too far away or it cannot see you"... Are you serious?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Summoning XP: Your familiar gains "levels" as you train

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Summoning, for a long time, you primarily got XP from a few sources:

    - mass producing Summoning Pouches

    - token XP from making and using movement scrolls and summoning the familair

    - Clan Citadels with Summoning Plots

    - XP reward sources (Effigies, Lamps, quests, etc)

    How about taking a page from Invention?

    Step 1: You use a Summoning Pouch as usual

    Step 2: As you use your summoning familiar, it progressively gains XP (similarly to how your augmented Tools, weapons, and armor do).

    Step 3: When you dismiss your familiar, you get a chunk of Summoning XP related to the amount of work you did with it. If you renew the familiar, it will simply gain more XP as it is out longer.

    So for example:

    You go fishing. You summon a Granite Crab, Granite Lobster, or Ibis to give you a passive boost. You go fishing for 20 minutes to 2 hours. You dismiss the follower. You'll get Summoning XP for all the fish the Crab/Lobster/Ibis helped you catch.

    If you summon a Spirit Wolf, and it follows you around, but all you do is Bankstand ... it won't really gain any XP.

    This would allow Summoning to have dual training methods:

    - the "slow" way with this where the player actively uses the familiars and gets XP from them

    - the "quick but expensive" way where the player needs lots of charms, shards, and materials but you get more xp/hr

    Other methods could exist, for example:

    - XP per minute. You get XP for the strain of having the familiar out. The XP per minuted is directly tied to your level At levels like 25, 50, and 75, you get an XP multiplier. The level of the familiar you summon also determines the percentage of XP you get (ie: Level 99 gets 300 XP/minute if they use a level 80+ familair, 250+ if using a lvl 60-80 familiar, little if using a low level familiar. A lvl 70 using a lvl 68 familiar would get 140 XP/minute, if using a lvl 30 familiar, closer to 60 XP/minute) NOTE: the numbers shown are EXAMPLES ONLY, not explicitly suggested for devs to use. Balancing is always at the discretion of Jagex.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee2
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    Hazelmere has nothing on Me...

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Add the option to recolour the Anima Pets. Mainly so the Aniwisp can look like Morph from Treasure Planet.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Scrimshaw overcharge

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Just like the ring of death has the overcharge which can be purchased from death, it would be nice if multiple scrims of the same kind can be combined in the same sense. Could even add it for purchase from wars retreat via marks of war.

    submitted by /u/AidanWonka
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    When people underestimate your flexibility.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    This post is for the Time Sprite. So if you arent a time Sprite keep scrolling...

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Fuq you

    Stop moving every 2 seconds I only have 1 monitor

    submitted by /u/craggedpwt
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    (Suggestion) Increase loot piles from 5 to 10 at hardmode vorago

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I would like to see hardmode as something more than just: get your bombi and leave

    Hardmode vorago has 6 more phases than normal mode, most of which are phase 3 length, but still is a longer kill than normal mode. It also only drops 5 piles of loot regardless of the 6 extra phases it has compared to normal mode. Increasing it to 10 (p10 and 11 share a drop, p1-9 get their own pile) drops would highly incentivize smaller team hardmode as the average loot will easily outweigh the supply/death costs. As it stands, seismics are double the drop rate in hardmode, but this could be reduced back to normal for each pile, and the double loot will naturally double the drop rate itself. This would inevitably play the same course as it did for normal vorago, resulting in duo Hardmode being a money making method for top end players. As an additional incentive for duo hardmode, could mauling in an instance set to 2 grant the golden defeater title? Currently it's only a feat with little to no reward, but with more reason to go, it could be a great title to go along with the greatest boss to ever come to rs

    submitted by /u/Foxis_rs
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    Why yes I'd love to tp into the wilderness with 440m worth of gear

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    PSA to access price checker on mobile, go to your equipment tab, select to view worn equipment then scroll down on the left hand side.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    hey just a suggestion for our amazing ninja team, could you add minigame hybrid armors as automatically unlocked cosmetic overrides once you have acquired a full set? same for CW decorative gear and maybe sacred clay?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:46 AM PDT


    I love my vanguard and BM equipment but, sadly, i rarely get to use it anymore due to how little people play minigames off spotlight. So, i think it'd be a great little update (And might put some more activity into minigames like the pc) if the armors were available as cosmetic overrides if you unlock the sets.

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    I think I’ve peaked in my RuneScape career....

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Looking for a high-tier PvM clan.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I am a social and humble maxed (except arch) player that is doing solo PvM'ing on a daily basis like telos, raxx. I would consider myself having good knowledge of high-tier PvM'ing but lack practical experience of mostly group bossing. I am therefore looking for an active and friendly high-tier PvM clan that have experienced players and recurring PvM events such as Vorago, AoD, Solak etc.

    submitted by /u/FriedHamburg
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    Can Torn Blueprint Fragments (Howl's Workshop) get another use?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    I can't see their current design being what Jagex intended for them. All the blueprints are worthless now and most people will naturally have unlocked them all by the time they get 99 through normal training, them being rewarded as the higher level collections is such a slap in the face.

    I propose at the very least being able to disassemble them for classical components but I'm sure that other more apt solutions could come from the playerbase. Donate them to the museum for chronnotes? Idk

    submitted by /u/Bentoki
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    Learning solo Nex has it's perks.. 70kc

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

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