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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    RuneScape I think Jagex are trying to tell us something...

    RuneScape I think Jagex are trying to tell us something...

    I think Jagex are trying to tell us something...

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    The duality of man

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Make "have all relics unlocked" a trimmed comp requirement.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    It's a fun thing to do and makes sense in a completionist point of view.

    Edit: plus unlocking all researchers.

    submitted by /u/Great_Minds
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    Rant: What don't people get about guthixian cache strategy??

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Y'all. This is not that hard. This is intended as a team effort. Keep it to 2 cres at a time, run on opposite sides of each other, and run the same direction or run back and forth along one half. When you aren't in cres form, haul stuff where a cres is about to be. You will almost never have issues this way.

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander on this one. People are literally acting against their own self interests just because they are feeling somehow competitive with the other people there, or don't just stop to use their brains.

    I hate this stupid mini-game because of the way the other people consistently screw it up. I'm not high level enough to haul the big stuff yet, so I pretty much never get 100 points. I would be able to, though, if other people acted rationally in cres form. I wish I could just find servers to do it solo, but that never happens.



    submitted by /u/genderburner
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    Lower Black Ibis thieving requirement from 78 to 21.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    For some reason, there is a hidden requirement of 78 thieving to obtain black ibis, even though the ingame skillguide claims it requires 21 thieving.

    Lower it to 21 so those who want to do early thieving before safes can actually be rewarded, rather than misled by the skillguide. Makes Pyramid Plunder have a sensible spot in training too.

    submitted by /u/KobraTheKing
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    @Jagex - Can we get minigame pets as an override?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    200M Archaeology Costs, Setup & Tetracompass Loot

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Last week I finished 200M Archaeology on my main account. I saved 110 Tetracompasses to complete after finishing the skill and documented the loot. I also tracked my overall expenditures with RuneMetrics.


    Summary & Screenshots:


    Cost Analysis:

    The RuneMetrics screenshot above shows that I had a cumulative loss of over 1.5B gp in the time it took me to reach 200M archaeology. This included:

    • Purchasing mattocks
    • Purchasing consumables/chronotes
    • Creating Porters
    • Disassembling items for components for perks

    My overall costs fluctuated quite a bit over time, as I did sell several unique drops as I received them. The vast majority of my expenditures were due to moving very quickly when the skill was first released. I was number 3,587 to reach level 99, number 1,564 to reach level 120 and number 1,318 to reach 200M. The majority of my costs were from levels 1-120. I did not spend any time at material caches and bought all of the materials that I did not gather myself. For example, I paid 400m for 2 Dragon Mattocks and spent 500M on chronotes to unlock the Mattock of Time & Space and the Master Archaeologist's Outfit. Today this would only cost you around 137M. I ran all 4 of the chronote boosts from level 99-onward. This cost shifted over time as chronotes fell in value, but has ranged from 10M to 4M per hour while I've used it. Porter's were another major cost. I did not track my total porter usage, I wish I had, but at the 119 spot I seemed to be using over 1,000 porter charges per hour.

    Almost every Chronote I earned from completing collections was recycled back into boosts from the arch shop. Even then, I found that I needed to purchase several hundred thousand chronotes to maintain boosts.

    I did spend around 150M gp during DXP, but I spent a week making it back to rebalance my RuneMetrics gain/loss around Archaeology.



    I did at least 5 of every artifact because I wanted to collect them all for my own enjoyment. However, I spent the majority of my time focusing on artifacts that would provide tetracompass pieces upon completing the collection.

    I focused on a lot of Saradomin collections as the restoration cost at the time was nearly half that of the comparable bandosian artifacts. Then after 120 I exclusively did Bandos 115/119 spots for Red Rum Relics 3, along with some Zaros 114/118 spots to get some variety.


    Inventory & Setup:

    • Gear & Inventory
    • Master Archaeologist Outfit
    • Mattock of Time & Space with Honed 6 / Fortune 3 + Imp Souled 3
    • 2x Grace of the Elves
    • Ancient Elven Ritual Shard
    • Dwarf Weed Incense Sticks (Chance to bank items without porter usage)
    • Tea/Material Book/Monocle/Soil Boost
    • 2x Waterfiend Binding Contract
    • 20 Waterfiend Scrolls
    • Replenish Potion (Anything that restores Summoning points)
    • Notepaper

    I setup my inventory this way because I usually switched back and forth between Legacy interface mode to allow me to shrink the RS game window without distorting the interface. The 2nd GOTE allowed me to extend the time I spent excavating without banking, and for 200M it was certainly worth the cost. Instead of the Ancient Elven Ritual Shard, I think it would have been far more cost effective to simply run prayer renewals or other prayer potions.

    On mattock perks I've seen others use Imp Souled 6 in place of Fortune 3 and this is probably more cost effective as well. I found that the Fortune perk seemed to double an artifact roughly every 2 hours. It doubled materials far more frequently. The Waterfiend contracts more than paid for themselves in material gain outweighing the contract costs, assuming I didn't allow them to die and drop the items on the ground.


    My Archaeology Bank Tab

    I enjoyed collecting all of the artifacts and kept them in the order in which I found them. It used up all of my remaining bank space but it was a lot of fun. As you can see, I still have a lot of extra artifacts at 200M, mostly from research missions and tetracompasses. I also overestimated my porter usage, so i have quite a few extras. I think I'll repeat 200M archaeology on an alt account next.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/Bulletproof_Haas
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    My top 25 Most popular videos during Extended DXP (8-18 May)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: GW3 Needs to be HARD. We Don't need more mid tier bosses

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    The game has been out for many years and specifically we have had "Evolution of Combat" style pvm for 8ish years. To keep the game alive for players who have already pushed the limits of pvm you have to challenge them and keep raising the bar.

    The progression from low end pvm to high end pvm is currently very balanced in my opinion, there are YEARS of content for new and existing mid level players. Starting from and working up from GW1, QBD, Nex, GW2, Raids and into Solak/Telos/Duo Vorago as just common pvm let alone efficiently farming these bosses like many currently do.

    The skill gap with high end pvm is actually extremely large and the challenges/skill that people have is ridiculous! Many things that the top pvmers do in this game take months or more of practice to be able to replicate consistently in boss encounters. This includes hybridding at Solak to output insane dps (300k dpm throughout entire fight), managing multiple spec weapons, multiple spellbooks, tick perfect movement.

    Almost every group boss have been soloed now, nearly every challenge has been accomplished and pvm is at the strongest point its ever been. Telos is still the most watched high end content and its over 4 years old, but the reason for this is because its still a relatively challenging encounter for even the top 1% pvmers. If bosses come out that aren't harder than this, people will go right back to streaking and 2500% claims.

    I understand GW3 will have the similar structure to GW2 with some easier bosses and one "tough" boss, but please don't hold back. Afking 20m/hr bosses like vindicta is TERRIBLE for pushing an intricate combat system further.

    You removed Reaper from Comp for a reason. DESTROY US. MAKE IT PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

    We are in NEED of a new boss encounter that seriously shakes up endgame pvm. We need endlessly scaling encounters, multiple bosses in same encounter, randomized special attack orders to keep rotations not spreadsheet-able, and rewards that scale for the benefit of the FEW that can effectively farm the bosses without losing their mind from hours of deaths.

    There is so much room for reward space for new bosses and currently the direction of drops is actually pretty effective. Continue more with unique high end special weapons (sgb/ecb), and also sigils/mutated abilities to change up possible pvm for ALL spectrums of pvming. You also have invention perks you can build into drops as commons to stop repeating the same stone spirits and herbs rewards. Drop chests of randomized invention components based on how "deep" a player dives into the reward space of new bosses. And of course with the nature of god wars introducing the next tier of weapons... GW3 should release t94/95.

    If you think t92 -> t94/95 is "powercreep", its NOTHING compared to a ripper demon. or ancient invention. And if new bosses actually REQUIRE best in slot gear, then its balanced.

    TLDR: Powercreep is insane and we are getting bored with pvm. Release new bosses that are near impossible and endlessly scale.

    submitted by /u/ImTheNateDogg
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    "It's not what it looks like!"

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    RS3 looks so fun! (OSRS Player)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I primarily play OSRS, but the graphics and gameplay of RS3 look very enticing! Should I start a new level 3 so I can get better get over the learning curve or should I play on my original account made in 2008?

    submitted by /u/TrevTrevy
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    Can we make the windows in Ithell district see through like the ones at Kharid-et?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    I recently made an account to play alongside a friend who was completely new to this game and I have honest thoughts about 1-50 combat.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    We played together for about a month to a total level of 1100 and a base stat of around 50. I mostly mirrored what they did and gave minimal advice. While they could tell some skills were a little outdated, leveling 1-50 in most skills was an enjoyable experience. In that leveling process, combat just stood out as being incredibly broken. Why? We mined and smithed gear from 1-40. We made use of almost none of it.

    This may be numbing for veterans and Jagex, but they need to know how much care and precision a modern MMO puts into combat when it comes to early leveling. Our game doesn't have a main questline that players follow level by level, so its hard to draw a comparison. When a new player who has played one of those games comes to realize that an iron scimitar, an inventory of cooked meat and 30 mins of their time is all it takes to get 30 attack, that's careless design and a seriously bad show.

    In a modern MMO, early combat leveling is designed in a way that each level of equipment worn makes a noticeable difference for your character. Leveling is slower, but its also a linear design where each level also has a respectable amount of content that apply breakpoints that make it so gearing appropriately becomes beneficial. In this game, early game combat is a mess made up of many different types of game ideas (from various points of time in RS history) that does not respect the beginner playerbase.

    I have a solution to this that does not take away from anything that already exists in game. I will write it up in detail tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/DatShokotan
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    Exploring Dinosaur Island - RS3 TaskManiac #3

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Tip of the Day: Wilderness Herb Patch & Herb Bag

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:57 AM PDT


    • Herb Bag can be reclaimed for free @ Ancient Zygomite and
    • Herb Bag keeps it contents if it's lost or destroyed

    you can use Herb Bag to safely farm herbs while farming at Wilderness Herb Patch. That way you never lose your Bloodweed or any other herb you might farm there.

    Just be careful to not bring more seeds than needed and/or unnecessary equipment

    submitted by /u/mporubca
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    mods pls don't remove i'm proud of myself

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Seems like it's the Santa Hats turn now to be merch-clanned to max cash

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I made an Archaeology restoration materials calculator

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    This calculator lets you enter in how many of each artifact you have and it will tell you how many materials are needed to repair all of them. I would have had this done for all of you sooner, but this took a lot of time to make, especially given that I only really had time to work on it during my lunch breaks at my new job.

    there was also a lot of information that needed to be manually entered into this sheet. I am sure to have gotten something wrong. Jagex could also change recipes at any time. If you find any errors, please message me on reddit.

    The calculator is linked here. Enjoy :)

    submitted by /u/NexGenration
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    Travelling Merchant's Shop prediction algorithm is broken

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    As the rs wiki page states, the algorithm that predicts what will be in the Travelling Merchant's shop each day is off today. Does anyone have any information on how that algorithm even worked in the first place and if there's a possibility that it could be re-calibrated/figured out based off the data we have?

    submitted by /u/SpecsComingBack
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    A Trio-Cape for the F2P?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    A Trio-Cape for the F2P?


    Combines the 3 "Troll" Drapes - Bladestorm, Arrowstorm, Spellstorm.
    Stats would be the regular 4.5 armour and 1.5 in each offensive bonus.
    Could have it at a 20 crafting requirement for the F2Ps?

    Could call it a Stylestorm Drape... Triostorm Drape... Tristorm Drape... All I could think of.

    submitted by /u/tailztyrone-lol
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    Finally got untrimmed invention on my ironman!

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Fallen Angel achievement is bugged

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    The last 3 people I have seen receive a chest to finish the achievement have all been force disconnected as the kill ends. The only way to get the drop is if the team realizes the player has disconnected before everyone leaves. 2 of the 3 people were able to get their chests, while tonight the chest was completely missed. end of kill screenshot

    If this could be looked into that would be great :)

    submitted by /u/MatthewStarr
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    Endless/Scaling Hydra Boss

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Idea for a boss fight for all levels, where after each phase you can either claim rewards or prolong the fight, resulting in it getting harder with better loot.

    Location: Lumbridge Swamp Dungeon, will require a light source. Fight area is a large cave surrounded with water and rigged with explosives. You can teleport out of the boss fight, but forfeit all rewards.

    Appearance: Similar to the Hydra from Dungeoneering, scaled up to the size of Vorago. When it spawns it starts with 2 heads. Like the mythical creatures lore, killing heads just results in more.

    The Fight:

    Can only be done solo with combat familiars allowed. When entering combat the Hydra is fairly weak. It has two heads and can attack you with either, one is prefixed "Biting" which has a long range biting melee auto-attack while the other is prefixed "Spitting" and spits stones as an auto-ranged attack.

    Each head starts with around 30K LPs, while the body has 60K and its health is shown as the boss bar. You cannot attack the body, but you can attack any of its heads individually, and everytime you damage a head the body takes the same amount of damage. If a head loses all of its LPs, its knocked out for a minute and you must attack a different one to continue damaging the body. If an auto-attack head is down, it cannot preform that head's attack. Heads are not immune to stuns, but stunning one does not stun the others.


    When the body loses all of its LPs, the entire Hydra collapses and presents the player two options.

    1. Detonate the explosives in the cave causing it to collapse and kill the Hydra for good, allowing you to claim loot from the rubble.
    2. Let the Hydra ressurrect, resulting in another phase.

    If you picked 2, the Hydra will grow an additional head, and increase the body size and maximum health of its body. Each head has increased damage, health, and accuracy.

    The additional head that it grows has an additional attack/mechanic according to the prefix, which you'll need to be weary about.

    Third Head: After the first phase, the Hydra always grows a "Hot Head", which allows the Hydra to preform a magic auto-attacks where it breathes fireballs along with its other auto-attacks.

    Continuing the fight beyond the third head (2nd phase) results in the Hydra growing a random additional head with a unique ability and appearance according to its prefix. As usual, stunning or knocking out a head temporarily by depleting its health prevents its ability. At phase 9 or higher, these heads sometimes use a secondary ability, with the frequency increasing each phase.

    Possible heads for phases 3-5:

    Friendly Head: Occasionally calls its "friends", summoning aquatic based minions to attack you. Not mandatory to kill, but they scale up on damage/health depending on the phase. At phase 9 or higher, it will sometimes start to heal the body unless interrupted by a stun or taking a heavy hit.

    Toxic Head: Spits poison at the player, poisoning on hit or wearing down immunity. Can be cured/nullified by normal means. At phases 9 or higher, every minute or so it will spit a slow homing neuro-toxin that binds/stuns the player. Use stun immunity or freedom to nullify it.

    Clumsy Head: Looks drunk. Every so often slams its head in the ceiling, causing a large boulder to fall on the players location shortly after for high soft-typeless damage (similar to Telos P5). Avoidable by moving, or can be res'd. At P9+ it may preform multiple slams resulting in consecutive boulder falls.

    If you continue to let the Hydra resurrect, the new heads will be from a new set with more dangerous abilities. Heads for phases 6-8:

    Hungry Head: Has a stamina bar, which fills after 2 minutes and when full the head snatches the player and eats them whole, instantly killing them. Having Immortality or Sign of Life will cause the Hydra to spit them out, consuming the effect.

    While this head is active, "Vile Fish" will flop around the arena you can pick up but cant eat. Going near the Hungry Head will automatically throw the Vile Fish in its mouth, lowering the stamina bar by 50% per fish (does not heal it). Stunning stalls the stamina bar while knocking out the Hungry Head resets it.

    Capped Head: Wears a nice cap. While active, it adds a damage soft cap to all heads where you deal 50% less damage for damage exceeding 20K. Overtime, the 20K damage cap slowly lowers, all the way to 1K. Stunning the head fully disables the lowered cap temporarily, while knocking it out resets it entirely. Dealing damage to the Capped Head increases the damage cap.

    Charging Head: Generates electric static arounds its head. Every minute, it charges up one of the Hydra's auto attack heads that's not knocked out and will start glowing and gain temporary damage immunity, then shortly after unleash a barrage of 5 auto-attacks 1 tick between each other, each dealing 5K damage. Every time the Hydra resurrects, the damage per barrage attack is increased.

    Stunning the auto-attack heads won't interrupt the charging attack, but knocking out the Charging Head will and reset the time between charged attacks. Stunning the charging head simply stalls the time between barrages.

    You'll need to deal with it in a similar fashion to the Ambassador, using Devotion or a combination of defense abilities.

    Once all of these heads are active on phase 8, continuing to phase 9 or higher just results in further health/damage increases endlessly. Its defense caps at P10, where its slightly higher than GWD2 bosses (cant increase this endlessly to ensure the boss is able to be hit).


    -Phase as much as possible for best rewards, but once you're low on supplies and don't think you can survive another phase, detonate the cave and claim loot.

    Someone new to bossing may simply want to do phases 1-5 to learn general boss mechanics, while EvilLucario uploads a 6H video of "Reaching P200 of Hydra Boss then getting lobbied"

    -Prioritize knocking out the most dangerous heads to avoid dealing with their mechanics. With poison immunity and timed stun immunity, the Toxic Head is basically harmless, while at P9+ the Friendly Head will start healing its body while summoning tougher minions making it a major problem.

    -Bring tons of stuns. Binds won't stop Hydra attacks/abilities, but will increase damage for Wrack, Punish, piercing, etc.

    -While the auto-attack heads are the least dangerous and knocking one out just causes it to use the others for auto-attacks, each takes 50% more damage from the combat style its weak to. A mage should prioritize damaging the Biting Head for fastest kills

    -Debuffs are individual to each head. Poison each of them, so the poison damage is also dealt to the body.

    -The boss bar has icons for every active head, and certain heads have %s that show the time until that head uses its ability.

    -Heads may have odd interactions with each other that makes the fight easier

    Clumsy Head's Boulder Fall can damage other heads, so staying in melee distance can be beneficial.

    Luring Friendly Head's Minions in front of the Hungry one will make it eat the minions, but won't lower its stamina bar.

    Luring the homing Neuro-Toxin into another Head will stun it.

    Ending the Fight:

    Once you choose to detonate the explosives in the cave instead of letting the Hydra resurrect, the cave collapses and kills the Hydra for good. You can then loot the Hydra's corpse through an interface for rewards, based on how many times the Hydra phased.

    Every time you deplete the Hydras body to complete a phase, it rolls one piece of loot from its drop table and adds it to its total rewards when you open the reward interface. The higher the phase, the higher the chance of adding unique drops or higher value normal drops to the total rewards.

    Being a boss designed for all levels, any luck enhancer tier works however higher tier luck enhancers are slightly more effective.

    Main Unique drop:

    Pieces of Hydra Hybrid armor, which come in T30/T60/T90 variants. The T30 pieces can drop regardless of phase, but T60 only drops after phase 3, and T90 only drops very rarely after phase 6, albeit higher chance with every phase. Every phase rolls a chance for a piece so there's no limit to the number of pieces you can get in a single run.

    Owning a lower tier piece acts as a drop enhancer for a higher tier piece and they can be dismantled for 15 or 30 Hydra Wishbones (explained in Other Drops) if you have dupes or no longer need them. The T90 version can be augmented.

    Set Effect:

    While wearing atleast 3 pieces of the same tier, equipping a MH and OH weapon of different combat styles will allow you to use 1H abilities from either weapons, and the OH deals double damage as if it was MH.

    For example, equipping 3 pieces of T60 Hydra armor, a Dragon Longsword, and a Grifolic Orb will allow you to preform both 1H Melee abilities and 1H Magic abilities, each at T60 1H damage.

    Each individual piece has an effect where it increases your damage by 10% when equipping a MH and OH of different combat styles, with equal or lower tiers to the armor piece. This means while wearing a full set, your MH and OH both deal the damage of a 2H while using 1H abilities of either.

    While it doesn't include the damage bonus of power armor, you can increase overall DPS by using the strongest abilities of two different combat styles, like with a ranged MH and Magic OH, you can use both Dragon Breath and Snipe

    Other drops:

    -Hydr-Ant: Boss pet, has a higher chance at higher phases. When examined, says the highest number of phases the player has gone in a single fight against the Hydra.

    -Hydra Fin (Defender component): Uncommon tertiary drop at P8 or higher. Requires having a T90 Defender or better on you.

    -Hydra's Wishbone: Common tertiary drop acting as compensation for unlucky high-end killstreaks. Only drops at phase 6 or higher, starting with a 10% chance then increasing with each phase.

    They are trade-able and has 4 uses

    1. When starting a fight with Wishbones in your bank or inventory, you can snap one to intimidate the Hydra, causing it to grow and skip the first 5 phases. You wont receive loot for the first 5 phases, but you can skip straight to the hard part for best rewards.
    2. Using 75 you can upgrade T90 Shields/Defenders to Hydride variants of the respective combat style. The defender variants also requires a Hydra Fin in creation. Hydride Shields/Defenders are both T92 and allow the use of 2H abilities. Obviously its no BIS as you can just use a 2H/OH for better damage, but it increases options when swaps are necessary. Based on the Weapon Diversity Hasta effect, staying in theme with the Hybrid Armor in increasing ability options.
    3. With 50 you can craft an Mutated Immortality Codex. This changes the ability so it grants a 25% damage bonus alongside the 25% damage reduction. If the ability isn't consumed by the end of the 30s, you are refunded 50% adrenaline and the CD is reduced by 60s. Currently a major downside to using Immortality is having to camp a shield/defender for the duration until you get killed, and you may not even be killed. The 25% damage bonus increases your damage closer to a 2H so camping isn't anywhere as bad, and if you don't consume the ability you'll be refunded half the cost making it a half cost half effective Sunshine/Swiftness. Based on the Hydra's ability to resurrect with increased damage.
    4. Used for repairing T60/T90 Hydra Armor. T30 pieces do not degrade and augmented T90 pieces use divine charge instead of degrading.

    Curious to how far people will get. If this was a Soul Reaper task, it would count as a kill every time you complete a phase above 5.

    submitted by /u/KoneheadLarry
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    Japanese beam!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:24 PM PDT

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