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    Monday, May 4, 2020

    RuneScape Game Update: Double XP LIVE and Ninja Strike #4 - Monday Feedback

    RuneScape Game Update: Double XP LIVE and Ninja Strike #4 - Monday Feedback

    Game Update: Double XP LIVE and Ninja Strike #4 - Monday Feedback

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    Dad has spoken

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Patch Notes (04/05/20)

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    The "Fixate" perk is more powerful than I imagined it would be

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Great work, Jagex. This looks awesome!

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Recently got back into drawing and I thought you guys might appreciate this.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    It would be a HUGE QoL update if...

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    ...all abilities and spells were permanently in their respective books with the direct unlock requirements listed when you hover over it.

    I've answered so many questions from new/returning players about what tuska's wrath/corruption shot/other unlock-able ability are and do. It would be great if that info was EASILY FINDABLE.

    It's been said before and should be said again.

    submitted by /u/zdh1675
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    thank you Ninja team <3

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    honestly this update was insane <3

    submitted by /u/Burggie5
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    Serious question, what happened to the Construction skill?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Hello, before I get into the main topic let me share a little bit of back story. I'm an old RS3 player. Had been playing since before 07, so what we know as Old School now was just the game back then. However I've long since drifted away from the game and haven't really played it in about 5 years I'd say.

    When I did play this game though there was two things that I truly enjoyed doing and those two things are what kept me invested.

    The first was questing. Unlike most MMORPGs, Runescape has an incredibly unique questing system that makes all the questing you do feel more meaningful because they actually have depth to them, and the rewards are usually more meaningful than some meager xp and a random piece of gear you will likely just vendor the first chance you get. I liked them so much that the Quest Cape was literally the second skill cape I ever got right after Strength. Part of why I fell out of this game was because I simply had no more quests to do and new quests were just too few and far between.

    Then there was Construction. Now something you got to know about me, I love building, decorating, and I love designing structures/settlements. So any game that allows me to build structures with a lot of creative freedom is sure to get my interest. Of course I didn't even realize this about myself when I first started training this skill, but as I progressed and my Player Owned House started to take form, I knew I was in love. Before long I had not only maxed out the skill, making it my second maxed skill after Strength, but I didn't stop. Eventually even after I had most of my skills maxed out, Construction was still my highest with over 25mil xp. Which may not seem like a lot by today's standards, but that put me firmly in the top 1% players in that skill.

    What ultimately killed the game for me was the fact that my Construction, my favorite skill in the game had become completely stagnant. No new content, basically no quality of life updates, or even graphical improvements.

    Fast forward five years and I check back in to the game to find that nothing has really changed. In fact the POH in RS3 is even worse off than it was before since new updates have stripped it of most of the usefulness it once had and have made it more broken and buggy than it has ever been. Then to add insult to injury, Old School RS has actually received a fair amount of new content for the skill, and I can't see why this hasn't carried over to RS3.

    TLDR: I want to know why my favorite skill Construction is a broken buggy mess, devoid of content and usefulness.

    submitted by /u/Captsillva
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    Jagex, why is it so hard for you to remove temporary content once it ends? It's been ~3 weeks.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    Iron luck... I guess?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    When crop circles start showing up near Manor Farm’s wheat field...

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Came back after 2 years, get login notifications every day telling me I have 2018 Premier Club rewards but claiming from Guardian does nothing, any help?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Thanks for adding convenience to sending research teams.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Give the Ninja team a raise please

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Or at least lets give them all a virtual hi-5, because ALL THESE NINJA STRIKES BE BANGER.

    how do they manage to do it NEARLY EVERY OTHER WEEK?

    I LOVE the new Ninja team, please keep up the amazing work, thanks! <3

    submitted by /u/Disheartend
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    Release the Kraken - RS3 TaskManiac #2

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Hit a major milestone today in my highest skill!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    Ancient Summoning buffs

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Outside of the new BiS ripper demon, none of the other combat familiars from Archaeology are really that good. A lot are cool in concept, but in practice have extremely undertuned numbers. So I'll be using their current values and then suggest what I think could be a more suitable number after the fact, using the ripper demon and other familiars as the baseline and going from there.


    • 8k autoattack DPM
    • 20,000 LP
    • 10% damage reduction that works on anything, typeless damage included, but that reduced damage hits the hellhound. So if you would normally take 1,000 damage, you'll now take 900 and your hellhound takes 100 damage.
    • The scroll heals the hellhound for 10% of its max health (2,000 LP), letting you keep the hellhound alive as long as possible and takes 20 points.

    Problems: 10% damage reduction is simply not good, it never beats out DPM increases of even steel titans. The damage reduction needs to be far better for beginner tanks to consider using over a damage familiar. Defenses in any game has the problem of either being useless or OP, but it needs something. Scroll is mostly fine at least, but perhaps there could be something extra to it if need be.

    Changes: At least 20% damage reduction and recoil to the hellhound. Possibly look into better damage reduction if using the scroll too, like a 6 second extra buff to damage reduction right after using the scroll.

    Unfortunately it still won't make it super good or meta for good players due to the nature of offense/defense (in any game, not just RuneScape), but it would at least be a start for beginner tank setups.

    Blood reaver:

    • 8k-10k autoattack DPM
    • 8,300 LP
    • Does damage equal to 25% of all healing. This includes food, Resonance, and Excalibur. Works on normally familiar-immune targets like Araxxor as well.
    • The scroll heals you for 10% of its max health (830 LP) and also damages the reaver for 10% of its max health.

    Problems: While a very cool concept in theory as a hybrid DPS/tank familiar, the numbers are too undertuned. Both the health pool (which impacts the scroll) and passive are too weak.

    Changes: The health pool should be increased to at least 15,000 or 20,000. If buffing the health pool for a lossless heal is too good, you can cap healing (and recoil damage on the reaver) to 1,000 max. Blood reavers should also be able to heal themselves by 5-10% of your healing. So if you healed 2000 LP, your reaver would heal 100-200 LP.

    Passive should be buffed to do damage equal to 75% to 100% of your healing (but kept 25% in PvP, or maybe even lowered to 10%? I know PvP is regarded as a joke but still something to keep in mind). With Soul Split up and using Blood spells or whatever, that can easily be around a 10% DPS increase at the cost of no useful scroll DPS and bad autoattack damage, meaning the entire DPS boost will be from your actual healing.

    I'd personally want blood reavers to be a top-tier DPS familiar if you're a tank by leveraging the passive from the blood reaver while keeping yourself alive using scrolls but being careful with the spec to not kill your reaver. While ripper demons may still beat it in terms of pure DPS even as a tank, the hybrid nature of both tankiness and DPS is a very cool concept that I'd like to still be carried on.

    Abyssal demon:

    • 10k-11k autoattack DPM
    • 9,500 LP
    • The scroll binds and teleblocks your target for 9.6 seconds. The bind works on NPCs too, but you cannot infinitely refresh it. There's a bit of bind immunity that's very similar to how Entangle can't be immediately reapplied.

    Problems: Technically, it's fine as is, even if non-PvPers may hate it. That being said the teleblock seems weirdly powerful and lasts longer than it should. I did some testing (which you can see here) and more often than not (aside from the 2 minute mark) the teleblock seems to last longer at like 25-30+ seconds. Don't think that's intended, though I could be doing something wrong here.

    Changes: Fix the scroll to properly teleblock for 9.6 seconds. It works fine otherwise. Probably the only "nerf" here lol.

    Kal'gerion demon:

    • 8k-10k autoattack DPM
    • The scroll buffs yourself and everyone within a 7x7 radius of your Kal'gerion demon's southwest tile with an extra 5% critical hit chance. It's very specific like that.

    Problems: This thing is so laughably weak, much like the blood reaver. The crit chance buff that works in a group is good on paper, but you need a ton of people (like 5+ or something) for it to be maybe worth using over another DPS familiar. It's simply not worth its insane spec points cost and the hassle you need to go through to make sure you're close enough to the Kal'gerion demon to get your buff.

    Changes: Buff the autoattack DPM to 20k-25k so a Kal'gerion demon can do respectable damage on its own, both by buffing its accuracy to T99 from T90 just like ripper demons and through raw damage period. And either change the spec cost from 30 points to 15-20, or make it 10% extra crit.

    Ideally this should be balanced so in solo content, this never beats out ripper demons. It should really start being useful in group PvM to where you'd want to have at least one person bringing a Kal'gerion demon and buffing accordingly.

    Final words and comparisons to the ripper demon:

    When you stack these up against the ripper demon, it doesn't really bode well for them, considering rippers have:

    • 15k autoattack DPM
    • Passive scales your damage up to 5%, scaling linearly in accordance to your target's LP.
    • Scroll spam takes ripper DPM up to 60k DPM.

    So the ripper demon is still easily that BiS familiar that blows so many other familiars out of the water. Considering they all share the same resource to create binding contracts, the other familiars can stand to be far better than what they are now. I'm not necessarily asking for ripper-tier power, but at least something that can be feasibly used.

    Not to mention, all of those autoattack DPM values? All of them are lower than they actually are because familiars can still splash, and rippers have better accuracy than any other familiar in the game. So they're even further behind than their max autoattack DPM! Let that sink in on just how underwhelming these new familiars are.

    submitted by /u/EvilLucario
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    Why are there still easter eggs around the trees?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    Seriously, it's MAY.

    submitted by /u/TylerHadd
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    Full masterwork

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Best way to miss HSR?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Can we get some info on the progress of this feature

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Can we please get 500 monolith power each for combat and skilling relics please?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Title, and luck relics power requirement will be split equally between the two. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/melee_god1
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    Finally got lucky on my iron account. 3 dragon mattocks at 17 kc

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Mobile One Button Gameplay

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Can we please have this feature added to mobile? As a primarily mobile player as currently computer access is scare as, I am moving back and forth between a hotel and my home due to the current crisis,it is pretty finicky trying to press and hold in order to bring up the "right-click" menu on NPCs that move around often like the chaos altar banker. This would be a huge QOL improvement for mobile players.

    submitted by /u/mctool
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