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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 482 - RuneScape Spring Update

    RuneScape TL;DW 482 - RuneScape Spring Update

    TL;DW 482 - RuneScape Spring Update

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT


    We'd like to do these update streams once every 3 months to talk to the guys in charge and talk about what's going on in the game.

    Episodic Team - Love Content


    Internal Review

    • Number of returning players has surpassed what we expected even if you remove the lockdown situation.
    • Notable things:
      • Gameplay is addictive and compelling.
      • It's given everyone a bit of confidence of doing an update on this scale and doing it well.
      • Shifting the release date was the right decision as it let us polish the end result really well.

    What's Next

    • Dig Deep War is coming - It's a secret.
    • Post release focus is important and is something we've been addressing better than before.
    • There are a number of available options we are evaluating to take Archaeology content in the future.


    • We are making a more conscious effort to embed lore into future content to bring everything together.
    • We've changed up our design process around that so everything starts with a narrative brief.
      • Building the narrative and the creative right from the beginning for everything we are doing.

    New Content

    New Quest | Activity Pets | Unrevealed Content

    • There's a focus on everything, quests, skilling, and combat.
    • There will be more focus on higher quality to meet or surpass the standard Archaeology set.
    • We have a strong quarterly cadence right now.

    Ninja Team

    • More frequent/dynamic updates.
    • Current Focus: UI/Settings, Grand Exchange.
      • Things players engage with day-to-day in order to make them more accessible and better.

    Player Advocacy Group (PAG)

    • We are still getting our feet wet and looking at the best way to set a framework.
    • It's great to have another channel for our most engaged players to help deliver what players want most.
    • Once it completes we will communicate how it went, what was discuss, and any outcomes from it.

    Live Ops Team

    Double XP Live

    • New Format helps reduce the intense gameplay while providing the same benefit as the old ones.
      • The average amount of XP players gain is the same between both formats.
    • DXPW Extended name was confusing so we had a refresh and made a new logo/name.
      • The new logo is cool I think we just need to get used to what it's called.
    • Double XP Live - the name is confusing with the countdown.


    • Toggle - Not now. Would likely cause players to micromanage making it more intense.|
      • We could look at other ways.
    • Frequency - We wanted to try out another rhythm to ease the pressure off players who miss it.
      • Also expose the new format to those who have yet to see it.
    • Training Habits - Players may see more value in waiting to train a skill until these events.
      • Unlikely there will be a big shift in how players train content but we won't know till we try.

    Seasonal Events

    • Easter Event
      • It was intrusive to gameplay (Archaeology) and we hotfixed concerns.
      • Easter assets will be removed soon.
    • We want them to be fun events to take you away from the deeper stuff in RS and be rewarding and fun.
      • Different ways of doing them such as the quest with Valentines.
    • Focus:
      • Themed to what players are doing.
      • Predictable and regular and allowing participation in the future if you missed it.
      • Strong Halloween and Christmas showings.
    • Let us know if you want the Beach.

    Time-limited events

    • Changing up the format like we did with the Master Crafting Event, they don't need to be the same style/duration.
    • Winter weekend style didn't have much impact. There's value in variety but not currently planned.

    Treasure Hunter

    • Experimenting with player choice and rewards/transparency.
      • Diamond Dozen had the best reaction for the best reward you are paying for.
    • Currently looking at the types of rewards that can be valuable to players whilst being fair.
    • Focus:
      • More longer-term system that fits with the cadence of the game.
      • Improving the Yak Track so it doesn't become stale or distracting.
      • Doing a better job on female variants and spending equal time on them.

    Core Experience Team


    iOS closed beta launches May 11th, 5PM BST

    • Players need to download use the TestFlight app to access the beta.
    • 9,900 slots in total sent out in multiple waves across several weeks.
    • Focus on the stability of the build in iOS and what devices people log into.
    • Making the UI straightforward is a high priority before a full launch (later this year).
    • Beta is linked to your Apple ID allowing you use it across multiple iOS devices.

    Game Improvements

    Completed 6 of the 8 updates promised at Runefest.

    • Game runs on legacy technology and we want to modernize it from a future facing standpoint.
    • Two biggest things are Client-side movement prediction and Faster tick rate.
      • It's divisive among the community due to how it changes the feel to the game.

    Client-side movement prediction

    • Challenge between:
      • Consistent movement between activities - Not have this at all.
      • Inconsistent movement between activities - Enabled for some disabled for others.
    • Plans to do a beta to gather feedback from players to help us make this decision. (Not soon).

    Faster tick rate

    • Far more tricky to do due to technical limitations compared to client-side movement.


    • Continue discussing it to improve it
    • Currently: Reorganizing so things more critical are more accessible.
      • We are stilling playing around with certain ideas such as Search functions.
    • The settings are more directed for an engaged users rather than a new user.

    UI Scaling

    • Unified UI between PC/Mobile so it's similar between the two.
    • On-going work still.

    Long distance pathfinder

    • We've been limited to portions of the grid we can work within the map area and connect them together.
    • Allow the player to see the path/breadcrumb trail to the marker you put down.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Please Put the Elder God Wars Dungeon in Karamja so the Entrance Theme Can be Sea Shanty 3

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    It's absolutely necessary for us to one-up OSRS like this.

    submitted by /u/Shadowbanish
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    Player character commission I did last year, Duelist Cap 6 and Skirmisher Armor

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Please add an option to enter the Praetorium War Table when entering Kharid-et

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Ironman luck

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Poll Quarterly DXPW if you're so confident it's what we want.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    OHH.....MY GOD.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Unsocial, Unengaging, Unrewarding: The Core Problems of Construction.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Warning: This Post Is The Ramblings Of A Turbogarbage Armchair Game Developer.

    Remember when Jagex started talking about how they were going to rework [insert thing here] and then didn't? Everyone has their particular bugbear with regards to this-- some people want an update to an outdated interface, others want dead minigames revived, others want quest replays (Sliske's Endgame was not a great benchmark to try that out with, guys. Seriously.). Aside from replays, my biggest wish for a rework has been Construction.

    Most people will agree that Construction has issues, more so than any other skill at the moment. Jagex proved with both the M&S Rework and Archeology that they can do skill design well, so maybe they can do it?

    But… here's the thing. A lot of people know Construction sucks. But I've not seen a consensus on why it sucks. Sure, it's a money sink, but so are Summoning and Invention, and you only need to build one gilded altar and you're set for life. It's time-consuming, but so's every other skill, and nobody really seems to mind it barring time restrictions. It's grindy, but That's Runescape, Baby.

    I've narrowed down three things that need to be fixed if Construction ever gets a rework.

    Problem: Construction is Anti-Social.

    So, if you've ever built anything in real life, be it a cheap IKEA table or a new wing of a house, you know that it's a social event. Maybe your family gets together to build the table with the aim of playing Scrabble on it while trying not to strangle each other over the missing hex wrench, or maybe your friends get together to help build your new addition and have a few beers after, while Kevin screws around with the power tools and we have to constantly make sure that we have "9" and "1" pre-typed into our phones because he won't stop messing with the drill.

    Construction in Runescape is the antithesis of that. The primary method of training Construction, outside of Warbands and God Statues, is building and disassembling items in your player-owned house. Building mode in your POH is a strictly solo-only affair, due to what I'm sure is a decade and a half of spaghetti code so incomprehensible that Lisbeth Salander channeling Yog-Sothoth and Alan Turing couldn't debug it. I don't know about you, but I like chatting with other players while I skill (unless I'm on World 84), even if it's just to say "Hey I'm putting down a rocktail bubble". You don't get that in your player-owned house. It's just you, alone, with your butler and whatever pets you may have in your menagerie.

    And the thing is, there aren't any social methods for training construction that are permanently in-game. There are seasonal or one-time events like the Stormbreaker construction, the Summer Beach Party, or *shudder* the Fayre, but there's no guarantee they'll come around-- last year, the Beach Party didn't happen, and the Fayre was thankfully skipped this year in favor of an attempt at an actual Easter event. Shades of Mort'ton would be a perfect candidate, but it still gives Crafting XP due to the fact that it was released a year and a half before Construction. The closest thing we have are the Harmonium harps in the Ithell district, which give Construction XP when tuned.

    In other words: Construction training isolates the player from the rest of the game's population, leading to there being less incentive to train it.

    Problem: Construction is Boring

    Warning: below is a bit of a rant on Construction's core design philosophy. If you don't want to feel like you're watching an episode of Extra Credits, skip to the third section now.

    Construction has the unique distinction of being a boring skill in a game full of boring skills. There's no variation in Construction-- just click, assemble, click, destroy, click, assemble, click, destroy. It all takes the same amount of time regardless of what you build, the only appreciable difference is how much gold you're giving away to the Sawmill Operator Cartel and whether or not you're willing to risk your account with an auto-clicker or macro. It almost makes me wish Random Events would come back so that I didn't feel like stabbing my own hands for entertainment after re-building my prawnbroker for the 95th time. A lot of skills are like that, but as near as I can tell, Construction's training page on the wiki is the only one that advises you to use Bonus XP on it or train on DXP weekend.

    A big source of this problem with this is that Construction was seemingly designed as a money sink first and an interactive skill second-- all of the components for Construction, from planks to building rooms to paying your staff require gold, and it can get… relatively pricey? If you're new?

    See, since Construction was released, RS3's economy has since inflated to such a degree that the only reasons we haven't started burning money for heat are 1) the Bank of Gielinor still insists on using inflammable coinage as opposed to easily combustible paper notes and 2) it's a fictional currency. The closest analogy I can make to Construction's role in this hyperinflated economy is if McDonald's still sold burgers for 15¢ in the year 2020-- that is to say, the prices haven't been adjusted at all to keep up.

    The gold prices that once seemed insurmountable can be overcome with a couple of hours of killing mobs, mining ores, picking herbs, excavating materials or doing a treasure trail. It gets even easier with Invention, which provides you with a butler you never have to pay and a plank making machine that can make planks en masse for less money than it costs to buy them from a sawmill, not to mention protean planks and god knows what else. Money is easy to make (unless you're that poor guy who has over 500 Solak kills and no unique drops, seriously that has to be a bug) so there's no real incentive to not spend it, and this isn't even going into the fact that mahogany planks are dropped by treasure trails.

    This brings us to the concept of Sunk Cost. People who sink massive amounts of time, money, or effort into something tend to continue to interact with that something, whether it be a video game, a relationship, or that novel that you've been working on for the last five years. People talk about the Skinner box all the time when it comes to game design and addiction, but I think one of the things that keeps people coming back to press the button is the sunk cost of time spent pressing that button.

    Construction is boring in part because its core gameplay loop lacks any sense of sunk cost, because all of its materials are dirt cheap by comparison to other artisan skills-- the most optimized training, from level 73 to 99, is building flotsam prawnbrokers ad nausuem, which only costs 144,850,994gp at current GE prices, per the wiki-- this isn't taking into account things like protean planks (which are free) and XP boosters like the constructor's outfit, pulse cores, or bonus XP. If you think that sounds like a lot, the Wiki estimates making Adrenaline potions from level 84 to 99 herblore costs 594,303,808gp, and the wiki still hasn't updated their training guide for 99+ Herblore.

    In short, Construction is a boring skill because you are putting almost nothing into it and getting almost nothing out.

    Talking of getting nothing out...

    Problem: Construction is Unrewarding

    This is probably the most obvious problem with Construction, so excuse me if I sound redundant.

    Tell me, when's the last time you went in your Player-Owned House for something that wasn't training construction and didn't involve the armor stand, the lectern, the gilded altar, or the aquarium? Since 2006, the Player-Owned House has become obsolete or superfluous, with several of its rooms and hotspots being rendered redundant.

    Oh, you built a Portal Room? The Lodestone Network exists and connects to every possible teleport and then some.

    You have a kitchen? Hope you don't mind running back and forth to the nearest bank to get food because the butler can't fetch it.

    The Bedroom? Mechanically unnecessary outside of needing two of them to hire a servant, with the ability to freely change hairstyles and clothing anywhere in the world rendering the wardrobe and shaving stations irrelevant.

    Costume room? You can literally access it from your bank.

    The fact is,there is very little in the POH that doesn't have a superior alternative in the rest of the game world. Combine that with the fact that it hasn't had a graphical update since… maybe ever, barring the game-wide texture upgrades, and you're left with a drab space that you don't really ever want or need to go into outside of a few things. Even the skillcape perk is garbage-- a chance to save planks in your house, really?

    There used to be a social incentive to go into them-- house parties were a big thing back from 2006-2011, but some time after that point, the House Party world was made the Gilded Altars world. Gone are the days of putting people into your oubliette and making them fight the Rocnar, or challenging people to a boxing match in the games room. As players became more focused on efficiency, social needs such as this fell out of favor. I'm sure there are edge cases where people still host house parties, and I know a lot of Runescape content creators like using the POH as a setting for their videos, plus the RS wiki uses its empty spaces of yard to display things like emotes. But those are all edge cases.

    There are few, if any, tangible high-level rewards for Construction. A criticism of Dungeoneering that still persists to this day is that it's a glorified minigame disguised as a skill. Why is the same not said of Construction, a skill that, for years, could only be trained in a specific, instanced area or through XP gained in quests? The answer is because Dungeoneering actually gives useful rewards, from the Bonecrusher to the Imp to Chaotic weapons (I like them shut up) to access to new slayer mobs. Construction's reward is the ability to gain more Construction XP.

    To put it in simple terms: Construction has no rewards for getting the skill to high levels, disincentivizing training. The numbers speak for themselves-- Construction is the fourth-lowest maxed skill among regular players, and is the third-lowest maxed skill among Ironmen, previously the second-lowest before Archeologly released..

    So, how do we fix it?

    If Construction is to be fixed, I think the first thing that needs to be done is that the player-owned house needs to be looked at and made non-obsolete. Something as simple as giving us new gods to attune our chapel to (let me worship Best Gay Bird God dammit), or letting us hang new slayer monster heads in our skill room (therefore giving us new bane ammo) would help. Hell, just give players a flat XP increase while training skills other than Construction in the player-owned house-- 1 or 2% extra XP would bring people in. Make the fireplace in the parlor act as a bonfire, let the larder in the kitchen store raw food, have navigating your dungeon give players dungeoneering experience if they loot the chest, let us use our garden to train farming, give us something.

    Next, the social issues with Construction need to be looked at-- Runescape has dozens of places that are in a state of disrepair. Varrock's 'slums' look like they were hit by carpet bombs, surely there's something to be done there with repairing them and selling them off. I know gentrification is a horrible thing in real life, but considering that the World Guardian canonically played the part of a strikebreaker during the Tower of Life quest, I don't think they're too concerned with morality when gainz are on the line.

    Finally, look at why the skill is unengaging. The best way to increase the sunk cost needed for players to be invested in the skill is to… well, increase the cost. There's no easy way to do this without angering the playerbase, unfortunately-- half the rate of getting hardwood from Miscellania, depopulate mahogany and teak trees, or increase the price of marble, gold leaf, and magic stones, and you're gonna have a bad time. Even doing something as simple as increasing both the amount of time needed and amount of XP gained from building furniture may draw the ire of players.


    This is yet another post screaming for Construction needing a rework, but hopefully, more people understand what the problems with the skill are and why it's needed. Unlike mining, which was highly competitive when it came to getting high-level ores, and smithing, which had disproportionately high differences between the level needed to make the items and the level needed to wear them, Construction's core problems lie in the fact that it's unsocial, unengaing, and unrewarding.

    Upvote or downvote as you wish, this is just something that's been stuck in my head for a week and I needed to get it out on paper.

    submitted by /u/ih8pkmn
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    Corona Blast

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    The best thing about yesterdays patch notes

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    The patch notes were beyond unreal yesterday, but the fixes themself arent even what makes it so great..

    The best thing by far is how excitied the ninja team are going to be. Can you imagine the childish grin on the their faces from reading through the comments? There is nothing better than having your work appreciated and fawned over, especially in a time like this where lockdown is going to have people feeling down as hell. This is literally the sort of feedback that can change someone's mood for an entire month

    Kudos to the team, you knocked it out of the park! Stay motivated, and more importantly, do what you enjoy!


    submitted by /u/acheekychap
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    Hi, with the release of Ancient Invention can you please address buy limits for common components

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Being able to buy 1 gwd1 item apiece every 4 hours is a joke.

    Why can you buy 2 lances but 10 crests - 10 armour pieces?

    Why can you buy 100 spider legs and 1 armadyl helmet?

    Why can you buy 1000 Magical thread but only 2 rune pouches?


    submitted by /u/RS_Jrum
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    Why is this how you communicate that double xp is live IN that time, and in fact not live NOW.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    The rates were fixed, but my luck is still trash

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Pvm Hub should have a Challenge Gem at dummies

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    People often use challenge gems to check their dps and practice. So, it would be sensible if the Pvm hub supplied one that was free of use at the dummies to cut out the cost of checking your dpm and learning to do better damage.

    submitted by /u/TheMemeScrub
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    Sold my amulets from my 1000 Barrows chest loot tab!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Are we using BST too now?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Is this a new thing that we're starting to use BST?

    Things that are in GMT:

    • The in-game clock that provides a consistent point of reference for all players in any time zone.
    • All the past Double XP start times at noon.

    Things that are in BST:

    • Not the in-game clock
    • The server maintenance announcement that had me thinking the servers were lagging too early because I was grossly negligent to assume it was in GMT like every other hecking time in the past despite the text clearly saying BST this time.
    • Mod JD's verbal reminder on today's stream that the upcoming Double XP Live, although not yet live despite naming it Live causing confusion among players, goes live noon BST, which is actually 11 am GMT, so you basically have to take note that you subtract 1 hour from the in-game clock. This contradicts the website's announcement that DXP Live goes live at 12 pm GMT

    Okay, the consequences of this inconsistency haven't been anything significant (yet). I personally wasn't doing any risky activity during that server maintenance, and we have 48 hours over 10 days to use up and missing one hour because the announcements aren't being consistent with time zones isn't a big deal in this context. Just want some clarification - do we need to take BST into account now?

    submitted by /u/boat02
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    Untapped Anachronia Quest Potential

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Quests are the best part of rs3 imho, and there's so much untapped potential in Anachronia + archaeology! Can we have a quest like this, please?

    (spoilers ahead for those who haven't done some 5th age quests).

    The Land Not of Its Time

    Overview: A fellow archaeologist hands you an artefact which details some surprising history about Anachronia.

    Era: 6th age


    Skills (all <80)

    • Some level in Archaeology
    • Some level in Hunter
    • Some level in Ranged
    • Some level in Div


    • Observatory Quest
    • Ritual of the Mahjarrat (unlocked bane ore)
    • Beneath Cursed Tides
    • Meeting History
    • Back to the Freezer


    Start with some NPC at the Digsite, who tells you they need help restoring an artefact. It turns out to be a damaged box with some books, a hunter's rod and a compass in it-- tells you that there was a mass extinction event in the 2nd/3rd/4th age, vanishing the gigantic land in the northern lands, and affecting hunters' livelihoods, etc. You are puzzled, because the gigantic land is still there. If only there was a way to attune to the artefact and find out what had happened.

    Luckily, you have some experience making time-travel devices, so you go attune the rod. In addition, you want to borrow the T.A.R.D.I.S from the Penguins, (go infiltrate and bribe the Doctor or whatever you can do, offer to be a Companion, solve a moral dilemma, get on his good side, etc).

    How I met Your Great-grandmother

    You land on the island and meet Irene and Arwin (who happen to be the great-great ancestors of Irwinsson, but they seem fairly antagonistic. They haven't found each other interesting yet). Each of them have different approaches to hunting. You find out that there is an asteroid that is bound to crash into the land but they don't know what they can do.

    You travel to the sundial used in the Diamond in the Rough quest to meet with some philosophers. You provide them with some form of token or valuable item from the hunters that they would like-- eg. a resilient dino bone that they can use for the sundial, rare elements that can only be found on the island that they can use for glass windows or item preservation. (This part of the quest is puzzle-like, they ask you what you can do with each part. For example, what can we do with this dinosaur bone?

    1. Feed a very large dog
    2. Repair the sundial shaft
    3. Grind it into fine powder. OR it's like a "discover blueprint" a la Invention. )

    Brink of Mass Extinction

    You impress them with your invention skills, and convince them the land is worth saving. The philosophers and astronomers can do a time estimate, and say it might be good to figure out how to slow down the asteroid's trajectory to save the continent, but its descent is going to be too rapid. You persuade them to transport the land instead. One philosopher has heard of "ancient relics" in possession of inhabitants of the elements. To attune to the elements, you need to talk to the residents of each (dragonkin=fire and air, mermaids=water, ancient zygomite Elder= earth). Each philosopher knows a little something about each relic.

    • You discuss this with the ancient zygomite elder (and see multiple totems around the site), and in honor of never blotting out the sun, they initiate Herby Werby. They give you a relic.
    • You bring attuned bane ore to convince the dragonkin that you are a friend and trustworthy, and they give you two relics.
    • Using diving skills you used for Beneath Cursed Tides, you do some dancing for the mermaids/solve a ridde/a puzzle/a favor and they give you a relic.

    You combine the four relics with the four respective runes, bring it to the philosophers, who help you attune it to the stars.

    Bring it to Irene and Arwin and another friend. Each of you place the relics at different corners of the island and activate them at the same time, saving the land by displacing it out of time. You need to fire the air relic into the sky (hence the Ranged requirement).

    Cue epic cutsene! In the hubhub, all the totems break and become scattered across the island.

    Due to the timey wimey nature of the TARDIS, something happens to Irene and Arwin.

    The Discovery

    You go back to where you met the starting quest NPC, only to be met with a puzzled archaeologist who tells you "I was supposed to give you this" and gives you the journal of Irene and Arwin. They state that the mysterious quest NPC was actually never a member of the guild.

    Congratulations, Quest finished!


    • Some sort of Hunter boost
    • Some sort of Invention xp/boost
    • Some sort of Ranged/Div boost.
    • Max Point cap boost to Herby Werby.

    submitted by /u/blade_ash_ice
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    A load of you liked my artwork yesterday - so here is my latest piece :) My friend IsolationCOV from my Clan with his Nox Bow and Armadyl Set!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Caught War limbering up for battle

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    The Arrow Problem

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    So weapon diversity got scrapped awhile back as we all know. but that aside, one thing that's always bugged me is how ever since eoc is how shafted bow ammo has as a whole been.

    Now Pre eoc this made some level of sense, crossbows had greatly inferior damage, on the whole lacked special attacks, and only went up to t50 (Rune). But, ever since the advent of EOC combat where crossbows have nearly as many variants as their 2h bow counterparts, can be dual wielded, and retain use of the incredibly strong enchanted bolt variants.

    Often, this means crossbows are picked over 2h bows not because they are the superior weapon for every imaginable situation, but because the ammo passives are too good to pass up and combined with the crossbows often greater speed makes them just the only rational choice. This has been recently usurped somewhat by the introduction of Black Stone arrows. Which in the hands of the SGB are capable of instantly destroying 15% of a target's defense from the special attack, but they are both incredibly expensive, and one of the only unique non bane arrows.

    So what could be done?

    Well, i think crossbows should retain exclusive access to enchanted bolts, lets get that out of the way first as the problem isn't they have them, it's that arrows do nothing special in comparison. So what we could do is maybe something along the lines of the following arrows.

    First, Fire arrows. some might ask "what are those" even some vets might say that, they are a rather inconsequential quest item that currently has no use outside of one very very very very small part of the game. Add a Burn DoT effect to them and viola! you've got a low to mid level arrow that players will happily use to give them just that little edge they might need.

    Next, Brutal arrows, these are like fire arrows low-mid level arrows no one really knows or cares about because zogres are easy as all hell to take down with disease being removed from RS3. So, let's make them do armor peircing. they would ignore 5-10% (5 for bronze 10% rune) and add orikalcum nails to allow for a t60 version to be made, thus adding another option for mid level rangers or rangers on a budget.

    Finally Stalker, Wild, and dark arrows. Bluntly if you're not using a Hexhunter, Wyrm, or Darkbow, these arrows are fairly useless and even then... so what if for Stalker arrows we added a Seeker's gaze effect giving a 5% (20% on the hex hunter bow) chance to increase the damage and accuracy of the bow by 5 tiers for that shot. For wyrm a "molten" effect that when fired have a 5% chance (20% from the respective bow) to do a DOT effect similar to corruption shot/blast which deals a decant damage chunk then DOT's down to 0 over the next 3 ticks. and for the darkbow an "enveloping darkness" effect that has a 5% chance to reduce target accuracy by 10% and defense by 3% for 5 seconds.

    Fairly bare bones as far as passives/specials go, especially when considering enchanted bolts and banite. But,as the old saying goes less is more, and i think this would be a great way to give value to, and just all around make these lesser ammo types more worthwhile to use instead of the standard arrow progression we normally see.

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    Next card/yak/th promotion can we get NOSOROG plushie. I love these things

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    What happened to the dedicated quest and remaster seats?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    As far as I can remember, a Miscellania Remastered should've been in the works and set to be released around this time, yet there's been absolutely zero word on it in the past few months. Similarly, nothing has been mentioned about the quest seat either. Were these positions scrapped? Are they still a thing, but you're just being quiet on them?

    Archaeology was a great release, but we have zero clue to what extent you'll stick to the release plans as mentioned at Runefest and what content updates are due for release any time soon. I thought today's stream would address this, but it consisted only of vague statements regarding episodic content.

    submitted by /u/Derparnieux
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    Mining and Smithing was reworked together since the former is the gathering skill that compliments the latter. On the other hand, Woodcutting, Fletching, Runecrafting and Crafting have a less consistent relationship. How do you think they will be reworked? (Fluff/Discussion).

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Bringing this up for discussion because with more new players coming in via mobile, I don't think it would be a good look for this game to keep melee as the only skill that has up to date craft/gathering skills. They have to figure this one out soon.

    I've always been bothered by the obvious inconsistency between the design of these skills. Given that its a 20 year old game and all of them basically branch off of their original design philosophy from Classic. Its awkward that ranged essentially has a dedicated weapon making skill (Fletching), a semi-dedicated gathering skill (Woodcutting) and an armor making skill (Crafting). Mage similarly has two crafting skills (Crafting, Runecrafting) and slightly touches upon Mining. If there were an opportunity to clear up these inconsistencies, it would be with their respective reworks and a pairing similar to M&S.

    There are several ways to approach this. I think the simplest path is to promote and rename Fletching and Runecrafting into the range and mage functional equivalent of Smithing, and turn Crafting into an independent skill with a new purpose (Jewelry, pottery, costumes, etc). Mining, Woodcutting, Hunter and general PvM are all okay-functioning gathering methods that continue to supply these crafting skills.

    Under this idea, battlestaves and mage robes are reassigned to the Runecrafting skill and bows and range hide armor are reassigned to the Fletching (Rangecraft?) skill. Sound simple enough?

    ...But that's my overnight thinking. What are your thoughts?


    The biggest thing I want to push my emphasis on is that new players will naturally prefer the combat style with the most reasonably self-contained package. Anecdotally, I know several people including my girlfriend who picked up this game, took the time to mine and smith their own bronze to rune each time they leveled up their melee/defence stats. They did this without using the Grand Exchange which makes this a well contained and reasonable package. In that regard, Mining and Smithing was an incredibly newcomer friendly and well done rework. The same cannot be accomplished for Range and Mage's crafting skills under its current conditions as they are unnecessarily fragmented between their intersected crafting skills.

    Should Runecrafting and Fletching be reworked, those skills and associated gathering methods should ideally also trail along that same path of being reasonably self-contained, while putting minimal stress on development time / resources. I think my suggestion does this reasonably well.

    submitted by /u/DatShokotan
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    Interesting hour at Kree

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Jagex: It's pointless to design quests because barely anyone ever does quests

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Also Jagex: We're going to create 50 similar types of events where the focus is on skilling and gaining exp in some form where if you do a quest instead you'll miss out on the time limited rewards

    submitted by /u/Not_a_jmod
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    Passive Elder Salve Relic

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:45 AM PDT

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