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    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 03 May

    RuneScape Silly Question Sunday - 03 May

    Silly Question Sunday - 03 May

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Silly Question Sunday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can ask your RuneScape-related silly questions:

    • "Newb" questions from new players
    • Questions from returning players
    • Silly or nonsensical questions
    • Questions you feel stupid asking elsewhere

    Of course, a question thread wouldn't make much sense without answers, so please help out with any answers that you have!

    Past Silly Question Sunday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Please let me hide pets Jagex, this is getting old now

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Me, just enjoying my day: Dr Rundo:

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I am beginning to think Runescape's story jumped off the rails a bit somewhere along the line.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    "Would you like to take a moment to rate the app?"

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    RS3 Player owned houses missing incredible amounts of content and lack lustre skillcaps perks

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Im re-writing this to keep jt significantly shorter. So ill be brief.

    1. Has a there been a formal, jagex response to why RS3 player owned houses have under 50% of the uses compared to OSRS. I only ask because i thought RS3 would be quite advanced and would have the capabilities to significantly over-haul POH (Player owned houses)

    2. Why do our skillcape perks (especially construction and max cape) have ridiculously less teleportation / uses than that of OSRS

    Im not comparing the games, but just asking if jagex have responded to players enquiring about the typical they have it, why dont we ? because a lot of the content in OSRS would fit in rs3 , WITH tweaking.

    I, have only used the construction cape and the max cape from OSRS as an example. It's to portray the mindset i am trying to express

    submitted by /u/Nath2203
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    Can I have a Solak drop please?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Achieved a huge goal by getting my first Kiln cape!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Throwing some stuff on the GE after doing some Barrows. This caught me completely off guard.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    World 139 never disappoints

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    What did I miss?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:35 PM PDT


    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    First ever 100v100 Clan War in RuneScape 3 history. Thanks to all who made it yesterday

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Another Post About The Servers - Please fix them Jagex

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    it's just completely ridiculous, the only servers i actually get a stable connection to from SA are completely unplayable because they have... barely 10% more than their capacity (exception being 140 which is near 50%)

    are we to assume that this is just how the game is going to be? has Jagex actually addressed this in any way? i can adapt to ~200-400 ping, i can't adapt to several ticks of delay happening inconsistently.

    submitted by /u/amberwark
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    I see why they call it the Master camouflage outfit

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    I just made 18 sets of Red Rum Relic I for level 97 only to have been met with Green Gobbo Goodies II

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    I mixed the OSRS theme with Big Bank by Big K.R.I.T. Any listens are greatly appreciated, Thanks :)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Which method is better from 120-200M for Archaeology? War Table Debris vs Makeshift Pie Oven?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I was debating between 2 methods; War Table Debris (118) vs Makeshift Pie Oven (119). It seems like one has an advantage over another.

    War Table Debris:

    • Costs ~1.3-1.6m each to repair.
    • Absurdly high requirement on Tyrian Purples.
    • All items can be used for 1 collection log (6 in total; 3 T114 + 3 T118)
    • Gives 1/50k staff piece chance
    • Each collection = 100 batteries.
    • Benefits from Pylon.

    Makeshift Pie Oven:

    • Awards 3% more xp than Debris.
    • T115 spot > T114 spot for XP.
    • Costs ~2.1m each to repair.
    • From what I heard, these materials are more self-sufficient?
    • Boss Man Sculptures alongside all 3 T115 spots can complete a full collection log AND award compass piece for Red III.
    • However, cooking pots are useless UNLESS you want to farm for Green III. That also requires the Boss Man Sculptures from same spot. Other requirements include 1/2 of the T110 items, both T104 items, and 1/2 of the T100 items. That's a whole chain of other spots I got to go for to complete logs. I didn't stock up on anything lower than 114 in my bank.

    I did put out the pros and cons but what would you prefer to 200M from 120? Which method is really better over another? And Why? Looking for balance of financial cost and XP output.

    submitted by /u/FineDouble2
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    Yak Track finished just in time!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Yak Track finished just in time!

    I forgot all about it until last monday and spent the past 6 days on it. Glad to finally have these sick overrides! As a bit of critique though, I really hope next time around there's more tasks but in more bite-sized steps. Having to spend 6+ hours on a single task towards the end was really painful.


    submitted by /u/Kyrushi_
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    TIFU by using an equipment dissolver on Praesul wand

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Yeah, .... thought it was an augmentation dissolver. That weapon was my bank aswell, couldn't even afford the offhand. What a shitty day

    submitted by /u/iDjordy
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    sea shanty2

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    fun start.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    My normally low ping world became very high to the point I can't play them anymore. Also severe lags and input delays.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Hi. I normally reside in Aussie worlds and east coast since they give relatively low ping. However after the server maintenance, they are now giving me constant 300 ping and all the worlds are minimum of 200 ping instead of around 100. Why is this so? I tried resetting the modem, reinstalling the app, everything. Anyone who knows the fix on this? I can't PvM with these lag spikes so random.

    Edit: I keep getting lag spikes every 5 seconds now and keep losing the ping I got like on and off. I'm pretty sure this is not an internet problem since it works well with other devices and activities just fine.

    submitted by /u/Maura_Lee_Karupt
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    Isn't the max possible 220? Holy moly...

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    Unpacking the 2020 Sale of Jagex

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    I've been around since 2004 and have done a great deal of piecing together all the info on the sale. This includes talking to people with a business legal background and consulting with those who can read the original chinese documents. Here's what happened...

    On April 28, 2020 Jagex announced that the company had been sold. A deal that has been in the works for months that has been completed. Macarthur Fortune Holding LLC bought Jagex through one of its funds, Platinum Fortune LP, for $530m USD. Jagex was last sold for $300m in 2016 to Shandong Hongda Mining Co Ltd and was held by Fukong Interactive. While this deal looks simple on paper, there's a lot to unpack.

    Early indications are that not much will change for players in the short term. This is something that everyone who plays either RuneScape 3 or Old School can take comfort in. As with most corporate changeovers though, there is the chance that in the medium term we may see changes at Jagex since nothing in the corporate world is for certain. But as with most changes, there are a series of unintended consequences and unknowns to us as the player base.

    Platinum Fortune LP was founded in April 2019, and Macarthur Fortune Holding LLC was founded in February 2020. Both of these companies are incredibly vague online. This means that there is no website for either of them, no filed documents, and no list of directors. While these are private companies that are not required to disclose anything, what is slightly odd and perhaps worrying is that these companies were founded all within the time window of the Hongda Mining Company and Fukong wanting to sell off assets.

    Looking further into this, another holdings company came in named Plutos Sama Holdings Inc. last year. Based on translations of the initial sales documents and Plutos Sama Holdings announcement it appears as though Plutos Sama was brought in to oversee the sale of the assets in question. It was decided that Platinum Fortune would be the "ultimate transferee" of the major asset in question. The question we were now wondering is: where does Macarthur come in?

    In February 2020 Plutos Sama Holdings transferred 100% ownership of what is Jagex and Hongtou Network to Macarthur Fortune Holding LLC. These changes can be seen in the translated March 2020 Fukong Interactive Board of Directors meeting notes. Now if Macarthur Fortune Holding had been founded prior to February 2020 this would be the end of this story but the way the sale happened raises more questions.

    The language of the translated document suggests shady business practices by Fukong's parent company and being forced to sell assets; this is why Plutos Sama Holdings was brought in. The language used in the translated document suggests that there wasn't actually a sale, merely a transfer. What this means is that we end up with a corporate entity chart that looks like this:

    Fukong/Plutos Sama -> Macarthur -> Platinum -> Jagex and Hongtou Network: https://i.imgur.com/aymmGQR.jpg

    Due to the necessary corporate reporting in the UK, all that needs to be known for the sake of the legal entity of Jagex Ltd in the UK is that they are owned by Platinum Fortune LP, a registered company in the United States. The sale amount also raises questions because if you as a corporation can report that you bought something a few years back for $300m but sold for $530m, that's great! On the flip side, the worth of Jagex could be substantially less than the $530m it was bought for, letting the companies in question use the sale profits to write off corporate debt. This should be concerning to the employees of Jagex over time if this is what the fate of the company is to be.

    We are currently working off of rough translations and documents aimed at a corporate legal audience. That doesn't change the fact that big questions exist about both Macarthur and Platinum that could be addressed by a statement from the directors. At this point players should not worry in the short term but out of all of the owners of Jagex Ltd, these are by far the most mysterious.

    You can listen to us discuss this on RSBANDBUpdate! 775 - Pay Yourself To Play here: https://youtu.be/cJWHwEKhLHA?t=1566

    submitted by /u/ShaneAB
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