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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    RuneScape Game Update: Solak Scaling & Nipper Demon Pet - Monday Feedback!

    RuneScape Game Update: Solak Scaling & Nipper Demon Pet - Monday Feedback!

    Game Update: Solak Scaling & Nipper Demon Pet - Monday Feedback!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:53 AM PST

    ProTip Tuesday - 03 March

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:08 PM PST

    ProTip Tuesday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can share your RuneScape tips and tricks.

    Help out your fellow redditscapers with advice for bossing, skilling, money-making, or any other part of the game.

    Past ProTip Tuesday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Making Runescape in Minecraft. (Falador in picture)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Ty Shogun, he's pretty cute, i think ill be leaving my rippers in the pod to decay though.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:38 AM PST

    I make gud sord?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:59 PM PST

    EoC (or rather Revolution) might have finally clicked for me today.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I've been back on RuneScape for a little over two years now. Before that, I had taken a roughly eight year hiatus; I was originally around during RS2's golden age from '06-09, but had quit in a huff in October '09 for reasons I don't even remember anymore and refused to touch the game again until a moment of weakness in January 2018 led to me accidentally getting hooked all over again.

    Naturally, the game had changed a lot in my absence, mostly for the better IMO, and in time I've adapted to it. But in the past few years of playing, there's been one hurdle I just couldn't get over.

    Try as I might, I hated Evolution of Combat.

    A lot of this has to do with never really liking MMO-style toolbar combat. RuneScape was my first MMO but hasn't been the only one I've dabbled in, and with very few exceptions I find combat systems that revolve around managing cooldowns to be really dull. It's really easy to find "that one combo" where things come off of cooldown most efficiently and use it over and over until combat is nothing but a formality.

    I've tried to get into EoC and Revolution before today, but every time I did I ran into that problem, combined with the tick system making combat feel sluggish. I've completed all but two quests and gotten 116 Slayer almost entirely in Legacy, resenting the few encounters that forced me out of it (TokHaar-Hok, The Pharaoh, etc.) Hell, World 18, the single least populated world in the game, has been my "home world" since I became a member (to be brutally honest, I just don't like dealing with people on my leisure time. Yes, the RPG part of RuneScape is a lot more fun than the MMO part, at least for me. Weird, I know.)

    Today, however, I might finally have turned a corner.

    I decided to take a break from Slayer tasks to hunt a few Collection drops and Ushabti souls to spice things up a bit. Specifically, I decided to hunt some Turoths because that "End of All Things" title fits my aesthetic and I've never really killed those blighters before.

    In Legacy, killing them one at a time with a Bladed Spear was super dull, especially in pursuit of 1/512 drops. After someone crashed my spot and refused to leave (side note: how the hell did this happen in World 18 of all worlds?), a lightbulb went off in my head as I hopped worlds; didn't EoC have some AoE melee skills?

    Suddenly, everything fell into place. With a super short 5-ability rotation and a couple thresholds on standby, I was no longer chipping away at them one at a time. I HAD BECOME A SLAP-CHOP THAT WALKED LIKE A MAN. With Cleave and Hurricane and Quake, I was stacking bodies like cordwood. And, for maybe the first time ever, I was actually enjoying EoC.

    So, yeah. Sorry for the short essay, but I was so shocked to actually be enjoying the "new" style of combat that I felt compelled to say something about it. Guess old dogs can learn new tricks.

    submitted by /u/EntropysEntrails
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    leaked footage of lorehounds on march 30th

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:54 PM PST

    Feb. DXPW Extended Stats (Based on wiki hiscore data)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:48 AM PST

    120 invention with extreme invention pots btw

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:00 PM PST

    PSA: Vic the Trader is back in Burthorpe until March 15th

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:57 AM PST

    After todays update, resizing the mac client is again, broken.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Am I missing something?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:24 AM PST

    Am I missing something?

    Trying to get the 'Profound' title, got everything equipped but Lanthus must need another monocle or something


    Also first time so sry for any rule break

    submitted by /u/melonboba
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    NOPE not suspicious one bit at all.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Patch Notes - 02/03

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:54 AM PST

    Slayer Master Laniakea or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cape (math inside!)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PST

    Over time I have become more and more greedy with my slayer tasks. I enjoy doing Corrupted Creatures, Soul Devourers and Creatures of the Lost Grove. Today I wondered whether I could actually get away with doing only these 3 tasks and canceling everything else. Let's do the math to find out, shall we?

    First, let's assume we are 120 slayer, and we have the master slayer cape which gives a 20% probability of letting us choose our task. Second, we assume we have infinite slayer VIP tickets, we do our tasks with Laniakea and we assume that all quests are done, which is relevant for which tasks she could give us. Whenever you complete a task set by her, you gain 22 points. Every 10th task you get 110 points and every 50th task nets you 330 points. This means, that over 50 tasks, on average you earn (22*45 + 4*110 + 1*330)/50 = 35.2 points per task. Since canceling a task costs 30 points, to not lose points in the long run, we need to do at least 46% of tasks, since 0.46*35.2 - 0.54*30 = 0.

    So we have to accept 46% of tasks. 20% of the time we get to choose freely, so the remaining 26% has to come from the 80% probability that she does not notice our cape. Since 26/80 = 0.325, this means that whenever we are forced to choose between two tasks (remember, we assume infinite slayer vip tickets), at least 32.5% of the time at least one of those two tasks must be good for us. And at most 67.5% of the time both are allowed to be bad.

    Let p be the probability that the first option is good for us. Then a good approximation (not exact, since it's impossible for both tasks to be the same, but close enough) for the probability that neither of the two tasks is good for us, is (1-p)*(1-p). Equating this to 0.675 leads to the equation p2 - 2p + 0.325 = 0. Solving this with the quadratic formula gives p = 0.18. This means that the probability p that the first option is a task I want to do, must be at least 0.18, in order for my slayer points to not go down over time.

    Now we need to take a look at weights. Assuming you know what that means, by the previous calculation what we need is to have the sum of the weights of the tasks that we want, divided by the sum of the weights of all tasks that she could possibly give us, to be at least 0.18. Taking a look at the list here, we see that the sum of all weights of all possible tasks is 425. Assuming we do my list and prefer Corrupted Creatures (weight 10), Soul Devourers (weight 12) and Creatures of the Lost Grove (weight 12), this gives a total weight of 425 + 10 + 12 + 12 = 459. However, the following tasks can be toggled off (and even more if you haven't done certain quests or achievement diaries):

    Aquanites (weight 10)
    Glacors (weight 8)
    Ice Strykewyrms (weight 8)
    Muspah (weight 10)
    Nightmare creatures (weight 8)
    Tormented demons (weight 8)

    So this brings us down to 459 - (10 + 8 + 8 + 10 + 8 + 8) = 407.

    Then it's time to take into account our block list. Still assuming my own preference, I should block anything that's not one of my 3 preferred tasks with the highest weight. This should include Crystal Shapeshifters, Dark Beasts and Elves (all weight 12), Greater Demons with weight 11 and then 4 more tasks with weight 10. This then brings the total weight down to 407 - (12 + 12 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10) = 320.

    Finally, we can finish our calculation. The sum of the weights of the tasks that I want is 20 + 24 + 24 = 68 (remember, weights get doubled if you prefer them). The sum of the weights of the tasks I could possibly get assigned was calculated to be 320. This means the probability p that I referred to earlier equals 68/320 = 0.21, which is more than the 0.18 it needed to be! Conclusion: yes, I can totally get away with only doing 3 tasks for the rest of my life. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/Woett
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    First it didn't tell me a damn thing, then it went full psycho...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Anyone got some cool pitches for a Teragard storyline connected with new skill on it's way?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Making Runescape in Minecraft. <Falador Park>

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Why on earth is there still not a storm barn on the Ranch, seriously...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:13 PM PST

    I mean, come on...

    submitted by /u/Tital_rs
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    Theory: Mod Sova & Chris Rörland from Sabaton are not so secretly the same person

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Linux client broken

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:04 AM PST

    As of the update that's just happened, the Linux client cannot be downloaded again, as per the post


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    PLEASE Fix the launcher glitch!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:22 PM PST

    PLEASE Fix the launcher glitch!

    For those of you who do not know, the NXT launcher is incredibly buggy. If you only have 1 monitor, you may not have experienced this incredibly annoying error. For anyone using 2 monitors (1 that is using an HDMI cord) Almost every time the launcher is opened, it will get stuck on "Loading Application Resources"

    The only fix for this is closing the launcher, unplugging the HDMI cord to your second monitor, reopening the launcher, then plugging your monitor back in. I am so sick of having to unplug my monitor anytime I want to log in or open a second client for my alt. This has been an error for so long and it's not being fixed only because it doesn't effect 100% of the players, only those using multiple monitors. Please for the love of god fix this error.


    submitted by /u/plzfixsos
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    Vic the trader bug

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:01 AM PST

    I don't know if it's only me but when I bought a cooking skill outfit piece I received an owned item. I am pretty sure its because I didn't claim the item from diango before during the skill outfit bug.

    submitted by /u/RSFam
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    Bug after today's update: "Your pickaxe is a lower level than this mining node..."

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:11 AM PST

    I'm getting the notification that my pickaxe is too low of a level after today's update when it's of an appropriate level. I was mining just before the update, and I wasn't getting it for example.

    I'm using iron +1 on iron ore. Anyone else getting this?

    submitted by /u/Southern__Gothic
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    You should be able to notarize your inventory if you are banking without having to deposit it only to then withdraw it again.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PST

    I personally think it would fit neatly as a right click option.

    submitted by /u/RollForSeduction
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    Just bought a starfire cape from Vic, and now it is gone (and I have 2 starfire magic boots somehow)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:19 AM PST

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