• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    RuneScape Rant Wednesday - 04 March

    RuneScape Rant Wednesday - 04 March

    Rant Wednesday - 04 March

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PST

    Rant Wednesday is a monthly thread for exactly what you might think it's for. Rant, vent, complain, comment, speak your mind and air your grievances with anything concerning RuneScape, Jagex, or even the subreddit itself! This is your time to get whatever you want off your chest, so make it count!

    You might find that having constructive elements to your comment be received and embraced better by others, but it is by no means required. Think of "keep it constructive" more as a suggestion, than a requirement. The only real requirement is that you follow our subreddit rules, which includes no personal attacks, personally identifiable information, harassement, or anything that can be reasonably considered excessive.

    Have fun, and (try to) play nice!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    TL;DW 473 - 3rd March: Weekly Update (Core Experience)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Twitch Vod

    Core Experience

    CXP is another team in RS separate from Episodic & Live Ops. This allows us to focus on the "feel" of the game. It also allows us to work on improvements/modernization to the game such as with mobile and the new player experience.

    Previous Projects

    • Smooth Movement - Went out well other than an issue with surge/escape which is now fixed.
    • Client Start Optimization - Mainly noticed on mobile but it also worked for Desktop.
    • Rendering System Upgrade - Helps with rending more materials. Archaeology will use it extensively.

    Current Projects

    Blogs will be released covering the below topics within the next few weeks.


    It basically it's a way for you to know what you can interact with in your surroundings.

    • Outlines Colours: Red - Attackable NPC | Yellow - Friendly NPC | Blue - Interactable
      • These colours were selected so colourblind people will still see different shades/hues and glows.
      • There's currently a plan to properly address a colorblind mode for the entire game in the future.
      • Colors can't be changed currently.
    • Mobile Example | Desktop Example
      • Proximity - Displays multiple outline around surrounding objects. (For Mobile only currently).
      • Hover - Shows standard outline.
      • Rightclick/Hold - More distinct/bold outline.
      • Interact - Outline flahses
    • Toggable

    Canopy Cut-out

    Allows you to see your player through objects such as tree foliage.

    • Currently only applies to Trees but could be expanded. (Doesn't work well with trees on Anacronia).
    • We need more feedback on the size of the "bubble" around the player.
    • Highlighting won't show through the foilage.

    Client/Movement Prediction

    A system designed to eliminate input lag from your player moving in the world.

    • Ground walk markers are in mobile but are planned to be released for PC.
    • There is no delay between clicking and when your character moves.
      • This doesn't change the behavior of the game.
    • This won't resolve dead clicks, but that issue should be mostly resolved already.
    • Issues:
      • Combat: The game is unpredictable so players may want it turned off.
      • Skilling: Animations times when running to something you interact with (Agility). This can be fixed.
      • Surge/Escape: May need to be looked into.
    • Server Performance issues - Input lag on crowded worlds is being worked on to improve the situation.


    A few compliancy issues need to be sorted out before it can be launched to any stores. iOS/Andorid commercial launch should be together.

    iOS & iPhone 7 Demo

    • Latest build is being displayed and it should be the same experience as Android.
    • Compliancy Issues:
      • You cannot use PC terminology.
      • We need to integrate Apple sign-in.
      • The iOS app communicates works differently with our bankend and make sure it talks properly.
    • Once the above is sorted there will be a closed Beta (members only) similar to how we did it for Android.
      • There's no timeline but Mobile will be released this year.
    • iOS version - We test the last 2 versions but we'd need to check for the exact one required.

    Other issues

    • Improve scaling for tablets.
    • Screen space - Chatboxs takes up a lot of space which is solved through Internal Nodes/Fading chatbox.
    • Vertical Mode - Currently No but we may look into after a commercial launch.
      • It just wasn't working correctly when we looked into it.

    Screen space Solutions

    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    We need to talk about Bob the axe shop owner

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:48 AM PST

    Bob is a small business owner in Lumbridge who sells axes to those just getting a start in the game, however, something that is unearthed in the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest is that he doubles as a FILTHY FUCKING RACIST.

    Transcript from the quest:

    BOB:Get out of my shop! GET OUT!


    BOB:We don't serve the likes of that thing in here.

    ZANIK:I don't need anything you've got to sell anyway!

    PLAYER:Let's go, Zanik.

    BOB:And don't you come back, you filthy goblin!

    Now, I know what you're thinking. "Bob is black, so he can't be racist - I can't believe that you're not familiar with critical race theory and the general oppression hierarchy theory, Bentoki!". Fear not, my dear reader, this is something that I had considered - but I would like to point your attention to the fact that Zanik is a female Dorgeshuun, a female member of a race, of which had to hide themselves for centuries because of their treatment by Bandos during the god wars - up to this point, were not even allowed on the surface of Gielinor. This is a problem for our friend Bob, because by all definitions, Zanik is clearly far more oppressed than Bob, a male business owner. Up to this point in the quest, Zanik could only dream of owning a business. Things have changed since then, and unfortunately for Zanik, who has since died, I really hope that Jagex will stop fucking bringing her back from the dead, Jesus Christ.

    This is, clearly, quite problematic. Clearly, the quest was written in a different time - but to single out the only black character within the Lumbridge district and to point them out as the most racist is inappropriate (yes, even if it was the sake of a joke - the "We don't serve the likes of that thing in here" is a line from a Star Wars movie). So, clearly, Bob should be changed into a white skinned character, whom racism would fit better.

    submitted by /u/Bentoki
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    Did someone lose their burnt meat collection I wonder

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Can we get an option to enable gamegrid?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Also, why the movement indicator is a circle in a tile-based game?

    submitted by /u/usualowl
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    Can Solak have phase markers on his HP bar like Telos.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:54 AM PST

    His HP values now change with every team size. It might get tedious keeping track of when he phases with every different team size you go with.

    submitted by /u/ConstantStatistician
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    Allow the Inventor's Workbench to use bars from the metal bank

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PST

    This would be a great QoL upgrade, allowing us to effectively make for instance batches of 60 junk refiners at a time instead of just 28 and having to run back and forth from the bank. It would also remove the need to provisionally store bars in your bank, which can be a great deal for people who lack bank space.

    submitted by /u/LordGrathos
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    Problems with Aurora spells and blitz spells

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Currently smoke blitz and shadow blitz only scale to t80 damage, while the other 2 blitz spells, blood & ice, both scale to t92. These should scale up similar to blood and ice.

    Aurora spells only scale to t90. These spells are almost never used and should scale to t92.

    Additionally, a buff to the Aurora spells would be welcome, since the effects are underwhelming comparatively to the power of forcing auto attacks and how the effects of the normal ancient magicks function.

    submitted by /u/ychoed
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    Bugged items lost on death interface is extremely unsettling, and you guys (Jagex) don't seem to think/act like it's a big deal.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:03 AM PST

    I mean seriously why isn't this hotfixed? The only reason I'm semi-confident in not losing everything in the wilderness is because I personally did a few test deaths myself; but regardless.

    At this very moment I have the WC outfit on, Wildy sword 4, fletching cape, Excalibur, Crystal Hatchet, and crystal knife wielded/worn/in inventory and the only thing the interface shows me that I'll keep is my fletching cape.

    I just don't understand why this isn't a bigger deal; you guys say it's just an interface bug, or so I've been told by my clan, it just needs to be resolved

    submitted by /u/thinkin_boutit
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    Maxxed on osrs, thinking of giving rs3 a spin

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Hey guys!

    Thinking of making the jump from osrs to rs3 and was just wondering if there is any get started guides, maxxing guides of efficient questing orders to start off my account!

    I have some rs3 knowledge but I last played around 2017 ish so it's been a long ass time!


    submitted by /u/dawabbit
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    If you cant enable smooth movement while bossing. Dont bother implementing it at all.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Why isn't Ullek included in Archaeology?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PST

    The archaeologists are there already, yet so far I haven't found a single thread or another piece of information on whether Ullek is going to be an area of research or not in the Archaeology skill.

    Given the historical importance of Ullek and the lands near it, there should be at least some discussion on this matter.

    In my opinion, it should be one of the sites of interest. What say you, fellow scapers?

    submitted by /u/Gwennol
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    Can the chat icons get fixed when this is enabled? It's bugged for (almost) 2 months!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:15 AM PST

    Yup Ash, a cute cuddly cat wearing a santa hat ;)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:47 AM PST

    Giants of RuneScape.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:14 PM PST

    They need to be updated bad. I mean hill giants look like walking thumbs. It's kind of immersion breaking to walk past a group of giants and they look like props at a carnival.

    submitted by /u/Highlord_Kochei
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    Commissioned Runescape Character Art. Done by me.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:34 AM PST

    Ninja Request - Food for RooT Dinos

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:33 AM PST

    I'm writing this from an ironmeme POV. So we need to use fish as bait to lure the T1 dinos in BGH. Why is it they then only eat raw meat when placed in RooT? Why do they suddenly go from pescatarian to carnivore...? They're more picky than hipsters.

    Request: for consistency sake and also to make life easier for Ironmemes please allow us to feed raw fish to RooT dinosaurs.

    submitted by /u/TR1987
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    Why are divine charges skyrocketing?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:31 AM PST

    Why's Vis Wax rising so much?.. they've almost doubled in price in a few months.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:52 AM PST


    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:32 AM PST

    One of the most annoying things in clue scroll hunting, not being able to emote after surging, I would love it if you could emote in combat! Prob the biggest qol update you could do for hard clues, please jagex , also here's some 🦀 🦀 cause fuck mtx .

    submitted by /u/Yolomasta420
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    Is UI scaling on the horizon?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:59 PM PST

    My eyes would thank you

    submitted by /u/teacupgoat
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    Add bank pin to War’s shop

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:29 AM PST

    It is 3 months into the year, can we find out whats going on this year?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I'm facing the wrong way in combat

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Hi guys, when I'm using range, my guy is often facing the wrong way to my target. It looks like I'm shooting arrows backwards and I only turn to face my target when I use rapid fire ability. For example when arraxor goes into the deflecting web, I click to rune away from him but when I resume attack I'm still facing the direction I clicked.

    Does anyone else have this or is this a know bug?


    submitted by /u/JayDizzleDee
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    Just tried to solo ED1

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:30 PM PST

    And quickly discovered I suck balls at this game

    submitted by /u/West-Budget
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    Treasure Hunter hearts of ice being stolen in loot duel promo

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:39 AM PST

    Probably a known issue (which would make it even worse since this can't be a 'new' issue, and thus has been in the game for a decently long time...) but if you previously had categories in Treasure Hunter frozen through Hearts of Ice, they will 'remain' frozen the next day. Unfortunately today has this Loot-duel promo, without the option to unfreeze categories. As a result, each daily key is now basically stealing 0-10 hearts of ice, and there is no way to reset them for this promo says you 'cannot use your hearts of ice during this event'. (If that were true... then WHY are they used anyway without the option to 'stop' them from being used?!)

    Posting this here both for awareness and a PSA to ALWAYS reset your hearts of ice when your daily keys are gone, cause otherwise Promo's like this will steal them.

    submitted by /u/Voltorn_Elda
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