• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    RuneScape 3D printed and painted Noxious Weapons. First time painter. Love how they turned out!

    RuneScape 3D printed and painted Noxious Weapons. First time painter. Love how they turned out!

    3D printed and painted Noxious Weapons. First time painter. Love how they turned out!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PST

    I can't believe men these days

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:45 AM PST

    DG on DXP Weekend got me like

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PST

    In-game vote to decide whether we want PvP in the wilderness.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Back in 2011, a historic vote was made by the community to restore wilderness and free trade.

    However since Evolution of Combat, PvP has never been the same, and at the time of writing, the wilderness is quite literally a desolate wasteland. The last ditch attempt in Bounty Hunter, to revive PvP and the wilderness did not succeed, and it was removed last year. Not even PvPers wanted to play bounty hunter, and I know because I used to do it a lot for the revenant pets back when it was still around.

    I think the community deserve another chance to vote on whether they want to have PvP in the wilderness or not, because times have changed since the previous vote in 2011. Let us have our say on our game. Power to the players.


    • It would be easy to implement, as in the period 2008-2011 the wilderness was not PvP. It has already happened before.

    • It would give players a say and improve player trust in Jagex listening to what we feel is important for our game.

    • It would enable the wilderness to be updated with new content like roaming monsters and mini-bosses and unique monsters like Lava Dragons, Elder Chaos Druids and Ents. This is currently not possible because players do not like being forced into PvP situations and resist wilderness updates.

    • As of writing, there are more ironman players than PvPers. Add PvMers and skillers on top of this, and you realise that removing PvP in the wilderness would benefit the majority of players over a dwindling PvP player base.

    • Players who lure others for their bank north of the Grand Exchange would be hindered (You could also remove dangerous clan wars to prevent similar lures, and while drop lures are a thing, it is much harder to take all of a player's items. For example, you can't drop augmented items on the floor).

    • Players would be able to take their best gear in the wilderness, without fear of losing it all.

    • Jagex would not need to spend any more time fixing bugs like the ones that force a skull on another player, or movement stalling bugs, or fun item skull tricks as seen before from items like candy floss maul. This time could be spent on updating and improving the wilderness instead.

    • The wilderness could still feel dangerous. People who say that roaming mobs won't pose a serious threat because you can surge away from them, realise that Jagex already disabled double surge and put a shared cooldown on bladed dive and surge in the wilderness. They could easily disable surge/escape/bladed dive altogether saying in chat that "The extreme evil of the wilderness leaves you feeling drained. You won't be able to surge/escape/bladed dive in this area." The roaming mobs could also drain your run energy and usage of certain abilities, making the wilderness more dangerous than it is now with PvP.

    • Players would work together to survive in the wilderness, rather than against each other which promotes positive player interactions.

    • "Griefing" from Player Killers would be a thing of the past.

    • PvP worlds could be introduced to compensate PvPers, one for Legacy and one for EOC so they still get to PvP, but only with people who want to PvP.

    • Demonic skulls could be repurposed to encourage buying more of them, maybe having them degrade after 5k charges to dust, and acting as a gp sink to compensate for the best xp rates in the game. Players who die in the wilderness would now respawn at death's office, creating more gp sink.


    • Wilderness bots like cursed energy bots and revenant dharok bots would not be killable. However, I'd like to think they would get banned easier if Jagex had player support to work more on expanding the wilderness. Cursed energy could have an increased level required to obtain it, which would mean those bots need time to be made and get banned before they are able to gather it. Revenant bots would be more difficult to tackle, but without PvP it would be easier to take the time to report them.

    • Expensive wilderness unique items would decline in price due to more players going into the wilderness. However, you can just adjust rarity and quantity for these drops to prevent this.

    • Demonic skulls and wilderness xp rates would need rebalancing. However, this is not a huge issue because most activities you can do in the wilderness without being bothered by PvPers, because there are so few of them. Mostly would only need changing for things like warbands.

    • PvPers would have to find new ways to make money.


    Overall, I think the pros and cons are a fair and objective assessment of the wilderness as it stands today. But please comment saying what I have missed on the pros and cons, and I will add them as they come.

    How would you vote now, if given the chance?

    submitted by /u/GOW_ADAM
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    I have no words...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Its my lucky day :)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:01 AM PST

    hey jagex, can the sneakerpeeper pet be added to the pets interface already?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:11 AM PST

    1 in 9,940,000 AoD drop

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PST

    New Flex...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:39 PM PST

    literally me

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:40 AM PST

    Thank you for War's Retreat

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Since the release of War's Retreat, the game, for me, feels like I'm able to PVM whenever I want,

    and not just when my aura says so, thanks to all of the ways now in game to reset aura cooldowns. With Death's and War's points combined, I am feeling able to PVM freely without concern of what aura is on cooldown.

    I'm really thankful for this update to the overall QoL of Runescape.

    So yeah, thank you for that!

    submitted by /u/MDFAO
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    new hot diet! just equip the mime top with a walk animation and lose weight in seconds

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:00 AM PST

    My response to every "What are good ways to make gold for Veteran/New/Returning/Max players?" posts.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:28 AM PST

    Jagex, which XP boosts, if any, will work with archaeology?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:22 AM PST

    It was stated a few months ago that Jagex would share this information as we get closer to Archaeology's release. Since we're now less than a month away, it would be nice to get this information so we can plan accordingly.

    Specifically, I would like to know which individual sources will and won't provide a bonus during the initial black-out period. It's already assumed bxp and lamps won't work, so that doesn't really need an answer.

    Things that need clarification include:

    • Clan Avatar Bonus
    • Archaeology's skill outfit
    • Skillchompas
    • Valentine's Slam
    • Refer-A-Friend
    • Wisdom Perk and Aura
    • Torstol Incense
    • Other things I'm probably forgetting
    submitted by /u/Drimphed
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    Battle of lumbridge- original orchestral soundtrack

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Battle of lumbridge- original orchestral soundtrack

    hello everyone,

    i wrote this film score soundtrack which captures the battle of lumbridge and the destruction it has brought it's citizens, i really hope you like it as much i liked writing it ^^

    Music here


    image belongs to its rightful owners

    submitted by /u/Gawkies
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    Add desert pantheon aura to aura management

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:16 AM PST

    As title says. Can we please get desert pantheon aura added to aura management instead of having it in our bank/having to manually equip it if we want to use it?

    Forgot to update preset with it thinking it would act like other auras. When I reloaded my preset it turned off the +10% xp boost I was getting from it.

    submitted by /u/DingoCringo
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    After 17 years playing off and on, I can finally walk through this gate. (Now I can finally play the game)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Here is a custom pop Funko I created a few weeks ago, any ideas for more I could attempt?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Make the rare drop table exciting.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Just read the first and the last paragraph if you're not interested in the details. I triggered the rare drop table 12 times with the grace of the elves while writing this post and 7 of the drops were uncut diamonds. The rare drop table has never felt less special.

    In its current state, the rare drop table feels more like a nuisance than an exciting game mechanic. You'd expect something called a "rare loot table" to show up rarely and provide valuable rewards instead of showing up all the time and offering mostly garbage. While I appreciate the high number of opportunities to get the Hazelmere's signet ring, I'm more than willing to give it up for a lower frequency of genuinely good drops.

    It all starts with the gem table which contains 10 known drops, one of which is a "rare" rarity chance to enter the rare table. Three of the ten drops—250 to 500 gp, uncut emerald, and uncut sapphire—are worth less than 1,000 gp. The most valuable drops are the tooth half key and an uncut dragonstone, worth just over 13.5k each. None of the drops are good enough to feel like they belong on the rare drop table, and their prices are only decreasing down because of how frequently the rare drop table can be accessed.

    If you access the rare drop table by killing monsters with level 80+ or monsters that require level 50 slayer or more, you skip the gem table and go directly to the rare table. This table contains 31 known items, one of which is a "rare" rarity chance of accessing the super rare table.

    13 of the 31 items are brawling gloves, which aren't a bad drop, but can't be traded so many people may not find them particularly valuable. It also contains four drops—uncut diamond, 3 runite stone spirits, 90-110 gold stone spirits, and 14-16 admantite stone spirits—all of which are worth less than 6k.

    The next cheapest items are the loop half and tooth half of the key. The two key halves and the uncut diamond can also be received from the gem table, which is odd considering there are thousands of items in Runescape to choose from. Why offer the same items and drive down their value even further by repeating them in multiple tables?

    The most valuable drop is 135-165 noted raw lobsters that are worth 60.3k - 73.8k, which is not particularly valuable or exciting unless you're a low-level player that accessed the rare table through the gem table.

    Finally, if you're lucky enough, you might access the super rare table. This table contains 54 known drops, including the same 13 untradable brawling gloves from the rare table. It also offers three untradable crystal triskelion fragments. As well as the same dragon helm, dragon longsword, off-hand dragon longsword, loop half of a key and tooth half of a key that can be accessed from the rare table. It also contains 9 other items that can be accessed from the rare table but in higher quantities. Why can't there be more variety?

    This table offers a few more valuable drops, the most valuable besides the 1.7bil Hazelmere's signet ring being 20-40 noted inert adrenaline crystals valued at 1.3mil to 2.7mil. The value difference between the two best drops is staggering.

    Lastly, let's address the blurberry special and cheese+tom batta. These items are in the same rarity tier as the Hazelmere's signet ring, however, they are worth 14.4k and 412gp respectively. This is the cruelest joke of them all and practically the equivalent of rubbing salt in the wound. I don't see why players can't be alerted of failing their chance at the most valuable item with something worth at least one mil. For the sake of brevity, I won't talk about the herb table.

    Side note—I find it strange that the luck of the dwarves is advertised as the only way to acquire the Hazelmere's signet ring as well as the Vecna skull, which is not a particularly good or valuable item at 111k GE value. In fact, there are 18 items in the super rare table that are more valuable and more common than the Vecna skull and don't require the luck of the dwarves.

    In its current state, the rare drop table is triggered too frequently and offers too many items that are not valuable or exciting to get. As a result, triggering the rare drop table through combat usually feels like being bombarded by garbage that takes up too many inventory spaces if you bother picking it up, and triggering it through the grace of the elves feels like swimming in a sea of diamonds. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, if the diamonds were worth more than 3.2k.

    Lower the chances of triggering the rare drop table, but reduce the number of items on the table to maintain the same chance of getting the ring everyone is after. Either increase the noted drop number of most remaining items or replace them with more valuable drops to make hitting the rare drop table more exciting when it does happen. Adjust item rarity according to value and, preferably, add a little more item diversity.

    submitted by /u/Haunting_Tumbleweed
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    Oh no! The River Lum has dried up!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

    Lore: We must let the Elder Gods consume Gielinor

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:25 PM PST

    In this new age of awareness, it now falls upon us mortal races to continue to allow the Elder Gods to continue as a species.

    Going into the last Revision, there were 5 Elder Gods: Jas, Ful, Wen, Bik, and Mah. However, when they awoke, they considered Mah to be stillborn. Thus, only 4 truly remained, with Mah never truly reaching sapience and getting a true death in the 6th Age. Jas however appears to have also stayed awake over this time and sacrificed her egg, thus leaving the possibility of only 3 Elder Gods going into the next Revision, possibly a 4th if certain theories hold true.

    But there is a certain truth: the Elder Gods must be allowed to consume Gielinor if their great species are to continue.

    They created the universe as we have known it. They will make the universe anew when they start again.

    Life, as we know it, is but an unexpected occurrence. But life will occur again. So we need not concern ourselves with what we have done or what is to come. We will be merely fulfilling our part in the great cycle of the universe.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee
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    Since Jagex want RS to reflect on real life, why can they insult my culture but not others?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:22 AM PST

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