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    Saturday, August 8, 2020




    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    Big game hunter elite chest upgrade

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Big game hunter chest upgrade suggestion

    Upgraded big game hunter bait box that collects drops after killing dinosaurs similar to Elite Dungeons' or Sophanem slayer dungeon's chest.


    • 100,000 of every anachronia resource.
    • Unlock the ability to upgrade the chest with 300 hunter marks.
    • Collect three pieces of the chest:
      • One is a random drop from slayer.
      • One is a random drop from big game hunter.
      • One is obtained from gathering produce from the ranch out of time animals.

    P.S. Add big game hunter collection log. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/charis38
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    Auras NEED to pause when you lobby/logout

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Wars retreat was an amazing update for auras and I commend the team who worked on that. But seriously, nearly everything in this game pauses when you logout. I shouldn't have to basically lock myself in for 1-2 hours of pvm or skilling and plan ahead to not have to leave and worry about wasting refresh's/vis wax. You guys made the game healthier during DXP so people weren't pressured in playing insane hours at a time and that's incredible. It's the same concept with auras, just a smaller example. It just makes no sense as to why auras don't pause but everything else does. Hopefully this gets some recognition, I would love for this change to happen.

    submitted by /u/MutagensRS
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    Shoutout to that one guy I need in my raids

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Can we ban lighting fires in the Hall of Memories just like Lumbridge Market?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    How to PvP in 2020

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Solak kills be like

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Hardcore Rob's Elder Overload Chart

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Me drops D: mammoth got salty and charged me into the wall as he died leaving the drops jammed into the wall

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    My sister painted me this over the last few weeks and it finally arrived!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    The lack of good Servers is the reason why this game cannot be "as active as OSRS"

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    It almost feels as if the game isn't designed to hold more than 1,000 players before stuttering and eventually effing dying at 1,500.

    Now, imagine if ALL WORLDS HAD 1,000+ Players each?

    This is an extremely controversial, extremely unpopular and possibly stupid/moronic/idiotic thought to have, but perhaps, the game is in a good spot and having as much players as we have (as opposed to OSRS) is actually a good thing for our game.

    RS3 isn't designed to be active, and that thought is probably the reason why we don't get better servers, because we're in a good spot (the less players the better).

    submitted by /u/RavenClawRS
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    Dovydas / A Friend playing RS3 again :D

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Allow Cheeky Monkey to be obtained in-game again

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    I missed the road trip back in 2014 and it has been haunting me ever since. I thought for sure this would be re-added into the game by this point.

    For anyone who doesn't know it makes dwarf traders slightly more bearable.


    submitted by /u/-Sansha-
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    Any groups for nontoxic AoD?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I've got a little over 400 kc, but I'm not an AoD expert. Just proficient at best. I was just wondering if anyone knows of anywhere to find teams that prioritize the thrill of smooth kills and great drops over sweaty speed and toxic behavior. I know about the large discords, but they aren't what I'm looking for.

    submitted by /u/alaz_the_second
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    Just FYI, Corrupted Scarabs do get DXP on DXP Live.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    This PSA is just for those who may have assumed they were not due to their D&D-ness. I've seen a few people ask this, so figured I'd just post this here.

    I thought they might not since they are basically a D&D without being explicitly labelled as such. But luckily Jagex decided to forgo restricting them. So thanks Jagex. I was getting nearly 5K xp per scrab stomp due to DXP and Bonus XP. Talk about overpowered.

    submitted by /u/Healthy_Airport
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    Could you suggest any other GOOD mmo that focuses on leveling up different skills and grinding like in RS3. OSRS? (ftp or not)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    I wonder if there is something as good out there. Have you guys ever played any other MMO as satisfying as RS?

    submitted by /u/beastmatrix
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    RS 3 mobile chat window.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I have not been able to find anyone else talking about this, but after a recent update, the "reduce chat" option on the chat window now causes the chat box to disappear off the screen a few seconds after any chat or game message comes up. Please, for god's sake give us an option to disable this and keep the chat up constantly like it was before. This is horrible! I don't want to have to click the bubble 3 times every time I missed what came up in the chat box.

    submitted by /u/Rust_yShackelford
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    Archaeology Relic for Crystallise timer extension

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    What would you think about that? Since soul runes are pretty expensive and creating them is really annoying i thought about to extend the 30 second timer by another 30 seconds or less like 10-20 seconds.

    Or any relic or item that would decrease the runes needed for a spell like crystallise.

    submitted by /u/Machlath
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    Sceptre slam W10 Lum beach bank 17:30 Gametime

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Slam has occurred thanks for coming

    submitted by /u/DonzaRS
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    PSA: If you play less than 4.8 hours a day on average, you won't ever run out of dxp

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    ....I don't know who this is for tbh

    edit: to be clear, if you play casually (<4.8h/day) pausing to 'save' dxp for later won't benefit you

    submitted by /u/okijhnub
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    Finally got that 15 year cape

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Good potions to make that compromise xp rates with good gp/xp?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    While it's obvious in theory I shouldn't resell potions as supplies will go down while materials spike during dxp events the reality of the situatiion is it isn't feasible for me to stock up on like 200m worth of supplies to then resell. My bank total is worth maybe 20m, so I have to resell if I want to properly utilize dxp for training herblore.

    I've been trying to use the potion calculator on the wiki but it's not really accurate for dxp because it only shows the default median price range (which materials/potions never buy/sell for). I've been experimenting with different potions to make. I was profiting about 1m/hr making super strengths yesterday but now they're at a loss. Trying super energies but I suspect it will also be a loss (but they're nicer because the upfront cost is lower).

    Any suggestions for the criteria I listed? For the record I'm currently 88 herblore, and want to aim for 96 before dxp is over. At this rate I should have enough money to get there with my current methods but I'd like to know if there are some good alternative methods that are maybe faster and still decent gp/xp or methods that aren't terrible xp and profit.

    submitted by /u/Okawaru1
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    I need some immediate assistance

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    So i just built a pc and i havent played old school runescape in yeeears but i had tried the phone edition and on my phone i had to start over.... so when i logged onto the pc version i was thinking everything would be ok and id go back to where i left off years ago but nope. I got to where i left off the phone. And i need to know if theres anyways to get all my old stuff back

    submitted by /u/GrippinAndHuggin
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    Max hasn't remaxed?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Just a quick thought I had whilst I was doing a farm run earlier and saw Max chopping his tree down in the Varrock patch.
    As of writing this post, 3,689 people have achieved 200m Archaeology. These are real humans playing the game, who have to eat and sleep and do other things apart from training Arch.

    Max is logged in 24/7, constantly skills, literally won't talk to you until he needs to bank, and yet since March 30th, aka 131 days ago, Max has yet to achieve 99 Archaeology.

    Literally unplayable. /s

    submitted by /u/SympathiseRS
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