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    Monday, February 3, 2020

    RuneScape Game Update: Mining & Smithing Changes

    RuneScape Game Update: Mining & Smithing Changes

    Game Update: Mining & Smithing Changes

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    ProTip Tuesday - 04 February

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:08 PM PST

    ProTip Tuesday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can share your RuneScape tips and tricks.

    Help out your fellow redditscapers with advice for bossing, skilling, money-making, or any other part of the game.

    Past ProTip Tuesday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    disassembling an Elder Rune Platebody +5 before and after today's update

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:22 AM PST

    PSA: Seren Stones have had their HP increased by 400% instead of the advertised 33%

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Today's mining changes effected more than advertised

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

    With the change to stamina in today's update, the developers predictably did not account for rocks which do not have an associated stone spirit. Although they anticipated this for the red and crystal variants, today's nerf to stamina effectiveness has made mining regular sandstone, used to make the Blessed Flask, even more of a chore than it already is. Additionally, the grind for Sandy has also been effectively extended, as the role for the bugs and gems from sandstone is done as a piece of sandstone is obtained rather than every swing.

    Based on preliminary testing, rates seem to have dropped by approximately 65-75% for afk gathering at 99 mining. Without rockortunities, there is little which can be done to compensate for the drastic decrease in gathering speed of sandstone other than changing how stamina works on these rocks. They also have neglected to accommodate the lesser used granite rocks as well, which are used for low level summoning familiars.

    The solution is clearly to add a sandstone stone spirit to high level bosses (/s)

    in all seriousness please look into this

    submitted by /u/Nate_of_88
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    One down, two to go

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:33 AM PST

    Corrupted ores nerf is huge

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Everyday on my commute I mine seren stones. Today on my way to work (before today's update) I mined 403 corrupt ores in 43 min yielding 104k mining xp. This is approximately 64k smithing xp in corrupted ores. After work (and after todays nerf to AFK mining), I mined once again. 39 min commute resulted in 102 corrupt ores and 97k mining xp. This is approximately 16k smithing xp.

    So, mining xp is practically the same, but yields 1/4th of the corrupted ores. Was this even intended? I think you shouldn't have touched seren stones at all, as I don't think this huge nerf will make stone spirits anymore valuable.

    Pre Nerf Post nerf
    Time 43 min 39 min
    Corrupted ores 403 102
    Mining xp 104k 97k
    Potential smithing xp 64k 16k
    submitted by /u/Ludovixo
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    Suggestion: Shouldn't Mining Stamina just be on by default? I didn't even know this was a toggle, and I'm sure more players are in the same boat. Should be especially useful after this new update that makes mining more reliant on stone spirits and re-clicking rocks.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Was the intention to increase HP by 33% or 300%?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:48 AM PST

    [Suggestion] Can we please get a cliff-side agility shortcut (high level?) here on Anachronia to make accessing the totem nearest to Laniakea easier to access?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:14 AM PST

    I just found the source of the Corona Virus

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Treasure Trails Points in currency pouch to have Stats and Log on right click

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST

    I've come to realize that PvP in Runescape doesn't suck because that part of the game is bad....

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:16 AM PST

    I've come to realize that PvP in Runescape doesn't suck because that part of the game is bad....

    Its Because the PvP Community is one of the most absolutely toxic I've ever seen.

    If you lose, you're a noob who doesn't know how to fight.

    If you beat them, you're either a cheater or a food chugging carebear (regardless if they were eating too or not).

    And that's only if you actually manage to find Solo PvPers. The vast majority seem to run around in roving Gangs, ignoring each other but going after the smaller groups or solo players.

    Then, when an Update comes along that either threatens their Edge, or tries to balance things out for more people, its riots for days.

    And we wonder why Jagex stopped really trying to make anything better.

    EDIT:XD Hahahahahahah! A perfect example, right here.


    submitted by /u/TheRealOsamaru
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    Feedback on the Mining Stamina Changes

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

    So I've had a brief test using light animica and luminite (to compare the impact). Both times my setup was simply the golem outfit, song pickaxe and perfect plus active (so no stone spirits).

    With animica, you feel the impact of the reduced stamina extremely quickly. Generally, your damage dealt to the rock will be negligible before a rockertunity spawns, which means you need to click the rock to reset your stamina once before the rockertunity spawns (so animica is significantly more intensive than before). If you have stone spirits from the very beginning you can probably afk it quite comfortably, but if you get a stone spirit from the perfect plus you will not be able to use it without clicking again (in other words, perfect plus cannot be used to effectively afk).

    E: Regarding stone spirits on animica, I would get down to around 35-40% stamina before I'd mine the first ore so you will mine slower even with the stone spirits refreshing your stamina, but it does enable that afk mining if you so desired.

    With luminite, you gather the ores relatively quickly still although at 0% stamina you will take significantly longer to get an inventory of ores. However, I found that I could usually get a stone spirit from the perfect plus once per inventory of ores (although I was at 0% stamina a few times regardless).

    Summary: The stamina nerf is felt extremely hard at the higher tier ores and fairly hard at the lower tier ores. Rockertunities are no longer a good balance between afk and active mining because you will be mining at a severely reduced rate before the rockertunity spawns. It would be nice if the time for a rockertunity to spawn was reduced to offset the nerf to stamina (and thus encourage more active mining), but we'll probably have to wait another year before we get any more changes to mining.

    E: Are stone spirits worth using now? No more so than they were previously really. If your sole focus is to maximise ores per hour then yes, same as before. If your sole focus is to get mining xp, not really - your xp rates seem to be mostly unaffected. If you want to semi-afk, also not really. You might be able to 100% afk the lower tier ores with stone spirits, but ultimately there's no point in making anything other than banite/elder rune since their component selection is so limited - the smithing change did not go anywhere near far enough towards helping the deficit of components so I'm not even going to dive into that.

    submitted by /u/PrimalMoose
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    Uhhh... is this right?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Uhhh... is this right?

    So, I was about to go kill that zamorak demon or wahtever the name is in the wildy, and when I checked my risk it was saving just 2 items, instead of 3 (w/o protection), and when activating protection it went up to 3 but didnt save my nox but my cape instead? I didn't die or anything, I left the wildy just in case, but is this just an interface bug or something more serious?

    edit: I tried reopening the game but nothing changed


    submitted by /u/Lusca_UwU
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    Is there anyway to move the system update box... Making p3/p4 telos harder to combat

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:48 AM PST

    An update on the bugged living rock soul for those of you like me that have been stuck at 159/160.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:55 AM PST

    A bit disappointed as the "Empowered" version of the Blightreaver Staff and Sword are just a color change. I was expecting a cooler version of them.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Ingenuity of the Humans awarding xp drop from other player in boss fight

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Ingenuity of the Humans is a basic constitution ability requiring level 10 constitution. When activated, the next ability or spell used within 6 seconds has 100% hit chance, guaranteeing that it will hit.

    However, this morning, I stumbled upon a weird side-effect that effectively ruined a pure account of mine: using this ability awarded full xp from the boss to the account using the ability, despite doing almost no damage AND using a different combat style.

    Consider the following situation: there are two accounts, account A is a (maxed) main and account B is a pure with all combat stats less than 5, except constitution and prayer, which are 70+. Account A is using a nox scythe, and has melee xp set to strength. Account B is using a bronze crossbow with bronze bolts, and has a 3a druidic staff as switch (but no runes). Account B's melee xp is set to all 3 skills (att, str, def).

    Now, accounts A and B are killing K'ril together in an instance. Account A pretty much solos it, but account B does hit K'ril once: after using IOTH, he uses a basic ranged ability to damage Kril, and then switches to the 3a staff and just sits out the fight doing nothing.

    You would expect that, once K'ril dies, account A gets almost all of the xp (as strength xp) whereas account B gets a tiny drop of xp. This is not what happened to my noob account this morning. I believe IOTH + ranged hit a measly 61 on K'ril, and I did no damage on K'ril otherwise. Once he died, I got approx 5000 strength xp - despite barely doing damage, not using melee and having melee xp set to spread over all 3 skills.

    Given that the main account had set his melee xp to strength only, this leads me to believe that my noob account was given the xp drop that belonged to the main account...

    submitted by /u/NearlyDeadNoob
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    Mr. Jagex I don't feel so good

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:07 PM PST

    How does destroying AFK mining make it more "fun", Jagex?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    We're hoping that these changes will make the skills more fun and rewarding for everyone.

    Don't try to disguise a nerf as an update. Mining will once again be a terrible skill, it was actually enjoyable for a whole year :\

    All this just to make stone spirits more valuable for PvMers. I thought the whole point of the M&S rework was to REMOVE PvM from the equation? Why not just delete stone spirits and replace them on the drop tables with salvage or something of similar value?

    submitted by /u/ShaunDreclin
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    Suggestion: Allow stone spirits to provide a stamina buff each time they are consumed.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:47 PM PST

    My thought is each time a stone spirit is consumed, you would receive a (10? 5? 3?) second buff that allows your stamina to stay maxed as if you were tick mining. Once the buff wears off, stamima would drain normally. The buff would not be cumulitive; if another stone spirit is consumed before buff wears off, it would reset buff timer back to max instead of adding to it. You would still need to have perfect juju mining potion active. This could also possibly vary with tier, with lower tier stone spirits providing a shorter buff duration than higher tier stone spirits. It could also be a % chance of providing the buff if this suggestion would be considered too OP. Or the buff could make your stamina drain more slowly, so tick mining is still faster, but using stone spirits afk would not hurt your rates as much as they currently do, especially with higher tier ore.

    This would not fully fix the entire stone spirits issue, but would fulfil Jagex's goal with the update by making stone spirits more beneficial for those who use them. The goal would be for afk mining with stone spirits to be approximately equal to what rates previously were pre-nerf, with the afk mining nerf still hurting those who don't use stone spirits.

    submitted by /u/D_K_8_8
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    Crystal chest profit post-money tree seeds: A preliminary study on the profit margins with DXP on the horizon.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:16 AM PST

    Crystal chest profit post-money tree seeds: A preliminary study on the profit margins with DXP on the horizon.


    In this small study I will investigate if using crystal keys on the Prifddinas crystal chest is worth your time: how much profit can be made per hour using a sample size of 1000 keys. The opening took about an hour of my time, including keeping track of some statistics. Total profit was about 10m, but might probably not be worth your time.


    Because I was bored I decided to test how much profit can be made from opening crystal chests in Iorwerth district, Prifddinas. Most people are probably familiar with the chest, myself included, as multiple bosses drop the keys required for the chest. Every once in a while, a post on Reddit will show up showing the money making potential of this method. Because of the new money tree (whose seeds one can obtain from opening this chest) and the upcoming double xp weekend, as well as the farming/herblore 120 update (giving a boost to herb prices), I decided it was time to do the same, but in a slightly longer format (i.e. this one, because I was bored).


    1000 crystal keys were acquired over a period of 40 hours. They bought for 26,592,411 gp total, resulting in a loss of 1000*(27500-25353)=2.147.000 gp compared to the GE price. This loss will be factored into the final calculation.

    GE buy offer

    Because I was somewhat bored (see this post also), but not so much I'd want to off myself afterwards, I did not keep track of all the drops. Only the untradables: Motherlode shards, Corrupted ores, Crystal tree blossoms, and money tree seeds.

    For calculating the profits, I used my wealth evaluator (WE) before and after, and compared the two. The worth of the untradables according to the WE are as follows:

    Money tree seed: 250.000 gp each; Crystal tree blossom: 100.000 gp each; Corrupted ore: 500 gp each; Motherlode shard: 10 gp each (ticking 'on' [Include tradable wealth] on the WE).


    Starting out with 15,840,648,069 total wealth and ending with 15,861,079,814 total wealth, according to the evaluator, a profit of 20,431,745 was made during 1 hour of opening keys (see appendix A).

    From 1000 keys, I got the following:

    Money tree seeds: 2; Crystal tree blossoms: 51; Corrupted ores: 5400; Motherlode shards: 430

    Adding these together results in a worth of 8,304,300 gp

    Subtracting this from the 20,431,745 profit, together with -2,147,000 for the keys results in an effective profit of 9,980,445.

    However, this is not counting the money tree seeds (+ about 2.5m gp), and the loot from the motherlode shards (unknown, varies).

    Additionally, while I did not keep track of the amount of loops/teeth of keys I got from the chests, I can say that I ended up with 25(!) more teeth than loops at the end.

    Alchables from 1091 keys (so, more than the 1k but it gives an estimation nonetheless)

    Discussion & conclusion:

    Whilst writing this up is somewhat satisfying, the overall experience of opening the chest was not. I wholeheartedly would discourage anybody from doing so, as it is both mind-numbing as well as frustrating, seeing as you have to constantly fill your gem back, and withdraw keys/drop junk into your BoB.

    The positive sides are that I got enough motherlode shards to last me for >2 months (delivering 10 to Wythien every day), and a crapton of corrupted ore for when I want to afk those TH token-events. The blossoms aren't really an issue, as you can get two a day anyway, and the perfect plus lasts for quite a while.

    As noted before, herb prices may be inflated due to DXP/Herblore 120, but for now, it seems to be a decent mid-level moneymaker (requires Prif access).

    As for the money tree seeds, got too few to estimate a droprate accurately, but I can safely say that they're quite rare. Got one from the chest before (which made me do this in the first place), so I have gotten 3 in about 1300 chests...

    Thanks for coming to my TED-talk. Any questions?

    Appendix A:



    submitted by /u/makethemoonglow
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    Add Auto-Pickpocket to Desert Phoenix - It Isn't 2005 anymore

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:51 PM PST

    This would be a great QOL change.

    It's tedious, it monotonous. The feathers are untradeable, so the economy isn't really a concern and you need a lot of them for certains on the way to 120 herblore. As a reward for completing the Elite Desert Task Set if you must lock it behind something.

    submitted by /u/holydamned
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    Patch Notes - 03/02

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:32 AM PST

    Wars Retreat (PvM Hub) has been one of the most captivating updates in a very long time. Please add more to it! The accessibility, the shop, or whatever else you can think of. Good stuff!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:50 PM PST

    I'm not even a PvMer and I love this update. Seriously, good job.

    submitted by /u/Matthew63
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    So we didint know what to do so we made it Cyan? Like wut?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST

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