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    Monday, January 20, 2020

    RuneScape ProTip Tuesday - 21 January

    RuneScape ProTip Tuesday - 21 January

    ProTip Tuesday - 21 January

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:08 PM PST

    ProTip Tuesday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can share your RuneScape tips and tricks.

    Help out your fellow redditscapers with advice for bossing, skilling, money-making, or any other part of the game.

    Past ProTip Tuesday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Patch Notes - 20/01

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Just finished Sliske's endgame

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:14 AM PST

    when you just can't decide.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:26 PM PST

    I dont think Jagex could show more of a middle finger to those people who were asking for dragons cluster task to include frost dragons for MONTHS.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:06 AM PST

    I wonder what the big UPDATES later in the month are gonna be?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:13 AM PST

    so this happened... i'm in shock...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Happy ‘Patchweek Monday’ #3 of 2020!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    Hope you all have a great one 💙

    submitted by /u/RSDrebin
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    Major bug with group PvM after todays update

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:16 AM PST

    After today's update, it seems as though players are taking multiple damage hits (usually the base). It seems as though the game thinks you have intercepted people and it currently ignores all defensives.

    Clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/GorgeousTangibleCarabeefUncleNox

    submitted by /u/Jay_B_11
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    Require PIN to leave a clan

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:35 PM PST

    Today I was hacked. Thankfully the only thing I lost was about 35m worth of fletching supplies. It seems my PIN stopped anything major from happening. But what did happen which bothers me more, is that whoever did it, also left my clan. My issue with that is someone can access my account and just leave my clan with nothing stopping them. It doesn't require a PIN or anything to do that which I find ridiculous.

    Ironically, our clan had another member of staff (like myself) get hacked in the past week and they also left the clan. I only had about 200m clan XP. Granted, I'm not really hot and bothered about XP anyway. But our other member had over 1 billion clan XP. They took the loss pretty well as far as I can tell, but not everyone may be in that boat. That's 1 billion XP and probably a few hundred hours of playtime - gone.

    This seems like a small matter, but in light of Jagex saying that they're going to work harder at stepping up security a few months ago; I think requiring a PIN in order to leave your own clan is also a good addition to the list.

    submitted by /u/joedotphp
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    At least this dude also can get a scythe without worrying about dying?...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:06 AM PST

    You'd think Haiti, Skoll and Fenrir would of come with this weeks update. Sadly not :/

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:59 AM PST

    Business/Economics Lesson for those Asking for Refunds on Auras when War's Retreat is Launched

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:42 AM PST

    tl;dr - you're asking to get an item for free AND to get your money back

    The Too Long version -

    Most businesses do have a refund or exchange policy. You bought something you didn't want, it didn't fit, maybe it was broken? That's alright, as long as you have the receipt and in a certain period of time, you'll get your money back or can exchange for another like item or get store credit so you can buy something else.

    Keep in mind, this isn't like a service industry like restaurants or getting a haircut. If a restaurant brings you the wrong order or brings you something that tastes like Ughtanki Dung or is undercooked like Poorly Cooked Karambwan, it's understandable you don't have to pay. Similarly with a haircut, if you ask for a certain style and instead get your head shaved ... you don't need to pay. True, you could say that the store botched the service and get that time for free ... but you could also expect the store to think you're trying to steal from them and they will politely tell you to go bleep yourself and never come back.

    Now, what we are going to see with War's Retreat is a bit closer to a change in currency, like when members of the European Union switched from their local currencies to the Euro.

    Here, you bought an item at a store for say $20. Doesn't matter if you bought it June 1 at 9 AM or December 31st at 11:55 PM. $20 is $20.

    But on Jan 1 at 12:00 AM, the store is now only accepting the new currency (Euro for example.) That same item now costs 18.04 Euros.

    At 12:03 AM, you suddenly realize ... you don't want it. The store can refund the item ... but you are in an interesting place where the store can offer you 2 currencies: The Dollar or the Euro. You can make whatever arguments for getting back either currency. But the fact of the matter is the store is getting the thing back.

    From a business side however, the players are basically saying that not only do they want a full refund, they also want to keep the thing.

    To put this in perspective:

    • The Loyalty Shop requires Loyalty Points
    • War's Retreat requires Marks of War

    The Auras cost:

    Aura Loyalty Shop War's Retreat
    Vampyrism 23000 5000
    Dark Magic 42500 12500
    Berserker 50000 25000
    Maniacal 50000 25000
    Reckless 50000 25000

    Keep in mind that Loyalty Points have their own rate at which they are earned, Marks of War are capped at 1000 per hour. So to earn say the Maniacal Aura thru War's Retreat, you'll need to do 25 hours of bossing for that 1 aura.

    Now, here's the final kicker, Jagex has already said that if you've unlocked the auras with Loyalty Points (hint: you already have the item) you don't need to spend Marks of War to re-unlock it (hint: you don't need to spend more money to get it). That means, you also don't need to invest 5, 13, or 25 hours to unlock the specific aura if you already have it.

    Of course, some players are not seeing this. They are stating they want their money back. Yet, they still get to keep the merchandise and use it later? That's not a good business practice for any IRL store.

    Now Jagex could give you your Loyalty Points back ... that would be fair if you really, really, really wanted those Loyalty Points back. Or perhaps you are going to grind bosses for hundreds of hours so you'd have Marks of War either way, but not the Loyalty Points over time. So sure, Jagex refunds you, you lose the Auras, and have to reunlock them. But you would have the Loyalty Points to go towards a different aura or a cosmetic or something.

    Jagex could also give players the option to say give up the auras, but instead of getting Loyalty Points back, you got Marks of War. Now you could start with 5k to 92500 Marks of War to do things like get the bonfire upgrades and loads of aura refreshes, but again, you wouldn't have the auras and would have to be re-unlocked.

    On another note, there is one other area where players would probably argue about getting a refund: the auras not working as intended.

    This issue is that the auras really have worked as intended. So they aren't using false advertising saying that you do 20-50% more damage when in reality you do 2-5% more damage with the higher amount being rarer than a 3rd Age Dye. They also are broken in the context of the listing says 10% but in reality it's only doing 1%. Their effects are useful and all 5 are commonly used in PvM and Bossing. So Jagex hasn't exactly mislead you into buying "faulty products" (at least in regards specifically to these auras).

    In addition, they haven't exactly been charging you a lot for them either. Loyalty points stack at a high rate depending on your consecutive months of membership. Tbh, each of these auras are a month of earned Loyalty Points under the current exchange rate. Even the auras that are going to cost 25 hours of game play thru War's Retreat, do you play at least 25 hours per month doing bossing/pvm content? Then you're covered. Do you play more than that per month? Then you might be able to unlock the auras a heck of a lot sooner than if you had been paying with just Loyalty Points.

    On top of that, the auras are specialized to combat. So skill pures won't have to worry about this. It will also be a few less items cluttering up the Loyalty Shop for skillers to look for something to purchase.

    Finally, I know a number of players aren't happy with Jagex for any one a multitude of reasons. Some people would feel that Jagex owes the players some sort of compensation for those reasons.

    The thing is ... even if all players were given these 5 auras for free ... you'd probably not consider it a worthwhile reimbursement. Especially for those players that may have already unlocked them nor have a use for them.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee
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    I made a minimalist wallpaper using my friend's character as model

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:25 AM PST

    It's now been 7 months since the comp cape rework was released, and drops from the Tower of Life are STILL always noted. Please make the noting effect only apply when wearing the Ardougne cape

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:48 AM PST

    There have now been 5 posts, including one 3 months ago with a Jmod reply that achieved nothing.

    Basically - to use the Tower of life most efficiently, you need to be able to get unnoted drops in order to use them on the altar to spawn another monster. The comp cape rework tied the noting effect of the Ardougne cape to the player, so it now permanently has the noting effect active meaning you need to bank significantly more often when using the tower. Please for the love of god fix this

    submitted by /u/CoolBananas69
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    There should be 1 patch notes per month.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Added alongside with the content update. Urgent issues should be hotfixed as they currently are. There is no need for 10-20 minor text corrections or interface adjustments every damn week that result in server reboot for no apparent reason.

    submitted by /u/usualowl
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    Can the length of usernames be hidden too? (suggestion)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:32 PM PST

    I guess that's one way to go

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Ultimate Slayer Achieved + Mini-Breakdown

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Ultimate Slayer Achieved + Mini-Breakdown

    After several long months I finally finished Ultimate Slayer and thought I would share a short breakdown/highlights for it for anyone interested.

    I should have been 3rd or 4th Ultimate Slayer but I hit a wall with Lava Strykewyrms so bad I considered quitting the grind entirely.

    I'll try to keep it in an order for what usually gets asked the most.

    The only drop I started with on the log was Adrenaline Urn.

    Profit: Unfortunately I didn't keep a good log of this but I know it's in excess of 4 billion total gold in drops. I also know that I spent at least 1 billion of it on supplies to keep going, Potions, Food, Springs, Cannonballs, Seeker Charms, and much more.

    The single most profitable log was Wilderness log(mostly because I went almost 4x droprate for the Wyrm Spike) coming in at over 1.8 billion gp. Lava Stryke drops seen below (+150m or more in ashes I already sold):


    Creature kills: (Lucky = less than 75% expected kills, unlucky = 2x+ expected kills)

    Slayer Creature kills: 266,787


    Camel Warriors: 1008 (On task) Expected: 2,000

    Celestial Dragons: ~2,300 Expected: 4,096

    Grove Creatures: ~150 (On task) Expected: 1,500

    Rune Dragons: 3,706 (On task) Expected: 5,000-10,000

    Shadow Creatures: 4,109 Expected: 6,000

    Unlucky -

    Lava Strykewyrms: 23,678 (On task) Expected: 6,186

    Ripper Demon: 7,021 (On task) Expected: 1,000

    Vile Blooms: 6,539 (On task) Expected: 2,500

    Glacor: 3,147 + 4-5 Wanted Cards* Expected: 1,280

    Dinosaurs: 13,931 (On task) Expected: 6,000

    Edimmu: 34,716 (Task Only) Expected: ~23,000

    Kal'gerion Demon: ~4,000 Expected: ~685

    Ragged Abomination(Dragon Fullhelm): 3,800 Expected: 1,000

    *Special Note for Glacors: I received the final pair of boots from a single Glacor during the Rush of Blood minigame

    Special Drops: 31 Revenant Drop Enhancers, 9 Revenant Pets, and 25 Brawling Gloves.

    If anyone has questions hopefully I can answer them. Next goals: Telos log and ED3 log....after a bit of a break.

    submitted by /u/MightBeTyrael
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    "We want to have a bit more focus next year aswell on seasonals and Holiday Events..."

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:37 AM PST

    Bugs from this weeks update

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:10 AM PST

    ..sometimes base takes a bunch of extra hits meant for other players likely killing them (potentially hotfixed)

    ..hits can go through even when out of the instance (can cause double grave death so wear rod or just instantly reclaim items from death..) (potentially hotfixed)

    ..audio sounds broken with many sounds not playing properly or some sounding quiet

    ..charactors dont face combat dummys when building adren and else where+familiars dont turn either

    ..cut scene fade out fix has improved but not fixed it entirely with some faces or noses being cut off in the cut scene

    before issues that are still not fixed..

    ..delay on key binds when interface changes making starting solak adren stalling at telos clues and basically everything in the game annoying

    ..can click through chat tabs every time you go to change them

    ..some audio effects such at harps vary depending on the fps anything above 50 fps makes it play quicker and low fps makes the audio glitch out

    submitted by /u/markitiman
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    Anyone else's character acting weirdly today?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:52 PM PST

    I'm fighting the barrows brothers and my character faces away from the opponents while still attacking, what's going on? My friend has the same issue fighting the mobs in GWD2.

    submitted by /u/5-x
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    Drednip + Vulnerability bomb = Vulnip (suggestion)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:25 AM PST

    ETA on a fix for clicking through chatbox tabs?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:08 AM PST

    This bug is absolutely and incredibly frustrating. It has been in plaguing players for over a month now. Can we PLEASE at least get an eta on when it will be fixed?

    submitted by /u/pacquan
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    9 Years Ago - The start of the party hat crash - that little dip in the graph was the start of a big decline

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:47 AM PST

    Why is there no hati this year?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:47 AM PST

    did jmods forget or management couldnt make money out of that content?

    submitted by /u/metazombii
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