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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 469 - General Q&A

    RuneScape TL;DW 469 - General Q&A

    TL;DW 469 - General Q&A

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:46 AM PST


    Treasure Hunter

    • We have finished investigating all the accounts regarding the Treasure Hunter bug.
      • We reviewed just shy of 400 accounts.
      • ~370 were temporarily banned.
      • ~35 were permanently banned due to links to gold sellers etc.
      • We ended up removing more wealth than the amount that entered the game as a result of the bug due to the connections found with RWT.
      • We removed all the bonus XP, proteans, silverhawks, lucky items, and other TH-based items people gained from the bug.
    • Mod Bowtie (because he wears a bowtie everyday) has been with Jagex for ~4months and is the new designer on the Live Ops team.
      • He blew us away with innovation and design.
      • It's that innovation that we need to move away from our current promos.
    • Ring of Shards
      • The first Mod Bowtie promo.
      • Instead of chests you will have crystals coloured correspondingly to the rarity of loot inside.
      • Instead of opening a chest you break a crystal.
      • Once you break a crystal, you get a selection of five items and you get to pick which one you want.
      • Reroll if you do not like the selection you're given.
        • Rerolls have a chance to upgrade the rarity of the crystal.
        • The prize value decreases with every reroll but chance to upgrade increases with every reroll.
        • After 3 rerolls you have a very high chance of upgrading to the next rarity.
      • Limits blind chance and gives more choice.
      • We know players like Treasure Hunter the way it is because of the number of people that engage with it, but we also know there are those that dislike it. Obviously, we need to find a solution that fits both parties and taking it out completely would take it away from players that liked it and giving in to players that do not like it. So we try to find comprises, and in future we're looking to find more alternatives and approaches especially with regard to the removal of blind chance and giving variable and meaningful choice to the player when they've spent money on the game.
      • We promised to be transparent about the approaches we're taking. If the community wants it Mod Bowtie will be back to show more concepts.

    War's Retreat

    • Jan 27 release.
    • F2P.
    • We always planned to add achievements (especially following the Completionist Cape Rework), we didn't know if the achievements would make the deadline but we had extra time to do them.
    • Boss kills are already tracked so people will have already made some progress.
    • Auras obtainable from War's Retreat will be removed from the loyalty shop the day before release.
    • Jan 27 - Feb 10: +50% Reaper points from reaper assignments.


    • No winter weekends or Hati & Skoll this year. We looked at the engagement and how many people were enjoying it but there was a real drop in them. We have to rethink content that doesn't have good engagement instead of lazily rolling them out as they are every time.
    • New event on Monday. It will be F2P.
    • We've kept 3 developers on Farming and Herblore. We want to look at powerbursts and bombs as a whole and look at how wwe can make them more useful since they're not quite where we want them to be (e.g. cooldowns, unreachable bosses means you can't throw a bomb on them, using it from the action bar is not user-friendly, effects not being strong enough). We also want to release at least one new powerburst and bomb. No details yet but we're looking into it.
    • Chance to receive extra fine sand is the same rate per kilogram which means the bigger the block the faster it is to get extra fine sand.
    • Max guild requires skilling to enter, so if we add anything additional it should probably be skilling. Tell Mod Raven what you'd like to see. We don't want to do too much (something like an invention workbench).
    • Now that Java has been sunset, can we get the bloom effect now? No. We found out that due to the various assets and lighting settings, it's difficult to get it uniform (so in some areas it would look good but in others it would look terrible). The general feeling was that it doesn't look good enough, and wouldn't be a benefit compared to the drawback. No plans to do it anytime soon if at all.
    • Boss/Skill pet KC/XP that you received the pet at is not logged. So if we were to begin tracking it, existing pets won't be affected.
    • Ramen is investigating/wanting to work on letting Ironmen use challenge gems.
    • Would we consider letting base camp workers keep totems alive? We like the idea of it.
    • Flies are now stackable, but stock reduced to 200 from 1000.
    • No current plans to add multiple items to quivers. It's possible to do but there is a lot of work to it, not that simple of a change.
    • Solak took several months to test. How does a solo tester test group bosses? Playtesting and bots play a part.
    • Mod Warden needs time to make his version of the roadmap of future projects.
    • Internally we have a release date for Archaeology which we're confident about but we don't want to announce anything until we're certain. JMods have been playing it internally: even after working on it for 18months Iago is enjoying it a lot. Shogun is the highest level at 83 and has even come in on a weekend just to play it.
    • Grace of the Elves will work with Archaeology. We are considering Arch as a gathering skill because the large bulk of the time spent on the skill is gathering (even though it has elements of artisan etc).
    • GWD3 development has not started. Things have progressed since Runefest but not active development.
    • Mining and stone spirit changes:
      • Feb 3 release.
      • Invention will now give 4 components per bar used.
      • Stamina is now worth more so AFK mining has taken a hit.
    • We are looking to release ripper demon pet and pet broadcasts displaying the XP/KC gained at before activity pets.
    • Archaeology is raising the F2P cap of skills to 20.
    • GameJam projects:
      • None on our release schedule.
      • Construction Contracts: Dead. Not enough interest.
      • Silver/Gold clue scrolls: Lots of interest. Clue community had a few issues so we'll have to monitor that.
      • Scalable Solak: Iago and Ramen will start the process for it. Hopefully have an update somewhat soon (not in the next few weeks). We want to put it on beta worlds. Removing defend animations is also a part of this project.
    • The lore and history pages on the website were removed because they weren't viewed often. There is upkeep to pages so we removed it.
    • No plans to remove forums. Forum pictures stopped working a while ago and is a big problem to solve which isn't worth it.
    submitted by /u/imsuity
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    Using our 2 Daily spins =/= Enjoying Treasure hunter

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:38 PM PST

    This past Q&A stream was absolutely disgusting. I'm tired of Jagex playing dumb and excusing MTX by saying "I don't know what all the fuss is about everyone loves treasure hunter! Look at the numbers everyone's using their keys." This is infuriatingly insulting, and it's as bad as when they forced out EoC claiming "The majority of the playerbase loves it!". The Rs3 Team/Jagex/Chinese overlords that continue to ignore and neglect the communities interest will bury this game.


    submitted by /u/NotGrizz
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    To be fair, thorns hurt a lot

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Somone just posted this on OSRS sub.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:39 AM PST

    Desperate Measures (Quest) not being in dev is not acceptable

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    This is obviously, not the fault of the developers and designers involved - they don't get to pick and choose which content to work on, or when to work on it. However, the fact the stream seemed to imply that Desperate Measures is only in design is not acceptable.

    At the past three RuneFests we have been promised a continuation to the main narrative of the game, and much more regular quests. At the end of last year, a press release came out which said Jagex would be "releasing a quest every 2 months", though this is probably no longer the case given that Desperate Measures is not yet in production.

    Desperate Times (May, 2019) was the first major narrative beat since Sliske's Endgame (December, 2016). This is not only 8 months since the latest instalment in the story, but the latest quest. This is despite promises of having more quests, though this same promise has been made for a few years in a row.

    Quests are extremely important and unique to RuneScape, and many of my lore loving friends have left the game due to the significant lack of them.

    Here is the number of quests we have received over the past decade..

    Year Quests Additional Notes
    2019 3 One of these was Chef's Assistant which was less substantial than most miniquests, another was Curse of the Black Stone. CotBS had zero resources allocated to it, and was made by Raven and some other devs entirely in their spare time.
    2018 4 One of these was You Are It, which was a bottle quest (not necessarily a bad quest though, I quite enjoyed it).
    2017 6 Four of these were the 'Menaphos Quests'. Widely believed to be some of the worst quests in the game or the worst of recent history. Others were Back to the Freezer and Evil Dave.
    2016 7(+) Incredible year for quests. Quests such as Sliske's Endgame, Children of Mah and Nomad's Elegy. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc. We also had 10 Arc Tales, and the God Wars 2 Tales.
    2015 7 Great year for quests. Quests such as Lord of Vampyrium, Hero's Welcome, and The Light Within. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.
    2014 7 Great year for quests. Quests such as Fate of the Gods, One of a Kind, Plague's End and The Mighty Fall. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.
    2013 6 Great year for quests, kicked off a huge narrative plot with The World Wakes. Quests such as Birthright of the Dwarves, The Death of Chivalry and Missing, Presumed Death. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.
    2012 15 Incredible year for quests. Quests such as The Firemaker's Curse, The Brink of Extinction, Song from the Depths, Ariane double bill and Ozan double bill. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.
    2011 9 Incredible year for quests. Quests such as Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Branches of Darkmeyer and One Piercing Note. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.
    2010 11 Incredible year for quests. Quests such as Nomad's Requiem, Love Story and the entire Void Knight series. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.
    2009 11 Incredible year for quests. Quests such as The Chosen Commander, The Temple at Senntisten, The Curse of Arrav and The Tale of the Muspah. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.
    2008 19 Incredible year for quests. Quests such as While Guthix Sleeps, Summer's End, Defender of Varrock, Smoking Kills and Legacy of Seergaze. Quests were full of new assets, areas, unique mechanics and monsters, combat encounters, lengthy, etc.

    Obviously, quests are much more expensive to create now, so we'd never see as many as we did in the early years of the game (pre-2010). That being said, 2013-2016 seemed to hit the nail on the head quite well. New areas, graphics, sometimes voiced, combat encounters, puzzles, great cutscenes, etc.

    submitted by /u/Gaga_Lady
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    pls update ores list jagex

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:04 AM PST

    My calculator seems to be faulty

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:10 PM PST

    Old screenshots from 2010-2011 I found on our old family PC

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Mechanized chins cannot be discovered

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:38 PM PST


    This has happened to two of my accounts and I reported the bug in game on both probably a good month ago. I am not sure if this is applies to other people who have not yet purchased the blueprints or if my two accounts just somehow got bugged.

    submitted by /u/6xxRs
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    I cannot for the life of me imagine why Jagex removed these login screens. The current one is just horrible.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Jagex Adding Industry Talent

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Great news for the future of the game when they are investing in veteran leadership


    submitted by /u/icrainbow
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    Idea: Add Greenfingers Aura to Farming Guild Reputation

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:18 AM PST

    We all know that auras are an issue, and while Jagex is taking great steps to fixing the pvm auras with War's Retreat and Mahjarrat, the skilling auras are still going to be an issue.

    There have been many complaints that the farming guild reputation rewards are underwhelming at best, and often don't really make sense for where they are.

    Moving the Greenfingers Aura to the Farming Guild reputation rewards would give a reward that actually feels useful to unlock, it would be a great place to move the aura to, and would be a great start to moving skilling auras to in game unlocks.

    submitted by /u/Litewarior
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    Scalable Solak added to the shelf

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Stop area loot keybind opening RuneMetrics tab.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:50 AM PST

    Using area loot manually doesn't open RuneMetrics, but the keybind does. Can this be changed?

    submitted by /u/Axiomatic_RS
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    Please make the auto-cleaning on the master farmer outfit toggleable

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Since you can fill the herb bag from your action bar, it makes farm runs much faster when you fill it from your inventory. The auto-cleaning makes the herbs unable to be put in the herb bag, making you note your herbs every 10-15 seconds at the leprechaun.

    submitted by /u/FunnnyBanana
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    Just randomly got traded 10m while mining Runite

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:55 AM PST

    NHS Mental Health Director says loot boxes are pushing kids into gambling.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:12 PM PST

    CLUE SCROLL PET - When you imagine ingame model, uniqueness of pet vs "just another generic MTX pet" and what a pet represents, Meek represents Clue Scrolls A LOT better than Artemis the Deer.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    EDIT: If you think Artemis is better that's fine, but both pets were at 29%, every person in the clue community that spoke has mentioned they'd prefer Meek - if you're so confident Artemis is what the community wants - repoll it and he'll win by a landslide.

    I myself almost voted for Artemis for the splashart alone before I gave it some thought, but the game isn't splasharts and a deer has no place as a clue pet.

    Meek is literally a Meerkat (the familiar you use 100% of the time solving clues) inside a Dye (item you're hoping to get from clue) that has a DYE TRAIL PARTICLE that'd change depending on your dye.

    Artemis is literally a deer, the son of Rory the Reindeer (legendary MTX pet) + Angelic Inari that has literally 0% a place in Clues if you give it 2 seconds of thought in comparison with Meek.

    Artemis won by 31 votes, one could argue people didn't really give it much thought, or imagined them ingame.

    Not getting Meek is a huge missed opportunity on proper pet diversity.

    I am very engaged within the Clue Scroll community and I genuinely have yet to find a single person that prefers Artemis over Meek and I really feel it's absolute nonsense we get the wrong generic pet because people that don't even care about Clues or clue pets (again, 30 votes difference) dictate that fate.

    This really really sucks, please don't give us another generic pet, you'll never get to implement a pet like Meek in any other piece of content besides clues.

    TL;DR: Both Meek and Artemis have the same percentage (29%), if you truly believe that Artemis is the right pet, poll it between the 2, if he is the pet the community wants, he'll surely win that poll anyway - and if he loses, then it's because the community wanted something else after all.

    submitted by /u/iBlazit
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    Suggestion: add Hati, Skoll, and Fenrir in game as a D&D, perma minquest, or Fremmy Area minibosses

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST

    If you're not going to replay the Winter Hunt for the wolves, how about taking one of the many options to just add the 3 wolves in game

    Option 1: weekly or monthly d&d. Player does the 3 wolves as normal. Reward for killing them is now a small or medium bxp star along with outfit pieces.

    Option 2: miniquest. One off event. Hunter npc does his spiel about them. Player goes off and slays the 3 wolves. Get outfit pieces and a little bit of bxp. The world is saved.

    Option 3: perma minibosses. You have 3 existing bosses. Just buff the dmg a little, add some actual xp for killing them, let them count for wolves on slayer task, and find nice spots to put them (cave etc ). They already have cosmetics on their drop table.

    Option 4: full on quest. Min prerequisite of completing Frem Trials. Use a macguffin to locate Hati. Use bonfire to summon Skoll. Fenrir in a spot waiting for you. World is saved, xp and cosmetics all around. Could even make it a "group quest" to hunt and kill some mini bosses. Nothing to stop othetr players from joining in a hunt. (Could have a text "this giant wolf looks terrifyingly similar to [name]" when you start to attack it after completing the quest))

    Tbh, it seems a waste to just throw away the dev, especially when they already have most of the elements in play for something to work with.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee
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    If Forum Pics no longer work and there is no plan to fix them, can a dev remove the photo booth near Falador

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:57 AM PST

    In the dev Q and A, their was a question on forum pics. Jmods said they aren't really going to fix it.

    So, as a small amount of game cleanup, can a dev just remove the photo booth? In case devs have forgotten about it, it is north of the craft guild, just outside the west wall of falador across the path from the Makeover Mage and (graphically outdated) Dark Wiz Tower.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee
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    What's the point of Hearts of Ice anymore?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Every promo uses oddments instead nowadays.

    submitted by /u/SonoShindou
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    She forgot her details but hasn't give up trying!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:03 PM PST

    DIY Clan Vexillum

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Ever wanted to know the ingredients for 1000 elder overloads salves? Wonder no more with this calculator! (other overload types included)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Please send help.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:26 PM PST

    Engagement isn't what makes content enjoyable

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:25 PM PST

    Just because players spend certain level of time engaging with a piece of content doesn't make that content enjoyable or even the sort of thing that brings players back for more. I understand that engagement levels are one of the easiest things for Jagex to measure when it comes to content new and old but there are plenty of reasons a player might engage with something they find lack luster. I never did flask runs because I enjoyed them but I still engaged with that content everyday regardless. On the other end of the spectrum, quests are something I really enjoy but comparatively I've probably spent less time engaging with them then I have my flask runs.

    Engagement time with content doesn't always mean that's the sort of thing players are interested in and will keep people around in the long term. Enjoyment is a factor too and over focusing on one without the other isn't great for the long term health of the game.

    submitted by /u/skywxrp
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