• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 494 - Ninja Natter: Lunar Spellbook

    RuneScape TL;DW 494 - Ninja Natter: Lunar Spellbook

    TL;DW 494 - Ninja Natter: Lunar Spellbook

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:13 AM PDT


    Ninja Team

    Player Interaction Data: Crystal Keys | Fetch Casket | Shattered Worlds

    • We use various tools to measure engagement to determine how changes were received and what to focus on.
    • Our current focus is still going through all the requests submitted in the Ninja Dojo.
      • We can't give a reopening date but are working through them as fast as we can.

    Lunar Spell Strike

    ETA: Monday, September 21st

    New Spells

    Obtained by unlocking the Lunar spellbook with Lunar Diplomacy. (No additional requirements)

    Spell Name Magic Level Rune Cost Description
    Fire Urns 82 5 Water, 5 Earth, 10 Fire, 1 Astral Fires decorated and infernal urns.
    Telekinetic Grind 85 2 Astral, 1 Law Grinds down up to 60 of targeted items by a pestle and mortar. Divides items by teleporting their constituent parts a tiny distance away from each other.
    Sift Soil 91 10 Water, 5 Earth, 1 Astral Magically sifts the targeted soil from your backpack and soil box.
    Trap Telekinesis 97 5 Air, 2 Astral, 1 Law Collects trapped animals and resets traps. Works on box, electrified, tortle and marasamaw traps.

    Bonus Info

    • Fire Urns - Provides the same amount of crafting XP and works with the Artisan outfit/Daily challenges.
    • Trap Telekinesis - Works with the Hunter cape/outfit/items.
    • Sift Soil - Allows you to screen your soil from anywhere at a much faster rate.
      • 1 tick per soil with the elite outfit equipped.

    Other Changes

    A full list will be revealed Monday.

    • Lunar Teleport tablets - Players can now create tradeable teleport tablets of the Lunar teleport spells.
      • Players must meet the spell requirements to use the tablet.
    • A substantial quality of life improvement is being made to the Remote farming spell.
    • The Spellbook swap spell lag has been discussed.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Make this fairy ring useful by adding a stepping stone from it to access the islets around it.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    Your luck of the dwarves shine!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Loot from Excavating in the Praetorium for 600 Hours (lvl 115 - 200M xp)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Can we Change BasiliskBane & Wallasalkibane into Undead Bane & DagganothBane?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Just saw this on fb

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    So you want to be a Content Creator? Here's what you need to know (YouTube focus)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Hey, so there seems to be a question every week or so of someone starting a new channel and looking for tips so I thought I would go through all the things I've learnt over the past 8 months, I always had the dream to want to create YouTube videos but never had the kick to get started and now that I have I love it. So I hope I can be that kick for someone.

    Tip 1: Don't go into this thinking you're going to be making full time income

    As a side thing the money can actually be pretty nice, I basically bought a very nice new Computer with all of the YT Revenue I've gotten so far. But when you're relying it for an income it can be extremely daunting and pressure filled to make videos and make videos that get views and with how small the RS3 Community is, you're going to struggle making a full time income from YT alone even if you upload consistently good videos each day.

    In fact, I believe Maikeru is the only full time RS3 Content Creator that still uploads content regularly

    Not saying that it isn't possible, but with the current state of the game you won't see the 100k+ sub channels that a place like OSRS gets.

    Tip 2: You're gonna hate your voice at first.. but you'll learn to tolerate it

    So this is a thing that pretty much everyone deals with. "I sounds like THAT??!!" You'll get used to it, but just power through and listen to it. By the 10th or so video you'll be used to it and by the 50th you'll actually kind of think its good. Its all about familiarity.

    No you don't sound cringy, no you don't sound lame, you sound like you. Just speak confidently and people will like your voice, people can hear when you aren't sure of your voice and that makes them think that you aren't sure of what your saying in your video.

    Tip 3: Fix your Audio

    Now if any of you have been watching me, you'll know my struggles with audio, so do as I say not as I do. Audio is probably the most important thing in the actual video, people will watch a bad video with great audio much longer than a good video, not saying you should invest boatloads of dollars into a set-up. But something like a Blue Snowball and a Desk Mount, you can probably get that for $80 or so. Brillymister uses that exact set up and his audio is perfectly fine and if YouTube isn't your thing, you now have a desk mic for discord or streaming.

    Tip 4: Do not try to be a Variety Content Creator when doing RuneScape

    So this is just something that doesn't work with RuneScape, with the way that the YouTube algorithm works its best to pair down as far as possible instead of catching a wide net. If you want to do variety, streaming is a much much better option, because streaming is less about the game than it is about the personality of the person streaming.

    If you want to have a variety channel; make a 2nd one instead of throwing it all into one

    Tip 5: Your subscriber count doesn't matter

    Subscribers on YouTube are very overrated, its like followers on instagram its mostly just a bragging point rather that anything that actually helps your channel.

    Most people think that a subscriber means that that's 1 view for every video in the future, but not every sub watches every video, from my rough estimation with my analytics I've found that each subscriber watches about 10-20% of my videos on average, so that's 400-800 views from subscribers per video on average... which is a small portion of my views.

    Its mostly used to determine quality, because unlike views people have to click on the button to do it so it means they must have liked the video/there wasn't anything majorly wrong with it, but once you get past that initial burst there is no difference. Protoxx has 80% of the subs of Maikeru but has been outpacing him on views for the past little bit. Wazzy has 90% of the subs I do and he gets more views per video and more views overall that I do.

    Tip 6: Pick a good name

    Little bit of personal regret here, but Waswere, while unique isn't the best name for YouTube. Its hard to find on the search as its 2 common words and they are commonly put together in video such as "What's the difference between was and were?"

    That makes it much harder to actually find me, I think the best name has these qualities

    • 3 Syllables or less
    • English Sounding
    • No Numbers
    • Doesn't autocorrect in google to something common
    • Easy to spell

    Most people just take their RSN, but think about it for a while, re-branding is annoying and tough to do. RSCC Interviews recently went through a name change and it was long overdue, and he re-branded to Eddie Moo (good name BTW) and even though he's my friend I still make a double take every time I see his videos and am like "Oh Ya that's Eddie"

    Tip 7: Gobble up the username on twitter/twitch/instagram any other platform

    This is something that a lot of people (myself included) don't do, they just make a YT account and when they want to involve the other platforms they make an account. Unfortunately Waswere was taken on both Twitch and Twitter, so I had to settle for Waswere_RS on both of them. Still good but not ideal.

    Consistent branding is important, I was recently streaming under the name "was_rs" and had about 5-10 people come in and say woah you're the waswere guy, didn't even notice. Since then I changed my username to be more consistent and my YouTube brand recognition should help me out in the streaming world.

    Tip 8: Consistent uploads

    This is probably the hardest thing for anyone to do, but basically the algorithm loves when you do this. It doesn't matter how often you upload but rather that you're consistent, not only with the days between but also the time of day.

    I've settled into a pattern of mostly Monday-Wednesday-Friday while uploading between 1 PM - 2PM my time (Eastern Time Zone). Some time I move it a day in either direction but it works This is the best time to upload in my opinion as it catches the Europeans (~40% of viewers) around dinner time while getting the North American crowd (~50% of viewers) in the late afternoon slot.

    Its incredibly difficult to not just hit publish as soon as the video is ready, you want to see peoples reactions, you want to share with the world, but its only going to hurt you in the long run. Schedule the video and look away, then come back when it goes live.

    Tip 9: Don't do premieres

    Premieres suck, they are the worst, they are bad for the viewer and bad for the content creator, don't do them.

    People really don't like seeing a premiere because it shows up in their recommended 100s of times before it actually goes live cause you can set it about 12 hours in advance

    The only exception is for a series that is highly anticipated and you would have people want to wait for it, if you have that, set it to a premiere about 15 minutes before you want it to go to live let the people come in and experience the show. The main benefit is interaction with your viewers as there is a live chat and as a content creator you can get donations via super chats during these, but that's basically it.

    Tip 10: Only do new content if you think you can provide something the top YouTubers can't

    So with the monthly cadence its pretty easy for Maikeru or Protoxx to make a video on literally every single update that Jagex brings to RuneScape. They are better than you and have the years of practice of making videos quickly, they are also European so they will be guaranteed to be awake when the update goes live.

    Make release day content when you have something to add that they don't, I've done it on two updates so far.

    1. The Essence of Finality, Having a PvM series gives me a level of "respect" as a PvMer so people trust my opinion more than someone who doesn't PvM as much so I can test the specs give my results and upload a video, most of the top PvMers (Lucario, Couchy.. etc) mostly focus on streaming and don't provide much guide based content so it was a good opportunity for me
    2. Archaeology Guide, Maikeru being the only other content creator that was 200m gave me the opportunity to make a banger of an Archaeology Guide. Mind you I had 500 subs when that came out, and the overall quality of the video is not the greatest, but the reason why it gained traction was "oh he's in the top 50, he must know what he's talking about" to this day it still gains ~600-700 views per day

    I didn't make a video on the new effigy because it would just re-hash the exact same things that Maikeru and Protoxx did and most people who watch me probably also watch them and would have already seen it and led to low views. Desperate Measures is my lowest viewed video in quite a while and that's because well everyone and their mother did it.

    Tip 11: Understand the YouTube Algorithm

    So this is a really tough one so I'll break it down as simple as I can.

    Basically how it works is that each viewer has a certain score on how well they are tailored to your videos, lets just say ranging from 1 to 10. What YouTube will do is that it'll show your video to all the 10s, and then if it performs well in the 10s, then it'll start pushing it to the 9s and then so on... until it stops performing well.

    I've noticed in my own videos that once the Click through rate (CTR, percentage of people that click your videos that see it) gets below 10% YouTube will stop pushing it to people and then views it'll only come from suggested videos and search results. This normally happens at about the 24-48 hour mark for RS videos but for some wide reaching ones it can be up to a week.

    So with that in mind you want to be successful with your already successful group, so any major changes in upload time, content or game can potentially lead to lower views. I experienced this with the UIM series, most people who watched my videos watched me for boss man (PvM) but now that I'm also producing ironman content its a big difference from what I was doing before the early CTR was much lower leading to the algorithm pushing it

    Bonus Tip: Have fun and take care of yourself

    At the end of the day this is a hobby and if you aren't enjoying it take a break and keep yourself above board

    submitted by /u/WasV3
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    Not even Seren wears her mask properly. smh...

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Fast DG with 5 POVs (in case you were interested)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    For Clue Scroll Lovers, Here's a 3D Printed Clue Casket

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Questing memories #2: Monkey Madness... By far the most traumatising quest of all. This is a snapshot I took back in 2006 (yes, this is what the game used to look like) and this was the first time I tried to solve a slider puzzle and it took me a good 2 days to solve this ...

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Graphics on Ultra lookin sick af

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Loot from 200M prayer at vyres + Scav4 loot

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Bulged a disc in my back yesterday, so spent today finishing off max cape. Then Jagex gives me these on my 5th kill of task and 442nd overall. It's a good day :)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Returning player looking for advice

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Thank you Mod Zee.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Sometime yesterday my wife and I got to talking about old games and I brought up runescape. After a trip down memory lane I decided see if I remembered my credentials and to my amazement I did. Runescape is different now and I had a nice trip but wanted to get off. Decided I'd change my password to something more up to date like my daughter's name or something and I couldn't. This account was made in 2006/07 so it was a username and the registered email was one I did not recognize. Ended up spending six hours reading support center "solutions". Each one sending me down the same rabbit hole of attempting to recover my account. After being denied twice I think I eventually so brazingly put in additional information "email me I'll send a photo of id, answer ANY questions related to the account, ect". I couldn't remember the answers to my recovery questions as mine are absolute meaningless garbage q/a (almost ten years ago I thought I'd never forget them), to just be shot down time and time again while including the current and still working username and password. I just wanted to remove the old email and add a new one so I could secure my account. I did not want to be a casualty who would sit in a computer chair remembering how awesome thier runescape account was but couldn't log in like all my high school friends before me. Six hours of pleading with the email provider, making a Twitter to reach out to jagex support, and having account recoveries denied. Mod Zee answered a Hail Mary I sent out halfway through and simply reset my email. Mod Zee thanks dude. Hopefully someone learns from my painful mistake and keep your information written down or stored somewhere safe. I don't use reddit really just mostly lurk so if formatting is not standard I apologise. TL;DR smashed my face into a keyboard for six hours so I can maybe one day look at pixels again. Thank you Mod Zee for helping me out.

    submitted by /u/cjcfra
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    can enchanted gold jewellery get a proper placeholder?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    if you withdraw a ring of duelling with 6 charges remaining from your bank, youll get a placeholder that will only fit a ring of duelling with 6 charges. this is similar with all enchanted gold jewellery (alongside several other items such as crystal teleport seed), the placeholder is only for the specific amount of charges. however with enchanted silver jewellery you dont have this problem. if for example you withdraw a ring of respawn with 3 charges it will leave a placeholder for 0/5 which will fit any ring with a charge of less than 5. can enchanted gold jewellery be changed to behave like enchanted silver jewellery when it comes to placeholders?

    submitted by /u/lljones
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    Maybe one day

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    I love these funny Warforge pages. They're some of the ones I'll actually read.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    oh well

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Allow MQC to be added to Max/Comp Cape perks if missing achievements have a grace period

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Currently the Master quest cape can be gained/worn if the only incomplete achievements are on their grace period, but this doesn't apply to adding it to Max/Comp cape perks.

    Since the latest achievement (Following in the Footsteps) is currently expected to be unachievable for 12 months it would be nice to have the functionality restored in the mean time.

    submitted by /u/Stevehenry1
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    Make "Elite Dungeons" require elite dungeoneering

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    EDs should require 80+ or 90+ dungeoneering to enter. It just makes sense as an "elite" extension of the dungeoneering skill, and would revive the main skill in Daemonheim a little more.

    ED leeching is kinda irritating, esp because it has made looking for actual teams much more difficult. The FCs are full only of people asking "lf ed3 trash mobs". It's made people start just absolutely skipping from as early as 40s combat stats to 90s without actually engaging with any mid-level content at all.

    EDIT: To be clear, my main issue is that it should logically follow that an elite, surface-world dungeoneering dungeon with real gp rewards should first require you to be able to take on Daemonheim competently, from an in-game-universe perspective. The leeching thing is a side complaint.

    submitted by /u/fuzzy_limeade
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    Hey Jagex, RuneMetrics website is broken again.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Paying monthly for this, would be nice for it to actually work. The API endpoint it uses to get your monthly XP details for a skill (https://apps.runescape.com/runemetrics/xp-monthly?searchName=[username]&skillid=-1) just redirects to https://www.runescape.com/unavailable and is breaking the monthly XP tracker.

    submitted by /u/no-this-iz-patrick
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    Can we get the updated ground textures for the rest of the surface world?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Reset wilderness warnings to ON after player inactivity for a period of time

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:44 PM PDT

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