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    Thursday, January 9, 2020

    RuneScape Lunar Isle recreated in Unreal Engine 4

    RuneScape Lunar Isle recreated in Unreal Engine 4

    Lunar Isle recreated in Unreal Engine 4

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST


    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:08 AM PST

    This is the Way (btw)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Outfits are looking good ��

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:24 AM PST

    PSA: If you have been an Ironman for 5 years, you can claim a gold-trimmed version of the Ironman Cosmetic Armour from Mr. Ex in Edgeville

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Just got my first few Araxxi KC

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:37 AM PST

    I mainly play OSRS since EOC launched. Recently, I jumped on RS3 out of boredom from OSRS where I've completed most of the hard challenges apart from solo Theatre of Blood. Fast-forward to RS3.

    I checked out the twitch category and saw the RS guy streaming and tuned in. He was pushing telos enrage and I ended up really enjoying the stream. Looked up his vids, and saw all the guides for bosses I was too nooby for back in the day like Araxxi and Nex. With a new found sense of challenge, I jumped on, was like base 70s. Got everything combat wise up to 99, did a bunch of quests, grabbed some tier 90 weapons and tier 80 armour and jumped straight into PvM.

    Gotta say, it was really fun to learn a boss again. I appreciate the variety for bossing rs3 has, what an enjoyable game. Araxxi was heaps of fun, although I've only just killed it via acid path. The jad phase at the end was something i figured out without a guide. My first few attempts were really nooby, like i didnt realise i needed to burn a web until i literally looked around the map because the spider wouldn't die. Likewise the acid path was slightly confusing at first and i kept getting 1 shot before realising it was a mini spider killing me.

    Next challenge is going full manual and facing nex. I'm pretty oblivious to the game and quite literally am only familiar with things guides show me, so it's going to a nice challenge. The game isn't that bad at all

    submitted by /u/darksoulsfinalboss
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    Loving the new Cerberus armour, but i feel like the eyes on the pauldrons are meant to glow like the helmet.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:14 AM PST

    Overtime... and only a few mire levels to Maxed :)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Miscellania Remaster (New Resources, New Mechanics, New Quest)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:03 AM PST

    This year we are due a remaster to Managing Miscellania as announced at Runefest. This update will set the expectation and standard for remasters going forward, and as such I thought I would lay out some expectations and ideas that I think would be interesting to include in this update that would make it more than just some Ninja QoL fixes and encourage engagement for those not interested in Miscellania currently.

    Current Miscellania

    Yeah this does need a graphical overhaul and the basic QoL for both the minigame and the two related quests (Throne of Miscellania and Royal Trouble).

    The Trading Post

    Okay the actually interesting part that evolves Managing Miscellania past a gp-to-items generator. This new area would see all the Fremennik clans come together to trade and barter in a closed market. You would be able to take your Miscellania resources here and barter, manipulate supply and demand to gain better deals, and acquire resources that your island just doesn't have (ie divine energy, dagganoth bones, pure essence).

    The Trading Post would consist of a simulated market which can be affected by how many resources you inject and take out of the market, daily and weekly demands from other clans, and general skilling done in the Fremennik region. The Trading Post would not be shared between players, so over time the general dynamic and meta would be unique to how you've interacted with it.

    The Quest

    Probably not the most important part but since Miscellania additions have come with quests in the past, we've been quite low on quests lately, and this can be quite small, I think that a quest to set up the Trading Post and unlock more Miscellania workers would mesh well with the rest of the remaster. After Blood Runs Deep and Hero's Welcome the Fremennik clans have reached a tentative peace out of necessity. Why not formalize and solidify their tolerance of each other further by establishing trade between the clans. V's island lays baren and totally open as the perfect place for all clans to come together and trade, like back in the good ol' days. Furthermore the Dragonkin are on the rise, and after they killed V you were pledged loyalty by the Fremennik to pursue them further, so setting them up as a cohesive force for future use in the current main storyline helps out a bit too.

    But these are just my ideas, what do you think should be in a Miscellania remaster?

    submitted by /u/Avernic
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    Can we get a release date for Archaeology so I request time off work?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Suggestion: Rework the blast furnace to make metal salvage.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:54 AM PST

    With the mining and smithing rework, the blast furnace was not updated to match the new training methods introduced last year. As of now, it is limited to only using low-mid level bars that can be made faster or cheaper with other methods (smithing level-up perks, smithing gauntlets, superheat form prayer, etc).

    My suggestion is to rework the blast furnace into a method of mass-producing metal salvage.
    Players have previously expressed a desire to be able to create salvage items through smithing rather than obtaining them from PvM activities. This reworked method utilises the basic structure and mechanics of the blast furnace, but would modify it to die cast metal salvage parts instead of producing bars. This would be an effective way of creating salvage through the smithing skill without cluttering the artisan's workshop or the standard smithing interface. As the blast furnace room is separate from Keldagrim itself, this could be reworked without any major changes to the layouts of Falador or Keldagrim. Furthermore, this would also help revive old content and make the blast furnace more meaningful to a variety of players.

    These are just my ideas, everything is open to discussion.

    Current Situation:

    • Allows bars of steel, mithril, adamant and rune to be made without coal or luminite. (ie. levels 20 - 50)
    • Requires 60 smithing to use the furnace (unless a 2,500gp fee is paid every 10 minutes for players below 60 smithing).
    • Requires 30 firemaking, 30 strength, 30 agility and 30 crafting to use and repair the furnace machinery.
    • Requires multiple people to use efficiently, but not difficult to use alone.

    Rework Ideas:

    • Allow bronze and iron bars to be made in the blast furnace.
    • Allow ores to be inputted into the blast furnace directly from the metal bank (up to a maximum of 60 items made in a single process).
    • The blast furnace now produces metal salvage rather than bars.
      • Salvage is made at the same level as their respective metal bar. Bronze is made at 1 smithing, rune is made at 50 smithing.
      • The size of salvage produced (tiny, small, medium, large or huge) is dependant on the amount of ore placed within the blast furnace. 1 bars worth of ores would produce a tiny salvage, whereas 5 bars worth of ores would produce a huge salvage.
      • The type of salvage produced (bladed, spiky, blunt or plated) can be changed by changing the die/mould of the blast furnace. These can be created through crafting and smithing and would wear out or break over time.
        • This method could also be used to make larger batches of other items such as arrowheads using different moulds.
      • Each salvage is produced at a faster rate than making the equivalent armour piece or weapon through standard smithing, but awards less experience. This would be somewhere between the rates for methods prior to and post M&S rework.
    • Awards Artisan's Workshop reputation at a lower rate than smithing in the workshop. This creates a group method of obtaining reputation.
    • Remove the skill requirements and gp fee. Instead, salvage is now made faster and/or more efficient at higher levels (similar to the level-up perks introduced with the M&S rework).
    submitted by /u/Vantagor
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    15 year vet cape achieved! Hardcore Ironman

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST

    RooT suggestion: gender reroll

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Seems reasonable/realistic in these times

    submitted by /u/Mr_Baithoven
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    Too much crystal

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Slayer Master Laniakea Fanart

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST

    New player models should be a big update of 2020

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:27 AM PST

    Seriously. Literally nobody is going to complain that this is a waste of time. Everyone can agree that the player models are outdated as fuck and we already have some new good npc models as a reference.

    If it could come with changing your race as well that would be cool but I'd even settle just for the redesign at this point. Does anyone else get put off of playing when you're doing a quest and the player model in the cutscenes is laughably grotesque?

    submitted by /u/Matrix17
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    About 30 worlds keep going offline

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    As title says, check the world list; about 30 worlds are going between online and offline every 10 seconds or so.


    submitted by /u/Icefoxed
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    Twitch Prime reward without being on Twitch Prime?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Minigames: set # of players to 1 for ALL minigames

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Sad state for minigames when we see posts on reddit and the forums asking for other players to help or if the games are dead.

    Devs are reluctant to do much due to the amount of work needed to rework a minigame ... And even the time required to remove a minigame is apparently no small task.

    So how about something still Ninja: set number of starting players to 1.

    Players will still need to sit thru long start times.

    Players will have to endure the whole game period.

    The lone player will have to burden the victory condition.

    For a number of minigames ... A lot of the rewards and even the xp are outdated. Players can now craft or smith gear 10 to 20 tiers better than what many of the older minigames award.

    Xp rates might not match even the more middling of modern training methods.

    But, all that said, a number of minigames have a niche. Some can be a useful method for certain pures.

    If devs are concerned about some rewards flooding the market, there is the option to just make some if the tradeable minigame rewards ... Untradeable. If you really want it, earn it via gameplay ... But you'll have to earn it yourself.

    I can also understand that there might be a few pure PvP minigames that this simply isn't an option (duel arena, the tzhaar fight cave or pit).

    The other nice thing about this idea is that it doesn't need to be done all at once. A dev could make the necessary adjustment to each minigame as time allows. If devs are iffy on some games or it would take "more work" than others, those can be moved lower on the priority list.

    Added note: I fully understand that Barbarian Assault would require 4players min, and a few minigames may not be able to drop below a 1v1 setting, so I don't deny a little dramatization in the title. But the spirit of the suggestion remains.

    submitted by /u/sir_eos_lee
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    Blessed Sand bots

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:20 PM PST

    All i am seeing these days in hundreds of blessed sand bots, Price will crash soon

    note: you know they are bots becuase they have ONLY prayer and crafting levs literally hundreds of them in lumby

    submitted by /u/joshy9096
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    It goes something like this right?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Wings and Character models are so ugly

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Jagex should change them, really, even the skins are ugly, idk why, but i dont like any of them, they seens so strange in locations with too much population. What you guys think?

    submitted by /u/lsluiz
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    loyalty points need some kind of update

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:55 PM PST

    i have over 1.5m point and i have almost all auras unlocked. i don't know what to do of the extra points

    submitted by /u/zizo999
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    [BUG] Clicking through chat button, I guess. And keybinds 'malfunction'

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    [BUG] Clicking through chat button, I guess. And keybinds 'malfunction'

    So, it has been bugged for a really long time now, and its annoying af how I my char randomly walks when I try to change my chat tabs to check the info I filter on the global tab. U can clearly see what Im talking about on the pic.

    Also, there's another bug wich I can't provide visual examples, that causes literally ALL my keybinds not to work whenever I type something in chat, for example, I was talking in my clan chat, and i needed to surge away from the black stone dragon smoke, aaaand, surge didnt work because of the bug. This happens all the time and is pretty easy to replicate, I just hope it gets fixed soon. I asked some ppl to try it and it happened to them as well. Das it


    submitted by /u/Lusca_UwU
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