• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    RuneScape It's been 8 years since my best friend introduced me to this game, and today I finally killed my first chicken! I'm so happy.

    RuneScape It's been 8 years since my best friend introduced me to this game, and today I finally killed my first chicken! I'm so happy.

    It's been 8 years since my best friend introduced me to this game, and today I finally killed my first chicken! I'm so happy.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:15 AM PST

    After 8 years, I finally made it to the homepage of Runescape! Now I can start playing :D

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:42 AM PST

    can we make it so u can put these together like the earth and song picaxe please

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Add Herby Werby to Games Necklace

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Nex beginner guide for ranged and banking every kill

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:20 AM PST

    Blessed Flask - Review and Feedback

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:23 AM PST


    I found creating it not too bad. I will admit I didn't grind all the sand myself. I did like 1.5k and just decided to buy the rest of it. All the other steps were not too bad. I think it took me about 2 hours for the rest(not counting getting sandstone and dust.). If I did have a complaint it would be it's a bit too much grinding of sandstone but it it's intended as some type of low level training method then I don't have too much of an issue with it. R.I.P ironmen though. From start to finish my Wealth Evaluator said I went down 216m.


    The thing that stood out to me most when using it was that because each dose restores so much prayer you would have to drop your prayer pretty low before ever taking a sip. I found I was normally at like 200-300 before I would take a sip. It's not something you can just top up and be done between phases of a boss. (unless you want to be costing yourself a lot more than you already are on pray restore.) I would even sometimes just run out of prayer because I just got caught up on something because I didn't drink between a phase like normal. I think this was mostly be just not being used to it though.


    Making extreme prayers isn't that bad. If you are on your way to 120 Herb anyways this isn't a half bad way to train for some of it. The xp is good. Costs a bit but after all the perks like wells and dg scrolls you save a ton of pretty costly ingredients. I found keeping the flask topped a up on charges a bit annoying. You can't use noted pots on it which is very annoying if you wanted to put it in a PVM prep preset. (I am guessing most people have one of some sort if you're a high lvl pvmer). Charge wise I normally recharged it every 3 hours of PVM which is a bit tedious. Even more so because you can't put it in your PVM prep preset.

    At It's Best

    You save some inventory slots at a fairly high cost at GWD1/2 (for hour long trips), Rago, Solak(if you're not using Spiritual prayer), EDs (if you don't have banks especially), Kiln, Jad, and shattered worlds.

    At It's Worst

    You are paying for a fairly high cost of prayer to save yourself a inventory slot that wouldn't be that useful most of the time. You also might forget to top it up and run out of prayer because it's pretty annoying to do. I wouldn't be shocked by that even a little.

    What changes I'd make.

    First let me use noted prayer on it. Even better make it so if I have noted extreme in my inventory it will like auto refill them up somehow. That would be awesome.Second make it so that instead of being like a dose of extreme prayer make it so when you put a dose in the flask it give you like 600 prayer points in the flask. So if I was at like 890 prayer points and drank from it I'd go up to 990 and have 500 points left in the flask. That way I can top it up at any time and not have to drop so low all the time.Third it should be a bit more cost effective. I'd just add something like when you drink from it give you the prayer renewal effect. You have to add Holy Overloads to make it so that would even make sense. I think it would help make it a bit more cost effective. Or you could make it so your prayer doesn't drop for like 30 seconds or something. But I like the renewal effect better. I've also heard that some people want you to be able to add normal prayers to it. I disagree. I don't really think that would fix any of the main issues with it.


    Costs a lot. Not that bad to make if you buy your sand. Kind of annoying to upkeep. Pretty niche uses but nice when you have it. Needs improvement though to be a main reward and high lvl item.

    submitted by /u/TheRealCaptKirk
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    Didn't have anybody else to share this accomplishment with

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Fragment of Seren with RS3 Seren's Outfit

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Why cant we have both meek and Artemis?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:26 AM PST

    People showing off their quick chats with 69 in them, this guy just wiped everyone.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Black stone arrows should automatically stop consuming themselves when your target is at max stacks

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:09 AM PST

    and pls give multi ammo quivers you gave magic rune pouches afterall

    submitted by /u/Zeck683
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    now that the game is almost 2 decades old, can we finally fix cannons to not close and otherwise interrupt absolutely every interface when firing

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:42 AM PST

    title; this just shouldn't be a thing in general. i shouldn't be prevented from waiting until my cannon runs out before i can enter my bank pin or withdraw an item from the bank

    submitted by /u/saltmine69
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    Could we please get the "click summoning pouch extend" for Legendary BOB?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:29 AM PST

    I have been doing some long trips with legendary pets lately and it is so extremely annoying to extend it while in combat and press through the chats before the next hit closes it :/
    I saw Shauny created it before he left, I really hope it will make it ingame soon!

    Thanks.. Have a pleasant day

    submitted by /u/mastercamo123
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    Merethiel of The Lost Grove

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Is this rare? Some people say it is rare but I looked into it. Apparently it’s like a 1 in 15 drop rate?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Reviewing Rune Memories in RS3: Now in both text and video form!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:36 AM PST

    Hello all I've been working on doing every quest in both OSRS and RS3 and decided to review the quests I play. I'm playing through the quests in the timeline order per RS3.

    Today I did Rune Memories. It ended up being a lorelicious quest! (Seriously though, what good lore)

    The Good: The overall atmosphere of the quest just rocked. The visuals, art design, and music all complimented each other well. The voice acting was the best I've since in RS so far. THE LORE. Adding more background on what happened to the Wizard's Tower is awesome. Filling in some of the history of rune and spell creation too was a good addition. The Wizard's Tower redesign looks great.

    The Bad: The puzzles were just pathetically easy and IMO almost lazy. The ritual one was the only one I actually liked. The statue puzzle easily could have been reworked I feel like. Cut-scene bugs still happen.

    The Discussion: What do you all think about this quest? Do you feel like it took the Wizard Tower's lore in the direction you hoped? How do you feel about how the various gods were portrayed?

    And here is a link to the corresponding video. It just goes a lot more in depth than what this text post is. Let me know if you think I should continue doing video reviews for RS3 exclusive quests. It's a bit different than the comparison video, but I think it turned out well still.

    submitted by /u/Bluedude588
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    Been rather unlucky at other bosses, didn't think Telos was going to be so nice. Both orbs at 100 enrage (fully prepared to go super dry on black orb)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:54 PM PST

    When interacting to the UI (I.E. closing an interface, changing chats) sometimes the game count as a click and makes my character move around

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:22 AM PST

    Only 1490 xp for Con daily @ level 84? Is this a bug?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 03:26 PM PST

    Ironman guide to POF

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Hey there. I typed all this out in the ironman reddit and figured I'd post it here as a lot of irons are still confused about POF.

    I am at 125m farming exp and I know this method is extremely fast as I only have 156 people ahead of me and I am still gaining ranks for the last year.

    The method is as follows.

    For pof small pens: in one pen you will want to have a Male and female chin, (I prefer crystal and red). These will be your breeders. Every day you come back you should have 4 or sometimes 3 babies. This pen will breed more babies than you can grow which is a good thing. You want to stack your chins up in the bank while ALWAYS having 6 grow to elder in the other pen. This will net you a lot of exp as every time they are elder you grab the 4 babies out of your chin breeding pen and 2 from the bank. At some point you will have a ton of babies in the bank and when this happens you will want to grab your elders out, get your exp and take 8 chins out of the bank, 6 in one pen to again grow to elder and the other 2 to go with the 4 babies you get every day. Feed them wood leaves. You can buy unlimited. (Ask if you have questions)

    For medium pens a lot of irons will say to do spiders but you absolutely want to do zygos. The strat here is similar but a little different. One med pen is again going to be your breeding pen and the other will be your growing pen again. For the 2 breeders you are absolutely going to need to have the traits joyful and immune. Just buy trait rerollers until you get them. This will save you from ever having to feed your breeders! (KEEP IN MIND YOU CANT GET IMMUNE IN TRAIT SLOT 1. I wasted a ton of beans not knowing this.) These breeders plus the zygos you get from doing daily morchellas will make it so you can forever have 4 zygos growing and getting you exp.

    Zygos are more annoying to feed than anything else but the exp they give you is absolutely significant. There are a few ways to feed them, tombshrooms from slayer are great, and so are Mort Myer fungus. You can get thousands per hour, use the premier artefact to bank a ton along with the deposit box and mory legs 2. You can farm a ridiculous amount very quickly. I also commonly will afk at the arc whenever I dont feel like playing.

    Large pens we will do differently, but the answer is 100% dragons. Both of your large pens are going to be growing pens and the actual breeding pen will be for breeding. This method requires the collector farmhand. Go for studly on both your breeding dragons. Now, this is a liiiiiitle RNG but I've found that the dragons with studly will always breed 8 dragons in the collector each time my 8 dragons have grown to elder. I grow 2 in the breeding pen and 6 in the larges for 800k exp a week, sell them as you can and then grab the new ones from the collector to grow more. Feed them fish from misc, (you only have to collect like once to get more than you need for a long time) to save meat for dinos.

    Now, with only these strats, (and a lot of herb runs and some fruit tree/bush runs) I have managed to gain on almost everybody regardless of the fact that I hardly use ROOT.

    I haven't figured out a perfect strat to keep things growing 24/7 in ROOT but the small pen is easy enough to do. For the first few weeks I just bought 6 frogs all the time, let them starve and built up poison slime. I got about 6k for herblore and switched to a more exp based approach. Buy 6 salamanders, feed them woad leaves, (unlimited) and grab them at elder. Buy 6 more for 600 beans, and repeat. Salamanders are like slightly worse zygos that are insanely easy to feed.

    For the medium pen the best strat I have so far is to breed, bank eggs, breed, bank eggs, then have some grow days to use up your eggs to elder and repeat.

    For the large pens I've not got any breeding pairs yet but I imagine the strat is very similar to dragons in POF 1 except without a collector so it probably includes a ton of banking babies while they take their 10 days to grow.

    If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask.

    Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

    submitted by /u/cexylikepie
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    What should people know about selling items worth more than a max stack?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Is information on the RS forums accurate or trustworthy?

    How do you find out the actual price of such items?

    How do you avoid selling to a merchant for significantly less than what they'll turn around and sell it for?

    submitted by /u/boxstacker
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    The new Cerberus armor!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Absolute fastest method to farm slayer points?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    My stats are:

    95 constitution, 92 attack, 90 strength, 92 defence, 92 ranged, 92 magic, 95 prayer, 83 slayer.

    Edit: I have the best equips and money is not a problem.

    submitted by /u/MrPeterson-
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    Any updates on the elite tectonic and sirenic set degrade mechanics?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    It's been ages since it was last mentioned and I wonder if it's still actively worked upon.

    submitted by /u/Alchemised
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