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    Friday, January 3, 2020

    RuneScape Life Will not be Contained

    RuneScape Life Will not be Contained

    Life Will not be Contained

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    It's time to remove 200M from Treasure Hunter as a prize

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Given the news about bug abuse causing people to easily win 200M repeatedly on TH, perhaps it is time for Mod Warden to make an executive decision and remove 200M as a prize on Treasure Hunter.

    This has countless benefits as it is a step to removing rewards for very little work, and, more importantly, stops people winning huge amounts of money very quickly when bugs inevitably get into the game.

    Most bugs in the game are harmless, such as graphical glitches, etc. Some are more harmful but can be limited (such as 6/6/6 bug which was easily detected and limited in nature). The TH bug appears to have come to attention because people told others about it. How many other bugs are there in TH that we don't know about? I assume Jagex can't guarantee that this can't happen again.

    Mod Warden, if you're serious about reducing MTX then at least get rid of the most ridiculous prizes such as the 200M prize. Start the year as you mean to go on.

    submitted by /u/Calvin2341
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    TH bug just tanked the economy fyi

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:46 AM PST

    Just making this to raise awareness. There was a major bug with the last th promo that allowed you to endlessly force purples that could even be multiplied. Essentially you could endlessly spawn 200-800m...

    The bug was up for 12 hours and a huge number of people exploited it. It seems far too late to rollback and far too late for bans to actually have any effect other than punitive.

    Detailed here: https://youtu.be/F6jXSw-n2Gc

    We should be outraged at this, mtx is one thing but th bugs this stupid that break the game... Just wow.

    submitted by /u/slatourelle
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    I know cookies have a lot to do with searching and results, but this is rediculous.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    RS3 2020 Drama Calendar: starting off with a bang!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Should we laugh or cry?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Solomon's sale... We want AURA SALE !

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:53 AM PST

    A Wholesome Format

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:58 PM PST

    uhh TH Promo Gp Bug? thoughts?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:56 AM PST

    Apparently people were spawning unlimited 200m gold using the firework promo...

    Jagex gunna let it slide ?

    Personally I'm pissed because bug abuse results in a worse economy for everyone and the gp is undeserved?

    submitted by /u/shmekabewl
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    What action is being taken against people like this? Especially those who have abused the bug and bragging about it

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST

    People who have bug abused should be permanently banned from game. Especially those who seem to brag about it and think it's ok to get away with jagex need to step up their actions on this bug abuse. The screenshot shows of a person who is actually related to jagex moderator abusing the bug and seems pleased with themselves about the loot they have gained from it. Also they have mentioned in game several times about their loot and transferring their mass amount of gp currently on their main account to alts to avoid being banned for the bug abuse. Why is this acceptable ? Image: https://m.imgur.com/Ya8UY0R

    submitted by /u/RSNMTX
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    Grand Exchange update/overhaul

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST

    Grand Exchange update/overhaul

    Hey all,

    The Grand Exchange exists for already over 10 years, but to day it still has many aspects it can be updated on - yet never saw realization - in addition to a couple of issues that kept making a recurring appearance. Henceforth, I would like to suggest a Grand Exchange update/overhaul, with a displayed sample picture below. In short, adding;

    • A buy listings table, showing the top 5 highest buying prices, including the quantity demanded for each price.
    • A sell listings table, showing the top 5 lowest selling prices, including the quantity available for each price.
    • Two buttons, each automatically setting price to the highest buying / lowest buying price
    • A high alchemy value presented below the Grand Exchange trend value.
    • An icon presenting whether an item is new (been released into the game X days/weeks ago)
    • A faster Price Trend adapting ratio, either through shorter intervals (12h instead of 24h), and/or a higher price change cap (10% instead of 5%), to allow prices to change more flexibly in order to prevent items getting stuck below half of - or higher than double of - the current trend price for months.
    • The ability to "update a listing". It basically removes your listing temporarily, but it automatically keeps the buying/selling item in place and (if possible) stays within one slot on your transaction history.

    Yes, that is an obviously wrong font there, lol.

    submitted by /u/Aviarn
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    He has me surrounded

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:02 PM PST

    New personal best, thoughts?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:18 PM PST

    Just lost 500M accidentally clearing out the Bakriminel Bolts store. Ouch!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    Just need somewhere to vent.

    submitted by /u/AromaticSuccess
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    4 hours 60 minutes

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:02 PM PST

    3.6s HM K’ril Tsutsaroth

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:04 PM PST

    Burn the chicken!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:55 PM PST

    What If Jagex actually removed/changed MTX

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Just wondering, what are your thoughts? It's still a company and it still needs to make money there is no way around that.

    This is just a discussion, this are just ideas and not what I would definitly want. I would like to see what the players would like to see changed. But whit in their mind that jagex is still a company that needs to make money. So we cant just say " No,it's bad, don't do it"

    I hope we will not start flaming/hating... I just want to see what the players would do if they were in Jagex's position.

    What could Jagex do to increase profit whitout harming the game?

    Would players still buy keys if it was only for cosmetics?

    Would we be ok whit paying more for membership? (If the updates we get are worth it)

    Or is it an idea to look into bonds? Make them more exspensive (more income) / less membership per bond (more demand)?
    This will make them probably more exspensive in-game and offcourse this will still give an advantage to people buying them. (But buying in-game currency that is already in-game has a lower impact as buying xp imo.) (+ Lower margin for RWT? - People will buy bonds instead of RWT? - Money goes to Jagex instead of to other company's/people?)

    Would it be an idea to make certain upgrades buyable only whit real currency/bonds/runecoins that dont impact the game alot but are useful for the buyers only?


    Upgraded chargepack - charge pack drains X% slower for 1 week

    Portable treasure chest - works like elite dungeon treasure chest for 1houre can be used anywhere (except ED cause this would probably give a double loot bug the first 12 houres after release (JK)) . Can be picked up but timer wont stop (like portable Victor)

    submitted by /u/Yoerie13
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    Taking care of that bear problem east of POF

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:16 PM PST

    Ever think of an old friend you played RS with many years ago?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Suggestion: Have an official way to reconnect RS friends.

    RS is a game many people of all ages and backgrounds have played around the globe. r/longlostgamers isn't widely known enough for people to actively post and check for others they know. Social media wasn't as big long ago, and for people that lost contact, their friends' RSN is all they know. So the best way for this to be done is on the official RS web site. Make runescape.com great again!


    This section on the current RS Web site can be marketed along with RS Mobile's full release. Make a youtube video. Announce it on gaming related news outlets. It'll be a place to re-kindle old friendships and maintain them. (I don't think other game companies have this kind of "Reconnect with your old friends" function? It can be the start of something new.)

    With the holidays recently, some old players have probably came back and wondered if some of their friends still play. It'll be a great tool to have when people return to check out RS3 mobile or new content, and even for someone that took an *extended break* many years ago and randomly think of someone from their younger days.

    It'll also be great for active people that are still playing, but have changed their names throughout the years to let long lost friends find them.

    Some features I thought of:

    - Maybe everyone interested can create their own profiles with information (kind of like an Ancestry site)

    • List all the names you want old friends to find you under (possibly as hidden tags that a friend can search for but the general public won't be able to see all the names you've had, including alt account names you may list)
    • Homeworlds you used to be part of
    • Activities you used to be at all the time (can optionally include the time period e.g. Active at Castle Wars 2008)
    • Old clan names that may have disbanded or even changed from

    - Allow it to search for partial names and list out all the names that includes the partial. Someone might just remember part of a RSN or maybe they remember the word but not the numbers at the end. Some people will remember the exact name when they actually see it.

    - Some people with bad agendas may use the search function to specifically search for and target inactive accounts so it's understandable if Jagex deems the risks outweigh the benefits. However, there could be safety measures implemented such as players being automatically opted out. You MUST Opt In for others to be able to search for you.

    - Returning player making a profile can insert names they remember and if the active member's name is included, the active player will get an inbox message/notification. The active player can choose to accept or decline without the other person knowing.

    - Offline message system. Maybe 2 friends both *took an extended break*. One came back in December. They send an offline message to the other friend and checks off the option to be notified on [insert personal email] for any replies. The other friend comes back in February and sees the message and replies.

    OR a simplified version

    - Have a place people can submit all their past RSNs and if one of their old names are searched for, get a notification via specified name's inbox (or just current RSN inbox).

    - The home page for this can routinely rotate or update to show players' stories/experiences or in game screenies (spotlight). There could be like a newspaper finding person page, have little snippets/description with who you're looking for and trying to connect with again.

    submitted by /u/lBebi
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    Old at Runescape New at RS3

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:31 AM PST

    With that being said, I don't know what's going on.

    The last thing I remember that was dope to do was alchemy and farming.

    Where do I even start and what should I do first to get in the groove of new RS?

    submitted by /u/HadToSayItHere
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