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    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    RuneScape Jagex /r/runescape Stats 2019

    RuneScape Jagex /r/runescape Stats 2019

    Jagex /r/runescape Stats 2019

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:57 AM PST

    All posts and comments were logged based on having the Jmod user flair.

    In total, there were 234 posts and 4389 comments made between 71 different Jmods during 2019.

    Rank Jmod Posts
    1 Mod Shauny 103
    2 Mod Poerkie 85
    3 Mod Meadows 19
    4 Mod JD 7
    5 Mod Niku 4
    5 Mod Ramen 4
    7 Mod Jack 2
    7 Mod Osborne 2
    7 Mod Tomb 2
    10 Mod Breezy 1
    10 Mod Chaose 1
    10 Mod Orion 1
    10 Mod Shogun 1
    10 Mod Nin 1
    10 Mod Hypnos 1

    Rank Jmod Comments
    1 Mod Shauny 1191
    2 Mod Poerkie 363
    3 Mod Meadows 270
    4 Mod Raven 228
    5 Mod JD 213
    6 Mod Orion 193
    7 Mod Breezy 183
    8 Mod Osborne 168
    9 Mod Ramen 162
    10 Mod Cel 136
    11 Mod Jack 123
    12 Mod Shogun 115
    13 Mod Rowley 87
    14 Mod Stu 85
    15 Mod Camel 79
    16 Mod Flaym 65
    17 Mod SteveW 59
    18 Mod Chaose 54
    19 Mod Cam 52
    20 Mod Dark 47
    21 Mod Iago 44
    22 Mod Labcoat 34
    23 Mod Edge 32
    24 Mod Erator 28
    24 Mod Lyon 28
    24 Mod Timbo 28
    24 Mod Nin 28
    28 Mod Sova 27
    29 Mod Pi 24
    30 Mod Daze 19
    30 Mod Tyran 19
    32 Mod Shrew 17
    33 Mod Hypnos 14
    34 Mod Doctor 13
    34 Mod Pebble 13
    36 Mod Jam 11
    36 Mod Ryan 11
    38 Mod MIC 10
    38 Mod Niku 10
    38 Mod Noldor 10
    41 Mod Maylea 9
    42 Mod Dolan 6
    42 Mod Asherz 6
    44 Mod Allstar 5
    44 Mod Jenesis 5
    44 Mod Atrox 5
    47 Mod Harrison 4
    47 Mod Kelvin 4
    47 Mod Mat K 4
    47 Mod James 4
    51 Mod Hunter 3
    51 Mod Ian T 3
    51 Mod James H 3
    51 Mod Kelpie 3
    51 Mod Maz 3
    51 Mod Pips 3
    51 Mod Tomb 3
    58 Mod Ave 2
    58 Mod Beno 2
    58 Mod Boko 2
    58 Mod Deg 2
    58 Mod Kylar 2
    58 Mod Lord 2
    58 Mod Sparky 2
    58 Mod Warden 2
    58 Mod Wolf 2
    67 Mod AoB 1
    67 Mod Easty 1
    67 Mod Lenny 1
    67 Mod Mathilda 1
    67 Mod Noodles 1

    The above data was taken from the #jmod-tracker channel in this subreddit's official Discord server: https://discord.gg/runescape.

    Link to 2018 Stats: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/ab8sfs/jagex_rrunescape_stats_2018/

    submitted by /u/Sicariu
    [link] [comments]

    Every time I see this guy this is what pops into my head [OC]

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Bring back TAPP - Jmods created more quality game content in their TAPP time than any of the other days of the week.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:12 PM PST

    This game is going no where. The game hasn't released a boss or a quest in over 6 months (probably longer). As important as patch weeks are, that's all we seem to get these days.

    At least with TAPP the devs were creating content they were passionate about and it really shows in the quality of said content. Some of the best content over the years has come from TAPP and Gamejam.

    I know this sounds harsh, but honestly that's how i feel about it and I know I'm not alone in this.

    Sorry to vent, but the last stream was so obnoxious and disappointing.

    submitted by /u/holydamned
    [link] [comments]

    $11 per month would feel much better if we were allowed an Ironman alt on the same subscription

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    During one of the Q and A sessions, Runescape's membership cost was discussed in comparison to other AAA games like WoW and FFXIV. However, the one component missing from that analysis is that multiple alts are allowed under one subscription in WoW and FFXIV, while RS requires separate subscriptions for each alt.

    This is an extremely disappointing part of the subscription structure for many in the community. I would love to have an Ironman alt that forces me to experience the game differently and be entirely self-sufficient. But, I would still want to boss, do dailys, etc on my main. But I can't justify or afford the cost of a separate subscription, so I don't.

    I feel like it would be fair to allow one Ironman alt per subscription. It adds a substantial amount of value to the monthly cost, puts RS in line with other MMOs, and allows players to experience everything RS has to offer for ONE fee. Or, at the very least, allow us to pay a discounted cost to have an Ironman alt rather than full price.

    submitted by /u/ValkornDoA
    [link] [comments]

    Can we move away from daily keys to a login rewards calendar instead?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:23 AM PST

    PSA: You need to cancel and re-sub to Runemetrics in order to apply the 50% discount for Gold Premier members.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:41 AM PST


    You will still be charged the full price until you actually cancel and re-sub.

    Sorry if it's common knowledge but I didn't see this info on the page where you buy the Premier package, I'm sure I'm not the only one over-paying for it.

    After digging for a few minutes, it's actually specified down below in the FAQ: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001549729-Premier-Club-Perks#runemetrics

    EDIT: This is only true if you were paying the full price for Runemetrics before buying Gold Premier. If you already had the discount applied, you should not have to do anything :)

    submitted by /u/RebornCdds
    [link] [comments]

    What happened to the rest of the Design Diaries?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST

    Loot from 200m Prayer @ Vyres (All Profit)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:58 AM PST

    AFK fishing and getting TH keys is really making me feel like an Ultimate Ironman

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Decantable Blubbers

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:37 AM PST

    We can decant potions into 4 dose or flasks into 6 dose but why can't we decant Blue Blubber Jellyfish? These 1 or 2 dose are useless. Please give us an option to glue together Blubbers.

    submitted by /u/joey9671
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:32 AM PST

    This clickbox sucks

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:06 PM PST


    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Loads of posts been made by myself and other users. They've not even been acknowledged.

    Problems: Frame drops and client crashes caused by (off the top of my head)

    -Changing prayers

    -Switching weapons

    -Phase changes (Telos)

    -Opening the bank

    -Loading a preset

    -Closing the bank

    -Too many inputs (4taa/combos)


    -Resizing client window

    If I can think of more I'll add them to the list.

    At the moment, mac users feel unheard. So please acknowledge, and FIX IT!

    Sincerely, A very frustrated Teloser

    submitted by /u/xmaximox123
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    Poll MTX

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:33 PM PST

    Poll MTX

    Perhaps it's time to dust off the old polling system and give the players a voice in the MTX debate. Using 'player engagement' as a metric to argue that we enjoy this system is dishonest. The shaking chest that you must close every time you log in, the limit on stored keys that forces you to right click>destroy an item in your inventory if you ignore it for too long... everything is designed to punish you for not using your daily keys.


    So please give us an actual vote, or redesign the UX so players actually have to hunt down TH to engage.

    submitted by /u/BlessedIrony
    [link] [comments]

    Ramen on scalable Solak, "Everything is done,"

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:38 AM PST

    On the breeding logs/collection logs, can completed logs change color or get checked off?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Anyone else?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Add rogue equipment to thaler/Vic/flash power reward shop

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Since the removal of rogue den, the rogue outfit is incredibly hard to get. I would like to see the rogue outfit added to either the thaler reward shop, Vic the trader or the flash power factory shop.

    submitted by /u/LetMeFlank
    [link] [comments]

    Anyone else with no sound effects? 01/21/2020

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Title kind of says it. When I logged into Runescape on the 21st I had fewer sound effects. (no disassembly, teleport, woodcutting sounds) I booted into linux to test if it was an operating system thing and Linux had the same issue. Does anyone else have these problems? I've already completely uninstalled and reinstalled Runescape which didn't help.

    submitted by /u/Trykrist
    [link] [comments]

    Nex Fan Art

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    Suggestion: Allow us to augment dragon rider torso and legs. Prayer bonus OP for afk'ing would lvoe to stick scavenging 3 on it.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:12 PM PST

    Suggestion: Allow us to augment dragon rider torso and legs. Prayer bonus OP for afk'ing would love to stick scavenging 3 on it.

    submitted by /u/GOW_ADAM
    [link] [comments]

    anyone help me here, do i need a shiny or black salamander? not been keeping track, highlighted boxes would be ideal.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:14 AM PST

    In more than a year Jagex haven't learned about unicode it seems

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    In more than a year Jagex haven't learned about unicode it seems

    Interesting currency you can pay for membership.

    So it was the same last year on premier club page. Now they seem to have fixed premier club page in a different way. For premier club they changed it to currency code instead of symbol, seems like they were unable to fix it correct way and keep it consistent to symbols and currency codes (USD - $, EUR - €, JPY - ¥). Issue is still there for the main page of membership.

    submitted by /u/krisavi
    [link] [comments]

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