• Breaking News

    Friday, January 24, 2020

    RuneScape A Hairy Situation

    RuneScape A Hairy Situation

    A Hairy Situation

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:19 AM PST

    in case of emergency, break glass

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:26 AM PST

    Re-skinned events and double exp weekends do NOT count as "update" content.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Take these away, and we've had about... 4(?) updates in the last 6 months - it's just getting sad now. Jagex, please give some real truth - let us know what you're actually working on... a significant proportion of the remaining players are fed up for one reason or another, please don't let our game die.

    submitted by /u/ltalbot1993
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    4k Telos!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    B r u h

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Double XP Weekend: Extended returns on the 21st of February!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    It's been 3 months since the Account Security features blog. Any updates/news?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:11 AM PST

    My usual experience at w84 portables

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:21 PM PST


    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Who got it worse? Blurberry no. 4

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:43 AM PST

    Never would have guessed it

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:31 AM PST

    The January Newsletter Survey has wrong answers and confusing questions. Jmod pls.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:39 PM PST

    Hi there...

    I just did the January newsletter survey and got 80% correct...

    Except I answered every question correctly.

    Question 1 asks you how many minigames were released in 2006. The "right" answer is 3, according to the survey.

    Minigames released in 2006:

    Temple Trekking (28th March 2006) - https://runescape.wiki/w/Temple_Trekking

    Pest Control (18th April 2006) - https://runescape.wiki/w/Pest_Control

    Trouble Brewing (4th July 2006) - https://runescape.wiki/w/Trouble_Brewing

    Pyramid Plunder (17th July 2006) - https://runescape.wiki/w/Pyramid_Plunder

    Does that look like 3 to you? NO. 4 minigames were released in 2006 Jagex. FOUR.

    Question 9 asks you "Which two gods featured in the 2013 World Event?"

    The correct answer is "Bandos and Armadyl"...

    The actual correct answer is: Zamorak and Saradomin.

    There were 2 (TWO) world events in 2013.

    The ONLY one of the two that was fully in 2013 was World Event 1, running from 22nd July 2013 - 2nd October 2013. The second world event spilled into 2014 (11th December 2013 - 21st January 2014), and was thus not exclusively "the 2013 world event". ( https://runescape.wiki/w/World_event ), unlike the first one including Zamorak and Saradomin.

    Could ya please fix the survey, jmods?

    Flaired it as bug coz idk what else to flair it as. The answers you seem to think are correct simply are not.

    EDIT: Added an imgur album with the answers to those two questions. https://imgur.com/a/B9JV5T0

    submitted by /u/TaifurinPriscilla
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    One of Those Shields are Not Like the Others

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:23 AM PST

    Ironmen should NOT be allowed to participate in these AFK lumbridge crater events

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:52 PM PST

    These events are more OP than double exp weekends and fresh ironmen are allowed to participate. We are talking 80k+ exp an hour in skills like Herblore(!!!) for Ironmen with zero resources required and literally the only interaction is to click once every 5 minutes so you don't get sent to the lobby.

    There has already been one that gave thousands of Ironmen an enormous boost, but that doesn't mean there should be more. It's crazy to me that this is even a consideration

    submitted by /u/HobbitMcDongo
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    thanks i guess?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:08 AM PST

    Ironmen get to take advantage of so many things, so why can’t they dung together.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I know it's probably been said before but the amount of ironmen I know who leach drops with lootshare, or camp lumbridge crator events etc is insane. If ironmen can do all of those insane things why can't they dung together yet. The fastest dung xp for ironmen is token farming and then exchanging tokens for xp from what I've heard, but I would love to actually do dung with my friends. It was fine at the beginning but now that everybody has all this freedom I just don't see what significant unfair advantage an iron can gain from dung that they couldn't gain from token farming.

    submitted by /u/Cbarkinnies
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    Can you guess the game in question?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:04 AM PST

    Reworking agility

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:02 PM PST

    agility is a very, outdated skill, to say the least, generally speaking it has very little direct benefits to players in RS3 mostly due to the loadstone network making walking most places unnecessary at best, but also because of the introduction of things like perfect juju fishing, and in general easier access to teleportation runes, tablets, and leveling of magic/quests that give tps.

    With that out of the way, may i present a suggested agility rework.


    1. the skill's benefits now highlights and my suggested rework benefits highlights (TLDR)
    2. reworked leveling
    3. Intertwined skill benefits
    4. combat benefits
    5. The Agility guild
    6. closing

    Current skill highlights and suggested rework highlights

    so in essence this is just a TL;DR of what agility currently does, and what post rework it should do, there will be more in depth in each section to follow from leveling, intertwined skill benefits and combat benefits.

    Agility now

    • influences run energy and its regen
    • boosts the likelihood of crystal and att crystal equipment's passives from activating
    • allows players to use shortcuts found around RS
    • boosts some skills like thieving, fishing, and hunter, and allows some exclusive training methods in hunter

    After suggested rework

    • Retains the prior benefits before rework
    • influences combat by adding a second roll every time you are hit to completely avoid the hit
    • boosts skilling by removing 1 second per timer on production skills every 10 levels (so 11 seconds at 99)
    • increases gathering skill success by 1% per 10 level, 11% extra
    • increases the speed of progress in smithing by 2 every 20 levels per hit
    • new methods of training, including opt in agility xp for any skill now influenced (similar to constitution and combat)
    • "totems" and artifacts found while training and unlocked via the agility guild that benefit other skills and grant xp

    Reworked leveling

    First and foremost, leveling agility is painful in mid levels, with even the most generous of courses offering relatively low overall experience, requiring a handful of often quest locked exploited agility courses to get even close to reasonable xp/h.

    So, first, general leveling changes

    • Completion bonuses, the purpose of this to grant 30% of the specific course you're training on's total course xp for completing the agility course. Arenas such as the throne room, Brimhaven, and burthrope would not however, benefit from this.
    • "course seals" granted every 5 successful runs without falling or failing and obstical (failing resets your counter) these will grant you 1600 xp per seal, and may be turned in in sets of 5, 10, 15, and 20, granting you 50, 100, 150, and 200 agility guild reputation per set turned in (See the agility guild for more information)
    • set bonuses, dedicated to running around somewhere for an hour, two? now for courses that have instructors you'll receive a set bonus every 20 laps you complete, claim them as you go or all at once! these will grant you say... 5%? of a laps xp for every set you complete, not game breaking but something to help boost your gains
    • see intertwined xp for more information but in summary here, any skill agility benefits would now benefit 5% of the actions xp gains

    Pretty decant already right? Well lets sweeten the pot a little, similarly to daily challenges players would be given permission from the agility guild to once a day train a specific agility course to "test for defects" daily, weekly, and monthly. Complete the course's total for your daily weekly and monthly requirement and you'll receive a "care package" based on the region chosen, for example;

    • if you were given a challenge to complete 20 laps for your daily, you'd be given a small care package, containing random common-uncommon resources from that area + a small chunk of agility xp
    • complete the weekly challenge to receive a medium care package, these would be more difficult requiring for example if it was wildy, kill 30 enemies of X level or above (Based on your level) in the wildy, and do 50-100 laps on the local agility course, to get a medium care package, containing uncommon-rare resources from monsters and resources exclusive to that area. as well as a decant chunk of agility xp.
    • Complete a monthly challenge, these would be designed around 130-138 with mostly maxed stats, these care packages would require upwards of 200 laps of that designated area's course, multiple kills of bosses, and lesser monsters of that region (if applicable, of not it'd be something like finish X slayer tasks from region's master), as well as gathering of resources from the area, or other similar tasks. Finishing a monthly challenge would net a massive chunk of agility, and related skill xp, as well as a care package containing rare-super rare resources, only one of these can be done every two months though for balance reasons.

    Intertwined skill benefits

    We have a little of this right now actually, but lets make this more intertwined but to start

    • all current benefits, hunter, thief, etc, would remain untouched barring the ofc agility xp benefit which will be raised to 5% or left the same, depending on what is being done.
    • All skills that would have access to perks from reworked agility would receive agility XP every time
    • all intertwined xp can be turned off at the agility guild or in settings.

    With that, i would suggest the following changes and adaptations to its interactions with the following

    • any production based skills will have their time to create reduced by a second every 10 levels, starting at level 10 at 1 second, 2 seconds at 20, 3 at 30, 4 at 40 and so on to 99 where you get 11 seconds flat reduced on all production skills like crafting, fletching, etc.
    • All gathering skills would receive an extra percentage chance to gather double, what this would look like in practice would be say, for level 40 agility you have a 2% chance every time you say harvest herbs in farming to get double herbs, this benefit would also apply to divine locations without adding to your daily limit for double the xp as it would be a two for one action
    • actions like setting traps, agility would also speed up how fast you can perform these actions! with the higher your agility the higher the chance to instantly set your next trap, or even set up your next big game hunter hotspot at double speed! which leads us perfectly into...
    • each care package will also have a chance to contain a "region totem" with monthly packages guaranteeing it, as well as guaranteed "region artifacts" granting extra agility xp, you can also gain these artifacts by completing laps, see agility guild for more information.

    Combat benefits

    Agility has been a strange skill, you'd think it'd influence combat in some way, and i guess back in the day it did in pvp, after all, running away is a perfectly acceptable strategy when you're outmatched. but no more, it's time we gave agility a purpose as a support skill, by having it actually support you in combat as well as skilling. here's what i had in mind

    • agility would now help govern misses in combat, with a 1:3% ratio in pvp vs pve, i do think however if it cant be balanced agility's benefits should be disabled in pvp
    • agility would now provide a two in one benefit, increasing the rate of critical hits by 1% per 10 levels, starting at 1% at level 10, and so on till 99 giving a flat 11% boost as well as boosting yoru chance to dodge taking a hit by the same ratio
    • further every 20 levels of agility grant an extra % (base of 2%) to "double strike" which allows any ability or action to hit twice in one tick! a potentially devastating passive especially for players that use hard hitting weapons like the SGB

    The Agility Guild

    A small headquarters that would be put into a small building in Varrock, (maybe above the rune store) in a network of tightropes and rooftop alleyways, players may meet here with representatives of the various agility courses around Runescape, as well as a cetral "teleport hub" for agility, the agility guild will also feature a reputation system and a new minigame unlocked via this hub.

    the basics

    there will be a representative of each course in runescape, each one will offer a challenge, to start however;

    • you may accept one daily per day, one weekly per week and one monthly every two months at full rewards or monthly for the xp chunk
    • Each representative will also have a chance to offer a "special" challenge once a week, which will grant the xp chunk of the monthly challenge but require you to do varied tasks, one week it might be kill X boss with Y tier gear, or the next to do X agility courses while under the effects of Y potion, and so on. these are rare but you'll gain an increased chance to get one of these challenge for every daily completed in that area till you get one, before it resets.
    • At the center will be a portal, allowing instant teleportation to any agility course
    • Agility cape rack - would offer you to place your agility or master skill cape similar to the t3 player house in Anar, except once placed this would also grant players a universal 2% agility xp boost


    conversely to the farming guild, reputation is gained closer to the heart's reputation system, each representative would have his or her own reputation with a perk associated with each agility course to make running them more enticing. here's what i was thinking.

    • each representative would have 5 reputation tiers, similarly to the heart and would have a reputation curve.
    • at t2 players will receive a 3% exp boost in that region for agility
    • At t3 for all factions players will unlock the ability to do a daily challenge for that faction even if they finished their one for the day with another group *note though if the player did their daily for that faction they are still limited to 1 a day, further subsequent daily care packages will only award extra xp not items.
    • at t4 players would unlock the chance to get effigies when doing any agility xp granted task.
    • each would offer an associated non or partly agility related perk while in that specific region of runescape unlocked at T5 reputation, listed below
      • gnome - you have a chance not to use bait or food while in gnomish areas
      • Elf - crystal equipment no longer degrades in elven lands or in the sewers where warped creatures are located, this includes rush of blood.
      • barbarian - reduced damage taken in the waterfall, kurdel's dungeon, and barbarian assault, as well as the agility courses
      • Desert - increased damage to desert dwelling enemies (includes the king and queen), further, players trading in Pyramid plunder and agility pyramid artifacts will receive a 50kgp bonus for every 30 gold + PP artifacts turned in or 5 pyramid tops, players will be given a "mark" tool upon hitting high enough tier. Access to "The delve" at t3
      • Penguin- no longer require the suit to use this course, every 15 laps completed will net you a penguin point! (cap 10 per week)
      • ape atoll - no longer requires the monkey greegree to use this course, monkeys on ape atoll will no longer attack you in human form (they wont interact with you either however) if you've completed monkey madness.
      • wilderness - access to a private instanced agility course, players may not use the demonic skull in there, cant be in combat to enter, and will receive a 10% exp penalty but, you're safe. Players will also take 5% less damage from revenants and the chaos elemental at this tier as well
      • Bandos- Players can no longer fail the first half of the throne room agility course and will receive a chance at assorted mid tier loot every 10 laps completed as if one was slaying in the throne room
      • Anachronia - Players can no longer take damage on the Anachronia course, and have a permanent 3% boost to codex page drops
      • Dorgresh kaan - players no longer require a light source or crossbow to cross this agility course, further players will be allowed to chose small amounts of agility xp, herblore xp, firemaking xp, or (if unlocked) invention xp every turn in once unlocked.
      • werewolf - no longer require the ring of charos to enter skullball and agility, also players will receive noted vyre corpses and shade remains during TT and in Darkmeyer.

    The Delve

    Upon hitting reputation 3 with the desert representative players will be allowed access to the delve 5 randomly generated rooms featuring 4 rooms of multiple agility traps and the treasure room at the end, players will like PP have 5 minuets to get through to the end room dodging traps then pick the lock to the tomb, they'd then be allowed to open a handful of chests and urns for loot to trade in for gold or xp at the guild

    Suggested traps

    • spear traps, easy to dodge, click on them to jump over
    • wall traps spear, click to pass higher agility makes it easier to pass sucessfuly
    • trap saw - players need to use the arrow keys similarly to rax to dodge a saw either under them above them, left or right of them.
    • dart trap - same as above to dodge darts
    • pitfall trap click at the right moment to cross successfully, fail and fall in and have to restart the room.
    • boulder trap - the end trap, use the arrow keys as you flee down the exit shaft to avoid hazards and escape with your loot!

    suggested Loot

    • guilded ivory comb - a sparkling white comb, worth 10k at the guild
    • obsidian seal - a black stone seal bearing the deceased's name worth 12k at the guild
    • obsidian scarab - a decorative jet black burial charm, worth 15k at the guild
    • Obsidian statuette - a decorative black statuette of a jackal worth 20k at the guild
    • Diamond encrusted obsidian statuette - same as above but with diamonds to trim it, worth 30k at the guild
    • Dragonstone encrusted diamond statuette - a white diamond statuette encrusted with dragonstones, worth 100k at the guild.
    • Ivory hair pins - cosmetic items that can be worn by characters in a bun (m/f)
    • Ibis Khopesh (off/mh) - a low level mostly cosmetic khopesh that should be encrusted in gems with an ibis head at its hilt, the guard being made to look like wings as well. would be a nice touch if the t92 khopeshes could be overrided with these in pvp.

    Xp per run (Scales)

    • 1k agility xp per room cleared
    • 100 xp for spear and wall spear traps
    • 500 xp for saw traps and dart traps
    • 1k exp for pitfall traps (they should take up half the room)
    • 2k exp for finishing the boulder trap
    • 500 thieving xp for opening the tomb and 300 xp for every chest or urn opened.


    And that's about it, not the most comprehensive of ideas compared to some, but enough to get the ball rolling for a semi worthwhile rework. Xp and cash output will ofc need to be tweaked and reworked but for now it's enough to get started debating new features and so on.

    *edit, forgot two reputation perks from my word doc

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    A Wild Maxed Ga'al who likes cake has appeared!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:48 PM PST

    History of Daemonheim (A Decade of Daemonheim)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:22 AM PST

    Seed Bag

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:43 PM PST

    It would be nice if we could get a Seed Bag - similar to the Herb Bag. It would store x amount of seeds, and can be upgraded through Herby Werby or another perhaps through the Farming Guild reputation. I know seeds are stackable, but when pickpocketing the Master Farmer/Gardener or fighting bosses that drop a considerable array of seeds, it would be helpful to keep them in one place and save a few inventory spaces. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/stingraytag
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