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    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    RuneScape You'll be missed RuneScape's leg

    RuneScape You'll be missed RuneScape's leg

    You'll be missed RuneScape's leg

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:08 AM PST

    blessed flask is great

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:41 AM PST

    sike! it really isnt useful anywhere and the process to make it sucks

    submitted by /u/knightbobble
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    sooo.. will we ever see dyeable masterwork armour? Picture from @Glacyte on Twitter.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST

    Due to the reaction to the graphics in my post on Anachronia paths, I made an album of screenshots to showcase what 2019 Runescape actually looks like in a lot of places

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

    No food duo aod

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    Rewards from my 2nd Hard clue !!!!!! Bank went from 15m to 176M!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    What are you most looking forward to in RS3 during 2020? (J-Mods invited)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:37 AM PST

    I'd like to hear what everybody is most looking forward to in RS3 (without being toxic). Personally, they discussed some type of release for iOS of RS3 Mobile. I'm not too hopeful, but that would be awesome.

    Otherwise, GWD3 sounds like a blast. What about you?

    submitted by /u/TheFalloutHandbook
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    I ran into a lurer today

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:44 PM PST

    Pacosaurus Rex perk needs a rework

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:42 PM PST

    118 farming. The highest level animal to place in player owned farms, and the perk is 10% more reputation gain for the farming guild? Incredibly weak and disappointing for such a beast in our pens. Held out some hope that some of these perks would be actually pretty good but wow this was a major let down for me to an otherwise fantastic update.

    The malletops perk with 3.6 seconds extra Barricade was the only perk that really stood out to me. Curious what everyone else's thoughts are maybe I'm overlooking some of the other perks because they don't relate to PvM.

    submitted by /u/WoogleGoo
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    GPU Performance Vs Pricing, a community effort to help those upgrading and transitioning out of Java Client

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:14 AM PST

    GPU Performance Vs Pricing, a community effort to help those upgrading and transitioning out of Java Client

    Hi all, I've decided to compile a spread sheet that details the performance of Graphics Cards (GPUs) since Java is being phased out and the last 4% that still use it will probably have to start thinking of upgrading their systems to handle NXT. Personally I believe it doesn't require much to run NXT at a playable frame rate. I am asking the RS reddit community to help me compile this spread sheet.

    This is intended to help people get a rough idea of what kind of performance to expect in their budget range (the prices listed are all second hand prices).

    How you can help?

    1. be on 1080p
    2. Set Graphics settings to medium
    3. set foreground/back ground fps to 300
    4. stand between the 4 bushes in front of lumbridge castle
    5. be on EoC view mode
    6. be on Classic Camera View , zoomed all the way out
    7. press alt + ` to open command console
    8. type "displayfps"
    9. record fps into spread sheet.

    I have also listed the pricing of the GPU's in USD and found the average prices of recent Ebay listings that have been sold/ the pricing list is also incomplete, feel free to help fill that out to.

    Below is the Spread sheet link, feel free to edit it anonymously.





    submitted by /u/Dreadzone03
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    Quality of updates just keeps going down

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:53 AM PST

    RooT and PoF are failures. They are lazily implemented, ugly, out-of place with surrounding scenery, and the reputation system is just god fucking awful. Imagine needing 118 farming to get a tier 2 perk. Ardougne looks like a fucking circus. The "farming guild" is nothing more than a reskinned pof.

    The new overloads and primal foods are horrendously designed. Why do we need to complete a ~15 step process (that takes up 10s of my already-stretched-thin bankspace just to make a new potion. The updates are convoluted, hard to follow, and overall incredibly involved, almost comparably to creating trimmed masterwork armor from scratch.

    However, t92 armor is different. It is a permanent upgrade/investment for mains and irons alike. These new potions and foods are expendable supplies, not a permanent investment.

    I have 2 accounts, a nearly 200m-all main and a nearly-maxed ironman, with 1000s of hours of pvm/bossing/skilling under my belt. I have well over 700 days of in-game time on just my main account alone. I have NO ISSUE WITH GRINDING. I believe that the blessed flask and new potions and new foods SHOULD be hard to get. They SHOULD take a long time to make. But the way that they did it... is not good in my opinion.

    This content seems half-assed and lazy. It feels like we keep getting "first drafts" of updates, and then they are implemented and forgotten about until 8 years later, when they decide to nerf/fix it for "game integrity" (looking at you, DG challenges).

    I understand the niche uses of these items and I wholeheartedly enjoy the premise of the blessed flask, new potions, and new food, but the way that these new pieces of content were implemented completely pushes me away from it. I will not participate in this content on either of my accounts. I feel myself slowly disengaging with the game with every new update. I get disappointed nearly every time and at this point I've lost faith. The quality just keeps diminishing, just like the player base.

    That's my thoughts, at least

    submitted by /u/SweatyMudFlaps
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    The entire Ranch Out of Time is so unnecessarily spread out.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 05:59 PM PST

    I get that the creatures in the pen are large, and the ranch is designed to reflect that, however there's like 40 damn tiles between where you tele into just to get to any NPC, and then it's just an empty beach with no structures at all. The peninsula where you tele in could easily house another small pen. At the very least we should tele into the beach. Please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/Tital_rs
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    Please Please Please Turn This Into a 1-Click to Cross Obstacle

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:53 PM PST

    With the daily challenge changes coming up - please consider group DG for irons.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:03 AM PST

    Honestly if you told me before the release of elite dungeons that irons should have group DG, i'd be inclined to have said no.

    But with ED1 release and people discovering token farming low level accounts (mainly irons i guess) can just go in there for a few hours and skip 90% of the early DG content and combat levelling in just mere hours. Its ridiculously OP.

    Now for most 'legit' irons they still just did DG through dailies. But now that gets reduced, making token farming higher DG exp than doing actual DG for a lot of people. Its not the intention of the skill and its pretty much stupid.

    So please consider opening group DG for irons. give it a minimum combat requirement or activity requirement (leech title would mean you dont get exp/tokens for example). Or anything. You cant make the argument anymore of it being solo content or OP for boosting - we have elite dungeons now doing that exactly and much faster too.

    I just want to hang with friends grinding some dg tbh, and many players feel the same.

    submitted by /u/FireTyme
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    From back in the old days when i was too scared to PK with a fire cape...

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:21 PM PST

    Vuln bombs (and I assume the other bombs) are kind of annoying to use

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:54 AM PST

    Currently they must be used from an action bar, for some reason I cannot figure out. I don't see why these have to occupy action bar space, and in addition, this means you are unable to use them in legacy mode.

    A more significant issue I have with them is that you have to click on the ground where you want to throw them - you can't even click on an enemy, it must be the floor. In fact, I would just prefer if it threw to my current target automatically, instead of making me click some location - how often do you want to vuln something that you won't be attacking anyways?

    submitted by /u/XTL_
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    Reminder: yak track is unplayable for small screens

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:34 PM PST

    Unseen victim of the mining and smithing rework: Dragon full helm has lost over 90% of its value

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:06 AM PST

    Temp Ban - Just wanna share my exper as a warning

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:26 AM PST

    Over DXP, and for a bit afterwards I was doing extremely long slogs of 4-tick mining at Seren Stones using a foot pedal and a metronome.

    I spend 4-5 hours at a time doing this, and with a bit of practice was only missing <10 clicks per hour.

    Because I was using a foot pedal the cursor never moved, which was probably the reason for the ban.

    This isn't a cry for help or anything, as it's only a 24hr ban, it's just a warning to anyone else that considered this as a 'safe' training method.

    submitted by /u/duskfinger67
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    Dragon Hatchet on Tool belt

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:10 PM PST

    I just equipped my Dragon hatchet to my tool belt, but whenever I go to use it, it still shows my Rune hatchet. How do I fix this?

    submitted by /u/Darthmaxcy
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    Uggghh you good little sheep?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:16 AM PST

    I honestly miss getting flax and molten glass and lobsters from the LoTD

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Things you wish you knew when you started

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:21 AM PST

    I am currently about four days (16 hours) into a new RS3 account, and I haven't played in about 8 years or so, and a lot has changed. Whether that is for the better or not is for a different post. Regardless, I am having a lot of fun with the game.

    What I am wondering is, are there any big things I am missing that could make my experience even better? Quests I should do early, skills to train early on, or anything that I can't even list because of lack of knowledge? What would you, right now, tell younger you sitting down to play for the first time?

    submitted by /u/Atheist-Pope
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    I love the game for some reason but I have no idea what to do

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:18 AM PST


    I've been playing for a while, I have 50/99 in almost all skills but honestly, my interest is dying because I have no idea what I am suppose to do. Some guy gave me 16M so looting items does not feel necessary, feels like hunting monsters for no reasons.

    What can I do in the game to keep my interest alive?


    submitted by /u/bjernes
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    Farming training question

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:01 PM PST

    So I was wondering is there a way to grind farming? The skill is ridiculously slow and I want to grind 120. I do daily fruit trees runs with twice daily magic tree runs. I have dragons at POF along with zygos and chins. I use farming urns and wisdom aura whenever I can on runs. I have salamanders going on the Anachronia farm, haven't gotten into the other Dino's yet because from what I hear they're extremely expensive. I pay to protect all crops and also do elder tree and calquat with a crystal tree check everyday too. Is there anything more I could be doing? I'm 105 farming, didn't really touch it after I maxed because it's not a skill I really enjoy although I'm starting to come around on that one. Just want it out of the way though to get back to max total level. Thanks in advanced for and tips.

    submitted by /u/zodiac_killer_
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