• Breaking News

    Monday, December 30, 2019

    RuneScape Training div at radiant wisps last night... still can't believe it. Never even had a drop worth over 14m before

    RuneScape Training div at radiant wisps last night... still can't believe it. Never even had a drop worth over 14m before

    Training div at radiant wisps last night... still can't believe it. Never even had a drop worth over 14m before

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:41 AM PST

    The Dragonkin Quest That Never Was

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST

    Back in 2011, it seemed almost certain that Jagex were going to continue the story presented in While Guthix Sleeps and Ritual of the Mahjarrat via a quest which delved into the threat of the Dragonkin (now referred to as the Necrosyrtes faction of Dragonkin).

    The rise of the Dragonkin as the follow up to the Lucien story was foreshadowed through various quests, postbags from the hedge, Dragonkin architecture at Daemonheim and references to them in the Dungeoneering lore, the lore surrounding Ancient Effigies, etc. The earliest of which was A Tail of Two Cats, released in 2005.

    The most telling evidence that the story was going to shift to the Dragonkin was the story told throughout the Rise of Lucien saga. At the end of While Guthix Sleeps, there was a cutscene where the Dragonkin (in their castle) plotted their freedom and the 'terror and pain' they would bring to the small races. It's not specified whether the Dragonkin were physically trapped within their castle, or whether they were referring to a metaphorical freedom. While Guthix Sleeps also had lore books which hinted at a Dragonkin presence in Morytania, which was further supported by a Postbag from the Hedge. Is that where the Dragonkin Castle is? Could be.

    In Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the Dragonkin made a comeback. We saw them burn down Mos Le'Harmless and defeat Lucien. This quest is what really set the scene for what I believe was supposed to be a Dragonkin quest or storyline. Here's why:

    • On Kethsi, we find a Note to Robert and Robert's Necklace; these are to be given to him when he somehow returns from cat form. This is yet to happen. The letter states 'The stonetoucher must also know what to do. The Temple Knights will be at the start of the stonetoucher's trial.'. In 2014, Mod Raven stated that the note would be used in future content, and 'at some point all will be revealed'.

    • At the end of Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the player entered a "vision of what is to come" (Strisath), in which Draynor is destroyed by the Dragonkin and Sir Tiffy is killed. At the end of this 'vision' the Dragonkin say 'It will begin in Edgeville', and then Edgeville is destroyed post-quest. However, nothing really ever 'began'.

    • After Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Kuradal wants vengeance against the Dragonkin for killing Lucien - she believes she should have been the one to kill him. Perhaps in a follow up quest we would have teamed up with Kuradal in order to defeat the Dragonkin.

    • After Ritual of the Mahjarrat, The Raptor comments on the player defeating the Balance Elemental and helping to sort out Lucien. He then comments about the player not going after the Dragonkin. This is important, because the Raptor then plays a key role in Song from the Depths. As the Queen Black Dragon is a Dragonkin creation, would the Raptor also have helped us take down the Kin?

    Unfortunately, none of this ever came to be. We did get One of a Kind, which was a great quest - but from that point onward the story shifted to focus on the Dactyl (Scientific Dragonkin, such as Kerapac). There was also various lore fails, in which Dragonkin laboratories throughout Gielinor had the same architecture as the floors beneath Daemonheim. This made no sense, as it was in fact Bilrach who built these structures, and the effects of being close to 'The Rift' which gave the dungeoneering floors their warped appearances.

    It would seem that in 2013, Jagex decided that as a marketing tactic they would create the Sixth Age and The World Wakes in order to create a lot of hype. I don't believe this was as successful as they had hoped, similarly to the Signature Heroes idea, but The World Wakes was definitely one of the best quests in the game. Unfortunately, though, after that, the story focussed on the Dactyl, Sliske, Gods and Elder Gods - meaning the Necrosyrtes Dragonkin never got the conclusion they truly deserved or were meant to have. This is even more unlikely now, given that the Stone of Jas was destroyed in Sliske's Endgame.

    There may be some hope for the Dragonkin, due to Desperate Times (which was a great quest, and actually changed my opinion of Kerapac). Next year, Jagex plan on releasing a quest every two months, and so far we know of: Desperate Measures -> Quest 2 -> City of Senntisten -> Azzanadra Quest -> Quest 5 -> Quest 6. It's also possible that the Araxxor quest will be one of these quests, as Mod Jack said he has found a way for it to fit into the narrative - but if any quest has to be cut it will be the Azzanadra Quest. I personally think we will be seeing Rite of Passage next year, due to the secrecy around the unannounced quests, and the wealth of assets which have been created for the Armadyl Archeology site.

    Here is also a list of unanswered Dragonkin Questions and Plot Points that I made with help of a few other lore players.

    submitted by /u/Gaga_Lady
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    Minimal Maxing - Trying to Max in the least amount of time possible

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:26 AM PST

    Finally Finished my First Boss!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:29 AM PST

    Can I please just dig Zanik's grave already?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:08 PM PST

    The new Archaelogy skill brings back Zanik. I am more than happy to see other non-Bandosian community lorehounds, and those who aren't even lorehounds voice their opinions on the official forums, twitter, and reddit over this bizarre decision.

    I re-made my reddit account only to say and please spread the word on how horrible the decision to release Zanik once more is. Even Zarador would make much more sense, the one who cared in The Mighty Fall about the wiping out of races.... would clearly be interested in history. New human characters, a new angle on Bandosians? Woah! New content! New original characters in the making! That would all be much more preferable.

    Killing off Bandos and the way it was done was one of the worst directions in writing and story building ever. And Zanik in and out, making all my decisions pointless and out of control again is even worse. Guthix died, recieved 3 million updates in his honor, died in an honorable meaningful way, IN A QUEST... and Bandos..... it is a joke at this point. (opinion)

    However, please..... just please open your minds with this Bandosian digsite. Bandosians have lost their god, and with that seemingly any chance of updates until now. Do not ruin it for us, bring creativity in, create a new story. Lead us somewhere with this past..... make us mean something. Another opinion here, but I do not consider cave goblins and the soft Bandosian tones to be true Bandosian content. I am hoping there is more that has yet to be revealed and Zanik does not actually play a major role.

    submitted by /u/The_Bandosian
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    The first girl to ever give me her number

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:21 PM PST

    Sketch of my RS character by Azreto

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:49 AM PST

    Does any1 know how this could have happened? the GE value of steadfast scale is 10,5m & i didnt change my loot beam value.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    PSA: small screen users - check out the "Freedom Classic" camera mode in settings for some extreme zoom options! This is my laptop screen setup at 1368x768.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:09 PM PST

    This is the size of my gameview, I also sit quite far away from my screen. Please can we have an option to increase the size of the Central Overlay Interface? As I have to learn forward to see the puzzle.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:17 AM PST

    if you're going to let so many client crashing bugs through the gates, at least update the disconnection timer to recognise client crashes faster

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:44 AM PST

    there's no need for it to take as long as it does to register a disconnect and i'm sick to death of pissing away money due to client crashes. detect them faster and disconnect the player sooner so they don't have to throw money at your incompetency. jagex i'm down 40m in the last 3 months solely from client crash bugs. it isn't good enough.

    submitted by /u/saltmine69
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    im really enjoying these lore posts we have lately

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:28 PM PST

    Potentially First Iron to Complete 9/9 BGH Breeding Pairs a

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:36 PM PST

    Frost Dragons still not counting towards Creatures of Daemonheim Slayer task

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:57 AM PST

    Unsure if it is the same case for Dragon tasks, but Frost Dragons are not counting towards Creatures of Daemonheim Slayer task

    edit: Weird, people are saying it worked a week ago.. perhaps its bugged again? It 100% isn't working right now. Can anyone else confirm it isn't working for them? Or is it just me?

    submitted by /u/TheOriginalPimp
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    I know christmas was a few days ago, but I thought I'd share my christmas luck :) 2nd ed2 run!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:52 PM PST

    Friendly reminder to Premier members!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:21 PM PST

    Make sure you use the VIP vault monthly before it resets in January if you haven't already. :)

    submitted by /u/SyncingShiip
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    RS3 Extensive f2p guide before getting membership

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    This guide is for people that never had membership before in RS3 and want to be fully prepared before going p2p, which is probably only a small group of select players. (This guide is current as of December 30, 2019)

    Most of the recommendations in this guide may be considered excessive but this is meant to help people make the most out of f2p and prepare them for membership. (So they don't waste membership doing f2p stuff) Keep in my mind that there are no actual in-game requirements to be p2p so throughout this guide even if I list something as a requirement you can consider it to be optional.

    Membership in RS3 greatly increases the rate you can get experience and the opportunities to earn gold. While this may seem to be an only positive thing keep in mind that you have many more skills to grind and many things in p2p require a tremendous amount of gold. Also expect to spend several thousands of hours playing the game and not completing it.

    Combat Skills Requirement

    I recommend at least having the minimum level requirements to equip the lowest tier members-only gear that is better than f2p gear for all three combat styles.

    -1. Melee

    Level 60 Attack for Dragon Weapons Level 60 Defence for Dragon Armour Level 60 Strength (not a requirement but why not?) 

    -2. Magic

    Level 60 Magic and Level 40 Defence for Lunar Equipment (requires p2p quest Lunar Diplomacy) 

    -3. Ranged Level 60 Ranged for Elder Shortbow

    Level 60 Ranged and Level 60 Defence for Elder Shieldbow Level 55 Defence for Red Dragonhide Armour 

    Non-Combat Skill Requirements

    In this section I am listing the non-combat skill requirements. Please note that this section does not list the skill requirements for all f2p quests and the skill requirements to finish all the Lumbridge Exploration Achievements.

    Level 50 Runecrafting for using the Rune Goldberg Machine

    Level 21 Prayer for Bonecrusher

    Level 55 Smithing for Scroll of efficiency

    Level 60 Crafting for Scroll of dexterity

    Dungeoneering Requirements

    In this section I am listing the dungeoneering tokens required for certain important dungeoneering rewards. Some of the rewards in this section require levels in p2p skills, I am listing the p2p requirements for them just for clarity.

    -34,000 tokens for Bonecrusher, Bonecrusher is an important p2p item that essentially buries bones from monster drops for you it requires 21 Prayer.

    -34,000 tokens for Herbicide, Herbicide is an important p2p item that can destroy certain herbs from monster drops and give you Herblore experience instead it requires 21 Herblore.

    -100,000 tokens for Charming Imp, Charming Imp is an important p2p item that can collect Summoning charms from monster drops to your inventory, it can also convert unwanted charms into Summoning experience it requires 21 Summoning.

    -10,000 tokens for Scroll of life, Scroll of life is a p2p item that when read gives a permanent effect that gives you a 10% chance of getting your seeds back when harvesting farming patches, it also gives you a 5% chance of getting a tree seed back from a dead tree it requires 25 Farming.

    -20,000 tokens for Scroll of cleansing, Scroll of cleansing is a p2p item that when read gives a permanent effect that give you a 1/8 chance of making a potion twice as fast and a 1/10 chance of receiving a herb or a secondary ingredient back it requires 49 Herblore.

    -20,000 tokens for Scroll of efficiency, Scroll of efficiency is an item that when read gives the permanent effect that when completing a smithing object for every bar used to make it there is a 2% chance for that bar to be immediately returned it requires 55 Smithing.

    -20,000 tokens for Scroll of proficiency, Scroll of proficiency is a p2p item that when read gives a permanent effect that gives you a chance to retain a plank when you construct an item that requires three or more planks to create. This chance is dependent on the type of plank used and the scroll requires 60 Construction.

    -20,000 tokens for Scroll of dexterity, Scroll of dexterity is an item that when read gives a permanent effect that gives you a chance to retain an ingredient when crafting an item that requires three or more of the same ingredient. The chance depends on the crafting level required to craft the item and the scroll requires 60 Crafting.

    The total tokens required for all of these rewards is 258,000 tokens, collecting this many tokens may be extremely difficult for f2p players. As such it is fine to not have all the tokens for the above rewards as you could always get the tokens later when you are p2p if you want.

    Quest Requirements

    I recommend doing all of the f2p quests that are requirements for other quests as a bare minimum. I also recommend having a fully grown cat as that is a requirement for some p2p quests. I also recommend but not as much as the first two recommendations to do all of the f2p quests even if they are not requirements for p2p quests just to get used to doing quests and how boring they can be.

    Achievement Requirements

    I recommend doing all of the Lumbridge Exploration achievements and getting Explorer's ring 4. This gets you used to the achievement system and gets you a pretty useful ring.

    Explorer's ring 4 provides a teleport that is close to a farming patch which is important for training Farming. It also provides 27 runeless casts of Superheat Item per day and 15 runeless casts of High Level Alchemy per day. High Level Alchemy is a great spell for both f2p and p2p because many items can be high alched for higher than their G.E. prices.

    Gold Requirements/Money-making Requirements

    This section is especially important for players that do not want to spend IRL money for membership and other in-game features.

    Make sure you have access to consistent and profitable money-making methods for both f2p and p2p.

    Getting the wealth evaluator from Solomon's General Store is great for keeping track of the value of your items. Keep in mind that members get a 10% discount on everything that costs RuneCoins so it is best to get it when you are p2p.

    Have at least 500 million gold coins before you become a member to increase the rate in which you level up skills and to help ensure that you have access to the best possible equipment for your levels.

    Try to also have at least one bond in your currency pouch so you can become a member again instantly if you run out of membership. Keep in mind that when redeeming bonds for membership you gain bonus days if you redeem multiple at a time up to three. Redeeming one bond gives you 14 days, two bonds gives you 29 days, three bonds gives you 45 days.

    Keep in mind the amount of gold you need to make daily to cover your membership if you are paying with bonds. This amount varies depending on bond prices.

    Use rings of luck such as Luck of the dwarves to improve your drops and other features that use the Luck mechanic.

    Social Requirements

    Be in a clan that gives you access to a clan avatar, the clan avatar is a follower that can give you a boost to the amount of experience you earn. The base bonus is 3% increasing by 1% per fealty level up to 6%.

    Having good friends in RS3 is great but not a requirement.

    Wilderness Knowledge Requirements

    Make sure you have basic knowledge on how the wilderness works. Such as being skulled, teleport restrictions, multi-way combat zones, cursed energies, etc.

    Make sure you have experience escaping from player killers. This is important because of the Wilderness Warbands Distraction & Diversion which is very rewarding in experience especially at higher levels.

    General Knowledge Requirements

    Make sure you are aware of the rules of RuneScape. Be aware of common scams such as players that claim to be doubling money (there is no way for normal players to officially double gold) and players that try to lure you to places where deaths are unsafe so they can get your items. Have RuneScape Authenticator enabled to protect your account. If there is anything you need to know about the game use the official Runescape wiki at www.runescape.wiki not the outdated unofficial RuneScape Fandom wiki site.

    Now that I covered most of the preparations that a f2p player may want to do before becoming p2p. I am going to mention the only three reasons for a low-level player and/or a poor player to become a member early in my opinion:

    1. Access to the Free Item for Members section in Solomon's General Store, mainly just for the four free Bank Booster+50s
    2. Permanently removing the 25,000 coin trade limit on accounts created after November 22, 2011 and that never had membership before
    3. To get the game to stop asking you/ trying to influence to upgrade to members all the f**king time
    submitted by /u/Light_ASDF
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    POPULAR OPINION: Add Boss Hiscores with War's Retreat

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:05 PM PST

    It's pretty obvious this is something people desire and have desired for a long time.

    1. Boss kill count
    2. Boss fastest kills
    3. Telos enrage
    4. Highest Telos killstreak

    Unpopular Opinion

    Clear boss timers on update

    Add seasonal hiscores as well with top 100 being able to use temporary title from the original seasonals. 1 month, every 3 months apart, 4 seasonals a year.

    submitted by /u/ItsYaBoiDragon
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    Todays present location - Lady of the Lake - Taverly

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:02 PM PST

    Premier + Grandfathered Clause Concerns

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:04 PM PST

    Does anyone have or had the grandfathered rate for members that has experienced issues with remaining in the grandfathered clause once their premier expired? I've seen forum posts and people expressing their concerns in game but was just wondering.

    submitted by /u/Sholy-Hit
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    as you can see in the clip i was spam clicking the ground to get away from the cleave, anyone having the same problem?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Why are some inventory icons invisible?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:27 PM PST

    I have been having this issue for a while now and it gets pretty aggravating when I try to pvm. Some of my item icons are invisible. I can still see them on my person but the icons just aren't there. I can hover over and right click the item to see what it is. I think this started happening when I started leveling up invention and I have noticed most (but not all) of the items are augmented ones. I have also noticed that the "pre-loading inventory icons..." Message always gets stuck and never fully loads. I'm sure this has something to do with this. Any suggestions on how this can be fixed?

    submitted by /u/srve
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    Possibly the most pointless bridge in history

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:41 PM PST

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