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    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    RuneScape To the person who got hate for playing in Vegas I toast you from Budapest

    RuneScape To the person who got hate for playing in Vegas I toast you from Budapest

    To the person who got hate for playing in Vegas I toast you from Budapest

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Jagex, REALLY well done on this :]

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:56 AM PST

    [SUGGESTION] Make the reward for completing quests 900 oddments instead of 2 treasure hunter keys.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:45 AM PST

    This is a good idea because it gives people the option of getting the 2 keys if they want to (currently they are 450 oddments apiece) but also opens them up to a whole other range of possibilities in the oddments store, which are more attractive to the average player because they get to choose their reward (and because of the current anti-mtx environment).

    This also would show some promise on Jagex's part with all this talk about attempting to be non-predatory about MTX because it won't serve to fish players into playing treasure hunter. However, it could also be a positive bonus to treasure hunter profits overall because most players are going to choose guaranteed good prizes (protean packs, pulse cores, etc.) as they use their oddments over the TH option, making the purchase of keys more attractive in future promotions.

    Finally, it would add another layer of incentive to quests. People will do a lot for pulse cores, portables, etc. in preparation of double xp events and general training grinds, and I don't doubt that would include doing quests. Quests, from my perspective, are the backbone of RuneScape and one of the most defining features of the game that separate it from every other loosely-medieval fantasy MMO. However, from polling they haven't been that popular because of the current meta of gameplay (efficiencyscape, pvmscape, gp rising simulator). That's a problem requiring its own thread all together and one I know jagex is trying to address (making quests have less requirements despite their position in the lore so more players have access, the quest point shop) so why not approach that in another way by bringing quests into the meta for earning the types of items that improve efficiencyscape ability via oddments?

    submitted by /u/G_DUB
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    My terrier's 10th birthday would be in a few days but he passed away a year ago. Thanks RS for giving me the opportunity to keep him forever at my house.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:37 PM PST

    All I want for Christmas is for Jagex to flip the switch and bring snow back to Runescape

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:16 AM PST

    This is something that r/Runescape needs to see. If you’re wondering why we never hear from JMods, here’s your answer.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:31 PM PST

    One year ago we were promised that the Premier artefact wouldn't take the aura slot.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:55 AM PST

    It's happening (inb4 something else breaks)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:17 AM PST

    Mod Kylar is leaving Jagex.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:40 PM PST

    Smooth Movement Makes Me Angry Because I Can't Complain About It

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:33 AM PST

    Well done, Jagex. I usually am not happy about an update but my god this is a step in the right direction. I'm used to writing angry rants on this subreddit, so it's surprising that this update went over so well with so few bugs. I'm so used to spam clicking on a tile and waiting for the game to respond but now when I click somewhere I start walking. It's just amazing to see this aspect of RuneScape being modernized after ten years of spam-clicking on tiles. I've actually been unintentionally walking a lot because I'm so used to spamming then waiting for the game to respond.

    This feels so much smoother, smooth like a baby's ass. I love it and I love you. I fuckin wanna hug everyone at Jagex. This was the best update of 2019 and it almost makes me not salty about everything else that's happened this year. I hope that the tick change will also happen relatively soon. As much as I bitch and complain on this subreddit, my anger comes from a deep love and respect for this game and I long for the day when I can finally convince one of my friends to join RuneScape. When I can honestly say that RuneScape is a great game and that it is the best MMO out there. This type of modernization is a MASSIVE step toward putting RuneScape on par with other MMOs and it makes me so happy.

    submitted by /u/Shadowbanish
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    [QoL] Can we make it so herbs go straight into the herb bag with the upgraded herbicide like gems do with the gem bag?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    After RuneScape's controversial 2019, Jagex plots "direct and deliberate" changes for 2020

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:52 AM PST

    Well well well

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    I like Jagex's improvements right now

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:25 PM PST

    Revently Jagex has made some really good improvements. I have aleays enjoyed the game, but recently they've come out with things I really like. Their are always things to improve on, and no I don't like TH, or most of the cosmetics. (I wear rune armour)

    But the smoothment is great! Really excited to see it. I play on mobile a lot and I've noticed more stability there, less crashes (still get some because of keyboard). I think I'll really like the rework to the Daily Challenges (I do have an idea for a real overwork. If anyone is interested) The archaeology release The expansion to farming. (Not as excited about herblore) The dead click fixes coming.

    Anyone else enjoying the improvements? I feel like a lot of times we don't appreciate them we just move to the next thing to complain about.

    submitted by /u/tpalmerstudios
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    Updates like the improvements to character movement and addressing dead-clicks are the type of updates that justify what we pay for.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST

    With all of the flak that we as a community give Jagex, it's nice to see that there are at least some staff dedicated to the true quality of Rs3's gameplay. The most recent updates have been a nice indicator of this.

    The improvements to movement really (to me) act as the final separation of Runescape from the old blocky squares-and-ticks engine and into a more modern MMO platform without damaging the charm of its gameplay style. It's been a long time coming and for once in what seems like forever, i'm not mad that i'm paying for membership to this game.

    Deadclicks have long been an elusive issue for a number of reasons; The most prominent of which being that there are a smaller number of us who regularly experience this as a major problem.

    Bossing in Rs3 is very time-sensitive; There are many bosses who, while fighting, will 1-shot or even Instant Kill you if you miss reacting to a special/mechanic. It is extremely frustrating to lose a kill, or a kill streak, or even pay item return costs when missing one of these mechanics is at no fault of your own, but due to the game engine simply not being prepared to handle every request at once.

    We will certainly all be watching closely to see how the upcoming updates pan out, and I think we all hope that we can expect more updates that are in tune with the players' quality of life and experience.

    submitted by /u/muzau
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    So after finally getting through the bosses on ed3 for first time with 2 friends this drops for one of my friends.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:24 PM PST

    Suggestion: RooT storm barn (shared with Farming guild)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST

    this is an unpopular opinion but, the duel arena needs to be just axed

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:52 PM PST

    hell even jagex has paid some minimal lips service to the duel arena being an issue... regardless i think the duel arena needs to be removed from Runescape as a whole for a few reasons. keep in mind some of these are generalizations, i know not everyone who stakes is an infamous lurer or roid rage idiot that goes off at the slightest hint they're not as big as they think they are, but honestly given how many problems come from that wretched place, i think at least staked duels need to be removed, if not the entire arena itself till jagex can figure out some way to moderate it better.

    I. It's a huge hive of scammers, lurers, and and some of the worst people to inhabit runescape as a whole, i could probably name you at least 5-6 people at any given time who are infamous scammers that quite literally only arent dealt with because they use the duel arena and places like it as their medium to practice their scams, hell there have been more than a few DDOSers at the arena who made billions before jagex even took notice, and has remained one method some RWTers do their business via the stake function.

    II. the bots... oh god the bots, it seems every 30m-1h there's some massive bot train at the ge on popular trade worlds promoting some gambling clan's "daily drop parties" that are actually infested with bots to prevent any real net wealth loss and prior to friendly duels being allowed anywhere in rs they used to literally

    III. it promotes gambling, i've seen clannies spend fortunes ig and irl on the duel arena, lose entire bank accs and then beg for money to "Earn it all back" at the ge/in chat. what's worse is i actually have known a few people that made alts literally to beg with an auto typer/macro while they gamble at the duel arena (Either fighting themselves or betting on matches as has become so popular). I think this is really the biggest reason to get rid of it is just how horrid an impact it has on people in the game, and unfortunately those that do make it well.... take a tour of the east side of w2 when you get bored you'll have a hard time missing some of them..

    IV. the "toxicity" that jagex is suddenly so worried about? well in my experience the biggest sources of it are scammers, w42 and the duel arena/pvp, and given W42 is basically dead and most scammers that aren't little kids have learned quite quickly to just run when confronted.. well lets just say i could give a list of usernames of players who are self proclaimed "stakers" that are honestly some of the worst, most toxic people on the entire platform, and the duel arena is really ground zero for a lot of the behavior..

    V. it's a shortcut to replace actually playing, this is by far my weakest opinion and it mostly ties into IV as in modern RS3 there are... well to be gentle a very large number of things one could label a shortcut like MXT's, monsters like Agoroth, auras like Jot festive etc..

    But, i think it's something to be said a lot of players i've seen over the years would never have gotten as far as they did or what equipment they did without gambling on the duel arena, and you'll know them when you see them, barely know anything about Pvm or merching hell, they may not even know how to actually duel in pvp (and tbf i'm trash at it myself) but have a huge ego because they earned their money via staking or placing bets on stakes.

    like i said, it's a pretty unpopular opinion and honestly i'd rather we not have to restrict or mess with the duel arena as i said at the beginning that not everyone who utilizes it is a raging baboon but given at least 60% (if not far more) of the people at the arena on a regular basis that arent doing clues are bad actors that give the arena its horrible reputation, i do sadly feel that we need to either remove the duel arena till jagex can find a solution that works, or just remove all methods of staking/viewing who won a duel/watching them till it's dealt with.

    or i guess jagex could go back to their old ways of dealing with gamblers of just banning everyone associated enmass but.. that'd require effort.. and thus far the most we've gotten is lipservice they're "working on it"

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    It's been years. Please fix the chances for Negative Perks at high levels.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST

    For any Jmods who are unfamiliar with what this issue is, certain negative Invention perks such as Cautious have a higher chance of being rolled for the higher your Invention level is. This makes life miserable for anyone trying to roll what ought to be rather easy perk combinations at high levels, such as Biting 2.

    This has been a known issue for many years, and would be an extremely easy fix (just modify the perk chance value), and yet Jagex has remained silent on this issue no matter how many times it is brought up.

    There is no convincing balance argument as to why good perk combinations should be harder to obtain the higher your Invention level. In reality, this is just bad design, and it is astounding that nothing has ever been done about this in years. Please address this issue.

    submitted by /u/Sailor_Lunatone
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    What Quest items are worth keeping, or should I just bank/destroy them?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:07 PM PST

    Animation wouldn't end, don't think she's very happy

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:03 PM PST

    Vanstrom and other bosses still glitched in Dominion Tower - Jmod please respond

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:20 AM PST

    Vanstrom does not ever show up for many players that try to do Dominion Tower climber or endurance mode. Most of us have hundreds of boss kills, some have thousands, and never encounter him. It goes without saying but I'm referring to the players that have completed all relevant quests.

    There seems to be an issue with the X1 (Vanstrom, Zemouregel and Enakhra) and X2 (Chaos Grimsson and Hreidmar) bosses NOT showing up.

    Without Vanstrom we cannot get Dominion Marker 4 and without that we cannot complete the elite desert achievements.

    YES, I submitted a bug report in the game, but many others have as well and this issue has been swept under the rug.

    For reference see this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/csh3rr/vanstrom_klause_dominion_tower_has_been_bugged/

    Please can a JMOD respond and acknowledge/ look into the issue?

    submitted by /u/cloudmeister
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    Weird question, but I’m curious:

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:09 AM PST

    If AoD and Telos were to have a fight, at why enrage would Telos be able to beat Nex?

    submitted by /u/Thevulgarcommander
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    Can I complain yet?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST

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