• Breaking News

    Friday, December 13, 2019

    RuneScape The RS Wiki has a brand new events interface, allowing you to see upcoming D&Ds, VoS, and more!

    RuneScape The RS Wiki has a brand new events interface, allowing you to see upcoming D&Ds, VoS, and more!

    The RS Wiki has a brand new events interface, allowing you to see upcoming D&Ds, VoS, and more!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    Bugged easy clue log on ironman.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:05 AM PST

    Nifty Suggestion for Rs3. Set death up to keep track of how much money you've spent on reclaiming your gear!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:13 AM PST

    Hello my name is Roxas and I've been an avid runescape player for a majority of my life. I love the game and all the cool little things they do for the players. Well I don't know if this has ever been mentioned before but my suggestion is Jagex makes it were Death keeps track of how much money we've given him from all our numerous deaths.

    It'd be interesting just to be able to quickchat it or maybe unlock a title for it of some sort.

    I don't feel like it would be very hard for them to implent it.

    I for one know i've spent at least about 800mil reclaming my stuff.

    I posted this on the official Runescape forums and didn't receive much support so I thought I would try it out on here see if I can't get some more people behind me. Thank you for reading this and if you feel the same way post about it and come support my forum thread here is the link.


    submitted by /u/Roxas_Kh
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    [SUGGESTION] Give oddments as the reward for the completion of each quest instead of TH keys (now with more nuance)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:07 PM PST

    10 Second Giant Mole (HM)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:25 AM PST

    Runescape credit card theft case

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

    I'm sure it's a great game, but I've never played Runescape. I've got a situation maybe you could help me with.

    My girlfriend woke up today to $700 worth of credit card charges to "RuneScape" it was actually multiple charges of $34.99, like 20 or more of these.

    Does that make sense? Obviously someone stole her card, or got her digits somehow. Why would somebody do this? Is it even possible to spend $700 on RuneScape? Is there any significance to $34.99?

    Yes she reported it to her bank and expects a refund.


    THANKS for all of the information, which I passed along to the GF.

    She has already gotten a refund from her bank and she does plan to notify jagex to see if the perp can be banned or prosecuted.

    If we hear anything else, I'll post an update.

    In the meantime, maybe I will check Runescape out someday. Must be good if someone is willing to steal $700 over it.

    submitted by /u/Dad7025
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    Revised: Efficient Farm Runs - Post 120 Farming Update!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:46 PM PST

    Revised: Efficient Farm Runs - Post 120 Farming Update!

    Hello! After receiving a fair bit of feedback and receiving multiple appreciation messages on my first Farming run guide ( https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/e59tc2/efficient_farm_runs_post_120_farming_update/ ), I decided to make some tweaks and adjustments. The "new" guide has more recommendations, but can still be done with the original guide's method, if only slightly less efficiently. I've also attached a picture of my inventory, equipment, and the things I use most during farming runs on my action bar. This guide can be tweaked to your liking if you are missing requirements.

    This setup tries to take into account speed as well as utility of inventory space.


    Action bar:

    Double surge, Bladed dive, Attuned crystal teleport seed, Anachronia teleport spell (Totem - set up near the cactus patch), Kandarin Monastery teleport spell (Ardougne tasks), Trollheim teleport (Lunar spellbook), Manor Farm teleport (Arougne tasks).


    Mud battlestaff, Ectophial, Explorer's ring 4, Witchdoctor mask (Can be replaced with Juju spirit bag), herb patch seeds (Optional - preference), mushroom patch seeds (Preference), vine herb patch seeds (Preference - optional), Juju farming potion (1), Rimmington tablet, Giant ent pouch, Wolpertinger pouch, 4 Law runes, 3 Astral runes, 3 Nature runes, (These runes could be in a Rune pouch together to further save inventory space) Magic skillcape (NOT required; Spellbook swap would work just as well, but would require more inventory space).


    Greenfingers aura (Not shown), Farming skillcape (NOT required, but definitely helps speed things up), Wilderness Sword 4 (NOT required), Master farmer outfit, Grace of the elves, Attuned crystal teleport seed, Tirannwn quiver 4, Augmented enhanced Excalibur (Wise 2/Mobile perks), Luck of the dwarves.

    Other requirements:

    Troll Stronghold herb patch teleport unlocked

    Access to the lodestone network

    Access to Spirit trees

    Access to gnome glider network

    Ability to summon Wolpertinger

    Ability to summon Giant ent


    Scroll of life (Costs 10,000 Dungeoneering tokens; permanently gives 10% chance to receive the seed back that was used in a patch when harvesting)

    Morytania tasks completed (Disease-free mushroom patch, double harvest from mushroom patch)

    Tier 2 Zygomite perk at Manor Farm (Chance for extra mushroom harvests)

    Tier 2 Dragon perk (If using Ultracompost, chance to receive an Effigy upon harvesting)


    Tier 2 Yak perk at Manor Farm (Chance to find clue scrolls when checking health or harvesting the last crop from a patch)

    Tier 1 Jadinko perk at Ranch out of time (+30 seconds for Juju farming potion)

    Lantadyme incense (+30 seconds per tier to potion timers, such as Juju farming potion)

    Patch bombs (Instantly harvest an entire patch and note the produce in your inventory)

    Farming urns (Based on preference - also keep in mind inventory space)


    Switch to the Lunar spellbook (Magic skillcape owners can do this at the bank chest at May's Quest Caravan near the start of the run)

    Teleport to Varrock lodestone

    Run south-west to bush patch

    Summon Wolpertinger familiar

    Activate Greenfingers aura

    Harvest Varrock bush patch

    Break Rimmington tablet

    Harvest Rimmington bush patch

    Teleport to Kandarin Monastery via Ardougne task unlock

    Harvest Kandarin Monastery bush patch

    Teleport to Crwys (5) using Attuned crystal teleport seed

    Harvest Crwys bush patch

    Use Juju farming potion

    Harvest Crwys herb patch

    Run east to the Crwys Spirit tree

    Teleport to Etceteria (7)

    Harvest Etceteria bush patch


    Dismiss Wolpertinger familiar - Summon Giant Ent familiar

    Use Ectophial

    Run west to herb patch utilizing Surge(s) and Bladed dive


    Use Master farmer hat teleport to Morytania patch

    Harvest Morytania herb patch

    Teleport to cabbage patch via Explorer's Ring

    Harvest Falador herb patch

    Teleport to Troll Stronghold herb patch via Lunar teleport spell

    Harvest Troll Stronghold herb patch

    Teleport to Manor Farm via Ardougne task unlock or lodestone

    Harvest Manor Farm herb patch

    Teleport to Herblore Habitat via Witchdoctor mask or Juju spirit bag

    Run south

    Harvest fruit tree patch

    Harvest vine herb patch (Optional)

    Climb vine agility obstacle - harvest vine herb patch (Optional)

    Harvest Catherby herb patch


    Run east

    Harvest Catherby fruit tree

    Teleport to Lletya (1) using Attuned crystal teleport seed

    Harvest Lletya fruit tree

    Teleport to Meilyr (9) using Attuned crystal teleport seed

    Harvest Meilyr fruit tree

    Teleport to Crwys (5) using Attuned crystal teleport seed

    Run east to the Spirit tree

    Teleport to the Gnome Stronghold (2) via Spirit tree

    Harvest the Gnome Stronghold fruit tree

    Teleport to the Brimhaven Spirit tree (8)

    Harvest Brimhaven fruit tree

    Teleport to the Al-Kharid lodestone

    Harvest the Al-Kharid cactus patch

    Run north-west

    Take the gnome glider to Tree Gnome Village (7)

    Harvest Tree Gnome Village fruit tree


    Teleport to Ithell (8) using Attuned crystal teleport seed

    Change spellbook to normal spellbook at the bank chest

    Teleport to Anachronia via the Totem of Abyss

    Harvest Anachronia cactus patch

    Teleport to Menaphos

    Run north-west utilizing Surge(s) and Bladed dive

    Harvest Menaphos cactus patch

    Teleport to Canifis via lodestone (Slayer skillcape and or Fairy ring also work)

    Run south west utilizing Surge(s) and Bladed dive

    Harvest Canifis mushroom patch

    Teleport to Tirannwn mushroom patch via Tirannwn Quiver (7)

    Harvest Tirannwn mushroom patch

    Once again, credit to u/mporubca for creating the initial Reddit guide to harvest primal fruit.

    submitted by /u/MuffinCakes5
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    New potion idea - Vacuum Potions

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:43 AM PST

    Aggro Pot (4) + Swamp Tar + Primal Extract + Crystal Flask

    Mobs become aggro but also walk into melee range before attacking regardless of combat style. Mobs that are stun immune are unaffected.

    This would make slayer tasks like seekers or ascension members so much better. Im sure some pvm'ers would also find a use for these somewhere.

    Jagex wanted cool new potion ideas ages ago, and people are pissed off enough with the lack of actual content in 120 herblore update that they might add more pots.

    submitted by /u/robertm94
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    PSA: Easy way to Disassemble Items while in combat

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:53 AM PST

    If you want to disassemble several items while in combat, just open the loot interface.

    While the interface is opened, you can disassemble as many items as you like, even if you get attacked.

    (Very helpful while afk'ing abby demons, which is where I found this out just now)

    submitted by /u/picoloxl
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    Finally completed all slayer collections

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:03 AM PST


    - 115.8m Slayer Exp
    - 367m Combat Exp
    - 123k Slayer monsters killed (not counting ones not in the beasts tab)

    submitted by /u/LuniesRS
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    A fleshed out multi character proposal.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:12 AM PST

    This is a bit of a project, so bear with me. I believe this to be an excellent plan both for Jagex and for players.

    First off: multiple characters per account. It's an often requested update and one that makes sense. But just adding them would be a loss in income for Jagex. Something else needs to happen to make it worthwhile.

    I'm talking a client with a separate character page. Each account starts off with a single character slot. The slot, rather than the character, can gain membership. This is most useful for hcim players and wouldn't really affect anyone else. Selecting a character keeps the character page running in the background. I have another idea I'm toying with, to replace the lobby with your POH, which would integrate really well with this, but that's a different topic.

    HCIM deaths can be incorporated in a nice way. If your character loses the HCIM status, you can add a memorial for it in the character select page. This will show its name, stats and appearance, but remove the character from your account. You can still find it in the hiscores but otherwise it's gone.

    Players can buy a new character slot for a bond. That slot is now a permanent addition to your account, but needs its own membership. Membership on a second character will cost half of the original cost.

    Solomon's store items can now be bought as either a character- or an account-wide upgrade. TH keys remain as they are, per character.

    There is an added initial investment for having another character on your account, but a discount for playing it actively. Players who haven't made an alt, may want to do so with this system. Multi logging is enabled of course, especially because each character is being paid for. Sounds like the perfect solution to me. But let me know your thoughts and concerns.

    submitted by /u/TemporalPariah
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    Social 120

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST

    Has anyone actually received their Xmas Jumper from the Runescape merch store yet?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    I ordered my jumper the day it was announced for pre-order and All I got was a notification from BSI merch about the pre-order with an "order number" that I can't track on their page. it was said they would be dispatched on the 6th and it's the 13th. Many of my friends are reporting the same thing, that they haven't received any shipment details or confirmation of dispatch. They are notoriously hard to contact (according to facebook reviews anyways) and closed for the weekend.

    submitted by /u/bubba_lexi
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    Ummm, excuse me? World 7243??? It was auto selected when I logged in.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:51 AM PST

    PSA: You can now freedom out of Araxxor's cocoon special attack

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:39 AM PST

    Usually when attempting this the game will tell you "You cannot do this while transmogrified to this form."

    Found this out when freedom was just coming off cooldown and I had queued it up. The freedom broke me out of the cocoon in fewer than the usual 4 ticks. It's a nice little addition in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/bundleofsocks
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    Klassic Johnny Cage Mortal Kombat look

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:27 PM PST

    I am halfway to my goal on a lesser-traveled path...

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:06 AM PST

    I am halfway to my goal on a lesser-traveled path...

    Refined Components

    I am going for max (100K) Refined Components, which is at least 10K B.A.N.K. Standers. This will require:

    • 10 M (ten million) junk
    • 83.3 hours
    • 5000 Junk Refiners worth about 60M
    • Actually 5% more when you consider I'm also bursting Bankstanders while refining.

    Do you know how much money a B.A.N.K. Stander is worth?

    How much money do you think I make per hour refining junk?

    I've done a lot of research into Invention and I've made bils in passive income from it. I have an answer to this question and much more. Should I publish my research?

    submitted by /u/gutblender
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    Please make a way to allow permanently locked ironmen to get cosmetics.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:21 AM PST

    There is no reason to lock ironmen from getting cosmetics from things like advent calendar instead of using keys give us at least 1 random (or better yet let us pick 1 cosmetic token). A cosmetic isn't going to get me instant max cape or a free t90 weapon.

    submitted by /u/Meow_BTW
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    Can we move the NPC who stands here? blocking click to the bank chest even when mouse isn't over him

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:36 PM PST

    Is Jagex getting more or less creative in their cosmetics?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    I've been noticing a trend with recent cosmetics that they are very... cluttered... for a lack of a better word. They just seem like they actually have too much detail. Furthermore, they are all gender neutral, there are no male or female versions. I'm not against gender neutral outfits, it just feels unusual from the norm is all.

    submitted by /u/a_angry_bunny
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