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    Thursday, December 19, 2019

    RuneScape TL;DW 467 - Year in Review

    RuneScape TL;DW 467 - Year in Review

    TL;DW 467 - Year in Review

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Vod | Archaeology Journal: Warforge! | Year Ahead: A message from Mod Warden

    Recent Update

    • Daily Challenge Rework - It's driving engagement and gives players more choice.
    • Christmas in Prifddinas - I don't know if it was an oversight but we'll try to do it next year.
    • Deadclicks - Seem to be fixed as it isn't popping up anymore.
      • There is a fix for the Keybind/Typing issue, however it requires a cold-fix which will come in the new year.


    • The Java client has been retired which allows us to be more flexible and get things out faster in the future.
    • The activity pet is currently live and will end next Tuesday.
    • Colors being washed out of outfits/pets is due to environments on particular map squares. A fix has been establish and will be applied in the new year.

    Year Ahead

    • Archaeology is being pushed back to get more QA/improvements so it can be released in the best way possible.
    • The PvM Hub (War's Retreat) - is moving up in the schedule and will be released before Archaeology.
    • 2020 is a jammed pack year and details of it will be discussed in the new year.
      • This includes any knock-on impacts that may or may not occur.
    • We planned to improve the product strategy and overall do more things right.


    Questions Answers
    Grace Period for delayed Arch affect the grace period of H&S Don't have an answer quite yet but they will be disconnected.
    Will players be reimbursed loyalty points for the auras being released in War's Retreat? We haven't made a call on that yet.
    Unified Collection Log Progress No progress but Ryan was looking at it in his free time.
    War's Retreat - will there be a teleport unlock. Yes, it will be like those with the comp rework.
    Box of Flies? May have discussed but I don't know it atm. Will look into it.
    Pet broadcasts with kc/xp It's in testing.



    • The release date has been pushed back.
    • Development was coming along really well, however we want to make sure it gets enough testing.
    • Also, from an art perspective we felt we weren't accomplishing our goals with the expected launch date.
    • The extra time allows us to fill the landscape and add content to it.
    • We can also do more longevity testing which allows us to play the skill as a player would.

    Invention Comparison

    Invention had a launch and track approach. It touched many things in the game, so we got right what we could and then iterated on what we couldn't after release. Player's didn't appreciate this.

    Warforge Digsite

    • It's the last digsite to work on and currently the environment artists are working on it.
      • We haven't done too much dev with it but it's a really cool place.
    • It's a mix of Gladiator and the goblin sequences in the Hobbit.
    • We plan to show environments closer to release in future streams.

    PvM Hub - War's Retreat

    TL;DW 459 - Epic Jam Content Showcase - For more info on the PvM Hub

    • Coming out before Archaeology.
      • This allows PvMers to not be as affected by a new skill release.
    • It has everything you want:
      • Campfire - Bonfire boost,
      • Aura Unlocks - Vampyrism, Dark Magic, Maniacal, Reckless, Berserker
      • Death Marks - Currency, changed based on feedback.
      • 4 Portals - 2 Attuned (1 for everyone, 1 from Prif), 1 Reaper Portal, 1 Featured portal.
      • Other rewards, and consumables.
    • The following won't be out on release: Achievement Garden, Grouping Area.
      • To do the grouping area we have to spend proper time on it, and it's something that wasn't needed.

    120 Farm/Herb

    Ranch Animals Drop rates

    Creature Pre-release F&H 120 Release
    Big Game Hunter 1/250 1/65
    Dino Slayer 1/3,000 1/750
    Jadinkos 1/1,000 1/500
    • It was always intended it be rare for pre-release and look at it to see if it needed to be adjusted to make it more common.
    • We are constantly monitoring it.
    • The Dinos eggs via Hunter Marks is sort of a bad luck mitigation, but it's still random as to what you get.


    • There are more Powerburst of masterstroke than overkill potions in-game.
    • We've had discusses based on feedback such as:
      • Changes to Powerburst's adrenaline cooldown.
      • Ranch environment changes, Storm Barn, Babyshakes.
      • Changes to nightshade and obtaining it nicer and easier.
      • Farming Rep Prestige - Nothing for doing it aside from bonus rewards.
      • Dino food - People have talked about fish.

    Year in Review

    Update Stream Reaction Reasoning
    Mining and Smithing Rework Yea Overdo but done really well, still some issues with stone spirits.
    Elite Dungeon 3 Yea Quest was a good lead in, reward issues improved, still some issues with DG as a whole.
    Desperate Times Meh Storyline was good but didn't progress this year as planned. Spacebarers.
    Comp Cape Update Nay Hit a feedback wall and internal shifts. End product didn't kick the aim's asses.
    Land Out of Time Yea A large amount of content but there was an expectation of more to come.
    Summer Skill Off Meh Dung Hole. Events mean extra XP.
    Bank Rework Yea Took awhile to come out, but it's a massive QOL improvement.
    Ranch Out of Time Meh There's a feel that's there for PoF that isn't there for the Ranch.
    Herblore & Farming 120 Meh Stuck with a ton of release on the same day. In the future spread them out.
    Yak Track Yea Rewards are good. Give more membership value, not a new way to monetize. In the future change it up, make it less grindy.
    Smooth Movement Yea A good teaser for what's to come with better modernization and now that Java is retired.


    • We want to integrate more seasonal events, address QOL on a regular cadence, more before and after an update.
    • Build a backlog and get feedback from the community.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Runescape Fanart - Our Home in Menaphos

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 05:58 AM PST

    Archaeology won’t come out in January

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:08 AM PST

    This years christmas event is by far the most underwhelming event in RS history

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:27 AM PST

    As the title says... reused models and totally pointless and non engaging event. By far the most non engaging one throughout runescape history. I just do my 2 clicks on advent calendar, check reddit to see where the present is located in the world, collect it, get my 80 papers from santa and contribute 100 to the cracker and go back to do whatever the f i was doing until some peeps pull it so i can collect some pointless food with a new icon and maybe if im lucky ill get some meh token. When will you ever bring back cool and community engaging events like we had in the old times? Rant end.

    submitted by /u/krtalvis
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    Archaeology Delayed - PVM Hub Arriving January instead

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:09 AM PST

    DAY: 471 - POF crows still in graphical agony. Their suffering is eternal.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:44 PM PST

    It's honestly so nice and refreshing to see the RS home page filled with new posts

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I know not everyone feels this way and there is still some skepticism that we can all have, but seeing lore drops, developer blogs, and other communications on the home page of Runescape is so nice to see.

    There were so many months in the last few years were we'd get 1 post a week and no other communication. But just in this one day we got 3-4 posts about various things and that feels incredible. One of the most exciting thing about this game when I played it during 2005-2008 era was checking the home page every few hours and seeing something new.

    This type of communication and looks at future content was turned into livestreams. And while I do love the livestreams, I was never able to watch them fully and I'd always just check the TLDW on /r/runescape.

    So thank you Mods for actually posting stuff on the home page again.

    submitted by /u/nosi40
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    Imagine that, reworking an outdated skill/system is far more popular than mediocre 120 extensions!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    Swear to god if this guy throws a snowball at me one more time I'm going to fucking lose it

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:43 PM PST

    Just noticed I had 2 boomers in my breeding pen

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:44 AM PST

    I'm actually pretty happy War's Retreat (PvM HUB) is coming first instead of Archaeology

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 02:27 PM PST

    Soul wars

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:58 AM PST

    On spotlight world. Let's play soul wars.

    submitted by /u/Ironpackyack
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    Archaeology Journal: Warforge!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:55 AM PST

    the Bank Rework was by far the best update in 2019...

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:02 AM PST

    We had to wait like 3 Years for this update... most of the breaks i took were because of the bank not getting reworked after they announced it in 2016. Mining & Smithing rework was also a great update but i like the bank rework far more.

    submitted by /u/4player4
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    I have already unlocked that little monster!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:14 AM PST

    Regard to Jagex claiming the brought out graphical issues with some of the new items and objects I have a few questions

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Firstly, you claim that the issues with colours fading away, colour shifts, different coloured reflections, etc are caused by issues with the enviornment not the new items. But why are not all of the items affected? Why are only specific sub-set of new items affected? If we went by logic then the fault is still in the items. Are you saying that multiple areas of the game like Menaphos, Grand Exchange, Draynor, Desert are suddenly the issue not the small sub-set of new items?

    Secondly, when we look at new objects and items in the game, there are clearly two sets of style. This leads me to think that the objects are designed by two individuals with different habits and preferences. If you look at some of the new plants introduced to the game, then some of them have strong reflections, strong borders and others do not have any of these. Same with the new Yak Track items and Christmas items. Yak Track weapons have borders, clothes do not. Christmas claws have strong visible borders but the new snow-person pet or sweater do not have these. Am I right to assume that they are designed by different designers with different preferences? Does this also mean Jagex has no design guidelines and every designer goes with what ever they are used to and more comfortable with?

    Thirdly, are we going to be seeing more strict design guidelines and more uniform art style? RuneScape already has so many different styled areas, there is no need to see more different styles in new content as well. Keep it uniform.

    submitted by /u/mostToxicNoob
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    Next textures

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:59 AM PST

    With java gone will we start seeing fixes for broken textures, washed out graphics, and area specific color palette shifts that have all been chalked up to unable to fix because java was holding nxt back?

    submitted by /u/prayer_aus
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    Can we get this guy to stop harassing us about his non-existent pineapples every 5 seconds?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:12 PM PST

    Runescape 3 Mobile - A Review

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:11 PM PST

    So, RS3 Mobile's been out... just shy of 2 month now (7 weeks 2 days as of this writing). I've been using it on a Lenovo Tab 4 - 2gb RAM/16GB storage, so I will caveat this review with the note that my device only just meets the minimum system requirements. But, feedback is feedback, and I hope that the information i provide can do Jagex some good with streamlining the app.

    My first nitpick is a feature I discovered to be entirely missing from Mobile almost as soon as I got it running: The Sheathe Weapons button. On PC, this is done by pressing * on the Number Pad or by right-clicking the gear on the Action Bar and selecting Draw/Sheathe Weapon. On Mobile, this is done... not at all. I spent a full 20 minutes poking around the UI trying to find the button, to no avail. So my first bit of feedback is to add this somewhere for those who enjoy the aesthetic of sheathed weapons and frequently switch between Revolution and Legacy Combat Mode (when exiting Legacy back into Revolution, weapons are left constantly drawn). This can be added by tap-holding the settings gear in the combat UI, tap-holding the bubble that opens the combat settings menu, and/or by tap-holding the Adrenaline/Special Attack bar - and given how much redundancy is already in the Mobile UI in some areas, I won't object to adding the option to all three.

    Anoher small nitpick is that a lot of items tend to overlap the outside edges of the equipment slots they're equipped in. Not shown here are the Large Rune Pouch and the Demonic Skull, which also do this, as does almost every item nearly the size of the box on PC.

    Next up is stability. For an app still in beta, RS3 Mobile is remarkably stable - since I started using the app about a week after Mobile Early Access first launched, I've only had three crashes. The first was while trying to load W84 Combat Academy during DXP - with probably upwards of a thousand players in the area, more than a dozen training dummies active, every portable skilling location available deployed, and particle effects/hitsplats going off literally everywhere. My Mobile client gave a valiant effort in trying to load this absolute clusterfuck and only gave up the ghost after about 30 seconds, and I'll easily forgive it this - I fully expected a crash in this situation. The second and third happened today, while trying to gather a few last screenshots for this review and toying with graphics settings. The second crash was upon trying to exit the home menu with Water Detail turned to high while standing next to the River Lum, next to the Fairy Ring outside the GE. The third was in the same spot with Water Detail set to medium. Low did not produce any problems, but was not noticeably different from Water Detail off. I blame this entirely on my device not being able to handle that specific level of detail.

    There are, however, significant graphical hiccups in Mobile that cannot as easily be explained by a low-grade device. This generally tends to involve particle effects and the like (and generally doesn't affect performance), though I will be documenting these issues here. This set of issues can be summed up by one phrase: Squares. Squares everywhere. A few pieces of evidence:

    • At Brilliant Wisps. Note the item icons for Brilliant energy, Brilliant Memories (the darker purple squares) and Enriched Brilliant Memories (the bigger, light purple square), as well as the wisps themselves and the steam from my Steam Battlestaff.

    • My Cosmetic Outfit, from the back. Full Inactive Vitality Suit with inari Tail and Purified Swords and Crystalline Wings. Note the squares around the handguards of the swords, all over the tail, and around the lantern at the GE.

    • Same outfit, from the front. Mystical Gaze aura override is also active (and square). Note as well the squares on the chest where there's usually particle animation on the Vitality Suit.

    • Purified Swords particle effects while running. My character flees in terror as a stream of squares chases him across the north wall of the GE.

    • Crackling procs while AFKing Hellhounds. In addition to being a big cloud of white squares, this particle effect noticeably persists for 2-5 seconds longer on Mobile than on PC. As one can see from the Crackling Cooldown debuff at the top of the image, Crackling activated a full five seconds before taking this screenshot, and persisted for 2-3 seconds afterward - on PC, this typically only lasts 3-4 seconds.

    The next set of screenshots deals with another issue: Textures themselves not loading properly. This pertains pretty much exclusively... to leaves on trees. Cases in point:

    • Just south of the Eagle's peak lodestone. I was on my way to a Coordinate Clue in Arandar Pass and grabbed this one pretty much at random about two weeks ago. Note on the minimap all the white blobs - all trees, all white.

    • Kharshai Jungle. Notably, the larger palm trees have white leaves, but the smaller, choppable Jungle Trees have properly green leaves. These are the only trees in the game that seem to be green on Mobile for me.

    • Tirannwn Forest. Everybody wanted Priff to get Christmas decorations. On Mobile, at least, Tirannwn is nice and snowy... and has been for two months. Also, related to the last point: note the nice, square flames on the Tracker's campfire.

    Now, I hear some people saying "try turning Textures on." And that's the first thing I tried. Except... that doesn't work. And, in fact, it makes things worse. Two pairs of screenshots for this particular issue. Near the Underwall Tunnel at the GE, textures OFF. Note that the walls look relatively normal, though lacking in brickwork detail. Now... Same spot, textures ON. Note that the wall's color has lightened, and the pillars on it have partially disappeared. Additionally, those paying attention to the small bit of the GE floor at the bottom of the pictures will note that the circular floor has also lightened in color. For a more... obvious example, we head to the Farming Guild. Textures OFF. Not pretty, but functional. Now, Textures ON. Granny, Sam the Sheepdog, the player at the bank chest, the house, the ground... all bleached white like someone spilled the world's largest bucket of paint primer. I'd call this a relatively major problem, seeing as how, when called by the game's script, some texture files are straight not loading. Another area of note for Jagex where textures don't load... Treasure Hunter.

    Finally, I will cover the app's saving grace: Functionality. Overall, Mobile is not nearly as pretty as RS3 on PC (at least, not until it gets a nice hard spit-polish, which I fully expect considering this is still a beta), but it works. I'll admit, it doesn't work quite as well as PC, but it works. You can, more or less, do pretty much anything you can do on PC, though I wouldn't recommend high-intensity activities. Don't bother setting FPS above 30, you probably won't get 30 FPS most of the time. There are some things to note:

    • Mobile needs to work on recognizing tap, tap-hold, and swipe gestures a little better. Oftentimes while doing clue scrolls, I would tap-hold my Ring of Fortune to teleport to the GE and have nothing pop up - and as soon as I released the hold, the item unequipped as if I'd just tapped it. Other times, I'd swipe (to drag an item or rotate the camera) only to have the game act as if I'd tapped the spot the swipe started. Also, in particularly taxing areas/situations (like fighting Double Agents and Saradomin Mages, or whenever I'm up on the top of White Wolf Mountain), tapping items to equip or swap items doesn't always register.

    • Some particularly click-intensive activities should be avoided. One of the first things I tried out was blooming Mort Myre Fungus for an hour. On PC, at my normal spot, I can typically generate 2600-2800 fungus per 1h12m run. But between having to tap-hold through Ghasts and Snails, having the game chop down a nearby tree when I actually tapped on the bloomed log nearby, and having the game select items on the ground when tapping nearby (and therefore opening the Area Loot interface), I only managed 1800 in the one run I did on Mobile. That's a pretty significant drop-off in efficiency.

    • Speaking of Area Loot, one of the more irritating features of Mobile is when one manages to tap-hold an item stack on the ground, select a specific item, and select Take... it opens Area Loot regardless of what item you select. This is a problem in situations where lots of things have died in the area and left junk on the floor I don't want which fills the Area Loot interface to the point that the item I selected doesn't show up at all. I'd like at least an option to bypass Area Loot when specifically selecting Take on an item in a stack on the ground.

    However, when one ignores or bypasses these issues, RS3 Mobile is a functional and mostly convenient way to access Gielinor when PC access isn't readily available - particularly for those who, unlike me, have access to mobile data plans and aren't tethered to WiFi for internet connections. You can do clue scrolls with remarkable ease (especially if you have another mobile device with the RS Wiki pulled up so you can cheat), and puzzle boxes are super easy with the Mobile interface. If you want to AFK a monster group, you can do so without significant problems - I even did this to the point that I got my first 99, Magic, in the Abyss on Mobile. (Still continuing the Squares Everywhere point, take a look at my Abyssal Wand/Orb in that picture) It's slightly inconvenient to have the Components UI for Invention interrupt Disassembly actions on Mobile when it doesn't do so on PC, but I'll chalk that up to technical limitations and not complain. The UI is remarkably customizable for a mobile app (being able to add or remove Ribbon buttons at will), and having access to up to two (or even three) action bars with how the combat UI works is extremely convenient. I frequently miss my grossly oversized minimap from PC when traversing long distances on Mobile, but the minimap is just the size it needs to be for the Mobile interface - and being able to turn it off for a more compact interface is nice. You can, in fact, make almost the entire UI go away with a few buttons if you want screenshots of an environment or greater access to the area around you for navigation. Despite the fact that much of this post is dedicated to detailing bugs or nitpicks, those problems are either avoidable or ignorable with no real drawbacks.

    In short, once Mobile is fully complete and released, I have absolutely no doubt that the performance will be more streamlined and that the issues outlined above will be resolved. Even with all of its issues, I give the present state of RS3 Mobile a solid 4 out of 5. Now, if the game will give me a Shadow Dye from my Hard Clues as a Christmas present, I'll be a real happy camper.

    submitted by /u/Lord-Ice
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    This is annoying (120 farm perk on taverly farming patch)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:40 AM PST

    Hi Reddit, we had a quadruple party today: my little sister got her 10 year cape and got into Prifddinas, and I finally got my Master Quest Cape and maxed!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:07 PM PST

    Archaeology and Perks

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    I read once (source forgotten) that a possible perk from Archaeology will allow Armor sets with "Set Effects" to be used with one less piece. IE) Guthan's set effect made possible with any combination of 3 of the 4 required pieces - Helm, Chest, Legs, Spear.

    1. Can anyone fact check this for me?
    2. Can anyone suggest the most useful sets that this would apply to?
    3. Are there any exceptions?

    Guthans comes to mind because of afk pvm possibilities (using chest, legs, helm and whatever melee wep set up).
    I can imagine some benefits of certain hybrid armors/ Void knight armor..

    submitted by /u/cj_powell91
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    Typing in-game triggers keybound abilties.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:42 PM PST

    I saw two other people mention this in the update thread, but I wanted to make a post to get this some attention hopefully before the next update. Ever since the last update, when I type in chat it will trigger my abilities and curses that are keybound in addition to chat. It seems to happen when I hit Enter quickly, and it always activates the keybind of the last letter in the sentence. It's annoying because I can't type during dung, slayer, or pvm without wasting abilities or messing up curses. Surprised more people aren't noticing or experiencing this, but if people have temporary solutions I am all-ears. I've been trying to type slower, but it's not always practical in pvm scenarios.

    submitted by /u/DoItForTheProbiotic
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    During the current stream, did they discuss the player suggestions for pets?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:28 AM PST

    I was AFK for a bit and once I returned, I heard them talk about some entries and what not. Then I heard them say that the entires were poor in art?? Every entry I have seen on Reddit have been looking damn amazing. IDK why would Jagex say these entires were poor quality in art when they produce absolute shit themselves and sell it for money??!!

    submitted by /u/mostToxicNoob
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