• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    RuneScape Unpopular Opinion: I wouldnt mind trading ~1-2 year of updates for modernization

    RuneScape Unpopular Opinion: I wouldnt mind trading ~1-2 year of updates for modernization

    Unpopular Opinion: I wouldnt mind trading ~1-2 year of updates for modernization

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Ask yourself, do you log in because you want to, or because you have to? Are you having fun, or are you just obligated to log in?

    We need to learn to have fun again. Those of us who played for fun did clanwars soulwars stealing creation castlewars and even hosted poh ffa's. We hung around in the cities and just chatted. We logged in because we looked forward to doing all those things. Even if we weren't "progressing" or whatever. The same feeling you get when you start a game of basketball or League or Overwatch or literally any minigame in RS. When fun is the sole objective, traffic booms. Which is why Riot/Blizzard has so much more dividends to give to their own Chinese overlords.

    (in support of this post) We were able to keep ourselves busy back then and didn't need constant flashy new updates slid into a trough to keep us entertained. These days we all log in because we have this mindset that we have to, that we have to get bis's and have to stay ahead. Being strung along out of sheer obligation to goals that diminish in quality/creativity as the bottom of the barrel gets scraped to the extreme. Treating the game like a job and abandoning minigames, which embody the spirit of fun in its purest form.

    The pvm demographic of RS3 who comprises our local majority would be sure to raise hell at the slightest mention of veering the game more towards casual risk-free pvp competition, but if we combined that population with OSRS's, it's clear RS3's band of pvmers turn out to actually just be a vocal minority dwarfed by OSRS's army of pvpers. We should really aim to have a modernized well-populated version with the communities, best features, and combat systems of both games, where it isn't just "all about the grind." Both games would grow if they possessed what the other had. It's our responsibility to wake up.

    Sources: https://youtu.be/1drDuaQXm_U

    https://youtu.be/aApaKgd-pE4 (2:00-6:00)

    submitted by /u/Oilight
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    A notice to players who spacebar through quests, from a former quest spacebarer

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:30 AM PST

    I've been playing RS for over 15 years and I've always known of "Guthix", "Zamorak" etc. and that there was certainly a lot of lore behind RS. But, I never really understood it.

    Recently, I decided to read every bit of text during a quest: The World Wakes.

    My view of this entire game has changed. The actual content is so incredible and in-depth and this quest was actually quite touching. Second, I did "Missing, presumed dead" and I unlocked text options because of my completion of the world wakes.

    Now I'm excited to actually do quests and learn about Sliske and God Wars Two. The sword in the wilderness actually makes sense, and quests no longer feel like a chore.

    TL;DR. Please, don't make the same mistake I did by spacebaring through so many quests and then playing catch up. RS actually has a lot to offer.

    submitted by /u/thechecknamesout
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    Therragorn, the Last White Dragon

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:57 PM PST

    I made my boyfriend RS cookies for support on maxing his account

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:09 PM PST

    14s Helwyr

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:28 AM PST

    Jagex needs to go all in on modernization. Redo a lot of the code, modern dev tools, making the graphics consistent throughout the entire game, ect.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:40 PM PST

    Jagex want to charge premium triple a prices but dont want to take their company as seriously as the big guys. They don't future proof a damn thing.

    I've never heard a dev say things like, "we cant add a simple toggle because it is engine work". Like who cares? Of course it's going to be work. Does it really matter how much work it is when it NEEDS to be done to provide a quality product? Player models are a huge example of this. Player models that dont even match the art style of the rest of the game or npcs and look like garbage and make the game feel and look like a underdeveloped fan project. Yet they wont touch it with a ten foot pole because "itll take a lot of work".

    They need to bite the bullet on this stuff and just do the job. If we were all told straight up that they are going to take some time from big content updates to fix the engine and untangle the code and modernize the game. Making it consistent with their pricing model and the rest of their game, then I'd be more than okay with that.

    I'd rather jagex work on fixing these massive underlying issues instead of continuing to slap more layers of content onto a beyond dated and broken infrastructure. Making it harder and harder and harder on themselves constantly to go back and ever fix these things. It's going to get to a point where starting over with a brand new game is more efficient than fixing this basic shit.

    If they just invested in this stuff, like really invested. Hire outside, experienced, help if they cant afford to stop "big" content updates. Once that's all taken care of and done with and they get new modern tools to build the game, making content will be insanely faster. Night and day faster. They make development harder on themselves. Its gotta cost a fortune and a hell of a lot of time to do the smallest of updates that any other dev would be able to get done in a single day with a single person. The type of content that jagex pushes out, someone with a little know how and some modern tools, could make in a couple days in their moms basement. And that's the fault of the code, the engine, and the rest of the tools jagex uses and FORCES on top of even more dated tech from almost 20 years ago.

    It's really sad. I think the game could be something really really special if they buckled down and got this stuff done. It's hard for runescape 3 to appeal to new people with the way it looks and runs and plays. The inconsistency of it all. Some of it is somewhat modern, smashed together with 2 decade old content that hasnt been touched. They need to get the technical side of things delt with. It's what the game really needs to survive long term. It's only going to get harder and harder for jagex to develop and attract new players with how things are now.

    Once it's all done and modernized, imagine how much easier it will be to develop in the future. So many of the snags and bugs and all the crap jagex has to do with is due to them not future proofing literally anything and just shoving temporary fixes on top. Everything would go so much more smoothly for jagex if they put the effort in here.

    submitted by /u/YeahhhhhWhateverrrr
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    Can we talk about the state of quest content?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:47 AM PST

    Over the last five years we've seen a decline in quest content.

    Quests in 2015: 7 Quests in 2016: 7 Quests in 2017: 6 Quests in 2018: 4 Quests in 2019: 3

    We haven't seen a quest in the last seven months since Desperate Times was released this year in May. With this year largely lacking updates along with the few lackluster updates that we have gotten, quests have all but stopped coming out altogether.

    It seems that non-replayable quests are being phased out to make room for the temporary replayable events that are accessible at all levels, such as Spring Faire, Yak Track, Treasure Hunter, or other currency events that sell bonds.

    Personally, the main reason I play the game is to participate in the stories that take place in the quests. I've always liked level requirements as benchmarks to push me to level my character to be able to start new quests and gain the rewards. The way new content sidesteps the leveling and storytelling is ultimately demotivating me from playing the game at all, because the rewards are mostly time-gated/money-gated arbitrary cosmetics and don't improve or advance the existing Runescape stories or experience.

    I really miss checking out a new Month Ahead and seeing quests to prepare for.

    What do you think of the state of quests in Runescape?

    submitted by /u/Usually_Blue
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    Pile of presents at the entrance of Jolly Boar Inn north of Varrock

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:21 PM PST

    Did some rune crafting, members only lol

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:39 PM PST

    The anti-bankstanding software has been update - Taskman Mode 5.2

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:22 AM PST

    Today, we share with you once more the Taskman playstyle, this time with optimized scripts, a brand new dashboard, and even more tasks!

    If you ever find yourself with too many goals or find yourself idling for most of your online hours, we have the solution. The Taskman Mode Spreadsheet is the critically-acclaimed anti-bankstanding tool that helps you explore new content, revisit old content and ensures you always have something to do.

    Your account, be that a new or old one can follow the tasks randomly generated by our spreadsheet. The tasks range from fighting the mild-tempered Telos to losing your mind in the Mage Training Arena or, if you dare, catching the gruesome and fear-inspiring Big Bass. It's split into tiers, based on the difficulty of the task.

    By default you start in the easy tier and progress to the next, once you hit 100% completion, but would you rather have tasks randomly generated from ANY tier, this is also an option! The goal is to complete everything, to have fun along the way, and put yourself to the test.

    Interested? Hop on over to our discord server, or join the TaskManiacs clan chat in-game to learn the finer details of our beloved spreadsheet. Discord: https://discord.gg/XEYFDrc. The sheet is updated frequently, and all new changes and patch notes can be found there.

    Need to do some more research before beginning your journey? Check out some videos from our community Content Creators!

    Tedious (Generate Task from OSRS goes RS3) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9hkQQxaHjc

    RNG's Taskman Tips Video - https://youtu.be/s0KonVq0TPI

    Humanoid Typhoon's series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROVawQAO7tw&feature=youtu.be

    Auryoh's Taskman Series - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIzCaEdZyK2IIkVPmih5NQY4m314CIkts

    With the hopes of seeing fewer people at banks, and more people on the road,

    - The Taskman team

    In other news: we have reason to believe frost dragons are being hunted to extinction.

    submitted by /u/DatExigo
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    4th at the bar near the lumber yard

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    Christmas cracker exact percent

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    Inspect your Christmas paper and it tells you the exact % and lets you telly to the cracker

    submitted by /u/314backwardsispie
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    finished yak track & stumbled on this gem while checking the cosmetics :D

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:51 AM PST

    With 2020 behind the corner, when can we expect a UI that scales properly with 4K?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Currently I am stuck to using a blurry/lower resolution than my native resolution (4K) because the UI is objectively too small to play the game. With 2020 in hindsight, when can we see this added to the game? With the Java client gone, this could be easier than before?

    submitted by /u/Ceceboy
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    I still can't turn in the hard request post hotfix. Hotfix for hotfix when? lol.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:59 PM PST

    What was your favorite updates this decade?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:49 PM PST

    As we're 2 weeks away from 2020, what were your fav updates this decade?

    submitted by /u/joey9671
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    3rd location, near the eastern lumby chickens

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Help Learning 4taa

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:46 PM PST

    I am trying to learn how to 4taa, I have a few questions though. So first off, is the correct time to use the auto attack right about when the global cool down is just ending? If so, is is it proper that I am firing off an ability about 1 tick later then I would be if I was not 4taa? So like, when I fire off my auto attack, I end up not using my next ability as soon as I could be if I was not doing 4taa. Is that proper or does that mean I am doing it wrong and doing it to slowly? My last question is, sometimes my auto attack hits as low as about 300 but other times it hits as high as 2k+. Is that normal or are those really low hitting auto attacks me accidentally firing off my auto with dual wield?

    I don't have any friends in game who 4taa so I don't have anyone I can ask, so any advice is very much appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Apex-Penguin
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    With Java Client finally Axed, does that mean we can actually get Pitch Black and Pale White colors for items?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Fashionscape would intensify immensely that the game might concave

    submitted by /u/CoolSarn
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    spring cleaner setup

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:08 PM PST

    Hi just about to get the spring cleaner. What's the best set up for slayer?

    submitted by /u/Spudward19
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    Graphics question and request to jagex

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:49 AM PST

    hello all,

    I am a player of RS3 and am too poor to afford even a mid budget system. I have an HP laptop from 2010 which can run NXT okayish for the most part on minimum graphics and 20 fps (i am pretty content with it). The only issue is that the game crashes in populated areas - such as w2 ge, w84, hall of memories while corehunting etc.

    Is there any way to lower the graphics below the settings in the GUI? like the youtube channel "lowspecgamer" shows changes in config files to like make the games really barebones. Is there any possibility to make rs3 like that? I dont care at all even if i just see blocks for models, i just want to play the game.

    Kindly tell me if such a thing is possible, if not, i request jagex to please consider allowing such tuning possible.

    submitted by /u/DjrTrump
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    Went to check out these new Thieving stalls in Lumbridge, and I overheard this voice over.... �� (Spolier) #TooSoon.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:24 PM PST

    Nice little Easter e.. Santa hat!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:05 PM PST

    Finally made it to Prifddinas!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:26 PM PST

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