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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    RuneScape Patch Notes - 04/11

    RuneScape Patch Notes - 04/11

    Patch Notes - 04/11

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:46 AM PST

    Double XP Weekend: Extended

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Jagex, please be aware that if you pick and choose questions that you asked for about MTX that are easy to answer vaguely and diplomatically without addressing questions regarding ethics and simple figures, we will remain outraged.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:04 AM PST

    Jagex is finally taking an opportunity to publicly address MTX problems.

    Recently, they had a post on this reddit asking for some of the questions we as a community want addressed in this fashion.

    We need to absolutely watch out for them using this as an opportunity to pick and choose questions that are A) So open ended that they cannot/will not give a concise and meaningful answer, or B) Vague enough in concept that they can "American-Politician" it and completely de-rail the question until the next one is asked

    We need to be asking concise, simple questions that have concise, simple answers. (What is the salary figure for your MTX staff? What is the official paradigm on why MTX is okay within Jagex? etc.)

    Do not give them a chance to do something like "Q: How do you plan on addressing MTX; A: "We plan on taking meaningful steps that keep the community in consideration and result in everyone having a good time"

    The above example is NOT an answer. Please be ready for this.

    submitted by /u/muzau
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    Kill the java client.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:02 PM PST

    Seriously its been at least 2 years of talks about cutting out the client.

    Its clear that either mobile is affecting the game at this point, or simply maintaining and updating 3 clients is just not working.

    the game is losing players regardless as of right now. if theres any merit to the benefit of the game please just cut the java client then.

    submitted by /u/FireTyme
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    A cold fix is absolutely justified once this buff bar bug is resolved. Nobody wants to PvM with a busted bar for another week if a fix is almost ready

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    "Nothing interesting happens."

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:07 AM PST

    Jagex, you are ruining the actual game, the only way to play right now, so you can rush mobile. Slow down and fix what you've broken because a lot of the live game is completely unplayable right now

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:37 PM PST

    Buff bars, crashes, FPS drops, games freezing, all so you can rush mobile. This isn't just on the level of neglecting game updates so you can do mobile, this is actively breaking the game so you can rush mobile updates.

    submitted by /u/CoolBananas69
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    Rip orb chest

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    avoid buying premium mebership this year

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:25 AM PST

    it's become pretty clear now once they've got you locked in for the year they couldn't give a shit when it comes to producing updates or even keeping the game playable

    based on missing several weeks of gameplay at this point due to client crash bugs and jmods with either no interest, capability or time to fix the updates they've rushed out, i've made the decision to skip premium this year and i hope others consider it as well.

    how they've begun to treat this game and its players is beyond a bad joke, it's downright insulting and it's not an attitude i can support anymore

    submitted by /u/saltmine69
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    Patch broke Seiryu fight, can't jump to platforms

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:34 AM PST

    Extended XP weekend is on the right path!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

    It should just be called double XP week. That is my only real complaint.

    The 36 hours is fair as I know loads of people would have spent 36 hours over three days for an average of 12 hours. It comes down to 3h 36min per day of actual gameplay which is far more healthier and far less stressful for majority of the players that work and can't just dedicate three days.

    Mostly I see this benefiting farming, herblore (after farm herb run) and prayer (seren stones).

    Additionally, it should reduce server load on world 1 and 84 where over 1k players would log in to use portables and the ticks ran sometimes 100% slower then usual.

    Thank you, Jagex! Who came up with this idea anyway?

    submitted by /u/Narmoth
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    Finally!!! Thank you for this change, have been asking this for ages!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST

    With 120 farming and herblore coming out, isnt it time we addressed how herbs are coming into the game through pvm drops and not farming, this tweet is nearly 3 years old!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:33 AM PST

    Patch notes should not be presented as an "update".

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:20 AM PST

    Specially when they do not address the important issues with the game.

    submitted by /u/usualowl
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    Thank you for this patch, much needed.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:19 PM PST

    1 Day prior to MTX livestream they release "Cinder cores" which burn BXP at 250% rate!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    Not mentioned in patch notes BTW.


    submitted by /u/Punifi
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    The Buff Bar Glitch Has Gone Too Far

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:27 PM PST


    A few minutes after my buff bar broke, Telos stopped having animations. Also my money pouch/currency pouch/etc disappeared. Shits wild, idek dude.

    Seconds after I stopped recording, my client crashed and everything went back to normal so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    submitted by /u/flamestar970
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    Buffbar still broken after todays update

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:29 AM PST

    Can we have any news regarding the bugged buff/debuff bar and crashes?

    Nothing has been changed in today's update, which means we will have atleast another week where we can't PVM properly (yes i've lost my 60 telos streak due to this bug)

    submitted by /u/scveldman
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    Mod Stu, the Activity Tracker is ANNOYING

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    Whenever I log in, complete a quest, do a task, perform most random actions, something I didn't select gets randomly added to my Activity Tracker. God forbid I cook a fish without a big flashing yellow arrow being added to my map telling me to talk to Duke Horacio, forcing me to navigate through 5 menus every ten minutes to turn it off.

    Mr. Mod Stu, the fix is quite simple: give us the option to make the Activity Tracker never add things to itself. I don't care if it knows something related I can do. If I didn't add that specific objective to the Activity Tracker, that objective should not appear on my Activity Tracker.

    I'm pretty sure I'm being completely logical here.

    submitted by /u/TheFarticleParticle
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    There's a new item in the Oddment Store called 'Cinder Cores'

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:34 AM PST

    Shauny creates buff bar > Shauny leaves > buff bar dies. Coincidence?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:59 AM PST


    submitted by /u/Daxivarga
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    With all the Patch weeks we are getting its almost as though Jagex has returned to the expansion model they tested out with Menaphos in 2017.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    PSA: 120 Farming/Herblore Set for Nov 25

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Potion Bank

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    Potion Bank

    You like this?

    Why don't we have proper solution to the mess that Herblore creates? We're getting 120 herblore so we might as well get this sorted out!

    Current situation:

    • Constant need of decanting when mixing potions. You create (3) doses but for further processing your potions need to be decanted into (4).
    • Constant need of decanting when actually using the potions. You want to use full vials/flasks but leftovers are constantly clogging your bank
    • Having to juggle between efficient flasks or economic vials

    Proposed solution: Potion Repository

    Imagine it like this:

    • Banking potions separates the container (vial/flask) and contents (potion itself). Imagine it as if you poured the contents of vial into some kind of vat/barrel.
    • Withdrawing from this container consumes empty vials/flasks and adds them into your inventory, ready to use.
    • This solution completely removes unneccessary bank/inventory management. You won't need to decant manually, visit Priff/GE or travel to Oo'glog.

    Bonus suggestion: Bulk Herblore.

    • Unlocked at 90 Herblore
    • Allows you to put cauldron on Bonfire.
    • You can fill this cauldron with herbs, potions or secondaries
    • After filling, your character begins to stir the cauldron, slowly turning the contents into potions
    • This AFK herblore method would yield the same results as manually mixing the potion (both XP/H and potion yield) but you would lose chance to save ingredients or make extra doses from certain perks and passives.
    • The goal is to have sub-optimal Herblore method that doesn't require 100% attention and doesn't give you carpal tunnel when pushing for 120
    • (Optional) You and members of your group can drink directly from cauldron. Such fresh potion lasts 2 times as long. Might be great way to share boosts for raids etc.
    submitted by /u/mporubca
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    Results from MTX survey, summarized

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:27 AM PST

    I decided to make a poll because I was curious if the numbers matched the outrage. The poll was mostly focused on people who were already opposed to MTX in order to create a consistent message, since reddit tends only to amplify the loudest voice. I'm reluctant to reveal the actual numbers. I feel like since Jagex tends to operate in secrecy with this kind of data and relies on players to blindly trust the data they report, I should do the same. I should mention though that I didn't have a Survey Monkey plan that allowed me to analyze all responses, but trends were consistent enough that I doubt they would change the results significantly. There is also the stipulation that I don't have access to information regarding actual sales and can only report what people say they would buy but not what they actually buy.

    The following are some of my findings summarized. I didn't really find anything that defied expectations. Most people could have probably guessed the outcome, but it's nice to be a little less in the dark I guess? I wouldn't be surprised if this tracks with Jagex's own data, and since they're super committed to transparency now guys, maybe they'll share.

    • The most common issues are P2W monetization, game updates not being substantial, and a not-too-distant third having issues with the use of gambling

    Most pressing player issues.

    • Respondents who were most aggrieved over content quality included both low-interest and high-interest in any MTX, while those who were more aggrieved over P2W showed a moderate interest
    • Players who displayed dissatisfaction with subscription cost tended to believe the quality of content wasn't worthwhile as opposed to the price being too high
    • Players who were more relaxed on P2W MTX still showed interest in cosmetic MTX
    • Not many respondents showed interest in completely removing all MTX, and of those who did, most seemed to be bad faith actors
    • My second question was poorly worded but the results were still interesting.
    • Most players believe Jagex need to make dramatic changes to their MTX, with particular emphasis on removing non-cosmetics from Treasure Hunter (yellow). This tracked among most demographics

    What changes do players want to see? (Organized from most dramatic to least)

    • Players who were more likely to purchase MTX made up the majority of supporters for giving players the option to disable TH (purple) as opposed nerfing it, though a considerable amount still supported nerfing it
    • Players who are fundamentally opposed to Treasure Hunter showed moderate interest in purchasing cosmetics, but were reluctant to do so either because nothing currently interests them or they don't want to support Jagex's current business model
    • Of those same people, half had previously purchased MTX, mostly cosmetics, with a small selection of TH impulse buyer
    • Players who weren't especially opposed to Treasure Hunter didn't show a high interest in purchasing MTX anyway, with the slight exception of cosmetics and technical improvements
    • Whales will buy literally anything, without any particular interest towards P2W specifically
    • Of players who tend to purchase mainly cosmetics, there's a slight overlap with TH impulse buyers
    • Impulse buyers tended to be the most reluctant to nerf TH, and have the least financial reservations
    • Impulse buyers didn't trend toward any specific MTX. Those who expressed interest in P2W expressed equal interest in cosmetics
    • Of people for which affordability is an issue, lackluster content was a bigger problem than the state of MTX.
    • The 5 most popular options for MTX were cosmetic overrides, technical features, integrated POH rework, keepsake collar, and RunePass-type promos, and were popular amongst most demographics, with the exception of impulse buyers who did not have any particular stand-out interests

    This is all layman analysis so I wouldn't recommend taking it as gospel, but I would encourage Jagex to be more forthcoming with their own data.

    submitted by /u/HeyMakoooooooooowoah
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