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    Monday, November 11, 2019

    RuneScape Game update: Linux Client Improvements

    RuneScape Game update: Linux Client Improvements

    Game update: Linux Client Improvements

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:24 AM PST

    Love the new backround!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:47 AM PST

    The Arc Sea Levels are Rising; Save the Environment, Stop Firemaking!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Dear Mod Warden, Want To Fix RuneScape (MTX, playerbase, etc)? - Here's How.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:47 AM PST


    I write to you today appealing to you to save RuneScape, and offering what I believe to be reasonable suggestions to do this.

    Before giving my ideas I will give some honest background into who I am as a player, as it may help you in understanding where my ideas stem from. I have played RS for 5919 days, that is over 16 years. I have played since RSC, was a very very active PKer and member of the #1 PvP clan on RS2 and played into RS3. Admittedly, as I have grown older and my free time less and less, I stopped playing my 10+ hours a day (probably around 2007) but have remained around the community and have frequently paid for membership despite not playing often (I currently have two accounts with premier). I still love the game and after 'quitting' I remained active on my clan's forums, then moved on to play a lot of private servers, came back 'full time' when botting was rampant (well, I only had to click twice a day lol), came back again when OS was released, got really into RS3 for a while after watching some PvM videos, and now I'm more of a redditor than a player, often defending MTX in the midst of irrational ideas that are very entitled and lack any business sense from anti MTX players.

    Now onto the ideas.

    Firstly, I personally accept that MTX is a part of modern day gaming. In fact, I'm pretty happy it is, as I just don't have the time I once had to sit and click a tree repeatedly to gain experience in order to be able to do a quest that unlocks another quest that gives me access to an area that I want a reward from. I, therefore, will not be offering 'remove MTX' suggestions, but rather ideas that you can use to remedy the roots that are causing MTX complaints. I see these as:

    1. The nature of MTX (predatory, encouraging gambling, 'in your face')
    2. The 'power creep' in MTX
    3. The impacts on the competitive nature of the game
    4. The odd business model (P2P PLUS MTX and now you've discussed adding RunePass)

    The Nature of MTX

    • Anti MTX players do not want popups advertising MTX. Offer them the option to turn it off. I understand that you want to be able to upsell, but certain players were never going to buy any way. Yes there will be players included here that potentially could have been convinced by some marketing that you're now going to cut off a channel too, but I personally believe it's worth it to get rid of the negativity on Reddit, which is a frequent place for new players to look when they start a game and often a top hit for google searches. I think you are underplaying the negative impact that this toxic echo chamber of Reddit is having on new player engagement.
    • You have mentioned previously removing the gambling aspect of TH and directly selling XP – do it. Remove TH and SGS, move everything to the oddments store. The amount of people who genuinely care about the gambling issue is very small, but considering the impact of gambling addictions, debt, etc., saving a single person from walking down that road is worth it.
    • Young children should not have access to uncapped MTX. Jagex should require parental consentfor a minor to create an account (perhaps they do already, I've not been a minor for a long time so I don't know the procedure) via the parents email address. The parents should then have access to a portal that gives them the options to turn off, or cap, mtx,. They should be able to block their specific cards from being used to purchase things to prevent their children from taking it from their bag. They should also be able to control the chat filter option on their children's account, and other such things. As a parent, I can tell you that building a relationship with the parents will go a long way in letting their children play your game. There is a lot of rubbish out there and parents are growing increasingly protective. This also gives you an avenue to advertise mtx/membership to the parents around Christmas, the child's bday etc. as a gift they can buy their children. Engage the parents, not the vulnerable minors.

    Power Creep in MTX

    As with all things, things must get better over time for people to stay engaged. That is understandable. But to be very clear, T80 armour on TH is not acceptable.

    • Create a clear, player feedback driven, list of what will, and will not be allowed in the new oddments store. IMO this will probably land at: lamps, stars, silverhawk feathers, springs, auras, portables, pulse cores, elite skilling outfits, cosmetics. There may be a few things I've missed.
    • Do not think that 'it's not BIS' is an excuse to put the thing just below BIS. T90 is not commonly used lol.
    • People have access to bonds if they want to buy t80 armours from MTX. Bonds add value to the general game, TH does not.

    The Impacts of The Competitive Nature

    IMO highscores are meaningless already. According to people I've said this too, that feeling is not global.

    • Find a way for non-MTXers to be able to brag about their MTX-less achievements. Whether that is by detailing xp from lamps vs xp organically gained, or a star next to their name on the highscores if there's no MTX, perhaps an organic HS and an overall HS, I don't know. But the point is that people don't want to be 'outdone' in the game by people richer than them in real life. For players like myself who want to save time, I don't care if people see that I MTX'd my divination so this will not impact your mtx sales figures, but it will please those who are anti-MTX and feel their achievements are being devalued by the sale of XP.

    The ODD Business Model

    When I think of the MTX heavy games (clash of clans, game of war, fifa for example), I note that they aren't subscription based games, they are freemium. Notably Fifa has an upfront cost, but the Fifa disk gives you much more than FUT (it's MTX driven mode).

    Runescape is freemium, plus membership fee to have access to anything meaningful, plus you're now going to add RunePass / a premium option? No way lol.

    Here's my biggest and boldest idea: remove membership fees and become a freemium game. Like I said – I pay premier on two accounts and over the course of the year I probably average out at about 6minutes a day – this isn't an idea stemming from me being too cheap to pay for membership.

    • F2P is an awful advertising platform for RS in 2019. Membership is a minimum requirement to play this game imo. The F2P quest base is okay, but the skilling, areas, etc. is so limited, it no longer has the pull of enticing people to P2P that it once had. Our member base has dropped dramatically, and we need to remedy this.
    • Bring back RunePass as some kind of premium option
    • Premier club = 12 months of RunePass instead of 12 months of membership.
    • RunePass, along with it's month worth of challenges, should unlock (until the end of the month): XP multipliers, cosmetics, increased rates on things like herb patch yields, kingdom yields, rate of favour increases in GWD2, Menaphos, etc. For more ideas, look at Clash of Clan's Gold Pass. Give players a reason to play each month and link the challenges to things that aren't boring grinds. Add in a large payout (perhaps in oddments?) at the end of each pass/season to give players a reason to renew each month.
    • This opens the door for players who have left to return, being able to enjoy all of the content, without having to commit to membership first. It's a lot easier to convince a returner to stay after they see how great Araxor is, than it is by them seeing Al Kharid no longer charges 10gp to enter.
    • Realistically, the new boosted XP rate becomes the normal XP rate and eventually everyone will opt for RunePass – revenues won't be affected. But you've made the game better for new players and easier for old players to return. People are also much more likely to opt for Ironmen, area-locked ironmen, etc. if they can do it for free. As I said above, eventually they'll pay anyway.

    The majority of these updates sound like they reduce or limit revenue, and perhaps in the short term they may, but I think the majority of them will have a net zero impact over the long term and I think the business model idea will lead to far higher revenues with increased player base.

    To top it off, I want to add an observation I've made a few times on Reddit that I think is massively overlooked and can radically change the membership / RunePass revenue for Jagex if corrected:

    The Games META

    Let's establish some facts:

    • OSRS does not have MTX (outside of bonds), RS3 does.
    • OSRS has a larger player base than RS3, and therefore more revenue from membership fees
    • OSRS has PvP and PvM, RS3 has PvM (yes, I'm aware that 14 people still PK and another 50 join in at warbands time, that's insignificant in the grand scheme of things lol).

    As someone who has played RS for a LONG time, I'm aware that the game was established as a PvP game where you could kill people anywhere. I remember when you could duel anywhere and if someone came to your mining spot you would fight for the right to stay there. I remember when pirate hut (RSC) and axe hut (RS3) in the wilderness were the best combat xp rates in the game. I remember when sharks and super sets were BIS and realistcally had no use in the game other than being a food for PKing (and perhaps KBD?). I say all these things to say, RS was massively built around PvP in its early days, and flourished because of PvP in RS2 days.

    RS3 has lost that element of the game, and it lost something as an accidental byproduct: the need to have multiple accounts.

    The META in RS3 is simply to max. There's nothing else. Make a main – max it. Start again with an iron – max it.

    A single OS player may have: a main, an ironman, a 1 def pure, a zerker pure, a range tank, a 60 attack piety pure, an obby mauler, a gmaul rusher, a mage rusher. That's 9 accounts for one person. And for some youtubers, they have all of these accounts and members on all of them! RS3 has such a heavy reliance on MTX because it's the only thing they can upsell to the players they have. OSRS upsell another membership by releasing a new PKing META.

    The point that I'm making? bring back multi level METAs.

    My personal preference to do this would be to change the combat system in the wilderness to once again be conducive to PKing (perhaps revolution mode automatically turns on as you enter, bring back special attacks with KO potential, etc). Reinvent the wilderness as a high risk (e.g a coin drop on death regardless of what you're wearing), high reward place to train things to encourage PKers and non PKers alike to take that plunge. Close the wilderness in the majority of worlds, leaving only certain ones open to push all the wildy players into one place. Reintroduce PvP worlds (can be attacked anywhere) with an XP boost for using them.

    I appreciate that that is probably not the most popular suggestion, so perhaps there are other ways such as to create activities that have great rewards but are significantly harder at higher levels (making it better to do at lower levels). The point is, give people a reason to have multiple accounts, rather than aimlessly going for max every time. OSRS has thousands of videos on YouTube just on the topic of META combat builds.

    Some other throw away points that have nothing to do with MTX but go along with the general concept of rebuilding the playerbase:

    • Sort out the confusion in the combat triangle. Why does melee have attack and strength whilst the other two just have one skill that covers both? Strength does virtually nothing now other than unlock new abilities. I appreciate that it's always been that way, but RS3 has attempted to make a genuinely balanced combat triangle (on OSRS no one mages bosses for example). Merge the two skills, make it clean, make it balanced, make it make sense.
    • Fix the new player experience. Most open world MMOs have areas that you work your way through in a practical order, with monsters growing in strength etc. You can do this by creating a 'main' quest line that moves you throughout the world, uncovering new places and introducing you to new things as you level (e.g bossing, the various skills, the GE, etc). Right now the open world is too open world at early game level. Since we're moving to freemium, you have a lot more space to run this questline through. We need to be attractive to new players once again, both in getting them in and keeping them.
    • Fix the settings menu. It's too much.
    • Properly reintroduce the concept of AFK. For some reason RS3 now define AFK as 'not click intensive'... AFK used to mean away from keyboard lol. On OSRS you can AFK at sandcrabs, NMZ or splashing for between 10 and 20 minutes at a time. Genuinely AFK. This is massively popular with the introduction of mobile because it means those with desk jobs can actually train up accounts (remember those new ones you're going to give us METAs/motivations to make?). Considering RS3 has an older playerbase, this is urgently needed. The model is already set out with mining - good XP for AFK, great XP to pay extra attention. Roll it out for all skills. And note, AFK does not mean 'requires aggression potions' or some other high level content lol. It needs to be something you can do from the origin of an account through to level 99/120/whatever.
    • Content needs to be better. The player base feels entitled to an update a week. I remember back when that wasn't the case, but the players now feel that's the speed they should expect. If you cannot meet this schedule, which IMO would not be considered unreasonable bearing in mind how much more detail goes into an update now, communicate that with the players and change the expectation. If properly communicated as the new norm, and quality was high (please start testing things lol), I don't see why the player base would be angry at a proper monthly update. Still 4 weeks worth of content, but in one hit, properly QA tested, properly adding value to the game. A lot of the outrage right now is because developer time is clearly disproportionately between MTX and actual content.
    submitted by /u/TJiMTS
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    T H A N K Y O U

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:29 AM PST

    PSA: Jagex have updated the login page with what could potentially be the new premier club outfit and pet rewards

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:23 AM PST

    Strange men keep entering my shop, please send help

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    I love Runescape, but I am contemplating whether or not I should renew membership. One of my first lessons in Personal Finance years ago was "Vote with your wallet," and I think that would be the most effective way to show Jagex we are dissatisfied with MTX.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

    As the title says, I love the game, and I really want to renew my mems, but the world has gotten too colorful and lively. Some of the pets take up too much space and the armors are too extravagant. I never saw the game world as bland, and often fi D that people running around the world with minimal impact on my screen tend to be the best looking. My most recent experience with cosmetics was stuff that came with Premier Club and I only used the wings (to compliment my Armadyl armor) and the adolescent bloodpouncer pet.

    Should I renew my membership or show tough love and hope enough other players do the same?

    What are you going to do about MTX?

    submitted by /u/ILOYL
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    Jagex dumb as hell for even mentioning premiere without a solid update on the future of mtx

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:05 AM PST

    I bought premiere every year like a jackass but I'm done giving them my hard earned bread. I want to see some changes with mtx before I even consider it.

    submitted by /u/icyecold
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    Not sure who trapped 5 penguins in Rellekka Cow pen, world 56, but thank you! <3

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:12 PM PST

    The Premier club got renamed... It's now the Disney Club

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    The updated Linux client is fantastic!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    I've been trying to get the Runescape NXT client to work on Linux for a couple of weeks now. The version available on the Linux download page was completely broken, and RSU was relying on the Java client which doesn't work that well. The last couple of weeks have been fiddling with Wine to try to get the Windows version to work with no avail.

    In my darkest hour, just as I was about to give up I saw the announcement today that the Linux client was updated for Ubuntu 18.04!

    I'm on Pop OS 18.04 which is Ubuntu based, so I ran the installation, and the client works fantastically. The performance is much better, a lot of the quirks of the Java client have completely vanished like the annoying grey mouse issue, and it works just like the Windows version minus a few issues that are mentioned in the patch notes.

    I know that we're a minority, but I just wanted to let everyone, especially the team who worked on fixing this that it's extremely appreciated. From what I read the people doing community Linux support have been asking for the broken Linux download link to be fixed for years, so while this has come extremely late, it's better late than never.

    submitted by /u/dungeon-potato
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    After several months someone finally bought my boots

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST

    New Premier Club outfit and weapon worn by Guardian of the Vault.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Cheating scum banned - News - RuneScape

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:53 AM PST

    Jagex make future bosses say death quotes please

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    One of the most nostalgic things to me was the thunderous from dungeoneering. On release, all you would hear is him constantly saying "another kill for the thunderous!" because no one understood how to beat him.

    Was a great way to demotivate players and make them feel like worthless garbage compared to a boss so I think this would be a great feature for when they make an uber hard boss.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    I think it's pretty clear. 120 herb/farm and Root will be thw only updates this month and the final updates this year.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:38 AM PST

    Thank you jaggy. 11.99 a month though

    submitted by /u/Scapesters
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    Don’t be fooled, this is a phishing scam! It does not direct you to the real RS website.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:47 AM PST

    The three certainties in life - death, taxes, and another fucking patch week

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

    I remember when we used to get content

    submitted by /u/emmerr1
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    Jagex get your Sh*t together

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:51 AM PST

    I'm going to skip the pleasantries cause at this point you don't deserve it, first off you broke the game through dead clicks, took months to fix em only to break them again, and now prayers are screwed by dead clicks, next the buff bar is broken.

    You want to do your aggressive MTX, that's not fine but you don't care so have the decency to at least show where all this MTX is going, by delivering quality updates and not breaking the freaking game everytime you update something.

    As a Premier club member heck even other non Premier club members probably feel the same, you practically scammed us this year with the insane number of patch months, not weeks mind you, months with an s to deliver another broken patch.

    I have personally been very patient and am not one to get angry fast but you've really made it tough, you should be ashamed of what you're doing, your QA department doesn't exist.

    You're breaking a gem of a game, you promise a lot and never deliver, what's worse is you have the audacity to promote another Premier club when the most important aspect of your game, the dead clicks and bar interactions which affects a majority of the players is not working properly.

    I don't know what you're doing but I'll say it again get your sh*t together because this is not how a company who charges people for services should behave.

    submitted by /u/TheArchMageAlpha
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    Loot from 30-40m atk in Elite Dungeon 3!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

    [PSA] Mac users: updating to the latest version of Mojave or to Catalina can resolve client issues

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PST

    If you don't want to update to catalina like me it can be tricky to update, under the download section for Catalina the "learn more" button for some reason allows you to further update Mojave

    submitted by /u/ivan_x3000
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    Is there any information on Beans (POF Currency) will be used for after 120 farming?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    What sort of upgrades will be available? Trying to see if I should save my beans for the update or buy all the sundry magic beans i can before they get removed

    submitted by /u/Tropical_Fruity
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    (Final survey for my PhD degree) The opportunities, threats, and strategies of esports sponsorships (Only for people who watch/participate in esports) [Ends on 30 November 2019]

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm doing my PhD in marketing and I'm focusing on esports sponsorships. From May 2019 until now I have done 4 surveys. This is the last one. ATTENTION: Don't fill out this survey if you filled out the 2nd one, they are the same and have the same title (I'm reposting the 2nd survey because this is the most important one and I need a very large sample).

    All surveys are anonymous and done on Google Forms. The data from the surveys will only be used for my PhD thesis and to develop 6 articles that will be published in scientific journals. The participation of all esports fans is extremely important and greatly appreciated (survey is only for people who watch/participate in esports).

    This survey takes about 8 minutes to complete and is related to the opportunities, threats, and strategies of sponsoring esports. Here is the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUacl74DMc_BofKbD90NwRmohYAAgBlXmjjG_-P3QBmP6hCw/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Thank you so much in advance.

    I understand that this subreddit is not strictly related to esports but, since it has a gamer user-base, there may be some who watch/participate in esports. I'm also posting the survey on esports-related subreddits but, from a researcher standpoint, only posting there would mean that I'd only be inquiring the most enthusiastic esports fans, which would introduce a bias. In this sense, it is also important to place the survey on general gaming subreddits where people who simply like esports (but are not enthusiastic about them) may also exist and participate.

    If you are interested in easily following the results of this research, you can follow me here on Reddit or on Twitter: @EsportsAnalyses. Results are expected to be posted in this subreddit and on Twitter by the end of 2020.

    This survey has been approved by the kind moderators.

    submitted by /u/eSports_Researcher
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