• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 10, 2019

    RuneScape For the 4% who might be upset about Java client finally closing.

    RuneScape For the 4% who might be upset about Java client finally closing.

    For the 4% who might be upset about Java client finally closing.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:11 AM PST

    Just my 2 cents;

    For those who are upset or are complaining that runescape NXT won't run on their 15 year old PCs, its kinda like complaining that a modern game isn't running like Snake Xenxia does on their Nokia 3310.

    Its 2019, this game needs to move on and actually atleast try to be on par with, or above its competitors, and the things mentioned in the new dev post is precisely what we need to get there.

    We can live in the past and stay as an irrelevant relic, or we can push past that, and let runescape have a flighting chance again, even if it means that it no longer runs on outdated calculators.

    submitted by /u/XoD-
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    3 Possible suggestions for players playing on the mobile platform.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:13 AM PST

    Not proud of what I've done round 2: Using the correct meme this time

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST

    A box in a box!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    Loot From 200 Solo ED2

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:20 PM PST

    Rate the birthday card my girlfriend made for me

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST

    It has been about 7 years since the Pet Interface was created, can we finally get all Item Pets added to it??

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    There are still dozens of items pets yet to be added to the menu, and while I realise that some of them need feeding up to adult form, this could be solved by just having them be used to unlock on the menu when they reach adult. (so you can either choose to keep or unlock cats since there is still a death rune exchange)

    It also wouldn't hurt to give it a refresh either and make it easier to find things. The current layout obviously wasn't meant for this many pets.

    This could all be done in conjunction with the next batch of activity pets they are planning to add to make it into a more substantial and worthwhile update

    submitted by /u/fernofry
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    I hope I'm getting this posted in time to make a difference, but we are getting a Christmas event this year, right? ...right?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:26 AM PST

    Trying out Hardcore Ironman

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:51 AM PST

    Trying out Hardcore Ironman

    I was having a nice sunny day testing my first sesion on a hcim, relaxed cutting normal trees at the lumby river, till I saw this drop which wasnt a log which I could burn... Now I gonna get 99 fm by burning logs on top of the lumby castle

    lvl 12 btw

    submitted by /u/SaMueL_0122
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    Am I the only one annoyed by the grammar when smithing e.g. arrowheads?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:07 AM PST

    Am I the only one annoyed by the grammar when smithing e.g. arrowheads?

    English is not my native language, so I wouldn't say my English is perfect, but this keeps annoying me. I know its just a stupid small detail compared to other faults, but I just can't unsee it and it annoys me. Would it be so hard to either make a difference between singular or plural items, or come up with something that works for both?



    submitted by /u/k_a_lf
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    Pking, are they all just trolls?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:04 PM PST

    So, I spend my weekend at Lava Strykewyrms and came across several pkers. Many with a lower level player who is there to force a skull.

    As I pvm there I accumulate around 500k to 1m loot on me. Also when ever the bank is near I bank and tele out if I get a unique.

    During this weekend I met around 13-14 pk-er. From some I could escape from some I couldn't but at least I get from lvl 34-35 to around 5-6. And here is the strange thing. Whenever I get killed I don't get looted. I always leave around 300-400k loot on the ground.

    I get that these high level pk-ers have billions, but then why do they waste time killing anyone with no loot potential? What's the purpose? Trolling others? Sticking to a virtual character because they got bullied in school?

    Please if any pk-er reads this, why do you bother people if you don't there for the loot?

    Back in the day when I started (2006) we went to the wildy to make money not to bother people. If we saw a someone with potentially no loot, we just skipped.

    submitted by /u/ZikoxHu
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    New player

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:05 PM PST

    Hello, just a new player an having been let down by alot of the mmos out right now, decided with some guidance from my friends to play Rs3, having fun so far but alot to take in. Any tips from anybody. Its alot of fun so far. Enjoying the grind.

    submitted by /u/KingFadencraze
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    Second Age Mage

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:40 PM PST

    Sexy little bastard -- 3 Traits, shiny and Ravensworn

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:22 AM PST

    I wish Empty bank placeholders didn't use up bank spaces, would be nice to create collection tabs like this for more items (Like material storage in Guild Wars 2)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:13 AM PST

    Runes from 1-90 at Runespan on fresh Ironman.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:35 PM PST

    2008 Scape Summon - RS Soundtrack

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:59 AM PST

    They turned dark beasts into a real thing

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:36 PM PST

    Loot from 161 master clues.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:53 PM PST

    Rune Stranding: Parcel Pete's Hat Showcase

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Ruby aurora Bug

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:13 AM PST

    Currently, while testing at a max hit dummy, the ruby aurora spell does NOT increase damage output with or without abilities. had friends test at 0 stacks, 1, 2, &3 stacks. The buff is visually on the bar, but is not actually working. Not surprised this has gone unnoticed since theyre dead content.

    submitted by /u/cob_1311
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    We're not so different after all.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:56 AM PST

    Need Advice

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Need Advice

    Hi Guys, finally got my two main goals of 99 slayer and my quest cape. Now, i suppose i'm not sure what my next goal should be. I'm not really a rich player, maybe a 250m bank. Any advice would be great! i'm supportive of any ideas. Won't pursue herbvlore right now since prices are just insane with dbl xp weekend...really enjoy pvm, learning, been doing elite dungeon3 for some gp and xp



    submitted by /u/PattyFin
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