• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    RuneScape I recreated all the armies of Misthalin in Mordhau. Long live King Roald!

    RuneScape I recreated all the armies of Misthalin in Mordhau. Long live King Roald!

    I recreated all the armies of Misthalin in Mordhau. Long live King Roald!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    “Keep doing” they said, “one day will pay off...”

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    As someone who suffers from mental illness, these events are starting to discourage me from playing rather than making me want to play more

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    I maxed about a month ago and am in no rush to get my completionist cape, but I still want some new interesting things to do. I used to enjoy the yak tracks because I got some neat cosmetics out of them and it gave me a long term goal to work for. Similarly for the first artisan workshop, I liked the aspect of having a goal to work toward that had me getting a reasonable amount of items in comparison to yak track.

    Now not only are they going on at the same time, one being shorter to progress than the other, they're only getting more grindy as time goes on. I know Jagex wants people to spend money on skips, and i'm fine with it being an option for people who might want it, but the tasks should not feel impossible to complete in reasonable amount of time. Especially considering the newest event is supposed to be about "mental health awareness." It's disgustingly predatory.

    With the amount of DXP and MTX cosmetic events going on time after time, some going on in conjunction with each other, I constantly feel pressed for time in a game I used to just play to my leisure. I understand I can just choose not to do it, but I also really like having a collection of cosmetics and the aspect of missing out on them is stressful to me. Furthermore one of the better ways to grind the artisan is to make perk enhancers, but even these are time gated and pressure me into using them before time is up or else it's a waste of my time and resources.

    This event does not help my struggles nor does it make me feel like people are aware of what I go through. The artisan part of the event gives an actual reward and distracts from the education aspect. The window for the event when you click on the currency doesn't even mention the education side of the event. The NPC you turn items into mentions it, but talk is not the first option on him. There is also a giant event icon over their head so it's hard to notice the surrounding NPCs. you could go without ever knowing there was something to gain from the other NPCs.

    This is gross, Jagex. Ontop of all of this, we have constant MTX promotions that are advertised to my face to sell keys at a discount when I log in. Last year's event and the pride event made me feel welcome and I praised you to my friends and on my social media because a game i've stuck with since I was 12 was supportive of me. But now I feel like you don't see me at all. I know you're better than this. It NEEDS to stop. And if you know what's best for this game, it needs to stop BEFORE the steam client launches. These predatory practices are a horrible first impression to give people of this game.

    submitted by /u/Kyrushi_
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    Irl priffdinas - saw this and thought it looks like priff

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Can this achievement not have a runescore plsthanks

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    He could be among the richest men on Gielinor now. If he only knew what was going on with silk

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    The most breathtaking dungeon in all of runescape

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Appreciation Post.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Hello guys. This is my First Reddit post. Runescape is the sole reason I joined because I just wanted to tell people what I've experienced in the past few months. I just came back after a long time. Used to play way back in 2007-8. I only play on mobile since I have a shitty laptop. But I'm loving it. It's been a beautiful journey. Ever since I came back I have been hooked and absolutely love this game. And the major reason for that is, the PEOPLE who play this game. I started out with f2p and learnt about bonds. I started searching for ways to make money and slowly started the grind towards my first bond. I was near the GE, having just read about Masterwork on the wiki, and wondering when I'd be able to make my own set, or visit Priff or maybe check out invention. And a random guy came up to me and gave me a bond. That gesture, just changed it for me. From that day on I made it a habit to help people however I could. From helping them get those last few mills to a bond to prolly just handing them one. Carrying them through ed3 or some other boss.

    I've met a ton of new people who have helped me get through a lot of shit. From people who helped me through ed3 runs or those who gave me herbs to get my herb to 75 for priff. (Shoutout to Pele, Jerax, Specc, Ruke, Og) Let's all take time from the grind and look around us and help the people we see. It'll make a ton of difference. The happiness they feel is something else. Let's make this game a lot more accessible for the people who are coming back into the game and other who will join soon. We are what makes Runescape. Always remember that. Lots of love. <3

    submitted by /u/Anxiolytic101
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    Hey guys, i made a 4000% Telos guide. First time video maker, let me know how i did. Thanks!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Zanik: Goblin Gal, and Best RS Character Ever Made

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    First to complete hard clue collection log :D

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    First to complete hard clue collection log :D




    After a few years, finally came the last third age piece (Robe top) :D

    Also I get a dupe from the last item needed on the same opening wich is insanely lucky lol

    So, when we gonna get our clues titles? Or global broadcast for log completion? :D

    Edit: Log completion at #29679

    submitted by /u/John_Skynyrd
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    I'm Not a Bird/Dragon Personally, But Is This REALLY How You Fly?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    The Crafting Skillcape should provide access to the Crafting Guild bank or a number of teleports directly to the CG.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    The Crafting cape seriously sucks, I think that's generally agreed upon.

    To make it more useful and balanced there should be a quicker way to bank or gather resources from the Crafting Guild itself - which could use a revamp of its own if I'm being honest. Two options to achieve this:

    • Access to a full bank inside the CG (upgrade from the current deposit box with Falador Achievements req)
    • A limited number of quick-teleports to outside the CG door, reset daily

    Either option would bring more traffic to the area and make the Crafting Skillcape just slightly more on-par with its brother capes (I'm looking at you, Dungeoneering). There are so many variations of this that if implemented, would really improve QOL & further balance the game.

    submitted by /u/1ittle1auren
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    Can we just talk about how much of a banger Aye Car Rum Ba is?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Just did rum deal and holy hell was i vibin

    submitted by /u/DirtyDave-
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    When I set a spell while wearing a staff, it only sets my main hand spell, off hand will be empty.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    So when I switch to dual wield, my damage will be lower, because only the main hand part deals damage. Can't we just get rid of the entire main-hand/off-hand spell idea? Or is there some meta around casting e.g blood spells with one hand while casting ice with the other?

    submitted by /u/FeralyFighter
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    [Yak Track] Paid for Premier Pass but did not receive Boosted progress

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    [Yak Track] Paid for Premier Pass but did not receive Boosted progress

    Kerapac Yak

    Hello everyone!

    I spent 2 bonds during last Yak Track event, Yak of the Shadows, to acquire the Premier Pass and have completed all 50 tasks within the time frame of the event. After completion of task #40, a player is awarded "Boosted progress on the next Yak Track".

    However, since the start of this current Yak Track event, I did not receive any boost on the progress of any task, and have already finished all 50 tasks.

    Since I cannot find any complaints regarding this, I assume this problem comes from the fact that I am completing this Yak Track in Free-to-Play and not many players buy the Premier Pass in F2P in the first place, so not a lot of people are affected.

    Nevertheless, I find this is very odd, because I did purchase the Premier Pass during the Yak Track before the last one, and did received such Boosts at the start of the previous one as promised, regardless of being in F2P.

    This time again on task #40, we find the same "Boosted progress on the next Yak Track", and I have once again purchased Premier Pass, therefore I am hoping that on next Yak Track I will actually get the perks that I paid for.

    Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/nunocasabranca
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    Fire urns spell xp bugged

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    The fire urns spell is currently bugged so you can not gain crafting xp unless you are 82 crafting. We tested from a range of 77 crafting to 99, and the xp kicked in at level 82 crafting which I imagine has to do with the magic level required to cast the spell. You can however boost to 82 crafting to get the xp.

    submitted by /u/Task_Set
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    Forest Spirit - rs3 character fanart

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Unreleased Seren Spell

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:31 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Please have interface scaling released before the steam release

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    This needs to happen if you want to give new players a good impression to the game.

    submitted by /u/Yubel124
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    As a returning player, the community always irks me

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    I love both rs3 and osrs, but the communities just never cease to push me away.

    I've played this game enough times before that I know how gaining experience as quickly as possibly and efficiency are a part of runescape culture. And that's cool. I don't have a problem with it.

    What I do have a problem with is when people relentlessly sit there and tell you to stop whatever method of training that you're doing or whatever slayer task you're doing because it's inefficient in some way. To me that's nagging and it's a breach of respect. It's the same as if you told someone who was playing efficiently to stop playing the game that way when they enjoy it.

    I'm sorry if maybe I'm experiencing the wrong portion of the community or something, but typically when I come back to the game, I jump right into slayer. It's what I enjoy. I don't enjoy being told by others that I'm bad for doing certain tasks, or being told exactly how I should slay repeatedly especially when I've stated that I'm fine, or that I'm okay with how I'm doing it currently.

    Maybe my line of thinking is wrong though and I just need to stay away from this game.

    submitted by /u/InfernoAbilities
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    How is this not broken?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    How is this not broken?

    Saw someone post about ED3 and the insane XP gains from the dungeon. So, I spent just over an hour doing trash mobs and here's what it looks like.


    That's 2 mil xp in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Not to mention the chest said the loot was 8+ mil. Was doing invention training using Ganodemics, so that's 1+ mil xp in Invention. And another 200k xp in dungeoneering and about 50k dungeoneering tokens.

    Note that I had no BXP in these skills so the rates would double with BXP.

    And this is after a nerf that happened a few months ago. I cannot fathom what the gains were pre-nerf.

    submitted by /u/jittarao
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    Uhhh so I darted the Ambassador...

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

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