• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    RuneScape TL;DW 492 - Weekly Dev Stream

    RuneScape TL;DW 492 - Weekly Dev Stream

    TL;DW 492 - Weekly Dev Stream

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Vod | Teaser for Next Week's Update

    A message to Jagex from me.

    UPDATE: Discounted Treasure Hunter key and Oddments exploit

    • This was NOT a bug but a balancing error on our part.
    • Around 7,000 accounts attempted this exploit by only 13% (~900 accounts) were punished.
      • Accounts who just came across it or tested the issue will not be punished.
    • We are taking responsibility for this, however players will remain punished exactly as the original announcement states.
      • We aren't punishing everyone for it since it was our fault.

    In the future

    • We need to do better testing with edge cases.
    • 'Consider' adding a daily-cap to items in the oddment store.
      • This will probably be balanced by offering discounts to more items in the shop.
    • If this happens again reach out to us, we may try to have a channel where you can specifically for this.

    Distraction and Diversion Update & Something Else

    ETA: Monday September 14th 2020

    • Penguin Hide & Seek - Discussed Today
    • Another Update - Discussed Next Week.
    • Early Bird Bonus: 14th Sept - 27th Sept
      • Spying the first penguin each week provides a penguin reset token.
      • Secret Agents spawn more frequently.

    Penguin Hide & Seek

    New Changes

    • Reward shop has been turned into an interface with existing and new rewards.
    • Upon spying a penguin there's a chance a 007 penguin appears in the nearby area (only for you).
      • Provides 2 penguin points and a clue casket (Easy-Elite with a chance of upgrading to Master).
    • Secret agent penguins spawn randomly around the world.
      • Provides 2 penguin points.
      • They despawn after someone spots them and respawn randomly in the world after a set period of time.

    Achievements & Comp Cape Reqs


    Redesign has changed them from being michievous to being more innocent.


    Consumables Cost
    Small Xp Lamp 1 Penguin Point
    Medium XP Lamp 2 Penguin Point
    Large XP Lamp 4 Penguin Point
    Huge XP Lamp 8 Penguin Point
    50,000 Coins 1 Penguin Point


    Cost is in Penguins Found

    Unlocks Cost Description
    Penguin spy device Free -
    'Scan' upgrade 10 An upgrade to the penguin spy device that increases the range of the scan function.
    'Birdwatcher' title 20 A passioniate birdwatcher can sport their target regardless of disguise.
    'Zap' function 40 An upgrade to the penguin spy deice that zaps penguins stunning them in place for 1 minutes.
    Briefcase of disguises 60 A briefcase that stores various penguin outfits which can blend you into any situation
    'Spymaster' title 70 Reserved for those who have given great service to identifying penguin spies across the world.
    'Sheldon' pet 80 -

    Unlock Info

    • Penguins found is a new stat tracked similar to the Bosses killed in War's Retreat.
      • Not tracked until the update is live.
    • Unlocks are automatically unlocked as you spy enough penguins.
    • Briefcase of disguises contains 7 transmogs.

    Penguin spy Device

    • Inventory item that allows you to Scan, receive hints, and zap penguins.
      • Zap function isn't unlocked by default. It holds penguins in place for 1 minute.
    • The Hint option is similar to the one currently accessible via Larry/Chuck.
    • Scan function default is a 20-tile radius (upgraded is a 30 tile radius).
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Nice one Jagex

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Keep up the good work

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    The new update be like

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Jagex is slowly adding P2W PvM features to TH prizes to set a precedent for the future and it needs to stop

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Nearly 2 weeks ago, a post was made on Reddit stating that an update caused Reaper necklace to be unable to build stacks on invention dummies. However, you could still gain stacks on TH dummies, giving TH dummies a clear PvM advantage.

    Jagex's response?

    "The Reaper Necklace (or) no longer grants stacks when hitting a Combat Dummy MKII, bringing it in line with the standard Reaper Necklace."

    Basically they made the P2W advantage consistent across all variants of the Reaper necklace/EoF amulets - which means that either there is a deficit of braincells for them to work with, or this is an intentional move towards the direction of setting a precedent for monetization of PvM supplies.

    Furthermore, TH dummies were made stackable during the same update, whereas invention dummies are still not. This may be a niche feature but it is definitely a form of powercreep that has been made exclusive to TH.

    submitted by /u/wyldrs
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    [2020 Drama] I left plenty of room as it's only the 1st

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Probably me when I finally find a boyfriend

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    Response to Broadcast "Exploit"

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    We have been investigating an instance in which it was possible for players to receive a broadcast for simply logging in, allowing players to generate a surplus of broadcasts.

    This exploit became available in-game around 13:00 game time. We were notified around 13:00 of the exploit and in 6-10 business days we will address the exploit with a hotfix.

    In total we've identified around 96,711 players who attempted the exploit. There was no noticeable effect on player moral or MTX purchases.

    Following our investigations we have categorised the players into three separate groups:

    • Players who may have tested the exploit will not have action taken against them
    • 835 accounts have clearly exploited the bug and will be banned for 72 hours
    • 95,871 accounts have severely exploited the bug and will be banned for 14 days – they can also expect veteran and Comp cape rollbacks.

    Four of the accounts above have been proactively suspended so that we can do further investigations before taking final action.

    We want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we do not tolerate bug abuse or exploits in RuneScape (unless of course they are used by a small niche of players, like whales, 4taa'ers and residents of the sand casino). We hope that our actions and communication today make this clear.

    submitted by /u/thatoneguysmom
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    From the livestream: Jagex admits the TH problem was their fault, it wasn't a bug, but bans still remain.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    What an absolute fucking joke. Newspost coming soon with more baseless corporate bullshit.

    Update 1: Twitch mods censored the word unban in the chat due to the volume of people yelling about it.

    submitted by /u/MegaManZer0
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    Jagex Apologies

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Everyone knows a true farmer can plant herbs with no seeds

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    [Theory] Jagex purposely made Veteran's cape global broadcast so everyone on reddit would focus on that to take the attention off of the recent/current MTX-drama.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    My poor chatbox...

    submitted by /u/KoolertV
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    task failed succesfully

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    i'mma save this one so i can pull it out again very soon

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Hans tomorrow after everyone got their Veteran cape

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    It do be like that

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Jagex, your business practices and ethics are disgusting.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    This is a rant, but one I hope is constructive. So if you're here to disagree with me, please just leave. I've heard and read all of the defence for this and it's BS.

    Firstly, I barely use TH. Mostly I just cross the damn thing off. I have nothing against those who DO use it; my goals are my own, and I feel the same sense of accomplishment regardless of how anyone else got them.

    Secondly, I am so over the top, fed up, sick to death and TIRED of the same Jagex statements which can be used in any scenario:
    "We hear you."

    "We are listening."

    "We know we messed up, and we will do better."

    "We will be looking at TH for the future."

    These words mean nothing.

    Let's start with what you've just said in the stream: "This was our mistake". Great. I'm glad you could finally own up to it, even if it took you a week. But do you know what contradicts this? The bans.

    The recent exploit wasn't a bug (which you also admitted after you were rightly called out for it), and then you turned it on its head and tried to class it as 'exploit abuse'. Yet, as you say, it's an exploit caused by you. What you didn't say was that it was caused by predatory practices designed to get people to spend more and more cash. You're not angry because people got more EXP, you're angry because you lost out on profit. That's it.

    Here's what anyone with half a brain would have done in this scenario:
    a) rollback and remove items/exp from the accounts.
    b) openly admit you made a mistake, the onus is on you, and apologise for missing it.
    c) advise no action would be taken but you do not consider this a fair use of the mechanic and would update your rules to reflect this.
    d) not blame your players.
    e) Consider looking at how often you pump out stupid and OP promos in future.
    f) Not release a RIGGED TH Promo before you'd even come out and addressed the issue (which is another post in itself).

    I don't understand your logic. I get the managers at Jagex are people too, but are they so uneducated about how to interact with people, or care so little about the game, that they think this is okay?

    Let's face it, management won't care or read this. Ever. The only thing I can hope this does is reach out to the actual staff who work there to fight for the playerbase, because management sure isn't.

    I used to work at a scummy company that preyed on their customers. In the end, I disagreed so much with what they were doing I just got up and left. Maybe, just maybe, management at Jagex will cotton on to how much people hate how they operate they'll change, even just a tiny bit.

    submitted by /u/ChrisHijinx
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    Nice one Jagex, ECB now works with melee! Warm up the banhammer...

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Gz Wazzy on 200m fishing!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    After today's update

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Which JMod thought making veteran cape broadcast globally?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    A broadcast that you can time whenever you please is now broadcast to everyone. Literally my entire chatbox is people grabbing all their capes. This should be a tier 3 at best, honestly should just be tier 4/turned off.

    submitted by /u/MisterMojoRs
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    Reaper's Patience

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Buyable at Death's Store for 500 Reaper points. (Requires Reaper's Choice to have been bought before)

    Allows you to stack up to 4/5 reaper tasks before losing them.

    Edit: Optional balancing counteraction: Unlocking this makes people lose their first (free) reroll for every task. So, rerolling a reaper task once means you lose 25% of the reaper points and you only have 3 rerolls before you'll only get 0 points instead of four (correct me if I'm wrong about this, I don't usually reroll that often). You can still reroll more often (as often as right now) and receive slayer exp for your task.

    Positives: -reduction of dailyscape

    - more to buy in the store = more value to reaper points/hydrices and extra trim req

    - People who unlocked it no longer have to choose between reapers and irl obligations

    - People don't automatically have access to them

    Negatives: - more reaper points enter the game than before, which counters point 2 of the positives, but only after a sufficient amount of reaper tasks were done the old fashioned way

    - Still cannot save up for an entire week, so you can't just do all your reapers on one day you're free from work (honestly, from a balancing pov this may well be a positive as well but I didn't want to put it in both lists)

    - Still takes a lot of time and reaper points before you can even unlock it (750 reaper points total), very timeconsuming and expensive for a QOL

    - Costs a lot, 500 reaper points is not much less than two hydrices, which at current prices I guesstimate the cost at 60-70m

    Thoughts and/or additions to the lists?

    submitted by /u/Not_a_jmod
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    After today's Broadcast update.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    My oddments just doubled, pls don't ban me (again)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:09 AM PDT

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