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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    RuneScape ProTip Tuesday - 29 September

    RuneScape ProTip Tuesday - 29 September

    ProTip Tuesday - 29 September

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    ProTip Tuesday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can share your RuneScape tips and tricks.

    Help out your fellow redditscapers with advice for bossing, skilling, money-making, or any other part of the game.

    Past ProTip Tuesday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It has been exactly 11 months since Shauny left Jagex and communication has only deteriorated since then.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Ya'll nerfed good communication like you nerfed dreadnips.

    Just some examples how this year has been...

    • Arch BXP amnesty confusion
    • Roadmap is coming soon™
    • Mod Warden says he doesn't like to do roadmaps
    • Mod Warden says he is writing new roadmap
    • Low participation from Jmods on Reddit, Forums, Discord, etc.
    • Steam DLC confusion, whoops, actually no DLC, stop calling it DLC.
    • Yak Track being a replacement for TH (Never actually believed that lie, but pointing it out nonetheless.)
    • Mod JD and Mod Poerkie asking questions only to be misunderstood completely by Mod Hooli or Mod Warden, no follow up questions or clarification, stream ends.
    • Month Aheads/BTS cancelled
    • GWD3 development stage confusion
    • Unaddressed concerns regarding state of the game
    • Mobile LOL
    submitted by /u/holydamned
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    When I accidently mention I also enjoy RS3 on OSRS.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    At least it's something different

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Been working on this for a while: My Runescape skill jacket!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    jagex pls

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Captain Asgarnia (RS x Marvel fan art) ~ art by @Bz07061 on twitter (link in comments)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    TL;DW 495 - J-Mod Q&A

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:38 PM PDT



    • Bringing Runescape to Steam won't really have any impact to the development schedule.
    • There should be no difference on gameplay based on what platform you play the game on.
    • 15 trading cards, 20 achievements, 6 badges, 6 emotes you can get within steam.
      • Achievements should already unlocked if they are already completed.
      • There's also a Membership package option allowing you to get membership through Steam.
    • It is not possible to transfer player's game time over to Steam.
    • There are no plans to allow for players to sell/trade RS currencies on the steam marketplace.
    • New Player Experience: There are areas we want to improve but we need to do more research and utilize focus groups.


    • There are no plans to exchange to exchange Tomes for anything other than XP.
    • Haven't made a full decision yet regarding how Archaeology works with DXP Live.
    • Archaeology Amnesty:
      • September 30th: Yak Track Bonus & Achievement Grace Periods
      • October 19th: Bonus XP, XP Lamps, Auras, and all other XP-boosting buffs and items.


    There will be a stream next week covering more details including the release date.

    • Requirements: Level 90 Archaeology | Associate Qualification | Desperate Measures
      • Excavations range from level 90-120.
    • Location: Entrance is located at the Anachronia Base Camp

    • The initial Orthen designed pitched at Runefest is not the one we went with.

    • Similar to Infernal Source, where you discover excavation sites as you progress.

    • There won't be a high level weapon obtained from Orthen but there will be relics and other high level end game rewards.

    • The colour of the soil is black.

    • Orthen glass will be used, and there will be 5 new unique materials.

    Core Experience

    • There is a lot being done behind the scenes to address issues with the servers.
    • Tick rate improvement - Is difficult due to all the challenges around it.
      • It needs to be reevaluated where we work on 1 part at a time rather than everything all at once.
      • It falls under the umbrella of better technical experience.
    • UI Scaling - It will be released quite soon once refinements to the beta are made.
      • Scaling down requires more work so this update would be released without it and then worked on after we finish mobile.

    Live Ops

    • Yak Track is iterative where we keep trying to improve it each iterations.
      • We need to balance it between the time/money spent and the level of Yak Track.
      • If you look at the first one compared to this one you can see the differences.
    • Winter/Summer Weekends will probably not be coming back this year.
      • We are looking at ways to make it more exciting so it isn't as stale.

    Other - Q&A

    Theme Question Answer
    Achievements Can we take another look at the initial comp rework design (3 tiers of capes)? There are no active plans to go for those extra capes. We didn't do it due to the complexity of identifying what those achievements mean. We will see achievements with every update we can. There's also behind the scenes work to improve how achievements work.
    Areas When the PvM Hub was released there were plans to make improvements to the Maxed Guild. What happened to these improvements? The initial worry was that removing core functionality from the Maxed guild would make players not want to use it anymore, but that's not entirely the case. It's not as a high priority so we probably won't do an overall rework but we may do Ninja level things.
    D&Ds Any possibility of doing small skill revamps more often to D&Ds? Updating reward would already be enough. Improving D&Ds can make an increase with player engagement. Works inline with remastery where you add new content as you update it.
    Event Will there be a Halloween event this year? Yes. We want to make an annualized seasonal event and make it a place in the world that stacks up with content every year. Add stories and the social event stuff.
    Jewelry Are there any plans to make Brooch of the Gods more attractive for Ironmen? No plans to make it more appealing for them, it already is appealing. On a side note, there are more Brooch of the Gods than Essence of Finalities in-game.
    Jewelry Any news on HSR working with chests? Hopefully, no one is actively working on it (someone was). It's technical thing that needs to be implemented. We could look into moving it over to the Ninja team.
    Quest Does Rite of Passage actually have a chance of being made, or do we just let the dream die? If there's a story around it we will likely share it in various ways such as with Stormguard. However if you are looking for a grandmaster quest, it probably won't happen or not any time soon. It feels to stand alone with the story we are currently telling.
    Quest In Stolen Hearts Khnum confesses his love for coffee. Since there's no coffee in the game, is he delusional...? Coffee exists but players haven't found it yet. "Khnum is pronounced 'numb' with the joke 'numb skulls'".
    Remaster Managing Miscellania status? We never started it beyond the initial concepts. Of those announced at Runefest this is in the most danger of not happening because the amount of work needed is huge and it feels separate from what we are planning within a year.
    Remaster Any chance of a Player Model rework? It's a monumental task. Not only the models, but the items the player wears, the animations you would perform. It's clearly a problem, don't expect it any time soon, but we are looking into it.
    Runefest Since Runefest isn't happening this year are there any plans to do a digital livestream with talks/key notes? We are pulling our focus towards the Golden Gnomes. Other keynotes/discussions won't happen however we do plan to cover our plans for 2021.
    Skills Any plans to add content to skills that don't have any meaningful unlocks in later levels. We always have plans but nothing to share now. Depending on the skill we need to look beyond just unlocks such as with Agility/Construction.
    Skills Any plans to look at Dungeoneering and how experience is gained in the skill? (Group and Solo) No plans currently. We know there are certain issues with Dungeoneering that we are aware of, but our current focus is more needed in other areas of the game.
    Skills Are there any "high effort / high reward" activities like BGH in planning/development? There will be higher intensity and shorter form updates happening very soon and more frequently. For updates on the same scale as BGH we have to choose the right skills and it can't happen as frequently.
    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Whenever I see a skulled person log in at Lava Strykewyrms.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Petition to update Stronghold of Security. It kinda needs it.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Allow us to add Pulse Cores/Cinder Cores to the Brooch of the Gods

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    It feels bad to lose the BOTG benefits while skilling to generate pulse core blasts. What if we could put them in the brooch and toggle them on and off like the porters in the GOTE

    submitted by /u/WafflesNCyanide
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    Cloning clicks(basically botting with extra steps) Something needs to be done about people using a mouse click/movement program to log into hundred of accounts to flip items its botting in a form because its not 1:1 clicks. (2nd time posting because apparently you cant use other peoples usernames?)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Took me like 18 months back then

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Furiously getting wood with my Great Pecker

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Why does the augmented inquisitor staff not have GE value in wealth evaluator? Other augmented gear is correctly represented by their GE values, but this weapon isn't. For a paid service, Jagex should treat the wealth evaluator with more scrutiny.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Not sure if its me or RS, but Vexillums are a bit fucky right now.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    tier 60 energy is now worth more than tier 95

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    I didn't know that you can get onyx ring from Menaphite gift offerings

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Lore Discussion - All New Lore from Kerapac Track (New Content Teaser)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Warning, spoilers ahead if you don't plan on doing this yak track and waiting for this lore content to be released later.

    This is just a simple summary of some important points in pieces of new dialogue for lore discussion.

    Basic summary of the objective of the lore tasks: Aid the curator (and Seren) in investigating flora and fauna on Anachronia since the "Desperate Measures" incident. Seren suspects that the shadow anima device may have caused some environmental effects.

    • Task 1: Collecting Flowers:

    You go around on Anachronia, find some specimens, then you hear Vindicta and Hannibus talking.

    Summary: Vindicta visits Iaia (the ilujanka world) and recruits some of the remaining ilujanka to train them into Dragon Riders for a change of their "fate". Maybe she plans to restore the order of Dragon Riders that supported Zaros, at this point, which faction these new Dragon Riders will belong to is uncertain.

    • Task 2: Collecting Shrubbery around the base camp:

    After another game of flora and seek, you bump into Mr. Mordaut.

    Summary: Mr. Mordaut reveals info of the upcoming Orthen digsite and how the artefacts we will find represent each of the known dragonkin factions. He also says there was negligible damage on the camp even through that giant volcano just erupted magma everywhere.

    • Task 3: Collecting Mushrooms:

    After you realize that there's almost not enough mush room left for more specimens, you bump into Zaros.

    Summary: Zaros seems to waiting for something that might happen and "aid" his plans in a certain area in Anachronia (Maybe possible new Elder Artefact location or this will be the entrance to gwd3).

    • Task 4: Collecting Insects:

    After you investigate what this insect buzz was all about, you manage to listen Charos and Thok talking, both which apparently didn't see you spinning around them like a fly looking for food.

    Thok gave Laniakea some deadly flowers and she was speechless. Also a small hint of Necromancy as a possible upcoming skill.

    There's also a peculiar line in this dialogue:

    "I want to make sure my wards are still holding. Things look alright at the moment, but it could all fall apart at any moment and then..." - Charos.

    • Task 5: Getting Frogs and the Finale:

    After you get hopping around for frogs, you eventually meet Prehistoric Potterington, who appears to be "checking" the fruit on Anchronia (Maybe she can see the damage on the flora too).

    But that's not important now, because after you hand the Curator the last batch of required specimens he tells you to go see the Council and Seren, because she has things to tell you.

    • The Big Reveals:

    Kerapac's device really damaged the world, Seren alerts of a possible famine coming, because the world's flora won't grow as it did before, thanks to the damage done in the anima.

    The Elder Gods's eggs almost hatched thanks to the shadow anima device and they are in agitated state now. If another disruption happens, they might hatch and start consuming the world.

    Two new lore books as reward, which tells that the First Age of Gielinor had many gigantic creatures everywhere called the Colossi, created on nexus where the anima was present in large quantities, all of which had powers that can rival gods and which also existed in thousands. Many of these gigantic monsters died or where killed by gods, but a lot still remain.

    Known Colossi that the book mentions and status:

    • Seiryu (Alive and friendly, after you foil the Ambassador's plans)

    • Araxxi (Currently resides beneath Morytania, its currently unkown lorewise if it really "dies" when you kill it in a boss fight, yes this means defeating Araxxi was somehow the equivalent of killing a god)

    • The Valluta (Alive, The Guardian of Guthix that is a turtle and helps sealing the void during the pest quest series)

    • Loarnab (Was killed and turned into a portal to Infernus by Zaros).

    • Fiara (Guardian of Guthix, may have died, depending on your choices in the "World Wakes").

    • Thalassus (Alive, Currently swimming in waters of the east).

    Now we have the unknown Colossi the book mentions (Possible upcoming new bosses):

    • Byakko (The giant white tiger of the east, may have been corrupted by Xau-Tak)

    • Genbu (The giant black tortoise of the east, may have been corrupted by Xau-Tak)

    • Suzaku (The giant vermillion bird of the east, may have been corrupted by Xau-Tak)

    • Hippophobos (A giant unicorn that had a cult associated with it)

    • Skorpios (Little info on it, Unknown what type of giant monster this is, but the name suggests a giant scorpion)

    • Typhon (Little info on it besides the name, may be inspired by the greek monster with the same name, which is a monstrous serpentine giant)

    • Ur-Det (Little info on it besides the name, name could suggest it being of Tzhaar nature or even being named by cave goblins, due to the name similiarity).

    The book only states a few of current monsters we know, its still unknown if others giant monsters like Vorago, Kalphite King or Telos are also Colossi. One of the books also gives a breakdown of the age system to date time.

    Anyways, here's the links of transcripts of everything if you want to read yourself: Transcript of Lore Tasks Dialogue, Transcript of Colossi & the time of colossi, Transcript of Reldo's ages seventeenth edition.

    Now we wait on how the situation will escalate, having to deal with world hunger, giant monsters roaming the world and the elder gods trying to make their spawns hatch and consume everything. Can we survive?

    submitted by /u/DelusionalFreak
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    Quite the Captcha here Jagex

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Kazuya Mishima from Tekken in RuneScape

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Just started playing runescape

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    This is my first time playing this and I've never really been into mmo type games but I've heard about this a few times and decided to try it, just wondering if anyone had any general tips or stuff for beginners

    submitted by /u/The_Calvery
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    Good day at GWD2, got a Zaros crest (no big deal) then this lil guy!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    OSRS -> RS3: I Love This Game!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Hey all! I played RS from 2006-2010, and occasionally tried to get into EoC but never succeeded. As a result, I played OSRS to about low/midgame (50-60 Base) every time I returned.

    Well, I had been clean from RS while finishing my undergrad. Now, however, I am recovering from surgery and needed something to pass the time, so I gave RS3 another try.

    I am loving it!

    Skilling reworks and added content are great, plus people are so much more chatty!

    I had a random player in Fally request to duel me, to which I obliged (not a huge PvP guy). Afterwards, we skilled a bit and just chatted for about 20 minutes.

    Here I am, waiting for dinner in the oven and I'm reflecting on how much fun I've been having. I have many goals lined up, and a lot of new material to discover (plan on trying out sinkholes after dinner). I feel the old spark I've been chasing with OSRS for so long has finally been reignited!

    submitted by /u/Premie_Power
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    Even locking every worth item behind a pay wall is difficult for Jagex. Tier 45 of the free-2-play Yak track event gives you a member item.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:19 PM PDT

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