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    Monday, September 28, 2020

    RuneScape This Week In RuneScape - 28/09/20

    RuneScape This Week In RuneScape - 28/09/20

    This Week In RuneScape - 28/09/20

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Where are the seren spirits?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    This Week In Runescape - 28/09/20

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Could the 'system requirements' on Steam please be updated before release? You should have something on 'recommended'.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Fan Art - A relaxing day off in Ashdale

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Achieved long-time account goal of getting Untrimmed 99 Invention on my Hardcore!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Zahur of Nardah, She Will Clean your Herbs

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Taking advantage of children with unregulated gambling will never at any point be a valid or acceptable way for you to make money, Jagex - no, not even if you donate a meager sum to a few charities occasionally

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Seeing Jagex talk about their charitable actions is always some of the most gut churning, disgusting shit. "We, a corporation that makes tons of money by taking advantage of vulnerable people, have given back!" Like - you're not suddenly the good guy because you give a meager sum to a charity. You're just a bad guy who managed to understand that good optics can make you even more money.

    The simple and inescapable fact is that you run an unregulated gambling service that's readily available to children, that you encourage people to participate in every day with free keys. You try so, so hard to normalize it and get people hooked with no regard for the outcomes.

    You don't have a portion of your site dedicated to the potential harm of gambling.

    You don't let people easily self-exclude.

    You don't make any attempt to check if anyone's actually of legal age to gamble.

    You don't do anything that anyone would reasonably expect or want from any gambling service.

    You weasel around even admitting that you're offering a gambling service because you know it's awful.

    It'd be so, so, so easy for you to just sell what you sell without the gambling aspect, too. Yet you don't. You have clung to selling things via gambling specifically.

    If gambling makes you a lot of money - this means you're heavily taking advantage of people with gambling.

    If gambling doesn't make you a lot of money - this means you're negligently not changing anything just for a tiny bit more money.

    Either way you're awful.

    And no, before anyone says them, the following aren't good arguments:

    "But they're a company, they have to make money."

    Companies regularly have to abide by reasonable social or legal rules. Jagex just gets a free pass because they're playing in the wild west and people like playing their video game.

    "But it helps develop the game!"

    It really just lines the pockets of investors. Jagex has seen record profits in recent years, and we've seen a slew of disappointing weeks. More money =/= better development. It just means more profit for investors. If Jagex wasn't under the thumb of investors, they could get on just fine without any MTX.

    "Just play ironman / ignore it."

    The issue is that they're taking advantage of some people.

    Me ignoring it doesn't solve the issue. It just means I'm ignoring the issue.

    "It's so annoying to hear about this."

    You hear about this because Jagex consistently is unethical and cartoonishly evil, not because of the people pointing out that things are awful.

    If you want to stop hearing about it, support the problem being fixed rather than sweeping it under the rug.

    "EXP doesn't matter anymore!"

    The issue is that they're taking advantage of some people.

    I don't care if EXP matters. I care that Jagex is negligent and is taking advantage of people with gambling MTX.

    "But not everyone who buys keys is a gambling addict?!"

    The issue is that they're taking advantage of some people.

    Not everyone is a victim, but some are. The fact that some people aren't victims doesn't suddenly mean victims don't exist.

    "People should be more responsible."

    You mean Jagex? You know, the company offering an unregulated gambling service that they take none of the responsibility any reasonable person or government would expect of them?

    Of course, when people say this they always mean the buyer - not Jagex, Jagex never has to take any responsibility . . . Again - part of the issue is that the people being sold these things are vulnerable people. Hell, we're all susceptible to the little psychological tricks that can come alongside gambling - not to mention some kid.

    Would you say that kids should be more responsible in a world without a smoking age restriction or warnings on the pack? Hopefully not. Because, ahem WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY.

    You stand to gain absolutely nothing by being callous, you're only serving a corporate interest that you have no stake in by defending shit like selling gambling to children.

    Unless you're all hyped up to defend a tobacco company's right to sell children smokes, don't act like everything should fall on to individuals.

    Unless you're all hyped up to do everything by yourself (ironman btw), don't act like everything should fall on to individuals.

    Rules can be good, and working together can be good - you benefit from that everyday.

    "But what about the people who want to gamble?!"

    Jagex could even set up a gambling thing that properly follows legal and social expectations for a gambling service if you're seriously desperate for Jagex to keep gambling around.

    "But what about Duel Arena!?"

    People often bring this up as some kind of "gotcha!" a lot.

    TH is just more widespread, directly reglated to Jagex's real world profits, and easily gotten rid of without having to then think of solutions to prevent player run gambling (which often leads to scamming, not to mention - y'know, being gambling).

    So . . . Yeah, get rid of DA as well and make the effort to prevent player-run gambling.

    "They won't stop. It's pointless to even try."

    The kind of attitude that says, "Well, we can't do anything!" is a huge part of why they can keep exploiting. You're giving up any power you potentially had and weakening that of others by letting Jagex know you'll defend them.

    People just roll over again, and again, and again. It's no wonder that things get worse if the prevailing attitude is, "I don't care." Or, "We can't stop it anyway." Who's going to respect the wishes of someone who can't even respect their own wishes?

    And Hell, we got

    We still intend to fully remove all blind choice from Treasure Hunter as soon as we can.

    And you don't want to hold them to that in any way? You want to just say, "they won't" after they said something that could reasonable be read as, "Yeah, we'll get rid of gambling (but we're not going to say gambling)"? And sure maybe they weren't saying "we'll get rid of gambling" with that statement - but it sounds like, if nothing more, a step in the right direction that hasn't happened after half a year.

    Jagex has responded to criticism before, but you make it so, so easy to not do anything when you defend their every disgusting action.

    submitted by /u/HashTagDeeperino
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    The Archaeology Amnesty has been extended by 3 weeks to October 19th.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    Can we increase the number of favorite worlds from 3 to 5?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    I have more than 3 worlds I switch to for various activities and it would be nice to have a few more at the top of the world select interface.

    submitted by /u/3blue
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    The ability to reclaim keepsaked skilling outfits that was added in March 2018 has been broken for some sets since Diango rework 7 months ago.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Its sad that they abandoned the desert art style because this was objectively a better art direction compared to the cartoony one we have now. I am going to assume it takes too long for them to do art like this. These palm trees even sway.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    I just saw someone complain about how easy it is to get skills to 99 and then immediately complain about how slow Arch is.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Jagex just can't fuckin win

    submitted by /u/iamjordanbecker
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    Runescape Fanart - 8 World Guardians Activating Their Powers and 1 Adventurer

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    I'm surprised I got this pet. I was training strength at hellhounds and this guy popped up. Also I just died doing this post cause I wasn't paying attention to my screen. Thought I lost him. Also I'm 58 hp, I wasn't expecting to get this pet until higher up.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Think You're Good At Pking? Well This Saturday, Several PvP Clans Are Hosting A F2P Legacy Only 1 vs 1 Tournament In The FFA Portal. It's Saturday, October 3rd At 12 Eastern or 16:00 Game Time At World 33 Clan Wars. Winner Gets 60m, 2nd Place Gets 40m. More Information Will Be In The Description.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    New Replica armour for the game

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I've been thinking of this for a while. Why doesn't Jagex release a White / Proselyte / Gilded / Ancient / Armadyl / Bandos / Guthix / Saradomin / Zamorak Replica armours for melee and/or ranged?

    There are very few things that go really well with the 99 and 120 variants of the, Construction, Prayer, Summoning, and Runecrafting capes, so personally I've been really hoping/wishing for gilded/initiate for my 120 RC cape.

    Lets discuss this, I personally think that I'm one of many who'd be interested in this. Especially after scouring the RS forums and seeing pages of posts regarding replica gear. What're your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/FleeingMyLife
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    Stone Spirit Drops

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    I know most people loathe stone spirit drops, but I'm an ironman, so they are actually really useful to me. I'm currently on the 90-99 mining/smithing grind to complete masterwork and have found that while I have exorbitant amounts of adamantite stone spirits I have hardly any luminite stone spirits. I looked at the wiki and found that while there are tons of sources of addy stone spirits, there are only a few sources for luminite ones.

    Why is that? Not only is luminite ore required for elder rune smithing, but 1800 of them are also required for masterwork. Could we get these drop tables switched (change luminite stone spirits to dropping much more than adamantite ones) so the concept of stone spirits - which, as I said before, I actually really like - could be more significant to players who have a use for them?

    Also, I have qualms with only super-high level bosses dropping light animica stone spirits, but that's for another day.

    submitted by /u/jwinforever
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    The Gods have a sense of humour

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    What's mine is yours quest is bugged. I did not receive the special tin ore the first time I killed the spawned creature and subsequent attempts at clicking rock did not spawn it again. Relogging allowed another spawn which enabled me to continue the quest. Lots of quests breaking lately it seems.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Help on what potions to stockpile and use?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    As I'm slowly starting to get into pvm, I wanted to find out what types of potions I should get a good supply of to use. At most I would maybe do gwd2, but I doubt I'd go for anything above that in terms of difficulty, as a note.

    I was told Overloads are good, my only issue is that a lot of the time I wouldn't be 100% benefiting from it, as I'd only be using one attack style + defence boosts. In that case, how viable are they compared to regular potions.

    As a follow-up to the viability of overloads in my situation, would the Extreme X combination potions be better, where they wouldn't be boosting stats not currently being used, and instead just boost whatever combat style I'm using and combat style?

    The second set of potions I was thinking about creating a stockpile of were Sara Brew / Super Restores. Maybe it's because I only watch osrs players yet play rs3 that makes me think of the combination, but would having a pile of them be useful as well?

    Those were the main potions I had in mind for creating a large quantity of for use in pvm. Without regarding acquiring the pages for combination potions, and instead looking solely at gaining the other resources myself over time through things like Farming, which of the potions I mentioned would be good to stockpile, and are there any others that would be handy to have a large amount of as well?

    submitted by /u/101perry
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    Just got a bit lucky opening some clues

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    She is mutinous towards herself..?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    I try to lobby, client ends up crashing

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Is it me or do you guys have the same issue?

    Whenever I try to log out to lobby, the client crashes and I have to restart it again, sometimes happens when I try to switch worlds aswell.

    I've uninstalled and installed it multiple times the past week or so.

    submitted by /u/GT2advanced
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    One cool thing i'd love to see in the game

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    We have Global, world and clan broadcasts when things happen.

    But one of the more unique ones are the "X person is the first to achieve y!" announcement.

    I think it would be pretty cool if we had those but for Clans. Would create some fun competition and that announcement would be cool to have

    submitted by /u/Nameischeckingout
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