• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    RuneScape Jagex vs. Players who didn't pay for their predatory TH MTX

    RuneScape Jagex vs. Players who didn't pay for their predatory TH MTX

    Jagex vs. Players who didn't pay for their predatory TH MTX

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Changes to TH look good

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Jagex milking the game without any thought

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hey Jagex, Hire me for your MTX Team

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Lack of playtesting from Jagex be like:

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    How times changed.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Jagex will ban and rollback players for their own (Jagex's) mistake (not even own up to it). If they do not refund players who spent real money there are alternate people to complain to since Jagex won't even consider an appeal.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:05 AM PDT


    You can go ahead and let these guys know your thoughts about the predatory behavior of TH and the fact the Jagex has themselves admitted it creates an unfair advantage, but allows players to continue to purchase keys (and subsequently banning them when they feel that they won too much).

    submitted by /u/Needernodder
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    Unforgettable moments

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Straight from the mouth of Jagex themselves: Lots of TH usage is deemed an unfair advantage (unless you've paid them for all the keys you use of course)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Just wanted to say, the removal of "no meme posts" has been amazing for the sub.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Especially in light of what's happened with Jagex's recent screw up with their handling of a recent mtx promo. Previously it would have just been comment graveyards, a megathread with tons of upset users ranting, and a continuously negative subreddit.

    But lately? /r/Runescape is actually fun to browse. Hot takes left and right, simple memes for everyone to enjoy, and topical pisstakes are finally allowing posters to express themselves more positively (at the expense of Jagex).

    Yeah everyone's mad at Jagex right now, but it's a very different kind of mad compared to other Jagex screw ups, ya know? People can just have fun with it for once.

    Or is people having fun a bannable exploit too?

    submitted by /u/SKTisBAEist
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    If you're upset with Jagex, hit them where it hurts.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Their pockets. Jagex has been skating a thin line for years now, and this absolute embarrassment that they've decided to take out on the players is the last straw for me.

    I love this game, I've played it for probably most of my life, but I don't think I'm alone in saying that the worst part of this game is the joke of a company that runs it. Jagex is never going to change so long as their shitty methods still make them money.

    Cancel your membership. If you pay with bonds, don't renew it. And definitely don't buy any bonds with cash. If enough of us take a stand and show Jagex that we won't stand for their bullshit anymore, we just might be able to save this game we love from the company that insists on running it into the ground.

    submitted by /u/yoman9595
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    Reminder at times like this. You get what you pay for.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Guess I'm a bit late to the party but I had an idea

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Found a new advert for runescape

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Suggestion: Do a proper news post & live stream apology for letting MTX get out of hand

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Acknowledge that you're exploiting your playerbase. Real talk on the affect MTX has had on the integrity of the game over the years. The playerbase is now a tiny fraction of what it used to be. You've made it apparent that there's a price you're willing to put on gp, xp, items, etc. so just straight up sell em. Stop making players jump through hoops, fall prey to gambling addition, and/or crunch the numbers on promos to see/hunt for bargains/exploits.

    Rework your MTX system. It was mentioned back at the beginning of the year that you wanted to fix up Runecoin, Bond, TH key, Loyalty Point, rare item token, oddment, etc to a more streamline, all-in-one MTX store wasn't it? You mentioned that solomon's store was outdated spaghetti code which is why it loads like a snail. Put all the MTX in one storefront and be upfront and consistent about the values of what you're selling. No more predatory gambling and no more predatory flash sale promotions. Have actually transparency in your MTX store and we can see when you're screwing us over, but at least you'll be able to see when we might be screwing you over.

    Get some real feedback from the players on what the prices of stuff should be rather than trying to bait and lure us. (Hmm they didn't like that x7 rainbow promo, bump it up to x8 and see if they buy more keys). It's why we've had power creep with our MTX. Rather than selling something at a reasonable price with integrity, you're arbitrarily deciding you should sell X number of keys each event and are being forced to make each new promotion more lucrative than the last to keep MTX sales up. The MTX team should be actively asking what we want to see in the MTX store. Not hmmm they didn't like that thing we poured all that time and resources into.

    TL;DR I understand the MTX team is unfortunately here to stay, but can you please get out of greedy con-artist mode and work your way even the tiniest bit more towards the respectable business side of the spectrum?

    submitted by /u/xhanort7
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    Jagex handed out the bans on Friday because they know the outrage will have died down by Monday and everything can be sweeped under the carpet as usual

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Added to the RuneScape 2020 Drama Calendar

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    1/250 pet rate, 1/40 leg and 1/??? pof animal.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Purchasing a bond lets me play the game longer, which gives me enough time to make enough money to buy another bond. Is this an exploit?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Well well well...

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    The past 24 hours summed up in 14 words

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:47 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Jagex. I need you to realize something. All you have is trust. As a mmo the reason people continue to put 1000s of hours and dollars into the game is bc we know it will be there tomorrow. With these things going on you make it extremely hard to have the motivation to even log in.

    Sincerely, Another player that you are slowly losing

    submitted by /u/Wouldratherplaymtg
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    We must rebel against the new empire.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I made a Broken Home quest guide with a map that shows your current location and next room to go to. Also all of the xp chests and challenges are explained and I've also added sound effects for doors so you don't get lost so easily.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    This sums it perfectly up.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

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