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    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    RuneScape Jagex 2020 Roadmap, colourized

    RuneScape Jagex 2020 Roadmap, colourized

    Jagex 2020 Roadmap, colourized

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    The grandma we all need

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    How can Jagex break this cycle?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    New Sir Pugger video highlighting some of the server 'maintenance' recently

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Runecrusher, a drop cleaner for Runes & Talismans (suggestion)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    The Runecrusher is an item that automatically destroys selected Runes and Talismans dropped by monsters in combat, in exchange for runecrafting experience equal to the experience gained for crafting the rune, or twice as much for talismans.

    It can be bought either from Wizard Elriss for 10,000 Runecrafting Guild Tokens, From Wizard Fenix for 10,000 Runespan Points, or from Stanley Limelight for 360 Thaler.

    The Runecrusher can be upgraded to the "Runecrusher Robber" by Wizard Fenix for 25,000 Runespan points. This upgrade makes the Runecrusher automatically pick up all runes and talismans which are not destroyed, similar to the effect of the upgraded bonecrusher. The Runecrusher may also be placed on the tool belt after buying the ability to do so from any Slayer master for 500 Slayer points.

    submitted by /u/redceramicfrypan
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    Do yourself a favor, start ports now.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    TLDR: I'm complaining a lot, but If you ever plan on Comping, or think it would be cool to be comped ever, start player owned ports as early as possible, and check it AT LEAST daily, or whenever you get on. Plus some ideas to make it not so bad below.

    Backstory: Here's me, a player who maxed back in 2017 for the first time. (I don't play THAT much. I'm what you would consider a casual. Working, other games, social life comes first.) I figured now that I'm maxed, I can start working on completionist.

    I start knocking out requirement after requirement, and i'm doing well with the grinds. At some point in maybe, 2018 I realize I need to complete a trio mission in ports for comp. Jagex never really stresses how long ports take. Since then, whenever I play I make sure to send out some missions. Thing is at some point, these voyages start to take 7-12 hours each, and you need literally hundreds of voyages to progress to the next area, which then takes hundreds of more voyages to progress again.

    This process takes months and months, potentially a year or more of checking ports every single day, and setting alarms to make sure you send out new missions as soon as your ships come back. This requirement is the only true time lock there is on comp. Even the 120's aren't time locked. If you grind hard enough, you can complete them in 2-3 months.

    Am I mostly just complaining? Absolutely.

    Do I want them to remove ports? No, just teach players EARLY on, just how long ports take to complete. Early ports seems like it only takes an hour or 2 for missions. No one really knows that later on it takes 12-16 hours per mission.

    WAY FORWARD: (STOLEN FROM COMMENT) Make it possible to do something in game to complete voyages instantly, or speed up the time it takes by actively doing something in game. Maybe Arc contracts can auto complete 1 voyage, or captaining your ship yourself to speed it up to like 20 minutes, instead of 15 hours, I don't care how, just some way to not time gate comp. Giving people the option to make this a passive, or a grind, would entice people to do more ports.

    Yes, I know there is a totem to speed up ports by 15%, it still takes forever, and this is my second to last req to get comp, and I just want it done.

    EDIT: added a way forward from peoples suggestions in comments. Will add more if more ideas are discussed.

    submitted by /u/khark98
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    How am I suppose to tick these off and finish Completionist? Please move tracks to the lobby because these minigames are dead.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Loot from Revenant Dragon Pet

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    It's been a while since we've updated our calendars.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    2016 was hands down the best year for questers! We need more quests like these!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Dupe Statement

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Removed biting 4 with a separator and it gave me a normal armour gizmo

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Can we get grouped ironman for dungeoneering?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I mean, we have ed. It's basically hyper-speed DG token gathering and shared combat exp for groups of 3 ironman.

    For normal Daemon dungeoneering, there could be some sort of CB limit, where you're +- 25, or a total level +- 250 or something like that. It would be fantastic to have groups of ironman in dungeoneering dungeons.

    There could be limitations. For example, only ironman could dg with other ironman, and players wouldn't be able to grab crafted items made by players with a higher level than they have in a skill. EG Promethium platebody made by someone, while the second player only has 5 smithing. The second player wouldn't be allowed to pick it up.

    It's sincerely lonely while running dungeoneering alone all the time.


    The balancing act is important to prevent leechers apparently.

    The leech solution could be found in a type of percentage of participation or something along those lines. Open 10% of the doors, or clear mobs from 10% of the rooms. Or open a key door. Or deal damage to the boss. Fish 20 fish. Create 2 potions. Create 5 piece of equipment. Any of these could be examples of an arbitrary restriction, which could be randomized for each player.

    There can be any number of methods to prevent full on leeching. Partial participation would slow down individuals trying to multi-log their characters up, while the mechanics are simply arbitrary tasks to overcome while someone is actually participating.

    Could call it arbitrary leech check, and it could only apply to ironman. Force the players to actually participate. If the player is showing none or only minor participation, the EXP should also reflect that.

    submitted by /u/funplayer3s
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    Honestly the most fun skill I've ever trained. Thank you, Jagex <3

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Anybody else miss huge wars at Clan Wars? Well this Saturday on June 20th, there's going to be another huge legacy only war at Clan Wars on world 33. It's at 19:45 game time or 3:45 eastern. Join xxDark Horse fc. Here's a screenshot of the last war from a month ago.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    RIP bank organisation on mobile

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    A nice reward from Master clue #883 :D

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Kethsian magic, a lunar spellbook expansion

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    One of the least explored aspects of runescape is Kethsi. Nearly 95% of all information on kethsi comes from Ritual of the Mahjarrat with the remaining information coming from anecdotal sources like rune dragons or speculative conclusions based on all available information. So, my thought process was this, what if we made some kethsian spells for lunars? we already have tune bane ore and really the ash filled sky is the limit when it comes to an idea like this just because of how sparse information actually is.

    concept and spells

    Kethsian spells would be a hybrid of more traditional lunar type spells and actual combat spells similar to how seren spells expanded ancients to have more support based spells. Natrually the rune cost for many of these would be pretty high given we don't have the stone of jas or magically rich planet to power our magic but i digress. Further, some kethsian spells may have non magic requirements due to the complexity of the spells.

    Naturally all kethsian spells will require ritual of the mahjarrat, but four will require killing a specified total rune dragons or elite rune dragon to receive a codex containing the last four. These will be specified as well as if it is a guaranteed drop or automatically unlocked as a feat.

    Spell Cost effect requirements
    Open Gateway & set gateway Set gateway; 10 astral, 10 nature, 50 chaos runes, 1 unpowered orb Open Gateway; 2 cosmic runes, 2 law runes allows players to set a custom portal of their choice to almost anywhere in runescape. note* players may not set portals inside dg or combat dungeons (ie gwd, rax etc) inside boss encounters, or inside the wilderness. cooldown of 5 minuets between uses, gateways stay set until a new gateway is set level 80 magic, level 50 dungeoneering
    Redirectional ward 5 astral runes, 20 body runes, 5 nature runes Redirects 5% of damage taken into damage dealt on next hit for 2 minuets, with a 5 minuet cooldown between casts. matching damage types (ie melee hitting melee) redirects 15%. level 95 magic
    Wellspring Barricade 5 astral runes, 50 lustrous energy, up to 3 healing items totaling 6000-8000 lifepoints creates a 4x4 safe zone that will reduce damage taken to 0 taking lifepoints from the barricade before your own, recasting will dispell the prior barricade and not refund food. if the last hit is higher than the barricades health the remaining damage will be split among those inside the barricade. one barricade may be cast every 2 minuets and may only be cast where there is room. level 85 magic, level 70 divination
    Font 2 doses of any prayer potion or restoration potion, 10 astral runes, 10 cosmic runes. creates a font of restorative energy that covers a 20x20 area restoring all stats and up to 15% of all near by players prayer and summoning points. Players within 10 squares of the font will also receive boosted adrenaline gains. font lasts for 30 seconds level 99 magic, level 90 prayer
    decanter 1 dose of any combat boosting potion, 10 astral runes, 10 body runes creates a spring of boosting potion, for potions like warmasters or supers, grants 25% of the effect of the potion to anyone who drinks it. For potions like overloads, grants 1 minuet of an overload timer to the player, or extends their current timer by 1 minuet. players may only imbibe once per decanter, lasts 3 minuets level 95 magic, level 80 herblore
    Transfer adrenaline or special attack exceeding 20%, 20 chaos runes, 10 astral runes transfer your adrenaline/special attack exceeding 20% to a targeted player granting them the full amount of that adrenaline as they may receive it. the caster may only cast this spell once every 4 minuets and may not gain adrenaline until the full amount chosen to transfer has been transferred (ie if you transfer to someone at 50% and you have 100% they must use that 50% you donated and then receive a further 30% before you gain adren again) level 90 magic, level 60 agility
    Clairvoyance 20 astral runes, 5 cosmic and law runes Dungeoneering only spell, highlights the closest door to you that leads towards the boss level 65 magic, level 60 dungeoneering
    Enhance 10 astral runes, 15 cosmic runes, 50 chaos runes Prototype Kethsian rationing spell that somehow found its way into Pauline's gullible hands. Enhances a single restorative or healing item to be twice as effective on next use, cooldown of 2 minuets per use 90 magic , 90 cooking, unlock from livid farm, players who have all spells at livid farm will have this spell reduced to the price of 500 points to unlock, otherwise it is unlocked at max points with borrowed power.
    Replicate 1 chosen piece of food, 50 astral runes, 30 cosmic runes, 100 mind runes advanced prototype healing spell, converts chosen piece of food into a 3 bite healing item healing the items full health each bite. only 3 food items may be converted at a time, and you may consume a maximum of 9 every 12 minuets. converted food items can be banked but do not stack in the bank 95 magic, 95 cooking, 85 summoning unlocked after unlocking enhance from livid farm
    baneful cloud 1 banite ore (untuned), 25 mind runes, 5 astral runes experimental spell to attempt to magically weaponize banite without the costly construction of weapons, temporarily changes the targets weakness to your combat style (30 seconds). for targets that are already weak to your style they receive an extra 5% damage. ore may not be noted or from your ore box, players may not cast this spell in pvp automatically unlocked upon killing 1 elite rune dragon, level 99 magic, level 80 smithing
    Vaporize 5 astral runes, 20 fire runes, 20 water runes kethsian war spell, vaporizes the moisture in the atmosphere to scald a target with a 20% chance per cast to add a typless DoT damage to a target like mutated dazing shot that lasts 5 seconds each proc, and can stack. 99 magic, 99 constitution, kill a grand total of 100 rune dragons OR 20 elite rune dragons when one criteria is met it will be a guaranteed drop next kill.
    Tectonic Shift 20 astral runes, 25 earth and mud runes Kethsian terraforming spell originally used to create islands often by hundreds of mages at once. This spell creates an earth surge at the target's location stunning the target for 5 seconds and binding them in place, targets will further have their defense reduced by 5% and suffer between 50-100% of staff damage should they stay in that same location for the 5 second duration 99 magic, 99 mining, 99 divination, kill a grand total of 50 rune dragons and 2 elite rune dragons
    Ash Asphyxiate 5 astral runes, 10 smoke runes. Experimental spell created during the final days of kethsi, envelops the target in lethal stationary ash clouds covering a 2x2 area that deals up to 5000 damage (if they stay put). this spell has a 2 minuet cooldown between casts. 99 magic, 99 firemaking, kill a grand total of 50 rune dragons, you will receive it on your next drop


    That's about it, 13 prototype spells similar to seren spells, but completely unique in terms of castable spells that would hopefully provide an interesting niche for end game combat or for group slayer/boss masses.

    *minor edit, made the requirements easier to read, looked much less organized when finalized in a post.

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    There is an invisible wall in this spot

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Thank you kind stranger for furfilling my dream/long-term goal

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Elite Slayer mobs still suck

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Elite slayer mobs have 4 times the hp and deal 3 times the damage of their regular variants. With that extra challenge and the fact that they spawn uncommonly, they should give a good reward right? Wrong. They are objectively worse than the regular variants.

    If it takes 4 times longer to kill, it should, AT THE VERY MINIMUM, provide 4 times the slayer exp and 4 times the drop. Instead they give 3 regular drops, and only 2.2 times the slayer exp. What's the point? All it does is make some tasks more difficult to afk. Is it meant as a deterrent from AFKing?

    Compare this to superior creatures in OSRS. The superior mutated bloodveld has about 2.4 times the hp of the regular variant. It gives TWENTY FOUR times the slayer exp of the regular variant. It provides 3 regular rolls on the drop table, one of which has a chance to be one of 3 rare drops exclusive to superior slayer mobs. They also have some guaranteed drops depending on which mob they are.

    In osrs, the superior monster spawns are extremely exciting. You will get a large exp drop at the very minimum along with a chance at some good loot.

    In RS3, when an elite monster spawns, you either ignore it, or you happen to sweep it up in your AOE without noticing it,

    Some of the monsters have specific elites that are unique or otherwise have better loot, but most of them suck.

    submitted by /u/TheTrueFishbunjin
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    Could it, though? This seems misleading - I thought that these spotlights were intended to show prizes that you could actually win with your next Treasure Hunter key.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    Did the spirit tree at the GE get nuked or is this a problem on my end? Only lets me examine.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Betrayal at Falador signed book

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:49 PM PDT

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