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    RuneScape TL;DW 481 - Data Stream

    RuneScape TL;DW 481 - Data Stream

    TL;DW 481 - Data Stream

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Vod | Full Stat Album | New Runescape Theme Stream Overlay

    By the Numbers

    Skill Pets



    Drop Rates

    • Tony's Mattock - Distorted Key provides no chance (It's like a Blurberry Special)
      • 1/1000 - Key from Tetracompass | 1/10 - Key is a Shadow Key.
    • Inquisitor's Staff Piece
      • 1/1,000,000 - From the fort when the pylon is active.
      • 1/100,000 - From the 'Ancient Magick Munitions' Excavation
      • 1/75,000 - From the 'Preatorian Remains' Excavation
      • 1/50,000 - From the 'War Table Debris' Excavation
      • Chances increase 10% when Pylon is active | Luck Rings increase chance.
    • Dragon Mattock
      • 1/101 - Big Game Hunter | 1/100 - Tetra Compass
      • Should we allow players to obtain these items before the release (similar to animals with 120 Farming).
    • Other Items
      • Spear of Annihilation - 1/50,000
      • Tetracompass Pieces - 1/1,500
      • Complete Tome - 1/250,000 (Divided by Excavation level + Archaeology level)

    Average Player

    Active player = played within last 28 days & we are certain isn't a bot.

    • Average Details
      • Account Age - 9.2 Years | Quest Points - 194
      • Total Level - 1,907 | Combat level - 107
      • Total XP - 385,846,907
    • Skill Levels


    PvP and PvM

    • PvP Combat Level Distribution - Deaths Due to PvP | Of PvP Killers
    • PvM Combat Level Distribution - Deaths Due to PvM
    • Average player deaths per day to:
      • Cows - 0.75 | April 16th - Killed 3 people | March 2nd - Killed a level 138 player.
      • Nex - 450
      • Abyssal Demons - 150
      • Chicken - 1 every 4-5 days.
      • Highwayman - 2
      • Ripper Demon - 250 (160 before Archaeology).
      • Telos - 250
      • QBD - 80


    submitted by /u/ImRubic
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    Nobody cares about your gf/grandma guessing the names of each skill.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    A couple were funny but not everyone with living relatives needs to do this,

    submitted by /u/CallMeDakoTv
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    Inquisitor staff pieces desperately need duplicate protection (Data analysis inside)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    EDIT: Added some more good potential solutions and removed some flawed ones.

    I. Introduction

       Last week, Jagex released an update to the drop rate of the Inquisitor staff pieces. Though we didn't know the full extent of the nerf at the time, it seemed pretty heavy-handed. Earlier today, Jagex held a "Data Stream" to showcase some of the statistics regarding the release of Archaeology, including the Inquisitor piece drop rate. We can now make some calculations as to how long it would take to complete an Inquisitor Staff. I'm going to run through a quick simulation of how a single account could feasibly obtain a staff from scratch.

    II. Assumptions

       I'm going to make some very generous assumptions. Note that most of these are not feasible for an Ironman account, but they give an idea of the best case scenario:

    • Mattock of Time and Space with Honed 6
    • Luck of the Dwarves ring or relic (2% for skilling?)
    • Constant time sprite chasing while losing 0 game ticks
    • 100% uptime on Archaeologist's tea and Material manual (unlimited supply of chronotes)
    • 50% success chance on excavation action (with soil auto-screen not counting as a successful action)
    • Total of 831 successful excavation actions per hour (generous)
    • Pylon occurs every 2.5 hours (including the 30 minute duration)
    • The player in question's ONLY goal is the Inquisitor staff (not spear)
    • One random Inquisitor staff piece is obtained from the Zaros 4 collection log

    III. Route

       The player will attempt to acquire an Inquisitor Staff from scratch starting at level 107. The player will camp each Praetorium excavation site, only restoring the artifacts that they can with the materials obtained from excavating. The player will hand in a Zaros 4 log awarding a random staff piece, then requiring a second piece with a 2/3 chance of not being a duplicate, and a third piece with a 1/3 chance of not being a duplicate. This means the player will require, on average, 4.5 Inquisitor pieces from excavation: 0 (free from log) + 3/2 + 3/1.

    IV. Data


          Staff drop rate: 1/100,000

          XP required: 28,781,649

          XP/h excavation and restoration: ~350k/h

          Hours spent: 82

          Cumulative hours spent: 82

          Successful actions: 68,336

          Staff pieces obtained: 0.68336

          Cumulative staff pieces: 0.68336/4.5


          Staff drop rate: 1/75,000

          XP required: 27,975,364

          XP/h excavation and restoration: ~490k/h

          Hours spent: 57

          Cumulative hours spent: 139

          Successful actions: 47,367

          Staff pieces obtained: 0.63156

          Cumulative staff pieces: 1.31494/4.5


          Staff drop rate: 1/50,000

          XP/h excavation and restoration: ~541k/h

          Staff pieces remaining: 4.5 - 1.31494 = 3.18506

          Successful actions required: 159,253

          Hours required: 191.6

          Cumulative hours required: 330.6

          XP past 120: 99,945,151

          Total XP: 204,218,318

    V. Quick Analysis

       While some may argue that starting at 107 and doing nothing but Zaros is inefficient (and they might be right), even if the average player does do this, doesn't buy any material off the G.E., and doesn't spend any time doing caches, they will reach 200m XP before completing an Inquisitor staff, spending over 300 hours. To reiterate, this is a player with exactly average luck. Many many players will go double or worse on the drop rate for this staff.

    VI. Camping 118 spot

       Let's examine some numbers for when an average player decides not to camp Zaros until 118, either for chronote reasons or because they don't think the lower spots are worth it.

          Staff drop rate: 1/50,000

          Staff pieces required: 4.5

          Successful actions required: 225,000

          Hours required: 270.76

          XP gained: 141,200,361

          Total XP (cape boosted from 117): 218,675,189

    We can see that the average player will still end with well over 200m xp and spend an extreme number of hours to obtain a full staff.

    VII. Discussion

       Let's compare the Inquisitor staff's method of obtaining to similar items. While the Terrasaur maul's exact drop chances are unknown due to the mechanics of triple and double spawns, each piece has a drop rate of 1/1000 from a single spawn. If we are extraordinarily generous and assume that you don't get a single triple or double spawn, it would take an average of 3000 kills to obtain a full maul. If you can do 24 hunts an hour, it would take roughly 125 hours on average to complete. Even not taking any double and triple spawns into account, this is still one half to one third of the time spent to obtain an Inquisitor staff.

       The Inquisitor staff's drop mechanics contradict the design decisions of similar recent content. You can pick which Dinosaur to hunt to obtain Terrasaur maul pieces. The Ambassador drops the Eldritch crossbow pieces in order after your first. When asked on stream if the staff pieces would drop in order, the response was that "Ironman have to deal with it." While this was fine at the time when staff pieces dropped much more frequently, I believe that the recent nerf and data stream require this decision to be reexamined.

       Many will argue - and rightfully so - that the staff comes from an AFK skilling activity and that its drop rate should reflect that. Myself and many others do not believe that the Inquisitor staff should be obtained from simply training Archaeology in the first place, instead preferring that a new boss drop the pieces. However, I do not see this change being realistic at this point. The fact stands that there is no way to speed up the way in which you obtain the staff.

    VIII. Solutions

    • Have the staff pieces drop in order. This would bring the Inquisitor staff in line with the Terrasaur maul and Eldritch crossbow, as well as the Spear of Annihilation. Rather than needing 4.5 staff pieces on average, a self-sustaining player would require only 2 drops. This has the added benefit of keeping prices stable as no additional pieces would be dropping. The implementation might be difficult due to players already having staff pieces on their accounts as well as there being no in-game log that currently tracks Inquisitor drops.

    • Introduce a way for players to swap one Inquisitor piece for another. An NPC such as Soran or Dr. Nabanik could take your piece as well as a fee of some kind and allow you to choose which piece to swap it for. The fee could be something like a moderate amount of gold (10-100m) or an Archaeology material sink (various Zaros materials). This should also not affect the prices of the staff pieces as no extras are coming into the game.

    • Allow players to pick which Inquisitor piece they get from the Zaros 4 log. This would mean that players would only have to get 1 + 3/2 = 2.5 staff piece drops from excavation, as long as they made sure to get 2 unique pieces first. This is a very feasible solution, but it wouldn't benefit players who have already handed in the log.


    • Have each staff piece drop from a different hotspot in the Praetorium at a roughly equivalent drop rate. This would mean that you could pick which piece you wanted to farm for. The main potential downside I see to this would be that each piece would likely have a different price (with the 118 piece probably being the cheapest).


    • Increase the drop chance of staff pieces when following the time sprite inside the Praetorium by a huge amount. This would allow players to speed up their acquisition of the staff with extra effort. Although only high-level players would benefit from this, increasing the drop chance might have negative effects on the prices of the pieces.


    • Add soft duplicate protection to the staff pieces similar to how artifacts work currently. The game will "look-back" at your previous few pieces and weight your next drop accordingly. I believe the "look-back" for artifacts was recently changed from 3 to 5, though no numbers were given as to how drastically the drop chance of the next artifact is affected. This is perhaps one of the more elegant solutions as it doesn't increase the number of staffs coming into the game and also uses a pre-existing system.

    IX. Thanks

    Thank you to all the readers that made it this far for taking my two cents into consideration. Big shoutout to Aiz, Greener, Biscuits and the rest of the TF boys for inspiration and help with calculations. Feel free to message me here on Reddit or in-game as "Ragu" if you have questions regarding the calculations or opinions you see here.

    submitted by /u/NugPlug
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    99 Runecrafting

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Settings Rework

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Statistics for the Average Runescape 3 Player.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Archaeology is my favorite skill by far, seriously, great job.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I'm about a month late in giving this feedback, I didn't train archaeology after the first day because I figured I could wait for prices to go way down after the hype died out, that was probably a mistake, but I digress.

    The way we have content nearly every level, all the astounding digsites with amazing musics and skyboxes.

    The collections and mysteries to keep it fresh, providing a constant feeling of reward, achievement, progress, which blends really well with the "grind" aspect of gathering artefacts for experience, it's just such a smart take on mixing the long-hours of repetitive action you expect from RuneScape with a twist that provides a constant sense of fulfilment.

    While a lot of people claimed Dungeoneering was a minigame on release, and Divination felt like we were just kinda doing the same thing with different colored wisps, this one feels just right.

    Mixing untradeable with tradeable items for mattocks - Us mains (or me personally) long for that feeling that an ironman has of getting something that didn't come straight out of the G.E, earning something - I can buy a dragon mattock off of the Grand Exchange, but forcing me to gather all the imcando pieces + all the keys + the lore aspect of going to Thurgo to learn, and the redberry pie to feel like I deserve my upgrade, just bravo - I know with the Pickaxe of Earth and Song and such this is recognised as something we like, I'm just really happy how you tied it with this skill. (not to mention that you can buy materials but to train the skill you effectively need to earn the untradeable artefact)

    Speaking about lore, all the pages and intricacies, you can really just dive in and get immersed if you choose to, I personally can't because the letters are so small, but from what I've read it's pretty damn great, alongside some puns and hidden jokes (looking at you gargoyles) along the way.

    Being able to make a choice without feeling punishment - Congrats you reached level 81, you can now pick 4 digsites to choose from, do you go to Stormguard citadel and get some blue print fragments or stay at Warforge and pray for some imcando pieces?

    Also on the topic of choosing, you can choose cheaper orikalkum/bane mattock or go for augmentable higher precision/focus per tier ones, you can choose to fully afk the skill or follow the cute lil wisp for some faster progress, I really like this take on how to speed up a skill vs say, spamming my keyboard to 2 tick cook or something, it's just so enjoyable, and on that note I'm not quite sure why but I enjoy seeing seren spirits a lot more during this skill,not sure why, but I do and between the wisp and the spirits it's a nice mix of interactive and afk.

    This skill feels like the perfect balance, we're all too used to RuneScape being endgame endgame endgame that having such slow experience rates early on felt odd, but it made sense and somewhat made the journey rewarding rather than waking up the next day and being level 90.

    If I start talking about relics or ancient invention/summoning, the ranking up on the Guild and Ezreal's store upgrades, the tetra pieces/tomes, pylons, new weapons, port-like research team I'll make this an entire thesis rather than the huge essay that it already is, so I'll stop it here.

    It's unlikely someone will bother to read through all of this but I had all of this on my mind while gathering some artefacts and felt the need to write it somewhere, thank you for this skill, I'm blown away :)

    submitted by /u/iBlazit
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    Best quest ever

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    I don't have a girlfriend, so I had my ambulance partner guess my skills. Results:

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Tried my luck at the Duel Arena today...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Please make the archaeologists next to material carts unclickable.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    It's pretty annoying trying to click the cart on mobile, only to find yourself talking to the archaeologist about how he lost his favorite brush for the 20th time.

    submitted by /u/ShoMeUrNoobs
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    Inquisitor Staff piece drop rates revealed on stream

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I'm in shock. I can't believe this actually happened.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Does anyone else feel that the 99 Arch Skill cape perk is kinda useless ?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    The monolith is like 10 seconds away from a teleport and honestly how often are you switching Relic powers. I feel that a way better perk would be maybe one like divination one. Possibly keeping time sprite in place for a set amount of time. Thoughts on this ?

    submitted by /u/MitchllRS
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    PSA: Data stream has confirmed that you *cannot* get Tony's mattock from Distorted Keys

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Well played, Jagex.

    submitted by /u/EntropysEntrails
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    one thing archaeology does brilliantly that i hope is kept in mind for all future skills/skill updates is the incorporation of mid-low, low level, and mid-high level materials in higher level skill items.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I know, I know, we all complain about it right now in archaeology that every bleeding high level artifact seems to need some random low level cache material that is not granted by the current patch of dirt you're camped out at. But honestly looking at it objectively and not "give me my damn comp cape back" It's a pretty brilliant idea that is sorely lacking in nearly every other skilling/production/combat aspect of runescape.

    If i had a guess why they so rarely employ it, i'd say it's because with runescapes spaghetti code it's much easier coding wise to just make a new weapon and its crafting process instead of updating old (sometimes practically prehistoric) equipment to do something new is difficult if not downright impossible in some cases. Plus before it's brought up (and mind you i dont put much stock into it in this case) there is a... well very vocal group of people that get a little ornery when new things come out that have any impact on current items..

    But for new content and updates to content i'd say past 2013 (most stuff before that runs into issues as i remember reading) i honestly and truly think jagex you should strive to incorporate old items and gear into new items and gear as part of their production processes, it really does (at least in my opinion and observations) have a positive impact on the economy, especially on goods that have historically been botted or flooded to death.

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    After coming back to the game from 7 years of absence, I got the Slayer pet! Didn't even know they added skilling pets lol, was pleasantly surprised.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Today at frost dragons

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Lamps are 75% off

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    DXP is gonna be quarterly now?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Literally Unplayable

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Average Runescape 3 Player Levels.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Uncovering Gielinor's Greatest Mysteries, Together.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Not often you hear some straight up adult humor from NPC's in this game.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    There are now more Ironman accounts with 120 Archaeology (41) than Ironman accounts with 120 Agility (40)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    [OC] Poor Verac...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

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