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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    RuneScape When you keep getting slider puzzles...

    RuneScape When you keep getting slider puzzles...

    When you keep getting slider puzzles...

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Possible Solutions for Stone Spirits

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Since the dawn of M/S rework, Stone Spirits have been a problem with PvM drop tables and even slayer drop tables. We've seen a lot of solutions; some good, some bad. I'd like to present to you 3 possible solutions for stone spirits that are more economically balanced!

    Stone Spirit Seedicide - Stonecide

    Seedicide incinerates seeds for double the farming exp as if planting them. How about a Stone Spirit version of this for Mining Exp? It will give 50% equal exp as if mining them based on RS Wiki's average exp per full ore (rounded to nearest whole). However, instead of regular exp, this is BXP so you still have to train Mining!

    For example: Luminite rocks average 112.48 exp/ore. This means a 25 Luminite Spirit drop from Vindicta gives 2800 1400 BXP.

    How to Make:

    • Requires 20 Invention
    • Blueprint is obtained from Artisan's Workshop (tradable) for 100% respect
    • Uses the Following Items: 100 of each Stone Spirit, 500 Spiritual Parts, 500 Clear Parts, 500 Magic Parts, 200 Plated Parts, 20 Enhancing Components, 20 Imbued Components
    • Toolbelt for 500 Slayer Points.
    • If destroyed, must craft again.


    • Does not work with Boss Chests
    • Works with Pickpockets and gives BXP
    • Can toggle on stone spirits but MUST have Mining level to do so.

    Effects on Economy:

    • Since it's BXP, it will not become Turoths method.
    • Runite Stone Spirits from RDT and other GWD2 Stone spirits will be affected the most.
    • Great reduction in stone spirits being put in the game.
    • Mining will not be a buyable skill but rather getting mining BXP while doing bossing is a nice add-on.

    Transmute Stone Spirits

    Since a lot of mid-high level bosses drop Addy and Runite Stone Spirits still, having the ability to transmute them would not only introduce money making methods but also ventilate the lower level spirits.

    How it works:

    • Can only transmute from 1 tier lower to higher tier.
    • 10 for 5 (2:1 ratio) transmute
    • Use 50 of tier corresponding energy (to give value to all energies besides incandescent)
    • 50 Exp each action.

    Example: Can transmute from Mithril (T30) to Luminite (T40) or Addy (T40) but cannot transmute Necrite (T70) to Phasmatite (T70).

    Effects on Economy:

    • Makes all energies even more valuable in addition to Porters/Divine charges
    • Introduces a new mini-divination method (45k exp/h)
    • Introduces a potential money making method
    • Sinks away the lower level stone spirits for higher level ones

    Disassemble Stone Spirits

    Currently you cannot disassemble them. It would be nice if we could disassemble them for components. It would have the same junk rate & materials per disassemble as their ore counterparts. They will give either Spiritual Parts or Clear Parts and rarely Precious Components or Enhancing components.

    Effects on Economy:

    • Potentially decent for Clear Parts.
    • Mid-level spirits will see more sink because of their abundance.
    • Clear parts don't have many good options besides gems and molten glass products.
    • Great additional choice for Augmentor components.

    Overall, these are my suggestions for giving stone spirits more use. Hopefully this will mitigate the problem with stone spirit drops on PvM tables. Removing them isn't 100% needed but rather giving them extra uses will make this more valuable. We've seen the "replace spirits for salvages" but that would be straight up inflation so this one seems very balanced and reasonable.


    submitted by /u/Tonix_RS
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    Just chatting to a 1hp account :o

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    If you're on a budget, you can easily get Biting 3 by itself with only Direct components by draining your Invention level to 68. Drain your level by standing in the snowy area at the entrance to GWD1.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    Suggestion: Add War Room to Kharid-Et entrance options

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Feels like this would make sense, and would be along the same lines as the other digsite unlocks like the forge at WarForge. Also would be a nice QoL feature. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/nednarb_44
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    Epic Clan Wars in 2020 @Fc xXdark horse, W33

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Only just noticed the trapdoor in the Archaeology guild? Future content maybe? Tony Mystery?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    I'm soo proud of myself now

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I'm soo proud of myself now

    Hey all, long time lurker here. So after my Archeology grind to 99 I decided to give solo nex another try (filthy Revo noob btw). Maybe for a lot of you she is a Lumbridge goblin with a Soul Split but for me she is like peak PvM. After a lot of ass whoopin' and a couple glasses of whiskey to help me calm my nerves I finally managed to pull it off. Went there a few more times and I actually think I'm starting to understand whats going on. Sooo... for the near future I think I wont be running out of super restores and luminite stone spirits :)


    submitted by /u/PHX-lt
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    New player really struggling to fit in

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying the rs3 reddit now because the forums seem a little stagnant? Is that the word?

    I'm a bit new. I'm working on getting 50~ in all states right now and questing up a lot. I like this mmo so far, but I've been struggling to find a clan. Or rather, struggling to find one where I fit in with the community it has(assuming there's a community there).

    MMOs are all about the community to me but in the over world everyone seems really quiet. So I've tried looking for a clan(which I assume is the equivalent of a guild in other games). The only ones that really advertise on the forums are all massive. Many times the chats are really quiet, the discords too. Even when they're not, a lot of times it's just the ranks speaking and you're not really "welcome" to the conversation. I don't really get the point, it feels like it's numbers for the sake of numbers.

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I just have the wrong expectations. I was just wondering if maybe there were other forums for this game I could check out or other places I could use to make friends in-game? I think I've said this before, but I've only been playing for a few months and I really like the game. It's really unique. I just can't see myself sticking around if I don't make meaningful connections.

    submitted by /u/DestinyScaper
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    'Port Enter' Medium Daemonheim Task is impossible to complete with maxed skills, elite DG outfit, and skill door boost

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    As the title says, if - for whatever reason - you haven't done the Daemonheim tasks as I haven't, yet have maxed, gained the elite dungeoneering outfit, and the skill door boost, it is seemingly impossible to complete the 'Port Enter' task that requires you to open a skill door using a portent of passage.

    With both the outfit and the skill door boost unlocked, the minimum skill door requirement you are able to open is level 108. Does anybody know any ways around this? I understand that I should have done the tasks earlier, but it seems odd to punish a player for being too far advanced into the game where unlocks are concerned.

    Edit: thanks to u/physicsman52 for the suggestion here. It worked perfectly!

    submitted by /u/selental
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    “stalking” question

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    So about last month i met someone who started being sexual in dms, as smart as i am i said no and put him on my ignore list. Ever since he decided to make new accounts dming me, trying to join my clan, trying to join the clan discord, getting to me through friends etc. I decided to put my private on friends but now he keeps spamming group invites.

    worst is he ruins my bankstanding meetings ;-;

    Basically is there anything i can do to stop this? its probably a bit odd but i dont know what else to do at this point kind of ruining my mood everytime im online.

    submitted by /u/Angelz_gutz
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    Should Gloves of Passage receive a rework?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Hey guys.

    Gloves of Passage is currently a dead content item from a boss that drops top tier equipment in the game. It's so bad, that it does not even have any niche uses. Currently its effect is the following: While worn, after the Havoc or Smash ability successfully hits, the damage within two ticks of the wearer's next melee attack within 6 seconds is increased by 7%. This effect is very weak to be used for it, and its stats are surpassed by a much cheaper alternative, the Razorback Gauntlets. So I've came up with a few ideas how to rework the item, while keeping it thematically correct.


    Rework it's passive completely. It's main focus was to buff, and balance out dual wield (and thus single target) combat by buffing a dual wield ability. It failed, so they added the effect to the Smash ability too, but it's still underwhelming. To stay thematically correct it could use the corruption mechanic from the Sophanem dungeon (or a variant of it), while having a small restriction, to still focus on its single-target usage.

    The new passive effect could be: Whenever you have been in combat with the same NPC for over 6 seconds (10 game ticks) the gloves has x percentage change to grant you a corruption effect for 12 seconds (20 game ticks). The effect can NOT proc if you damaged any other NPC other than your primary target (even with aoe). This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds. The corruption's effect is that you deal x% more damage, but receive x% more damage too, while the effect is active. (any number could be modified to balance out the effect)

    Pros: Cons:
    Stays relevant as the item it was intended to be: A gloves to be used mainly focusing on single-target combat. Would buff melee, which is already considered the highest damage style in the game.
    Will become BiS gloves at certain places, but not everywhere. Requires you to stay in combat with the same target for a longer period of time.
    Stays loyal to melee style's characteristic: High damage output with higher risk to be damaged. The proc is unreliable: has a chance to happen, and can happen at inconvenient times.

    While this effect would most likely put it into BiS category at certain places, there still would be a lot of cases where you wouldn't want to use these gloves, thus not becoming overpowered.


    To make an item not dead content, you either need a new usage for it, or a rework. The rework idea was stated above, so the second idea would be giving it a new usage through invention.

    Currently Gloves of Passage gives 1 Shifting component when disassembled. Remove this, and give it a new material, called "Corrupted Component". The gloves could drop 10 Corrupted components, which you can use to make a new ability codex, just like the codices currently unlocking the "sigil" abilities. For 15 Corrupted components, and a few various other unused components you could make yourself a "Body Corruption" ability, which when activated grants the same corruption effect to you, dealing x% more damage, but receiving x% more damage too for a certain amount of time. This can either be kept to be melee only, or could be used with any attack styles.

    Pros: Cons:
    Would give the item a new item sink, new content to invention, and new strategies to combat. Could be overpowered, so would most likely need rebalancing.
    You wouldn't have to rely on random procs: You can use the ability whenever you want. Might not be ironman friendly (except if the other two items listed at Pros would drop the components too, so it would become farmable)
    Could affect other combat styles too, so melee wouldn't be more OP than it is right now. The item would lose its original purpose completely.
    No other restrictions on using the ability, other than its cooldown. Would add more abilities, which makes combat even more complex (and variable too? Not sure if this is good or bad tbh...)
    Also, corrupted components could be added to other sources too: Corrupted gems could drop 1 component each, Corrupted magic logs could have a 1/1000 chance to drop a Corrupted component.

    So what would be your opinions? If you have any ideas or opinions about this topic, please share below.

    EDIT: Fixed the part about shared cooldown of sigil abilities, thanks to the input of u/ychoed.

    submitted by /u/DraCam1
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    Please fix golden touch using alch value instead of ge value.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    This whole PvMing while I'm still half asleep is not ideal

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    So glad I finally got this one - Penny is one of my fave pets

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Dear FashionScapers, your expertise is needed!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    In about a weeks time (2xp), I will be obtaining the Fletching Skillcape (t). I absolutely love that cape, but I have no clue what would look spiffy with it in terms of outfit.

    I would love to hear your suggestions!

    TLDR; Fletching cape (t) outfit advice

    submitted by /u/yiiieeeeehhh
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    Decided to push to 300% enrage Rax on my Ironman for fun, Rax decided to reward me for it!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    minor request; add an artifact storage container to archeology

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I actually have very few problems with this skill tbh, most of my major gripes have been patched by our wonderful ninja team and main dev team this past month or so. One problem i still have though, is how many broken artifacts you get, and how much bank space they inevitably take up. Archaeology requires a lot of component materials to restore even the most basic of artifacts, as a result if you're low on bank space or planning mass restoration, you can end up with well over 50 bank slots devoted just to holding artifacts.

    And, given more bank space costs bonds or real money to get, why not give us an upgradeable artifact storage we can buy for chronotes? start us at 5-10 slots free, then for say 5000/10000/20000/40000 expand that to 10-15/20-25/50 respectively

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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