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    Monday, May 11, 2020

    RuneScape ProTip Tuesday - 12 May

    RuneScape ProTip Tuesday - 12 May

    ProTip Tuesday - 12 May

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    ProTip Tuesday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can share your RuneScape tips and tricks.

    Help out your fellow redditscapers with advice for bossing, skilling, money-making, or any other part of the game.

    Past ProTip Tuesday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Literally as soon as it opened :(

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    The Many Flavors of Danger Noodle

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Low-level slayer potion because shield camping is deeply offensive and emotionally damaging and we really don't need that kind of energy right now. Also, yellow text on a black background.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    two different types of people

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Jagex - can we get a serious response on the poor server performance and your plans on addressing it?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Between COVID-19, Archaeology, DXP, Mobile/iOS beta, Mod Warden's promises (which are actually coming true) and VERY successful Ninja updates, we might be in a resurgence for RS3. The servers have been choking and I've personally noticed an increased amount of "dead clicks" and lack of character responsiveness due to this.

    Can we hear what the company plans to do to address the poor performance of the servers so they can handle a better load of players?

    This is not meant to be viewed as any kind of "got-cha question" or sarcasm. I'd like to see RS3 become as successful as our friends at OSRS. (I legitimately DO have friends over there)

    submitted by /u/Narmoth
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    "Et Legatum Persevero" - The Legacy Continues

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    IOS beta shouldve been bigger than 1k spots

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Super bummed about not being able to get into the beta despite clicking join literally 3 seconds after 17:00 bst. Wish there was a less rng way to get in or more spots

    submitted by /u/BummiRS
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    Loot from forgetting you're wearing an offhand rubber chicken

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Am I doing this social distancing thing right?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Ios beta screen bug. Tried reporting in TestFlight but won’t let me include short clips

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    why isn't there a "hide all pets" option?? Pets are the worst

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Bring your walking shoes

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Jagex, please allow us to toggle mute familiar sounds. SFX in general is fine and very immersive, and turning off ALL SFX just for one person's spirit cobra is very disappointing.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    So I was trying to get my first defender upgrade...

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    [TIP]: Construction without moving mouse EZ XP (Proteans + Prawnbrokers)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    [TIP]: Construction without moving mouse EZ XP (Proteans + Prawnbrokers)

    Hey all,A bunch of people are using up their proteans, doing construction and some don't seem to know they can make everything a lot easier for themselves!

    Proteans, Dxp, Bxp, Cinder cores (reached up to 5'500k xp/h)

    You can do Construction without moving your mouse, just Right Click then 2x Left Click.You can hold down your keys 2 or 3 (depending which one you make) You don't have to press them each time, just hold down the key.

    Detailed Rotation:

    1. Pressing down key 2 non-stop. (or key 3, depending on which prawnbroker)
    2. As soon as the texture appears, you can instantly right click and left click right after, this works very fast.
    3. Then you typically have to "delay" your next left click very briefly (best until you see white texture), if you just spam left click you might cancel your remove.


    REMINDER:Go to lobby and find your lowest ping world to make this all even smoother. Also, this can sometimes work on a bunch of other things in rs.

    SETUP:Depending on your UI Setup you may be able to do this without changing anything.

    Your "Game View" Must reach the bottom of your screen, then move your camera/mouse to get the Prawnbroker into the right spot, Here's my current UI:





    Pro TIP Poggers over 9000:You could change your PC keys/mouse click. That you can use keyboard keys as a mouse click. This way you would only have to use 1 hand on your keyboard without holding your mouse.

    Macro's are against the rules! When changing any key bind it has to be a 1:1 in terms of actions per key, you cannot use more than 1 key action on a key trigger.

    Hope this helps!

    Leave any feedback or help to others and I can add it/update this.

    submitted by /u/Trickzbunny
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    Design Document – Kethsi Archeological Dig

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Part 1


    • Access to Rune Dragons via the world gate
    • RotM
    • Fate of the Gods
    • 75 Archaeology (Currently no unlock at this level and the average of the quest requirements for RotM & Fate of the Gods


    The player informs the Archaeology guild of their findings through the world gate. Mount Firewake is an area with rich historical significance. Add to the amount of discoverable lore found there and let us clear the rubble that blocks the stairway down the mountain. This opens up this unexplored realm to new content.

    Back when Runelabs existed I wrote up a pretty large amount of content about a new vast landmass the size of the current mainland or larger. The idea of it was a blank canvas for new slayer monsters, bosses, and other exploratory game components.

    Part 2


    • Beneath Cursed Tides

    As some of you may or may not know, the Kethsian people were wiped out by the necrosyrtes after they found the Stone of Jas and brought it through the world gate at some point during the first age. I believe a retcon of this would be possible and not totally detrimental to the lore of the game. Allow the player to discover hints of a plan hatched by the Kethsian people to escape total annihilation. Sink a city to the bottom of the ocean.

    Enter your old pal Wizard Myrtle from Beneath Cursed Tides. Explore a new underwaterscape and attempt to locate this sunk city. No need to actually release the city immediately. The promise of the city someday is enough to cause interest. At the same time, we get a new underwater area for new slayer monsters. Re-use assets and themes from ED3 while also making sure that it is apparent that this is not the same planet.

    No TL;DR, sorry.

    Any and all feedback is welcome. I enjoy theorycrafting new content/lore but I understand feasibility and desire of these kind of updates can be limited.

    EDIT 1:

    Going to go into a bit of detail into the type of monsters I could see being added to this world once it already exists.

    I really like the idea of a monster hunting the player which makes it:

    1. difficult to grind out because you don't know if the monster that you want to fight will be the one that shows up to fight you.
    2. not simple to gear for because you will have to be prepared with the different combat styles depending on the type of enemy.
    3. exciting because there is an element of surprise that the monster has on the player.


    Similar to a strykewyrm, except instead of being stuck in a limited geographic area, they would be unrestricted and would only attack the player if they "think" they have a decent chance of success. This would be a new mechanic that we haven't seen before. This would involve at least 3 components that I would like to see:

    1. Sight: what does the player look like? Give these animals the uncanny ability to see through illusions created by our friendly neighborhood genie Solomon. These monsters would analyze our gear and choose not to attack unless they had either a neutral stance in the triangle or advantage or if your gear is below a certain tier threshold depending on their difficulty.
    2. Smell: if the player has stat boosting potions in their inventory these enemies will know. Weaker enemies will not try to attack players with potions above regular overloads, medium strength enemies will attack players with supreme and below, and strong enemies would attack all players. This is to prevent the use of higher tier potions on weaker mobs while still maintaining the overall sense of danger.
    3. Hearing/Vibration: players simple moving through the landscape or standing still will have a lower chance at provoking an encounter compared with those who are actively skilling at nodes. Hearken back to the days of cutting willows in Draynor Village when suddenly a tree spirit was smacking you about. The idea of this is to incentivize skillers to be prepared for combat and to allow a mechanic to increase the chance of spawning enemies.
    submitted by /u/TTTonster
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    After 2 years it got fixed!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Botanist Amulet

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    First of all: Thank you ninja team. You are doing a great job. I think a big portion of the rs comunity( me included) are quite happy with the changes we are seeing.

    About the amulet, could it implement the charge mechanic of the pulse cores? instead of finding ourselves with a ton of amulets that can be partially combined?
    Or maybe having a rightclick option to mix charges on 1 click to have a lot fo 5charges and 1 amulet with the rest remaining?
    Or being able to charge it 1 amulet with a lot fo them up to... idk... 20? 100? some QOL changes.


    submitted by /u/RennyReich
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    Why release the Yak Track items from only 5 months ago when there are older cosmetics we've been waiting much longer for?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Why didn't you start with the Ocean cosmetics from the first Runepass event from 2018? That would have been a better choice then did the Yak Track ones at a later date.

    Cosmetics from promotions which ask us to prestige tasks are also a great choice. The 2016 Walk Like a Zombie cosmetics were never added to the store despite later cosmetics being added.

    The list could go on but please prioritize older cosmetics that players have missed out on.

    submitted by /u/W48James
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    Make the remaining iOS beta slots members only please?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    It's kind of absurd you didn't even need to have an RS account to take a slot today.

    submitted by /u/Aeth3r_
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    I know it's not hurting anyone, but I hope the Easter Bunny has a reasonable explanation for leaving this a mess. ;)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    This can't be a coincidence right?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    POF spiders should be able to eat flies.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    I mean, that should be obvious no?

    submitted by /u/Methos25
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    Make it so urn enhancer isn't lost at death and let us add it to toolbelt with the ability to turn it on/off

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    RS Stonks

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:13 AM PDT

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