• Breaking News

    Friday, May 22, 2020

    RuneScape New Rule Request: Rule 10: Any pictures of ingame events may no longer be blurry half photos from phones.

    RuneScape New Rule Request: Rule 10: Any pictures of ingame events may no longer be blurry half photos from phones.

    New Rule Request: Rule 10: Any pictures of ingame events may no longer be blurry half photos from phones.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:16 AM PDT


    Just please god.

    Make it stop

    edit: mod response

    submitted by /u/SKTisBAEist
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    Time Sprite moving under the floor at Warforge - can we get a fix?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Telos Tournament 2020 Official Art (ft. ooko)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Anachronia was released almost a year ago. Why does the in-game map screen for it still look so bad and list so little information?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Penance/vamp/inspiration should cost ~25-50 wax to extend, not 100.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Title, they're cheaper to reset than extend. There's really no need for it to cost so much. Why do these three random auras cost more than double any other aura? It's not like they're overpowered, top of the line auras either.

    submitted by /u/Rainydays5
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    Archaeology Suggestions: Improvements, Orthen Dig Site, Karamja Dig Site, Varrock Museum, Fossils, etc

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Thank you to those who came to the group photo to replace my university graduation commencement!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Please make sure you computer (phishing email)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Completed All Warpriest Collection Logs

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:42 AM PDT


    A few facts about the grind on my alt:
    I've gained about 25M Prayer XP from doing this (empty ectoplasmator gives 15.9xp/kill inc ava buff) making it about 1.57M kills.

    The order I completed them in was 1: Zamorak 2: Saradomin 3: Bandos 4: Armadyl, there isn't a huge difference so I don't think the god event that changes your GWD1 droprate is in effect here.

    The droprate seems to be 1/256, but I would love a confirmation on this for a POSD.

    The order I got the drops in were as follows (I banked the Body/Legs until all other pieces were complete as they have a disassemble confirmation):
    Boots>Gloves>Helms>Capes and Body>Legs

    My Setup (post arch): https://imgur.com/a/NT8YXlD - The reason there is no prayer or healing is these things don't hit very hard, so when I loot I eat/disassemble the sharks depending on my health.

    submitted by /u/Ultimate_Ducky
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    10 year old me in 2006 was eructed

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Make all luck relics cost 100 energy. Taking away from the rationale to use them with each progressing tier seems like bad game design. At its current high energy cost, the tier 4 luck relic isn't actually worth using.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how I can fix this bug and mark this as complete?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Can we have a search bar in the achievement tab

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    *Happiness Noises*

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Updated Revolution Calculator now including a Cycle Finding Algorithm to determine the Average Ability Damage Per Tick!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Last week I made a post about my revolution calculator and u/Talks_To_Cats suggested to look into cycles which I have now implemented. All ability information used for calculations can be found in this google spreadsheet which either comes from the RS wiki or from testing it myself. A request for the wikians out there: Make the ability information on their respective pages more consistent and complete, especially since the RS ability tooltips are what they are.


    How does it work?

    The main thing the code does is simulating a player attacking a dummy. This player is given a base damage and a revolution bar. The player cycles through the abilities similarly as to how it works ingame in order to inflict damage on the dummy. It is also possible to gear the player with rings, capes, weapon perks etc. and the dummy, for example, can either be stationairy or moving. You can even put multiple dummies in range such that AoE abilities will do damage to every single one of them!

    The goal is to calculate the exact Average Ability Damage Per Tick (AADPT) of any possible revolution bar. Exact meaning that when the simulation of the player vs dummy goes on for long enough (t → ∞) the Ability Damage Per Tick (ADPT) will eventually converge to the AADPT. The reason it converges is because every revolution bar will eventually converge to a repeating cycle of abilities, or rather, that's what I assumed. So an algorithm is needed that can detect such cycles.

    After some thinkering, I came up with the idea of using the ability cooldowns. It works as follows: At every attack cycle (not to be confused with the repeating cycle of abilities) an array, containing the cooldown times of all abilities on the revo bar, is constructed. An attack cycle happens at ticks where there is no global cooldown, whether an ability can be activated or not. The array at the latest attack cycle is then compared to all arrays from previous attack cycles. A cycle has been found whenever the array of the current attack cycle is a duplicate of an array from an earlier attack cycle. A simple example is given below with a revolution bar containing Slice and Havoc:

    t = 0 --> [0 ; 0 ] --> Activate Slice t = 1.8 --> [1.2; 0 ] --> Activate Havoc t = 3.6 --> [0 ; 8.4] --> Activate Slice t = 5.4 --> [1.2; 6.6] --> Wait 1 tick t = 6.0 --> [0.6; 6.0] --> Wait 1 tick t = 6.6 --> [0 ; 5.4] --> Activate Slice t = 8.4 --> [1.2; 3.6] --> Wait 1 tick t = 9.0 --> [0.6; 3.0] --> Wait 1 tick t = 9.6 --> [0 ; 2.4] --> Activate Slice t = 11.4 --> [1.2; 0.6] --> Wait 1 tick t = 12.0 --> [0.6; 0 ] --> Activate Havoc t = 13.8 --> [0 ; 8.4] --> !!! --> duplicate of t = 3.6 

    The array at t = 13.8s is equal to the array at t = 3.6s. This means that after 3.6s the bar with Slice and Havoc has converged to a cycle with cycling time 10.2s (17 ticks) and cycle rotation:

    Slice --> STALL x2 --> Slice --> STALL x2 --> Slice ---> STALL 1x --> Havoc --> repeat 

    The cycle above repeats itself until the player stops attacking.


    Now... does this work for every single possible combination of abilities? The answer is NOPE! Lets consider an ability bar consisting of a single threshold or ultimate ability. Assuming we start with 100% adrenaline (which I do in my code), after activating the thresh or ult once and waiting for the cooldown timer to run out, the array condition above is satisfied. However, after 4 thresh's, or 1 ult, no more damage can be done due to an insufficient amount of adrenaline, resulting in the DPT to convergence to 0 meaning an AADPT of 0. To combat this, 1 extra condition is needed. At the 2 times where the cooldown arrays are equal also the amount of adrenaline has to be equal.


    This is it right? We can obtain a cycle for every bar now??? NOPE! There is this one ability called Greater Dazing Shot which has a puncture effect. This effect is similar to a bleed, except that when it's still active and you use Greater Dazing Shot again, the bleed is reset and multiplied by 2 for a maximum of 10 stacks. In order to find cycles for bars containing puncture related abilities we need a third condition. For the same 2 times the other 2 conditions are satisfied, the puncture stack has to be equal too!


    As far as I know, using these 3 conditions, a cycle can be found for every possible revolution bar. When you're messing around with the calculator you might encounter cool looking large cycles, try for example a bar with: Death's Swiftness, Snap Shot, Dazing Shot and Fragmentation Shot. Also try using Slice and Punish abilities on any bar where they are the first 2 abilities.


    When using the calculator, all cycle information is revealed upon clicking the resulting AADPT percentage!


    How to obtain the actual AADPT?

    After finding a cycle, the simulation time is increased by exactly 1 cycle time. In this cycle time all ability damage is added up and at the end divided by the cycle time (in ticks). The reason for running this extra cycle and not taking the damage from the first cycle, is that during the end of the convergence period unwanted bleed and/or puncture effects can carry over into the first cycle. This doesn't happen in the second cycle.


    To make the AADPT independent of the base damage used, it is converted into a percentage like so: AADPT / [Base Damage] * 100.


    What about manually cancelling abilities for a higher AADPT?

    In the options you can tick the efficient box. This assumes that the player manually cancels all channeled abilities like Assault, such that all damage is still applied but the next ability is activated earlier. For Concentrated Blast the third hit is cancelled entirely. See the columns "TrueWaitTime" (efficient off) and "EfficientWaitTime" (efficient on) on the spreadsheet.


    What is the best bar???

    I've thought about this one too, but in the end I think that the only solution to finding out the best possible bar for a given situation (cb style, perks, gear, abilities, 2h/duals etc.) is to brute force every single possible combination. For example consider the following situation: We have a subset of 15 abilities which we think are best for a range bar used with dual weapons and the revo bar has 10 slots on it. Then there are 15!/5! ≈ 1.09E10 possible combinations. Assuming the calculation of a single possibility takes a minimum of 1ms, that is after optimizing the code and using all cores on my AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, it would take a minimum of about 124 hours to determine the best posibility! Reducing the pool to 10 abilities reduces the calculation time to roughly 1 hr. But then what... it's only for 1 situation and we are not even 100% sure if its the actual optimal bar for that situation since we didn't consider all abilities. For this reason, I don't even want to touch this subject and instead, have created this calculator.


    Limitations and questions for you

    • Average ability damage is used to determine the AADPT. Critical hit effects of abilities have not been taken into account. If someone has a good idea of how to go about this, I'm all ears.
    • Auto-attacks are not taken into account since I couldn't figure out how they interact with all other abilities. This means that for certain revolution bars the actual Damage Per Tick (DPT) will be higher than its AADPT. However, I'm fairly certain that revolution bars which allow auto attacks to go off are not optimal (and therefore, for optimal bars DPT == AADPT).
    • How do stuns/binds work??? If I used Tight Bindings and in the next attack cycle I used Binding Shot, do the stun and bind effects stack? are the ones from Tight Bindings cancelled??? Currently my code does the latter.


    Final words

    Try to find the best bar for your situation, be it afking corrupted scorpions, using optimal basic ability rotations, doing certain slayer tasks or "easy" bosses like gwd1 or maybe even gwd2. I do suggest however, to not let revolution do all the work when fighting anything above gwd1 difficulty especially not when killing bosses with a team as it is simply inefficient. If you have any suggestion or find any errors, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/FTWmickyWTF
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    I Think My Clanny Is Good Luck

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Divination springs look significantly better when they are hovered over. Make this the default.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Just got a message straight from the top. Later virgins.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    How did you make friends on Runescape?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    I literally just want friends to play with..

    submitted by /u/ComprehensiveWall5
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    Elite clues are starting to become a drag...

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    I love doing clues, even tho if never had anything over 2 mil reward from it, i still really like it. But lately with the addition of the clues from Tetra's, i'm really starting to get fed up with Elite clue's. I have 7 to do rn and i'm actually looking up to it because they're constantly the same clue (Scan clue or Compass clue) with the mage being dug up and then either puzzle or knot scrollbox. The amount of clues having to be done in 1 Elite clue make it a hell of a job to finish them and then once you do finish them, the rewards are so/so, maybe even worse than Hard clues (which have a lot more different clues). I know you can downtrade them to hard (would love to uptrade tp master (2:1) as well) but that really shouldnt be necessary. The master clues are really fun to do compared to elite because of the variation in the clues themselves...

    Anything that can be done to make Elites fun again Jagex ?

    Edit: i don't want them to be easier, i would like more variantion in the type of clues rather than only compass/scan. Make elites have clues from all levels for example for more variantion

    submitted by /u/MikeV28
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    1:54 solo rax

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    RS Client on taskbar not working.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    I've had the RS Client pinned to my taskbar for ages now for easy access, but clicking it no longer opens up the game. Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know of a way to make it work again?

    I do not want the Launcher application pinned as it would make 2 RS icons show up on the taskbar instead of one while Runescape is running.

    Note: Everything else i put on my taskbar works fine.

    Edit: aparently it's a problem atm; https://jm.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/gng2jf/can_no_longer_launch_runescape/fr9ipm7/

    submitted by /u/Zippetra
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    I feel like something has changed...

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:25 AM PDT

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