• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    RuneScape Cosmetic Free Worlds would be nice.. Like Legacy only worlds but instead of for people who hate abilities it’s for people who hate the wings and sparkles. The game looks like IMVU now.

    RuneScape Cosmetic Free Worlds would be nice.. Like Legacy only worlds but instead of for people who hate abilities it’s for people who hate the wings and sparkles. The game looks like IMVU now.

    Cosmetic Free Worlds would be nice.. Like Legacy only worlds but instead of for people who hate abilities it’s for people who hate the wings and sparkles. The game looks like IMVU now.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Just as I was about to take a break from Arch and do some BGH to hunt for a D mattock this happens. I'm ecstatic! Truly having a lot of fun with this skill.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    i am snek

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Celebrating 10 years of Dungeoneering

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    Today marks the 10th anniversary of the release of Dungeoneering.

    Share your favourite dungeoneering moments/memories.

    One of mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD5RzQIphfY

    submitted by /u/rsLourens
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    Takes trash from your home / adds it to your bank

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    Just need one more orb

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Pathing seems to be a bit bugged between Thalmund's Forge and Big High War God shrine area

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    After many years of playing, I finally have a baby dragon pet!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Runescape Fan Art - Art Channel House Party

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    This new depth of field update is pretty neat

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Well, that's my RNG done for the year.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Rare Tokens Store Refresh?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    It's been quite a while since we've had new items added to the rare tokens store. I have 50,000 rare tokens, and no items left that I want. Has anyone got any update as to when we might see the next refresh?

    submitted by /u/KarmaGDMFgeddon
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    Vanescula: "Turn that fucking light off!"

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Also Vanescula: Stands next to a giant ass bonfire.

    submitted by /u/DovahSpy
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    Surge/BD Friendly Spots For Arch :)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    PSA: Destroying a page while excavating a digsite, will continue the excavating animation but grant you no xp/progress.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:13 AM PDT


    Just noticed this while I was afking - I destroyed one of the pages that I had obtained while I was excavating. I looked back a few minutes later to notice my character was still continuing the excavating animation, yet I was receiving no xp, and there was no blue progress bar above my head.

    Obviously not a huge bug as the most xp you miss out on is 5 minutes worth, then you'll log, but just something to be aware of.

    submitted by /u/MtnDoobie
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    Let us combine the Inferno Adze with a Crystal hatchet into the Hatchet of Fire and Ice and then combine it with the Pickaxe of Earth and Song and the Mattock of Time and Space for the ultimate skilling tool

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I just thought about this during Archaeology and MAN do I want this so badly. I know the Inferno adze is also a pickaxe so that's kinda weird, but it would still be crazy.

    submitted by /u/Ceceboy
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    Auto-screener Upgrades

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    With an upcoming change to v1.080 allowing us to disable it, I would like to propose a couple other upgrades to it.


    Attaches to your soil box, automatically depositing gathered soil when in it's disabled state. Does not consume divine charges.


    Remote screening allows you to screen soil from your box, anywhere. Consumes divine charges and gives XP per soil screened.

    Both of these upgrades would be designed by the World Guardian. This means that while these upgraded blueprints have a higher Invention level to discover, they don't require additional Chronote purchases.

    submitted by /u/SonoShindou
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    Just get it

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Why isn't Ancient Summoning a decent training method?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:54 AM PDT


    Wasn't Ancient Summoning supposed to be a proper training method? Creating the binding contracts/pouches is awful experience and using the familiars doesn't net you any XP either. I feel like this was a missed opportunity to create a different way of training summoning personally.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/FutimaRS
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    A thought; The godsword was a failed attempt by Armadyl to trap, and destroy the main generals of Zamorak Bandos, and Saradomin in an attempt to force peace.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    wasn't sure if i should tag this as creative or discussion but, i digress.

    So my fellow lorehounds of runescape I have a theoretical historical speculation from the games lore whilst i dig away in Archaeology, this wont be as detailed as my last post speculating on armadyl's reasons for entering the war but I thought of an entertaining thought experiment; The Godsword while powerful was and never will be capable of slaying a god, it was instead bait to lure and destroy bandos, saradomin and zamorak's most powerful generals. (i'll put a link at the end of the post for anyone interested. Also, spoilers for anyone not aware of the lore of the godwars as well as some for archaeology..)

    Now for the purpose of this speculation we'll be examining the ancient temple, the nature of the godsword, and the unorthodox method of delivery.

    Nature of the God sword

    First the nature of the godsword. The Godsword is one of, if not the only pure, weapon made of aetherium in Gielinor, a hybrid metal combining the strongest of stormguard steel, hellfire metal Everlight silvrthil and warforged bronze, and the end product of a very long prototyping process creating a metal (canonically) stronger than any known metal until the advent of elder rune, a similar alloy combining anima infused ore and rune, in the 5th-6th age. Because of this, the godsword is incredibly strong and even magically adept, seemingly able to conform to the wielders desires based on the magical charge granted to it by one of four potentially enchanted hilts, kept by the commanders of each faction in the dungeon. Because of this, the blade i think could more be classified as a non sapient magical being than a weapon, as it is capable of quite literally reforming its own shape and composition to better suit the magical energy and wielder of the blade based on their chosen hilt.

    This however, is the fatal flaw of the godsword and aetherium, and what i believe led to its shattering to begin with. The blade while unbreakable against the weak foes we fight on a day to day basis, is incredibly brittle against actual godlike beings, and when overloaded with too much power from beings that are near demigod levels of power, the blade will shatter. I believe that the blade's shattering was not during the conflict of the dungeon in an ill fated push by Kree'arra's troops to escape, but during the unification of the forces to seal nex's forces away. I belive during this battle the sword was turned on Nex, and, when enough magical energy was put through the blade (i belive it was zilyiana or Kree who most likely used the blade given their magical aptitudes and tenuious alliance between Saradominist and Armadylian forces) against the extreme power of Zaros' chosen avatar of war, the blade shattered into four pieces, scattered throughout the dungeon to be captured, reclaimed, and fought over eternally.

    You see while as i said Aetherium is powerful, it is clearly unstable due to how easily it changes shape based on magical input, leading to it easily being overpowered and destroyed just against a foe like nex, but now imagine a god of the 4th or even 3rd tier. As shown during the battle of lumbridge and armadyl vs bandos, gods of tiers 4 and above have immense power, to the point where it takes weapons of mass destruction or powers far greater than them to even hope of destroying them. And for gods of equal tiers? it leads to a stalemate, requiring incredible amounts of divine or animus energy or artifacts crafted by the Elder Gods themselves to give them just enough of an edge to even hope of scoring a wounding, if not fatal blow against the opponent. And the godsword, is not an elder weapon, in fact, it is mortal made, and mortal tested, but it has never faced a god. But why waste the resources? why would armadyl commit to having Howl make a weapon to send to Saradomin with the speculated instability of Aetherial alloys? I belive it was a cunning trap by armadyl to speed the conclusion of the godwars, meant not to slay Zamorak, but K'ril, Zilyiana, and Graador.

    The unorthodox method of delivery

    This is something that has never made sense in terms of strategy, the delivery of the godsword. Armadyl's forces made extensive use during the godwars of a vast network of citadels believed to have stretched predominantly over Forithnry, Asgarnia, and Kandarin, allowing for fast flight and teleportation. The Aviansie are clearly capable of carrying quite an incredible weight load while flying as evidenced by the nearly 20kg armadyl equipment weighs, not including their weapons, and provisions. Because of this, it makes little sense why armadyl's forces delivering the godsword would either fly low enough or far enough from the saftey of the citadels to be capable of being ambushed by Tusaroth's forces... unless.... that was the plan all along perhaps...

    I don't think it was by accident Kree's forces were ambushed where they were, or even accidental they were attacked with such a large noticeable force instead of a small nightguard squadron or even by envoy of armadyl himself. They wanted to be found. It is my speculation that this unothodox method of delivery and even the leaked information of the godsword, forged of the most secretive metal in the 3rd age, was intentional, a ploy to lure Tusaroth's forces into battle, but this was only phase one of a plan so secretive, i don't believe even Kree himself knew Armadyl's intent, or the faith he had in him to complete a mission he had little knowledge of.

    The ancient temple

    It was not the most convenient place but the most expected. I believe Kree knew they would most likely face an ambush at the temple, as it was the only place (most likely more intact then than now) the great butcher and his forces could stage one properly, and even despite the close nature of the cave, the Aviansie are a nimble race that can out pace even the most agile of demons. In this frozen hell, would lie a perfect kill box, easily defended, and even easier to butcher the foolish zamorakian forces as they followed them inside.

    Thus, I speculate that Kree's true orders were to deliver the bait to the dungeon, lure Tusaroth and his men inside the temple, and slaughter them, using the godsword as the coup de grace upon K'ril before sounding for back up to lure both Zilyana and Graador with the promise of the godsword as bounty, before swiftly executing Graador after his inevitable betrayal, and then to clean up by eliminating Zilyana's remaining forces and the last witnesses. This would cripple Saradomin, Bandos, and Zamorak's chain of command in one fell swoop leading to what i believe Armadyl's true goal was; Victory in the wake of the deaths of the three rival gods most powerful allies and servants from the fracturing and chaos that would erupt in their wake. The godsword was little more than a shiny piece of cheddar in a frozen hellish mousetrap.

    But, as we all know this is not the way things went. From what we know from collected lore from the god wars dungeon and other sources, Kree's forces were stalemated in those caverns, unable to push past and finish K'ril's forces and vise versa, having severely underestimated the value Zamorak had placed on the bait. So, they panicked, they called for help early offering the bait of the godsword as planned. Zilyana and Graador arrived as planned but, unlike planned, from the information gleaned, it is reasonable to speculate Zilyana unexpectedly turned on Kree shortly before before Graador, her inbred Iycenic pride leading her to believe that only she and by extension saradomin should wield the legendary blade. And from there the rest, as they say, is history. Nex was awakened at least 3-4 weeks i speculate based on how limited supplies all factions would have brought realistically speaking.

    During which, the conflict devolved into a free for all, the blade was undoubtedly captured or used by one of the generals, most likely kree or zilyana, in a desperate bid to slay the unstoppable killing machine that is Nex and shattered, having been a shiny macguffan to lure Armadyl's foes all along. Shortly after the dungeon and its combatants were frozen by the forces wrought by guthix's edicts and zamorak and the other gods banishment from Gielinor where they slept undisturbed until the late fith age...


    And that, is where the story and speculation ends. You can still visit this iconic dungeon today, for combat and archaeological material hunting. If you made it this far thanks for reading, i had a lot of fun thinking about this while i've been grinding on archaeology and actually plan to make these semi short little expository dissertations on parts of the 3rd and 2nd age i find interesting, I'm thinking bandos' choice of servant races next.

    Regardless, here are my main sources for more reading on the Godwars, The godsword, and other relevant information, as well as my last post.

    Last post, Armadyls pacifism and forced Godwars involvement

    Aetherium development

    God wars



    *edit, figured i'd throw it out there before someone mentions it I'm actually a history teacher irl if this post didn't make it obvious haha. Also didnt copy mission report warforged bronze over properly

    **edit edit, forgot to link to the page on Gods for the full tier list used, as well as information on the other gods for further reading.

    submitted by /u/dark1859
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    Anyone know the player TheSlothSin?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    I am trying to reach this person. A very long time ago they showed me an act of kindness that I never forgot about. I would like to repay that kindness. I was so new back then I don't even know if the player was a main or an alt.

    I have checked my friends list daily for 2 years trying with no luck. I know this is a long shot but if anyone knows TheSlothSin can you please let them know I'm trying to find them?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Murkon
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    Lost approx 20,000 of Big Game Hunter 'successful hunt' counts after Arch came out!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Somehow after Archaeology came total 'Successful hunt' count from hunting dinosaurs at BGH has been reduced from over 30,000 to approx 12,000. My friend realized this after a few hours in hunting dinosaurs for a mattock after the release, and wanted to compare how many he had done before and after Arch came out.

    I'm posting this on behalf of my friend Omni Dave. He has reported this through the bug report ingame himself, but haven't received any response yet.

    We wanted to post this here on Reddit to check if anyone else has experienced the same or if there has been made changes on how they calculate each successful hunt. And also to seek attention from Jagex to look into it.

    submitted by /u/CompedThoms
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    Ive been using Welsh to name locations for my DnD campaign and just discovered that Prifddinas is welsh for main (prif) city (ddinas)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Thought some people would find that interesting. Im sure some of you might already know this, but I couldn't find anything referencing it in the subreddit.

    submitted by /u/AnAnonymousFool
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    FIRST EVER 120 only acc "SmallFurnAb2"

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Very niche market but after having to check with a couple OSAAT's and the high scores. This is the first acc that has 120 in a skill while the rest are 1. With slayer being very difficult and inv impossible . When farming and herb update came out thought the dream might have been squashed but it appeared it was still alive. The best part about it is this acc is f2p :D. I want to say a BIG thank you to l0lf2p (free f2p dg fc) for helping out with this project of mine. I present to you my dg only acc SmallFurnAb2




    submitted by /u/58008_304
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