• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    RuneScape Rule 5 - Update

    RuneScape Rule 5 - Update

    Rule 5 - Update

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:25 AM PDT


    After taking feedback from the community and discussing concerns raised in regards to Rule 5, we have an updated version that we're ready to share.

    Reasoning for Changes

    Originally, this rule was created with the intent to curb spam and deter the advertisement of YouTube, Twitch, and clans. Over time, it became more restrictive as other related topics were lumped in to it, and the rule evolved into disallowing all forms of advertisement and self-promotion. This proved to be an overstretch of what the rule was intended for.

    What's Been Changed

    While advertisements for clans will remain disallowed, the other portion of Rule 5 has been relaxed to take a more common sense approach which addresses the advertisement of content from sources other than Reddit, Jagex's official RuneScape pages, or pages which are affiliated or partnered with Jagex.

    Due to concerns regarding posts created with the intent to advertise or self-promote rather than to share content with the community of r/runescape, the rule has been specified to state submissions which link content from outside sources should contain substantial content from that source and not just be a link to a source of content.

    Additionally, specifications have been made in regards to the sharing of Discord server invites as well as links to sites which allow users to solicit donations in the form of real-world currency, not in-game gold or items.

    Some Clarifications

    For example, a post which advertises a YouTube channel on r/runescape without sharing a video from that channel would be removed because the post is not sharing content with the subreddit; it's just advertising a channel. However, a post which advertises a YouTube channel that also contains a video from the channel would be allowed because it's sharing content with the subreddit.

    For the avoidance of doubt, "content sources" refers to any page that users may utilize to host RuneScape content. This includes, but is not limited to, YouTube channels, Twitch channels, Twitter accounts, FaceBook pages, Patreon accounts, personal blogs, subreddits other than r/runescape or r/2007scape, and any other non-Jagex affiliated webpage.

    The new version of this rule reads as follows:

    5. Do not submit or spam posts which advertise a content source or clan

    Users are welcome to share RuneScape content from outside sources such as YouTube, Twitch, and other social media platforms. However, do not create or spam posts which advertise a content source without including substantial content from that source within the post itself.

    In addition, we do not allow submissions that advertise or attempt to recruit players for clans. This includes disallowing the sharing of Discord servers which are owned by clans.


    • Any submission created with the intent to advertise or promote a channel that content is hosted on without sharing a piece of content from that channel in the submission will be removed.
      • This entails posts which state "check out my channel," "livestreaming now," "streaming tomorrow on Twitch," etc. while the post itself is lacking substantial content.
    • Content creators may share videos, past livestreams, and clips assuming these posts are not spammed on the subreddit.
      • Additionally, content creators should not share every piece of their content to the subreddit to avoid spam.

    Discord Invites:

    • Users are welcome to share invites to public Discord servers which are of direct relation to RuneScape and do not require users to belong to a particular group or in-game clan in order to fully participate.

    Donation Sites:

    • Users are welcome to share links to donation sites, such as Patreon, as long as the post itself contains more substantial content than just the link.
    • Additionally, users may not link to or advertise content which is locked behind a paywall or requires any type of payment in order to view or access.

    We hope that these changes allow for more positive contributions to be made to r/runescape that otherwise would have been removed due to the old version of this rule.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes, please let us know.


    • Posts that contain advertisements must also contain substantial content from the source being advertised.

    • No clan advertisements or clan Discord servers.

    • Discords may be shared alongside substantial content relevant to the server, not as a plain advertisement.

    • No advertisements for content locked behind paywalls.

    • Don't spam advertisements.

    submitted by /u/Sicariu
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    Silly Question Sunday - 22 March

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Silly Question Sunday is a bi-weekly thread in which you can ask your RuneScape-related silly questions:

    • "Newb" questions from new players
    • Questions from returning players
    • Silly or nonsensical questions
    • Questions you feel stupid asking elsewhere

    Of course, a question thread wouldn't make much sense without answers, so please help out with any answers that you have!

    Past Silly Question Sunday threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Numbers of players online has almost doubled since the outbreak. ;)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    12-Year-Old Me Is So Happy! A Dream Finally Come True After 14 Years...

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    50,000 Hard Clues Completed

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Please give us the option for parties to generate the same Dungeoneering map (competitive Dungeoneering)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    As Dungeoneering has become less popular than what it was before, mostly due to sinkholes and elite dungeons, the amount of people doing Dungeoneering has slowly been on the decline.

    However, competitive Dungeoneering is still alive as ever. We currently have around a dozen or so tournaments behind us over the span of 5 years, and we are currently in our tenth draft tournament ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uMAZo_zxz06gqhbnnaXtUinioAnbf1KTsGZqre9OKuU/edit#gid=1850844612 ). We still hold individual head-to-head races (over 100 as of recently https://i.imgur.com/XVZVcJr.png ), and we even went so far to make a racing elo sheet that has over 1000 individual submitted races ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HsLHiEsbVcm5W_OPHSkOqhLgTVptBDuG_Gko0xK1aaQ/edit#gid=1969606645 ).

    The way we hold the tournaments is by either putting pre-signed up teams against each other, or hold a draft at the start of the tournament, and put those respective teams up against each other. (the latter being a more popular format)

    The teams (obviously) race each other for the fastest times. However, dungeons are randomly generated, and thus the best we can do is putting each team through a reasonable sample size to iron out the noise. In the end, the best-performing team wins. Sounds great, right? Well, sadly not really. Tournaments usually have a very large sample size, so the outcomes in the end are usually reliable. The elo sheet however, was mainly abandoned over individual floors being mostly RNG, making that a much larger factor than performance. Individual head-to-races are still done often periodically, but it usually dies down after everyone ends up winning 50/50 or 45/55 against a few others.

    The solution: allow 2 or more different parties to match up and generate the same dungeoneering map. I realise that it's a lot to ask, so I would be very happy already if it could be implemented some very basic shape and form that might not be the easiest to work it. I think some parts of a dungeon are even generated on the spot (?), so it would be very hard to make it possible to make an exact replica of a map for 2 different parties. But maybe it's possible to generate the map down to at least the basics, and use that (keydoors/keys/map lay-out)? Either way, I would love it.

    A final comment: I made this post very personal. What I maybe should have emphasized more was the gain for the general game experience. The general trend that I see with people dungeoneering is that they struggle > learn > enjoy dungeoneering eventually. Competitive dungeoneering or same map racing could be that extra incentive for people to dungeoneer a few times over just doing sinkholes or spend all their ED tokens on dungeoneering. And who knows, maybe they will end up find some enjoyment in the skill, as I have for the past 7 years.

    submitted by /u/rsLourens
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    Does anyone know how to cure Anorexia on my Dinosaur? Dragon and Jadinko for comparison.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Master Crafter event appreciation.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    What a great event this has been. No ridiculous 'click once every 5 minutes totally afk xp', just some little boosts to the existing methods of training the skill.

    submitted by /u/Twomekey
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    My sister-in-law drew my RS character! So happy with this.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    And I almost instinctively claimed

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Elite Clue Scroll Glitch in Dig Site

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    Voting - r/Runescape

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    In 2019, data was collected on 'Subreddits with the Highest Percentage of Negative Comment Scores' which, in it's results, showed that r/runescape made it into the Top 50, placed at #35. Officially marked July, 2018.

    While this topic itself is asking for downvotes and a lot of differing opinions, I thought I'd express it regardless.

    I scroll through r/runescape multiple times daily, as I've played Runescape for over 14 Years, and have always been invested in the game, updates, community, and so on. Through my browsing of this subreddit, while I lurk most times, or am not quick enough to give answers to questions where other's have been able to answer before me, I see tons of content. Ranging from all the memes, mtx complaints, bug reports, update suggestions, art/creations, and so many other things.

    The Voting Problem:

    After having acquired the datasheet linked above quit some time ago, I kept notice of what posts here got upvoted and downvoted. After about 7 months of keeping mental note of these, I concluded that there is no consistency among the majority.

    • A bug report about a clue scroll step being impossible due to an update that changed the landscape slightly, massively upvoted. A bug report about your player model being able to walk into the map, disappearing entirely, and having to click on a few certain pixels to get out, downvoted to obvlivion.
    • A post about achieving their first skillcape after x-amount of years, upvoted to front page. Another post about achieving their first skillcape after x-amount of years, downvoted to the abyss.
    • A post asking questions about general in-game things as a returning player after x-amount of years, upvoted. Another post asking questions about general in-game things as a returning player after x-amount of years, downvoted and told to go to the wiki to figure it out.
    • A post from a player complaining about something they close-to demand to be changed because they just don't like something in game, upvoted. A post from another player complaining about something they wish to be changed because they just don't like something in game, downvoted and told to get over.
    • A post about drakes/ring of trees obstructing people's entire screens and being used as tools to grief players, upvoted and rage commenting that Jagex needs to fix it. Another post about drakes/ring of trees obstructing people's entire screens and being used as tools to grief players, downvoted, and rage comments telling them to just 'hop worlds' or 'change your camera angle', etc.
    • I even found this nasty thread which was clearly made as a means to mock people who wanted to show off achievements like this (Not directly relative to the voting topic, but upvotes can be acquired for a meme post making fun of those making legit posts about achievements)?

    I could go on all day about examples of the inconsistencies with the upvote/downvote issue(s) in r/runescape, and even acquire specific examples of posts from each side of things from each category and so on, however it's unnecessary for me to do, and those that spend enough time here are more than aware of this, assuming you pay enough attention to these kinds of things (or at least look through posts that aren't only under the 'Hot' filter).

    But this isn't strictly regarding only the posts of r/runescape, but the comments as well, all to the same regard. I've even had to mention the toxic downvoting mentality of this sub to other users because they're not common visitors of this reddit, and posts they make with genuine suggestions to the game are downvoted and they question why that is.

    Replies to previous mentions of the voting on r/runescape \All comments here were found from previous posts on this subreddit, users won't be tagged so they aren't targetted*)

    The voting system isn't about toxicity. It's about encouraging posts with value and discouraging posts that have a lack thereof.

    I can understand that to an extent, but that doesn't explain why some posts & content of the exact same nature are upvoted to top of the sub, and others downvoted never to be seen again after only minutes.

    I'll stop downvoting when people stop saying dumb shit

    A lot of things can be said to this, such as 'sharing achievements and milestones in game isn't 'dumb shit'', 'Suggesting that a major bug be fixed isn't 'dumb shit'', 'Sharing your awesome art/creation isn't 'dumb shit'', etc., but I don't want to give too much time to comments like this for obvious reasons.

    People on this sub use the downvote as a disagree button. It's as simple as that. Don't want Jagex to see someone's idea? Downvote. Someone exposed a bug that you've been abusing? Downvote. People play the game differently to you? Downvote.

    Really I think it comes down to the way that this sub is used as a feedback/suggestion mechanism to Jagex. I don't think that's the case for most gaming subs (at least not to the extent it is for RS). So people only upvote the stuff that they want Jagex to see.

    I feel as though this is the most accurate reason as to the inconsistent voting, for at least many topics, however doesn't explain for many others such as arts/creations, milestones/achievements, meme posts, etc.

    It really seems like people go through specifically to downvote stuff. I have never seen it as much on any other subreddit. I understand not upvoting, but people seem to think if they don't like a comment, they should just immediately downvote it with no response or attempt at discussion.

    Personally I don't have much to add to this comment, but included it to be potentially discussed in the comments.

    Reddit: Fuck off newbies, go look up some guides and make friends in game. *downvoted*

    Also Reddit: Why arent new players sticking around!?!? Why is the game dying? Must be Jagex!

    I don't have anything to add or contribute to this comment honestly. (Sorry)! I just felt it should have been included, and kinda is funny.

    As a returning player, the negative emotions in this subreddit is a huge turnoff, and I honestly think it detracts from subscriber numbers.

    Due to this comment on another thread, I did consider making a post regarding toxicity in general rather just voting, where I'd have more than enough material to go in depth, but with no real goal in mind or reason to make it other than to make awareness, I more than likely won't be doing it, sadly. Sorry.

    Suggested Solutions: \I'd like to place more here that I see in the comments*)

    The Reddit mods should create a flair such as "small achievement" for those "got my first full dragon" or "after X years..." threads that seem to bother people so much. That way, they'll be seen by people that truly want to see those posts and won't be downvoted to oblivion. - u/MorganRS


    you're not going to end toxicity on Reddit. Too many people here who live to be edgy/offensive. It's admirable though, hopefully new players find better communities.

    I understand that, and I have zero expectations on making a difference, changes being made, or even fixing anything here. But I feel like it at least needs to be said, and brought to light, so it can be discussed, users can give their input, create solutions together, see other people's points of views regarding this, or even just express how they feel on these topics.

    Personally I don't mind when my posts are downvoted. Often times I'll show it to my Runescape friends and joke around about it and meme it up. But this post wasn't intended to say 'hey this place is toxic!' or anything like that, but my genuine curiosity regarding why posts can/are downvoted regardless of their contents, whether new, useful, creative, annoying or repetitive.

    I'd like to apologize for this being an extra lengthy read. But I do hope you made it at least all the way through before commenting. Again, I don't expect to make any changes, or making a difference or anything, but do hope to open a little discussion about these things, or at least allow people to express how they feel regarding these things, where they might not want to make a post themselves. I'm just expressing what I've observed for a long time now. Anyway, I want to thank you for taking your time to read my post. :)

    submitted by /u/WismicMusic
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    Area rework = clue scroll location bugged

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Can we get notifications on our phones for GE offers?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    With the mobile app, we already get notifications for when a Ports voyage has finished, which is super cool. We've lost the Companion App, which must of us miss. Giving GE notifications for the mobile app would be a nice replacement.

    submitted by /u/iAmWillyAmm
    [link] [comments]

    [OC] ROTM - The Barrows Brothers vs Arrav

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    I just got back to rs3 after years. How do I get started again?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Add right-click option "fill to the brim", using up the maximum doses of prayer pot possible

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    It's the little things in life

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    What's up with this dude

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    This player named "Hybridclaw" usually camps lodestones and "pokes" everyone he sees. He's been doing this for years almost every day and now I found his YouTube channel


    What's up with this dude? That's insane, just look at the videos he keeps uploading of every player

    submitted by /u/Artemaker
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    this is getting out of hand

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    The luckiest day of my life :D

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    After more than 15 years I finally got my first 99... and my 16th

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Duplicate chaotic from TH and Mays Quest Caravan

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Ive joined the ranks of players who rolled a chaotic they already had from a purple gem on treasure hunter. Ive seen several posts about this but can't find them now. Has a mod commented on this to let us know they are at least aware? You guys work on treasure hunter a lot, maybe set aside some time to make the rarest gem work properly, please?

    Same for may's quest caravan. All my quest items are gone, but i read that a few of you were able to have them restored by logging out and back in or some other means. Ive had no such luck.

    Where are we at with these issues, jagex?

    submitted by /u/WateronRocks
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    I've noticed this quite a bit while doing slayer, what is it?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Beaver & Dark Beast - Painting In Progress

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:01 PM PDT

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